Computer Network Attacks
Computer Network Attacks
Computer Network Attacks
the network performs its critical functions correctly and there is no harmful side effects. It includes Authentications, Access control, Data Integrity, Data confidentiality and Availability. Basic aim of Network Security is to protect the networked computers and network operations from hackers and Attackers.
to protect the information from unwanted editing, accidently or intentionally by unauthorized users. to protect the information from loss and make it to be delivered to its destination properly. to restrict a user to send some message to another user with name of a third one.
to manage the acknowledgement of messages received by any node in order to protect from denial by sender in specific situations. to protect the message from unwanted delay in the transmission lines in order to deliver it to required destination in time. to protect the data from wandering the data packets or information packets in the network for infinitely long time.
protection of an individual systems data from hackers. Computer security means to protect our system from unwanted damages caused due to network. One of the major reason for such damages are the viruses that can wipe off all the information from our hard disk or some times may cause hardware problems.
it should be protected from replicating and capturing viruses from infected files. it needs a proper protection from worms . there is a need of protection from Trojan Horses as they are enough dangerous for our computer.
Any software or person that deliberately attempts to evade security services and violate the security policy of the networked system is called Attacker. Such a program or person intentionally attempts to gain unauthorized access to information resources. They sometimes, also prevent legitimate access to those resources. An unauthorized activity uses specially crafted codes or techniques is called an Attack.
in it the attacker only monitors the transmission and accesses the data in an unauthorized manner. They are difficult to detect.
it involves reading of data messages along with modifications or changes to it in an unauthorized way. They are difficult to prevent.
in it the attacker only looks and watches the transmission and does not try to modify or change the data packets. There are two types of Passive Attacks
1. Release of message contents the attacker only looks the messages and reads them in an unauthorized way. 2. Traffic Analysis the attacker masks ( does not change ) the message in such a way that the authorized user either can not access it or can not understand the message properly.
User A
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1P1
User B
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
Unauthorized access
User C
the attacker creates a new message and sends it to destination instead of original message.
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
User A
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt PktPkt
User B
User C
the attacker appears to be an authorized one to other users. In such cases the attacker manipulates everything according to his wish.
I am User A
Fr FrmFr
User A
Pk Pkt Pk
User B
User C
(CASE 3: Replay) in it the attacker captures the data unit and subsequent retransmits it to the destination to produce an unauthorized effect.
User A
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 Pkt Pkt Pkt PktPkt Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt
User B
User C
(CASE 4: Denial of Service) Denial of service prevents the normal management/use of communication facilities. In such attacks all messages directed to a particular destination may be suppressed, entire network may be disrupted or performance of network may be degraded due to disabling of network.
User A
User B