Curvilinear Motion
Curvilinear Motion
Curvilinear Motion
- General curvilinear motion
- Curvilinear motion: Rectangular
- Motion of a projectile
-Next lecture; Curvilinear motion:
Polar and Cylindrical components
¢tudents should be able to:
1. Describe the motion of a particle traveling along a
curved path
2. Relate kinematic quantities in terms of the
rectangular components of the vectors
°he path of motion of each plane in this
formation can be tracked with radar and their x,
y, and z coordinates (relative to a point on
earth) recorded as a function of time
a [ a·t [ (a - a )·t
°he instantaneous acceleration is the time-derivative of
[ da·dt [ d2V·dt2
¢ince the unit vectors , , are constant in magnitude and direction, this
equation reduces to v [ vx + vy + vz
Where; vx [ dx·dt, vy [ dy·dt, vz [ dz·dt