Course Title: Teachers As Reflective - Course Code: PGDT 422 - Credit Hour: 2
Course Title: Teachers As Reflective - Course Code: PGDT 422 - Credit Hour: 2
Course Title: Teachers As Reflective - Course Code: PGDT 422 - Credit Hour: 2
• Course Code: PGDT 422
• Credit Hour: 2
Unit 1: Reflective Thinking And Reflective
Section 1- Definitions and Nature of Reflection
• Reflection means thinking about what one is doing. It
entails a process of contemplation with openness to
being changed, a willingness to learn, and a sense of
responsibility for doing one’s best. ( Jay, 2003).
• Reflection is an important human activity in which
people recapture their experience, think about it, mull
over & evaluate it. It is working with experience that is
important in learning’ (Boud, R. & Walker,1985).
Reflection means in short
• Starts on hesitation and mental difficulty
• An act of searching, hunting, inquiring, to resolve the
• it is about learning from experience, and developing
your own thoughts from the experiences
General features of a reflective experience:
(i) Perplexity, confusion, doubt [experience]
(ii) Tentative interpretation of the elements [data]
(iii) Careful survey of all attainable consideration which will
define and clarify the problem in hand [explanations,
(iv) Consequent elaboration of the tentative hypothesis to
make it more precise and more consistent [anticipation of
(v) Taking one stand upon the projected hypothesis as a plan
action which is applied to the existing state of affairs
1.Returning to experience
• It refers to recollection / recalling of memory
situations, events and activities that happened
in the past.
• description of how you approached
something or how it worked and how it did
2. Connections
• Reflective connections are the most frequent source of
influence on teachers’ practical decision making.
• In these moments of reflection, teachers connect a
particular aspect of their teaching experience with plans for
instruction, moving from experience to reflection to action.
• The teacher may back to his/her experience as student and
ask questions to connect his past experience to his/her
presence .For instance:
– How do I want to be learned in high school the same subject I
am teaching?
– What was the feeling back there as a student? Did you feel good
or bad when you think of your experience as a student? Why?
– Which teacher was my favorite? Why?
– Am I teaching my students the same way that I loved to be
learned as student?
3. Evaluation
• It refers to evaluation of experiences and
development of a teacher. The subcategories of
evaluation are:
– giving an opinion
– examining what you have learned.
– drawing conclusions about your own development
– evaluating your knowledge or functioning
– investigating whether you have achieved your learning
– examining what you found difficult and progressing
Section 2. Process of reflection
• There are two categories that simplify the concept:
1. Reflection-in-action (thinking on your feet)
• Reflection takes place in the midst of action, on the spot,
not after the fact
2. Reflection-on-action(retrospective thinking//thinking
back) is:
• Perhaps the most familiar image of reflection involves a
sequence of action then thought
• Looking back on the practice after completing a task to see:
– How it went
– what went well,
– what did not,
– what could be changed for the next time;
Reflective practice
It is:
a process that helps teachers think about what
happened, why it happened, and what else could
have been done to reach their goals (Cruickshank &
Applegate, 1981).
an inquiry approach that involves a personal
commitment to continuous learning and improvement
(York-Barr, Sommers, Ghere, & Montie, 2001).
an ongoing process of examining and refining
practice, variously focused on the personal,
pedagogical, curricular, intellectual, societal, and/or
ethical contexts associated with professional work
(Cole & Knowles, 2000).
Reflective practitioner
Suggested Supporting
No Implementation Time Implementer
Solutions Stake holders
Reflecting Acting
Thank you!