3.1. Basic Puzzles About Financial Structure Around The World
3.1. Basic Puzzles About Financial Structure Around The World
3.1. Basic Puzzles About Financial Structure Around The World
financial markets increases only a little as the size of the transaction grows.
For example, the cost of arranging a purchase of 10000 shares of stock is not
B, Adverse Selection
Adverse selection problem occurs before the transaction
assess the quality of the car; that is, they can’t tell
whether a particular used car is a car that will run
well or a lemon that will continually give them
The price that a buyer pays must therefore reflect the
between good firms with high expected profits and low risk and bad
firms with low expected profits and high risk.
If the owners or managers of a good firm have better information
than you and know that they are a good firm, they know that their
securities are undervalued and will not want to sell them to you at
the price you are willing to pay.
The only firms willing to sell you securities will be bad firms
(because his price is higher than the securities are worth). You are
not stupid that; you do not want to hold securities in bad firms, and
hence you will decide not to purchase securities in the market.
You will also buy a bond only if its interest rate is high enough
to compensate you for the average default risk of the good and
bad firms trying to sell the debt.
The knowledgeable owners of a good firm realize that they will
investors like you are not eager to buy bonds issued by bad
firms, they will probably not buy any bonds at all.
Few bonds are likely to sell in this market, and so it will
good firms from bad, they will pay the full value of
securities issued by good firms, and good firms will sell
their securities in the market.
The securities market will then be able to move funds
Problems include:
1. Private Production and Sale of Information
paid for and purchase the same securities and get equal profit
with those who paid for the information…… Free Riding….
This situation may discourage those who pay for
be favored.
A second possibility applied by most governments
Even when firms provide information to the public about their sales,
There is a lot more to knowing the quality of firms than statistics can
Bad firms have an incentive to make themselves look like good firms
Will you fully depend on information you get from
good firms.
Because the bank is able to lend mostly to good firms, it is able
to earn a higher return on its loans than the interest it has to pay
to its depositors.
An important element in the bank’s ability to profit from the
watch what the bank is doing and bid up the loan’s price to
the point that the bank receives no compensation for the
information it has produced.
The bank’s role as an intermediary that holds mostly non-
moral hazard.
The managers in control (the agents) may act in their own
desirable………….. Fact 1
Because it is expensive to monitor, the free rider problem occurs
activities of the firm you hold shares in, you can take a free ride
on their activities and save yourself some expenses.
The problem occurs when every stockholder think the same.
the face of moral hazard, and this is another reason why indirect finance is
so important…….. Fact 3
One financial intermediary that helps reduce the moral hazard
arising from the principal agent problem is the venture capital
Venture capital pools the resource of their partners and use the funds to
help new entrepreneur to establish new business firm.
They receive an equity share in the new business and puts some of its
own people in the management team of the new firm so that they
can keep close watch on the firm’s activities.
4. Debt Contracts
Moral hazard arises with an equity contract, which is a claim on
whether the firm is making profit or suffering a loss- does not care about
moral hazard
The less frequent need to monitor the firm, and thus the lower cost
of state verification, helps explain why debt contracts are used more
frequently than equity contracts to raise capital
Fact 1
3.6.How Moral Hazard Influences Financial
Structure in Debt Markets
Even with the advantages over equity contract, debt
amount and lets him keep any profits above this amount,
then borrower has an incentive to take on investment projects
that are riskier than the lenders would like.
As the Borrower may Sow in Risky projects it is inevitable
raise funds from an external source, e.g. bank, which does not
know the firm as its owners or managers know it.
Bank can not be sure if the firm will invest in safe projects or
instead take on big risk and then unlikely to pay back the loan
and hence, the bank may choose not to lend even for firms with
good risks to undertake investments which further affects
economic activity
Suppose the market for loanable funds is currently in a
bank lending
If banks suffer a deterioration in their balance sheet and so
In a panic, depositors, fearing for the safety of their deposits and not
1. Regulatory Policies
In 1977, the increment in house ownerships has been
stimulated by the Community Reinvestment Act which
inspired the commercial banks and any other saving
associations to extend loans in order to support the home
Similarly, the American Dream Down Payment Act of 2003