21st Century Report
21st Century Report
21st Century Report
Sense Haiku Stanza
Ballad Sonnet
a. Structure
Most poetic works utilize few words
and these are mainly arranged in lines
and in stanzas. However, the structure
may have some different feature
depending on the style established by a
writer. For example, a haiku, a ballad ,
and a sonnet have peculiar structures.
Key Aspects of Poetry
b. Language
The writer of a poetic work mainly expresses
familiar feelings, emotions, conditions and the
like in an implicit and suggestive way. Thus,
the words as they are used in certain
expressions may bear numerous meanings
and interpretations. The writer may use a
variety of figurative expression to beautify
and heighten the effect of a poetic work.
Key Aspects of Poetry
a. Sense
This element involves diction or known as
the word choice, imagery that can truly
appeal to the senses, and lastly, figurative
expressions. Thus, sense can be best
established by the meanings of words,
symbolisms, and images used by the
Essential Composites of Poetry
b. Sound
This elements is an offshoot of a variety of
elements like tonal pattern, rhythm, and
measurements. Sound devices, rhyming
schemes and repetition are mainly utilized
to create an effect and a strong appeal.
Essential Composites of Poetry
c. Structure
This element pertains to the way how words
and lines are organized, sequenced,
arranged and formed to ensure unity of
form. Thus, this also involves the careful and
mindful combination of different parts,
establishing harmony among these to form a
whole. This also helps to reveal the meaning
of a poem.
Different Poetic Forms
a. Dramatic poetry
This is a lyric work that exhibits dialogue and
characterizations which are known to be elements
of drama. A monologue which is specifically a
speech delivered by an individual in dramatic
performance and another is the soliloquy which is
a monologue used to develop the character of a
speaker by providing information by the revelation
of the character’s personal thoughts , emotions
and feelings both belong to this type.
Different Poetic Forms
b. Lyric Poetry
This mainly discloses a poet’s feelings and
emotions which can be perceived to be subjective
and personal. This is known to be melodic since it
was first recited accompanied by a lyre-a U-shaped
string instrument. Lyric poetry covers the following:
c. Narrative Poetry
This is mainly a poem that is non- dramatic in
which the prime goal of the author is to
narrate a story. It has a variety of length and
complexity, Examples of narrative poems
are epics, metrical tales and romance,
and ballads.
Thank You For Listening!