Democracy, Governance and Development
Democracy, Governance and Development
Democracy, Governance and Development
• Is a process of economic and social transformation
which is based on complex cultural and environmental
factors and their interactions.
• Development was a process in which ‘societies’ defined
as nation states pass through similar stages of
development on the road to an end state.
• Development is a multi-dimensional and multi-sectoral
process, involving social, economic and political change
aimed at improving people’s lives.
What is democracy
• Democracy is government of the people, by the
people and for the people ( Abraham Lincoln
• Democracy is any form of government in which
the rules of society are decided by the people
who will be bound by them (Catherine Kellogg)
• Democracy is a state in which all fully qualified
citizens vote at a regular intervals to chose,
among alternative candidates the people who
will be in charge of setting the state policies.
The Classical Theory of Democracy
1. Citizen Involvement
2. System of Representation
3. Rule of Law
4. Electoral System
5. Equality
6. Freedom, Liberty, and Rights
7. Education
Liberal democracy
Key elements:
• Constitutional Government
• Civil rights
• Checks and balance
• Voting
• Party competition
• Pluralism
• Civil society
• Market economy
• Democratic rule can become tyranny of the
majority in situations where basic values are
not shared.
• Inability to act swiftly and decisively when
such actions are needed
• Does not reach out across national boundries.
Can we have international democracy?
A Matter of degree
• “ Democracy is a matter of degree. Some
countries are more democratic than others. But
none is perhaps very democratic, if any high
standard of democracy is applied. Mass
democracy is a difficult and hitherto largely
uncharted territory, and we should be nearer the
mark, and should have a far more convincing
slogan, if we spoke of the need, not to defend
democracy, but to create it.”
- E.H Carr, English Historian
Rhoades redefined governance as
follows: Governance refers to self-
organizing inter-organizational network
characterized by interdependence,
resource exchange, rules of the
game and significant autonomy
from the state.
UNDP (1997)
• Governance is the exercise of economic,
political, and administrative authority to
manage a country s affairs at all levels. It
comprises the mechanisms, processes, and
institutions through which citizens and groups
articulate their interests, exercise their legal
rights, meet their obligations and mediate their
World Bank