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English 8

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“Having then gifts differing according to the grace
that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy,
let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or
ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who
teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in
exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he
who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy,
with cheerfulness.”
Romans 12:6-8
Processing Questions:
1. Did you wonder who you are? Why?
2. What is the meaning of diversities of gifts?
3. What are you going to do with your gifts?
4. How can you apply your gifts as a learner?
At the end of this lesson, you as a leaner should be
able to:

a. define what is a clause;

b. identify the kinds of clauses and
their functions;
c. write sentences using dependent
and independent clauses; and
d. relate your personal qualities in
discovering oneself through Venn
Diagram and clauses.
DIRECTIONS: Read the following sentences and they’re going to tell how
many clauses are there in each sentence.
1. Every person is a unique creation.
2. Discovering your uniqueness and making a full sense of it takes time.
3. Because you are still in the stage of self-discovery, you might experience
much confusion.
4. Your decision for today may be different from tomorrow’s.
5. If you experience this, you are going through a normal process in life.
6. You should identify where the uncertainty is coming from, so you can
have a better understanding of yourself.
7. When you do not know the root of your confusion, you are shutting the
door toward self-discovery.
A clause is a group of words that has a subject and a
verb and may or may not have a complete thought.
It has a two kinds: independent and dependent.
Again, you must recall that a phrase does not have
both a subject and a verb, therefore, it is not a
complete sentence.
Now, unlike a phrase, a clause contains a subject and a
predicate that acts as a sentence or cannot make
sense standing on its own.
A subject and predicate working together

I am.
Reading is fun.
I study hard so I get good grades.
Mike went to the park and Shelly cleaned.
A group of words related to the subject or

Hiding under the table, the dog knew he was bad.

Mickey Mouse, the world’s best anime character,

enraged the student.
 After putting away enough food for
his companions and himself, he put the
Let us highlight rice on the stove. (phrase)
the difference:  After he put away enough food for
his companions and himself, he put the
rice on the stove. (clause)
 What if we have two independent clauses?
 Can we combine them?
 You connect two independent clauses by
using coordinating conjunctions.
Let us highlight  There are two types of words that can be
the difference: used to connect two main or independent
clauses: using a comma and a coordinating
conjunctions and independent marker
1. Coordinating conjunctions coordinate or
join two or more sentences, main clauses,
words, or other parts of speech. Also known as
coordinators, coordinating conjunctions are
Let us highlight used to give equal emphasis to a pair of main
the difference: clauses.
The English language has seven coordinating
conjunctions, just remember the acronym
1. Coordinating conjunctions coordinate or
join two or more sentences, main clauses,
words, or other parts of speech. Also known as
coordinators, coordinating conjunctions are
Let us highlight used to give equal emphasis to a pair of main
the difference: clauses.
The English language has seven coordinating
conjunctions, just remember the acronym
2. Independent Marker Word
An independent marker word is a connecting
word used at the beginning of an independent
clause. These words can always begin a
sentence that can stand alone. When thesecond
independent clause in a sentencehas an
independent marker word, a semicolon is
needed before the independent marker word.
Some common independent markers are:

also, consequently, furthermore,

however, moreover, nevertheless, and
Meanwhile, a dependent clause also contains
a subject and a verb but does not express a
complete thought. It cannot stand alone as a
sentence, which means it needs to be
connected to an independent clause a
complete thought. For example, sentences 3
and 5 contain dependent clauses.
dependent clause

Because you are still in the stage of self-

discovery, you might experience much
independent clause
● A dependent clause is linked to an
independent or main clause through
subordinating conjunctions. In the example
above, the subordinating conjunctions used
are because and if. Other examples of
commonly used subordinating conjunctions
are as follows:
although even though
until as soon as
once when
before so that
whether even if
unless while
Pack the Essentials
An independent clause is a group of words
that has a subject and a verb and
expresses a complete thought
A dependent clause is a group of words that
has a subject and a verb but does not
express a complete thought.
Coordinating conjunctions are used to
connect two independent clauses.
Subordinating conjunctions are used to
connect a dependent clause to an
independent clause.

Which type of Does an What is the Why is it important

clause doesn't have independent clause difference between to use phrases
complete meaning need a dependent independent and clauses and
on its own? one? Or does it dependent clauses? sentences
make sense by appropriately and
itself? meaningfully?
Directions: Underline the independent clause
once and the dependent clause twice in each
sentence below.

1. Because he ran, he was able to catch the bus.

Example: 2. Until the sun sets, I will stay with you.
3. As the lights dim, I will say good-bye.
Because I can’t wait, I will go
4. Wherever he might go, I will follow him.
5. So long as you know, I will be waiting for
Directions: Underline the independent clause once
and the dependent clause twice in each sentence

6. How he got elected, shows his determination.

7. If the dress is on sale, she will buy it.
8. Whenever you come to visit, make sure to bring food.
9. Unless you have the right size, don’t try it on.
10. When we get snow, we will go sledding.
Complete the sentences by supplying the appropriate
coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Choose the
conjunction from the box below.
although before because but so
unless when where while yet

1. Students need to exert more effort in studying, _____________ they can

graduate with good grades.
2. ____________ he was the model student, he did not win the student
government election.
3. ____________ you come back from your quarantine, we will meet to
discuss the party.
4. The review said that the film was uninteresting, ______________ I watched
it anyway.
5. The doctors could not save his mother _____________ she had lost a lot of
Complete the sentences by supplying the appropriate
coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Choose the
conjunction from the box below.
although before because but so
unless when where while yet

6. I had finished my assignment ____________ I went to play my video

7. Clark works hard, ___________ he does not make a lot of money.
8. I will not go out with you ________________ you promise to observe
health protocols.
9. Marian loves the province _____________ she now lives.
10.____________ Gemma can afford to pay the bill, her mother insisted
on paying it.
Directions: Choose a partner and share with him or her the strengths that
you recently discovered about yourself. Use a Venn Diagram to show the
differences and similarities of your and your partner’s strengths.
Think of at least three personal qualities that you
need to improve and write a paragraph with six to
eight sentences about how you plan to develop
these personal qualities. Be sure to use dependent
and independent clauses in writing your
paragraph. Write your paragraph on a separate
sheet of paper.
Category 4 3 2 1 SCORE:
Concept Each section of the diagram Each section of the Each section of the Each section of the  
Arrangement contains 4 facts easily diagram contains 3 diagram contains 2 diagram contains
identified. (5 Points) facts easily identified. ( facts that are very few facts that
4 Points) somewhat identified. are not easily
(3 Point) identified.
(0 Points)
Content Reflects factual information Most of the information Reflects some Contains not factual  
that corresponds with is factual and factual information information that does
appropriate section of the seemingly and attempts to put not correspond to
diagram. corresponds with it in corresponding the appropriate
(5 Points) appropriate section of section of the section of the
the diagram. diagram. diagram.
(4 Points) (3 Points) (0 Points)
Text Easy to read, legible, no Most text is easy to Text is not easy to Not legible.  
misspellings. read. Fewer than 4 read. Excessive Excessive errors.
(5 Points) misspellings. misspellings, more (0 Points)
(4 Points) than 5 errors.
(3 Points)
Presentation of Clean, neat, and well Fairly neat and clean. Not well organized. Messy and  
Product organized. Some organization. A little cluttered. unorganized. Not
(5 Points) (4 Points) (3 Points) well put together.
(0 Points)
define what is a clause;
identify the kinds of clauses and
their functions;
write sentences using dependent
and independent clauses; and
relate your personal qualities in
discovering oneself through Venn
Diagram and clauses.
According to the Scriptures, these gifts include such ministries
as faith, healing, prophecy, proclamation, teaching,
administration, reconciliation, compassion, and self-sacrificing
service and charity for the help and encouragement of people.
Some members are called of God and endowed by the Spirit
for functions recognized by the church in pastoral,
evangelistic, apostolic, and teaching ministries particularly
needed to equip the members for service, to build up the
church to spiritual maturity, and to foster unity of the faith and
knowledge of God. When members employ these spiritual gifts
as faithful stewards of God's varied grace, the church is
protected from the destructive influence of false doctrine,
grows with a growth that is from God, and is built up in faith
and love.
“While making a sentence or a group of words that
contain two clauses, you have to take care of the placement of
commas. But when it’s used incorrectly, you can correct it
using a conjunction or by changing it to a semicolon or to a
period. You can join two clauses by using a conjunction. You
can make a clause dependent by using a dependent marker or
a semicolon before the independent marker when there are
two stand-alone sentences. When you write two independent
sentences without using any punctuation, it’s called a run-on
sentence. You should use a comma or semicolon or a period.

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