Chapter Two Human Development: By: Zelalem Wondimu School of Psychology Addis Ababa University
Chapter Two Human Development: By: Zelalem Wondimu School of Psychology Addis Ababa University
Chapter Two Human Development: By: Zelalem Wondimu School of Psychology Addis Ababa University
Genetically programmed, naturally occurring changes
A relatively permanent change in behavior practice or
experience in the interaction with environment.
Basics of Human Dev’t Cont..
Growth, maturation, and learning mutually
contribute to development.
Proceeds from the center of the body (the proximal region) to the
outer body parts and extremities (distal region).
Development depends on maturation and learning
Principles Cont’nd
Development proceeds from the simple to complex
Simple tasks to complex ones.
Language development,
Social development,
Emotional development,
Moral development, and
Gender development
Approaches in the Study of Human Development
Studies on human development follow two main approaches.
Interpretation of actions or events in terms of one’s present
schemas (fitting reality into one’s existing ways of understanding).
For example, if a mother points to a picture of an apple and tells
her child, “that’s an apple”, the child forms a scheme for “apple”
that looks something like the picture.
Children first try to understand new things in terms of schemes
they already possess.
Modification of schemas to fit reality.
For instance, the child might see an orange and say “apple”
because both objects are round.
Altering or adjusting old schemes to fit new information and
Stages of cognitive development
1. Sensory motor stage (Birth to two years)
Children base their understanding of the world primarily on
touching, sucking, chewing, shaking, and manipulating objects.
Little competence in using images, language, or other
kinds of symbols.
“Out of sight is out of mind”.
Infants lack object permanence
VI. Realism
Think pictures, concepts, and symbols as real objects.
Tendency to see the psychological events like dreams and
thoughts as physical events.
VII. Artificialism
Tendency to interpret all phenomena, including natural
phenomena as made by human beings, e.g Sun, Moon etc.
3. Concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years)
First operational stage
Think logically about concrete objects and problems
but not about abstract problems.
Understanding of relationships between events and
Logical and objectivity of mental operation,
Ability to add, subtract, classify, order, and deal
with numbers and the ability to apply rules.
4. Formal operational stage (11 and above years to adulthood)
Begin reasoning about an abstract form of ideas.
The thought process of children becomes quite abstract,
systematic and reasonable, and well-integrated.
See possibilities beyond the here and now, and
immediate and concrete environment.
These abilities continue to develop into adulthood.
Organize information,
Reason scientifically,
Formulate concepts,
i: imaginary audience
ii; personal fable
Imaginary audience
A belief that other people are preoccupied with one’s appearance and
Young teenagers assume that other people are as concerned about them as
they are themselves.
Personal fable (one’s immortal and unique existence).
The belief that one’s own life is more unique, dramatic and heroic than
other people’s lives.
It also shows the belief that the moral laws of nature that apply to other
people don’t apply to adolescents.
E.g., Mom, you don’t know what it is to be in love!” “Other people may
become addicted to drugs, but not me”.
2.4.2. Freud’s psychosexual theories of development
At each stage, a different erogenous zone (area of the body)
that produces pleasure becomes a source of pleasure and
Conflicts that are not fully resolved can result in fixation
and individuals’ get “stuck” to some degree in an early stage
of development.
The child may grow into an adult but will still carry
emotional and psychological state of mind from that
earlier fixed stage.
The oral stage (Birth to one year)
The erogenous zone is the area around the mouth.
• Aggressive and
• Pessimistic
The Anal stage (One to three years)
The erogenous zone moves from the mouth area to the anus.