Creative Writer S Tool-Module 2
Creative Writer S Tool-Module 2
Creative Writer S Tool-Module 2
of Creative
The Creative Writer’s Tools
1. At the end of this module, I can:
2. Utilize language to evoke emotional and intellectual
3. Use imagery, diction, figures of speech and experiences
in my writing.
4. Write short paragraphs based on my specific experiences.
Tone Language
03 Part of diction and the 04 Figures of speech or
manner of expression in stylistic devices.
“A good story starts with a good beginning.” Get us hooked in the
first paragraph of your story.
Since the tools for creative writing are
words, you must be able to manipulate
and utilize words and phrases
effectively and efficiently so that they
are at the very least, as colorful and
vivid and lively as a painter’s paint, or
01 as musical and harmonious as a
composer’s notes and chords, or
perhaps as mellifluous and lilting as a
musician’s instrument, or maybe as
graceful and elegant and hypnotic as a
dancer’s steps.
Words are the tools of creative writer, you
must be able to use words and sentences
that engage, entertain or give pleasure,
and ultimately satisfy your readers.
OUR TEAM (Words/Diction=Style)
Diction Style
Tone is a part of diction and the manner of expression in writing.
But think about this: Can your diction be elegant and still have a harsh tone? Can you insult
someone using a polished and gorgeous diction?
Look at this: “Oh, my! What a beautiful dress you have. Did you just make it? The fabric is
just glorious; we had it for curtains at home.”
Also being called figures of speech or stylistic
devices because these are tools that can be used as
part of your personal style to give emphasis,
freshness or clarity to whatever you are trying to
say. They really add sophistication to your writing,
and show off a little bit of your skill in using the
language. Creating pictures in the mind of the
readers make for effective and convincing and
often impressive writings.
- is the repetition of words with a change in letter or
Example: There will come soft rains and the smell of the
ground and swallows circling with their shimmering
- is a figure of speech that quickly simulates different ideas
and associations using only a couple of words; making
indirect reference.
Example: Describing someone as an “Adonis” makes an
allusion to the handsome young shepherd loved by the
Goddess of love and beauty herself in the Greek myth.
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1 2 3
Anaphora Antithesis
- is a stylistic device that consists of - is a figure of speech that refers to - is an exclamatory rhetorical
repeating a sequence of words at the juxtaposition of opposing or figure of speech in which a
the beginnings of neighboring contrasting ideas. It involves the speaker or writer breaks off
beginning put of a contrast in and directs speech to an
clauses to give them emphasis. the words, clauses, or sentences
Example: You are lovely, you are imaginary person or abstract
within a parallel grammatical quality or idea.
gorgeous, you are pretty, you are structure.
Example: Oh, moon! You have
glorious, you are, and you are, you just Example: Too many choices, too little
seen everything!
are! time.
“Assonance- Chiasmus-
is a figure of speech in which words, grammatical
is a figure of speech that refers to the repetition of constructions, or concepts are repeated in
vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within reverse order, in the same or a modified form.
phrases or sentences. Example: People must live to work, not just work
Example: A certain purple curtain, captain. (Note: to live. (Note: The phrases live to work is repeated
cer in certain, pur in purple, and cur in curtain. Also: in reverse as work to live.)
tain in certain, curtain and captain)
Euphemism Hyperbole
- is figure of speech used to express a mild,
indirect, or vague term to substitute for a - is a figure of speech that uses exaggerations to
harsh, blunt, or offensive term. create emphasis or effect; it is no meant to be
Example: saying “passed away” for “died”, or “in taken literally.
between jobs” to mean “unemployed” Example: I told you a million times to clean your
Hypophora Irony Verbal Irony