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DS1103 PPC Controller Board

Single-board system with comprehensive I/O PowerPC 750GX running at 1 GHz for rapid control

Application memory 32 MB


Single-Board Hardware

DS1103 PPC Controller Board

Powerful controller board for rapid control prototyping

Key Features

Single-board system with comprehensive I/O CAN interface and serial interfaces Interfaces for connecting incremental encoders High I/O speed and accuracy

PWM-synchronous or externally triggered I/O strobe 32 MB application memory PLL-driven UART for accurate baud rate selection


Application Areas The controller board is designed to meet the requirements of modern rapid control prototyping and is highly suitable for applications such as:

Induction motor control Robotics Positioning systems and stepper motors Active vibration control Rapid control prototyping for automotive controllers

Key Benets The DS1103 is an all-rounder in rapid control prototyping. You can mount the board in a PC or a dSPACE Expansion Box to test your control functions in a laboratory or directly in the vehicle. Its processing power and fast I/O are vital for applications that involve numerous actuators and sensors. Used with Real-Time Interface (RTI), the controller board is fully programmable from the Simulink block diagram environment. You can congure all I/O graphically by dragging RTI blocks. This is a quick and easy way to implement your control functions on the board.

Comprehensive Interfaces The unparalleled number of I/O interfaces makes the DS1103 a versatile controller board for numerous applications. It provides a great selection of interfaces, including 50 bit-I/O channels, 36 A/D channels, and 8 D/A channels. For additional I/O tasks, a DSP controller unit built around Texas Instruments TM320F240 DSP is used as a subsystem.

Recording and Output of I/O Values The control of electrical drives requires accurate recording and output of I/O values. It is possible to synchronize the A/D channels and D/A channels, and the position of the incremental encoder interface, with an internal PWM signal or an external trigger signal. Also, the serial interface (UART) is driven by a phase-locked loop to achieve absolutely accurate baud rate selection.


DS1103 PPC Controller Board

Technical Details
Parameter Processor PowerPC Type CPU clock Cache Specication
PPC 750GX 1 GHz 32 KB level 1 (L1) instruction cache 32 KB level 1 (L1) data cache 1 MB level 2 (L2)

Bus frequency Temperature sensor Memory Timer Local memory Global memory 2 general-purpose timers

133 MHz Reads actual temperature at the PPC 32 MB application SDRAM as program memory, cached 96 MB communication SDRAM for data storage and data exchange with host One 32-bit down counter Reload by software 15-ns resolution One 32-bit up counter with compare register Reload by software 30-ns resolution

1 sampling rate timer (decrementer) 1 time base counter Interrupt controller

32-bit down counter Reload by software 30-ns resolution 64-bit up counter 30-ns resolution 3 timer interrupts 7 incremental encoder index line interrupts 1 UART (universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter) interrupt 1 CAN interrupt 1 slave DSP interrupt 2 slave DSP PWM interrupts 1 host interrupt 4 external interrupts (user interrupts)

A/D converter


16 multiplexed channels equipped with 4 sample & hold A/D converters

Resolution Input voltage range Overvoltage protection Conversion time Offset error Gain error Offset drift Gain drift Signal-to-noise ratio D/A converter Channels Resolution Output range Settling time Offset error Gain error Offset drift Gain drift

(4 channels belong to one A/D converter. 4 consecutive samplings are necessary to sample all channels belonging to one A/D converter.) 4 parallel channels each equipped with one sample & hold A/D converter Note: 8 A/D converter channels (4 multiplexed and 4 parallel) can be sampled simultaneously. 16-bit
10 V 15 V Multiplexed channels: 1 s1) Parallel channels: 800 ns1) 5 mV 0.25% 40 V/K 50 ppm/K >83 dB 8 channels 16-bit 10 V 5 s (14-bit) 1 mV 0.5% 30 V/K 25 ppm/K

Speed and timing specications describe the capabilities of the hardware components and circuits of our products. Depending on the software complexity, the attainable overall performance gures can deviate signicantly from the hardware specications.


Single-Board Hardware

Parameter D/A converter Signal-to-noise ratio I max CImax Digital I/O Channels

>83 dB 5 mA 10 nF 32-bit parallel I/O Organized in four 8-bit groups Each 8-bit group can be set to input or output (programmable by software)

Voltage range Iout, max Digital incremental encoder interface Channels

TTL input/output levels 10 mA 6 independent channels Single-ended (TTL) or differential (RS422) input (software programmable for each

channel) Position counters

24-bit resolution Max. 1.65 MHz input frequency, i.e.,fourfold pulse count up to 6.6 MHz Counter reset or reload via software

Encoder supply voltage Analog incremental encoder interface Channels

5 V/1.5 A Shared with analog incremental encoder interface 1 channel Sinusoidal signals: 1 Vpp differential or 11 App differential (software

programmable) Position counters

< 5 resolution 32-bit loadable position counter Max. 0.6 MHz input frequency, i.e., fourfold pulse count up to 2.4 MHz

A/D converter performance Encoder supply voltage CAN interface Conguration Baud rate Serial interface Conguration

6-bit resolution 10 MSPS 5 V/1.5 A Shared with digital incremental encoder interface 1 channel based on SAB 80C164 microcontroller ISO DIS 11898-2 CAN high-speed standard Max. 1 Mbit/s TL6C550C single UART with FIFO PLL-driven UART for accurate baud rate selection RS232/RS422 compatibility

Baud rate Slave DSP Type Clock rate Memory

Up to 115.2 kBd (RS232) Up to 1 Mbd (RS422) Texas Instruments TMS320F240 DSP 20 MHz 64Kx16 external code memory 28Kx16 external data memory 4Kx16 dual-port memory for communication 32 KB ash memory

I/O channels

16 A/D converter inputs 10 PWM outputs 4 capture inputs 2 serial ports

Input voltage range Output current Host interface Physical characteristics Physical size Ambient temperature Cooling Power supply

TTL input/output level A/D converter inputs: 0 5 V Max. 13 mA Plug & Play support Requires a full-size 16-bit ISA slot 340 x 125 x 45 mm (13.4 x 4.9 x 1.77 in) 0 50 C (32 122 F) Passive cooling +5 V 5%, 4 A +12 V 5%, 0.75A -12 V 5%, 0.25A


DS1103 PPC Controller Board

Order Information
Product DS1103 PPC Controller Board Order Number

Relevant Software and Hardware

Software Included
DS1103 Real-Time Library Experiment and Platform Manager for hardware

Order Number

management Required Optional

Real-Time Interface (RTI) Microtec C Compiler for PowerPC Real-Time Interface CAN Blockset ControlDesk Standard Developer Version ControlDesk Standard Operator Version MLIB/MTRACE CLIB MotionDesk

Hardware Optional
Connector Panel Connector/LED Combi Panel

Order Number
CP1103 CLP1103

Block Diagram


Single-Board Hardware

Graphical Conguration of the Controller Board

Real-Time Interface
Using RTI With Real-Time Interface (RTI), you can easily run your Simulink models on the controller board. You can congure all I/O graphically by dragging RTI blocks. The implementation time is reduced to a minimum. With the RTI CAN Blockset, CAN congurations can be completely carried out in a Simulink block diagram, with very little effort.

Real-Time Interface provides Simulink blocks for convenient conguration of items such as A/D, D/A, digital I/O lines, incremental encoder interface and PWM generation.

RTI CAN Blockset for graphical conguration of CAN interfaces.


DS1103 PPC Controller Board

Rapid Prototyping in Robotics The DS1103 provides six digital incremental encoder interfaces. This is sufcient to pick up all the movements of a six-joint robot. Thus, this cost-effective single-board hardware makes it possible to perform rapid control prototyping in robotics. Easy Handling In this example, the controller board replaces the position controller. The easy programmability of the DS1103 enables you to implement and test different control algorithms very quickly, which reduces design iteration times to a minimum. The prototyping hardware allows easy parameter changing and modication, without any hardware setup changes.

Use Case

Calculating Values The real-time system picks up the robots six incremental encoder signals to determine the current robot position. Then this data is compared with the reference values. Afterwards, the DS1103 calculates the control algorithm and sends the controller output for example, data on positions and velocities back to the robot.

Calculating a control algorithm for robotics on a DS1103 PPC Controller Board.

Further Processing Potential All reference values are calculated in real-time, even for inverse kinematics with highly nonlinear functions. External sensors such as axis-force momentum sensors can be included. Performing trajectory planning and advanced algorithms for collision avoidance is also very convenient with the DS1103 PPC Controller Board.

Benets for Various Applications With its versatile features, the DS1103 covers many fields of applications. An integrated Inneon CAN microcontroller makes the board an attractive tool for automotive and automation applications.


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