1992 2007 Kpds Ilgisiz Cumle Sorulari Seyfihocacom - Pdf.pdfsifre

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1992 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 1(I) Beginning in the mid-60s, there was in the West a profound surge or extension of liberalism, revolving once again around individualism. (II) It built upon what had gone before, but it also represented a significant redefinition, (III) And it is that surge which provides the immediate backdrop for current American opinion and values. (IV) To some extent, the way we perceive a decade is affected by the period which immediately preceded it. (V) Indeed, the modern American concept of freedom has been influenced by this all-pervasive individualism. A) I 2B) II C) III D) IV E) V 65(I) The negotiations between union leaders and company representatives have not aroused much interest. (II) The strike is the unions weapon of last resort. (III) Most unions maintain strike funds in order to support their members when they call them out on strike; but these funds are small, and strike pay is usually very much below normal wages. (III) So unions cannot afford to call strikes irresponsibly, and major official strikes are relatively uncommon. (V) Nevertheless, the big strikes are important; for the success or failure of one big strike can affect the results of all the other collective bargaining under way at the time. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

(I) Mans chief purpose is the creation and preservation of values. (II) That is what gives meaning to our civilisation and, ultimately, to the individual human life. (III) Western civilisation attaches great importance to democracy and human rights. (IV) It is only when values are fostered through art, religion, science and love that men can really use well their powers to tame nature and secure human existence from the worst outrages and accidents that forever threaten it. (V) Civilisation, our very capacity to be human, rests on that perpetual effort. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

(I) Terrorism is the deliberate and cold blooded exaltation of violence over all forms of political activity. (II) The modern terrorist employs violence not as a necessary evil, but as a desirable form of action. (III) There is, indeed, a definite intellectual background to the present wave of terrorism. (IV) It is worth noting that the countries that finance and maintain the international infrastructure of terrorism are, without exception, despotic states. (V) It springs not only from early 20th-century justifications of violence but also from the postwar philosophy of violence derived from Neitzsche through Heidegger, and widely popularised by Sartre, his colleagues and disciples. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


(I) Man differs from the lower animals because he preserves his past experiences. (II) In recent decades a growing number of historians have embarked on research in political and social history. (III) What happened in the past is lived again in memory. (IV) With the animals, an experience perishes as it happens, and each new doing or suffering stands alone. (V) But man lives in a world where each occurrence is charged with echoes and reminiscences of what has gone before, where each event is a reminder of other things. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1992 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 7(I) It is the accuracy of laser surgery that makes it so efficient. (II) The laser beam can also remove bone which makes it invaluable in ear surgery. (III) This accuracy can be increased by sending the beam along fibres of glass finer than a human hair. (IV) These can carry a beam around corners and direct it precisely at a tiny area. (V) Thus there is virtually, no risk of damaging healthy cells. A) I 8B) II C) III D) IV E) V


(I) Science, which was once thought to provide the answer to all human needs, has proved its inner contradiction. (II) On the one hand, it has enormously broadened and disseminated mans understanding of himself and of his environment, while on the other hand it has unleashed forces of immense destructive potential. (III) The prime example is of course nuclear power. (IV) This ambivalence of science has destroyed the belief that science is essentially good in human terms and that the more science there is, the better it is for man. (V) Therefore, governments are urged to allocate more resources for further scientific research. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

(I) Correct tyre pressure is more important than many people realise.(II) The right pressure opens up the tread, so Its edges grip the road. (III) In wet weather this is obviously of prime importance. (IV) The spare tyre should also be checked occasionally to make sure it is fit for use. (V) But even when the weather is dry, tyre pressure should be checked and adjusted regularly. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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(I) Modern theory envisages that the Sun and Solar System evolved from a primitive nebula. (II) About 5 billion years ago, for reasons unknown, this nebula began to contract. (III) In the outer regions temperatures remained even lower. (IV) The rotation then speeded up, causing the cloud to flatten into a disk. (V) In the densest part of this disk a proton-sun formed. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

14- (I) It is true that the Arabs carefully studied Greek thought, and translated into Arabic many outstanding Greek writings on medicine, science and philosophy. (II) Europe, even when at war with them, eagerly learned from their scholars.(III) Many European students attend Arab universities in Spain, and returned home as admirers of Arab learning. (IV) Indeed, the Western impact on the Arab world has been enormous. (V) Hence, medieval Europe was greatly indebted to the Arabs. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

10- (I) Written communication is the basis of much communication in the business world. (II) Letter writing, however, has gone into a decline since the appearance of the telephone. (III) It includes letters, reports, memoranda and telex massages. (IV) It has the disadvantage of being slower than oral communication. (V) But it has the great advantage of providing a record of transactions so that disagreements can be avoided and accuracy checked. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

15- (I) Financially, 1975 was a difficult year for the airline industry, with only meagre increases in traffic. (II) In the US, the situation was particularly bad. (III) There the airlines put most of the blame on the continuing rise in fuel prices. (IV) The economic recession combined with inflation lowered demand for railways. (V) In Europe, however, air traffic continued to increase but at a slower rate than in recent years. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

11- (I) Most children, from time to time, show aggressive tendencies. (II) This is entirely normal, and should be regarded as so. (III) In fact, children should be encouraged to express their aggression fully through creative activities and exploration. (IV) For this, a safe, suitable background must be provided. (V) Actually more accidents occur indoors than they do outdoors. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

12- (I) There are several reasons why conventional medicine distrust the practitioners of alternative medicine. (II) Herbalists believe they can cure wide range of conditions with plant substances alone. (III) These people like to look beyond the immediate symptoms to the body's total state. (IV) They aim to restore health by helping the body to heal itself. (V) Their skill lies in knowing which plants are beneficial in which circumstances. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

16- (I) Men of science and philosophers, from very early times, have attempted to define life. (II) They even tried to prove that all living things possess souls. (III) Nearly all living things grow during some of their life. (IV) Aristotle, for example, who may be looked upon as the father of biological research tried hard to establish the presence of souls in plants. (V) But for many centuries it was not realised that to define life is practically impossible. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

17- (I) In modern world, political crime poses cruel political and moral problems. (II) These problems are particularly acute in more democratic societies. (III) At the other hand of the political spectrum, a totalitarian regime is virtually immune to terrorism. (IV) For here the security apparatus of the state makes it almost impossible for terrorist groups even to exist. (V) Therefore, among the reasons of terrorism can be mentioned bad economy. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1993 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 13- (I) In recent years remarkable results have been achieved in the field of organ transplants. (II) Gradually, we are learning more about the chemistry of memory. (III) This also concerns the genes. (IV)Formerly, tissues could not be transplanted. (V)Now by using genetically identical twin tissues, surgeons are able to do successful organ transplants. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

18- (I) Throughout history the Mediterranean has served as profitable commercial route between the East and the West. (II) Those who visit the Mediterranean are invariably impressed with its unity. (III) Everywhere it is the same, for the shades of difference here is less important than the resemblances. (IV) Yet this unity is the result of aggressive contrast; sea and mountain, sea and desert. (V) In these respects, the Mediterranean is very different from the rest of the world. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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1993 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 19- (I) Fairs were first established in Medieval times as a means of bringing traders and customers together at stated places and periods. (II) Among the earliest examples were those of Winchester and Sturbridge in England. (III) To these fairs came traders from the Continent and the Baltic region. (IV) Todays fairs are of a different nature, being largely expositions of high technology. (V) They did business with the English merchants, and goods of every kind were exchanged. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

24- (I) Flying saucers is the name given to saucerlike shapes which have, on occasion, been seen travelling through the atmosphere. (II) For some time speculation was rife, especially in America, as to what they were. (III) So it is time they were taken seriously and studied scientifically. (IV) Now, however, it is believed that they are nothing more than atmospheric phenomena. (V) That is to say they are as unreal as mirages or mock suns caused by unusual atmospheric conditions. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1994 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 25- (I) The world is growing more and more environmental conscious. (II) Otherwise the supply of raw materials would attract attention. (III) This is producing some interesting developments. (IV) Some car manufacturers, for instance, are now beginning to give priority to recycling techniques. (V) It is this, rather than improved performance, that is receiving attention in the advertisements. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

20- (I) Cuneiform is an ancient method of writing on tablets of damp clay. (II) The other early forms of writing also include the runic and the hieroglyphic systems. (III) When the tablets were dried and hardened they formed a permanent script. (IV) The origins of cuneiform writing can be traced back to the Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia. ((V) Later on, the method was adopted by other Middle Eastern peoples. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

21- (I) The government of the USA work upon a written constitution. (II) The constitution was framed when the USA came into existence as a republic out of the federation of thirteen states. (III) It was adopted in 1789. (IV) The USA government has always followed a policy of peaceful coexistence in the world. (V) Its strength has been well tested and is now the foundation of a federation which comprises fifty states. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

26- (I) The film industry is going through bad times. (II) This is partly because studio heads are outof-touch with their audiences. (III) Television offers no serious competition against the film industry. (IV) It seems that they don't appreciate that adult audiences want movies they can talk about. (V) The audiences also want to be taken to places they've never been to. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

22- (I) Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and best developed fields of engineering. (II) Metal fatigue is a condition leading to breakage when a metal component is subjected to a large number of fluctuating repetitive stress. (III) It is the cause of most failures in metal components. (IV) It results from the repetition, not simply from the size of the stresses. (V) It causes minute cracks in the metal, usually at the surface, which grow and spread. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

27- (I) Banking services in Hungary are expected to improve dramatically this year. (II) The installation of a computerised interbank settlement system will greatly aid this. (III) Typical banking transactions on the new network will take less than two minutes. (IV) Consequently no scheme for keeping down inflation has been forthcoming. (V) Further the capacity of the services will increase threefold. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

23- (I) Modern exploration began in the second half of the 15th century with the voyages of the great Portuguese and Spanish discoverers. (II) They were followed by sailors of other European nations. (III) In less than one hundred years the coast-lines of much of America, Africa and Southwest Asia had been revealed and the globe circumnavigated. (IV) The motives of these early explorers were mixed, varying from adventure and trade to plunder and national power. (V) Further, all these problems were so interrelated that they were only solved several centuries later. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

28- (I) The neuromuscular disorder known as ALS strikes 5.000 Americans each year. (II) The disease involves the progressive death of motor neurones.(III) Some families are even more susceptible to the other condition. (IV) As the condition advances sufferers lose the ability to speak, to swallow and finally to breath. (V) Few of them survive more than five years. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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29- (I) Today the West is in the grip of a second industrial revolution. (II) The first caused a shift from agriculture to industry. (III) One solution to the problem of unemployment thus became apparent. (IV) The new revolution is shifting the economy away from traditional manufacturing industries to those based upon information, services and new technologies. (V) Naturally one can't help wondering whether there'll be a third industrial revolution in the future. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

30- (I) Obviously oil imports haven't put a great strain on the national budget. (II) Inflation has become one of the country's most important economic problems. (III) This is because it generates instability in the economy. (IV) This in turn reduces capital investment which harms productivity and leads to a decline in living standards. (V) Thus there is a chain process which is hard to break. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

33- (I) If computers can be programmed to understand, reason, make decisions and act upon them, will they eventually take over from mankind and may be become the master? (II) We should be very careful in handling all kinds of computers not to give us any harm. (III) This question has been worrying people for sometime. (IV) Today there are scientists working with "artificial intelligence" who believe that there is nothing the human mind can do that computers will soon do just as well and someday infinitely better. (V) Is it possible that artificial intelligence will match our own? A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1994 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 31- (I) Nearly all astronomers believe that intelligent life exists on some of the planets orbiting the many billion stars, or suns, in space. (II) This life some or all of which could be different in form from us could range from less developed beings to those whose civilisations are far more advanced than ours. (III) It was thought by some that those from more advanced civilisations may even have achieved immortality. (IV) We can never imagine to reach these places with our present vehicles, or technology. (V) These beings could help us in many ways, perhaps by teaching us about immortality or about how to avoid our self destruction. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

34- (I) There is heavy pollution in a good number of sea costs of Turkey. (II) The authorities prohibit people getting into the sea because of the presence of coli bacilli in the water. (III) It is possible to cure people who take these bacilli into their bodies but it takes a long time to cure them. (IV) The municipal authorities are taking strict measures to keep the coasts clean. (V) The chief reason for this is the residue left out to mix with the clean water of the sea. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

35- (I) Green patches like woods on the outskirts of a large metropolitan city, also parks in the city keep the air of the city clean. (II) It is very expensive to keep such parks in a city. (III) However, they have to be maintained since they contribute so much to the health of the people. (IV) Birds chirp and twitter on the trees in the parks. (V) Both the government and the municipal authorities should make every effort to maintain and even add to the green patches in the city as they serve like the lungs of a city. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

32- (I) There are so many kinds of people in the world. (II) Another very significant measure of the adult is the ability to carry out practical tasks. (III) Grown-ups who aren't competent at anything are likely to end up in a mental hospital or prison. (IV) Indeed, about 70 % of the prison population are not able to manage everyday jobs. (V) No person is completely competent but he should know how to tackle the demands made on him by life. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

36- (I) One of the greatest threats to the future development of the economy of a country is the rapid increase in population. (II) The rate of increase in some countries is far beyond the power of control of the government . (II) The best way to control population growth is to increase hospitals in the country. (IV) Family controls should be applied very strictly in these countries. (V) In addition to this, people should be educated in such a way that they should not have more that one child. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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1995 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 37- (I) Founded in 1929, the Royal Canadian Geographical Society is a non-profit making, educational organisation. (II) Its object is to advance geographical knowledge of Canada. (III) One of the essential problems of grasping the story of Canada is its great extent and diversity. (IV) In particular, it aims to stimulate awareness of the significance of geography in Canada's development, well-being and culture. (V) In other words, it tries to make Canada better known to Canadians and to the world. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

42- (I) Scientists believe that the centre of the earth is like an enormous magnet, giving out a steady magnetic force. (II) This slowly moves away from the centre and up to the surface. (III) By the time it reaches the surface, the force is very weak. (IV) When there is a sudden increase in magnetic strength, many migrating animals have difficulty finding their way. (V) Accordingly, it gives different measures at different parts of the world. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1995 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 43- (I) The appendix or blind gut, is a structure of interest and sometimes concern. (II) As a result, man cannot digest the cellulose which is the main constituent of plant cell walls. (III) In the human body it is regarded as a useless relic, and its removal is often beneficial. (IV) The case is very different among herbivorous animals. (V) In the rabbit, for instance, the appendix is a very large organ, and hibernating animals fill it with food before their winter sleep. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

38- (I) A cancer is a malignant growth. (II) In treatment of cancer, radiotherapy is commonly used. (III) Cancerous cells grow and divide rapidly and can invade and destroy nearby tissues. (IV) This expansion is known as local spread. (V) Cells can also break off and spread to other parts of the body through bloodstream. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

39- (I) Mind from its earliest development has two different needs, to possess and to create. (II) It repeats former pleasure and does new things for the sake of doing them. (III) Being aware of this fact, many parents try to improve their knowledge about child behaviour well before the birth. (IV) The first dawn of consciousness is when the child does something with definite purpose, and recognises his power over his own hand. (V) First he discovers ownership of his hand, then he can move it. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

44- (I) Morality has, to a considerable degree, become secularised. (II) Morals are no longer regarded as absolute, final or unchangeable. (III) This is not to minimise institutional religion or discount the value of individual belief. (IV) Rather, they are seen as man-made and as such as variable from community to community, and from group to group. (V) The real test of morality has come to be whether or not it contributes to the social good. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

40- (I) Unlike most men of his day Columbus believed the world to be sphere. (II) Some years before the Cape of Good Hope was discovered, he'd formed the ideas of reaching India by sailing westwards. (III) He'd got this idea upon studying his father-in-law's logs and charts. (IV) The prospect of a voyage in such small ships into the unknown seas was so terrible that few men volunteered to go with him. (V) But the distance proved to be much greater than he thought, for he didn't know that between India and Portugal lay a great unknown continent. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

41- (I) There is a basic philosophy fundamental to good emotional health. (II) That is the philosophy of faith; faith in the ability of ourselves and others to improve and grow. (II) Our faith in the desire and capacity of human beings to work out problems cooperatively. (IV) This faith will carry us through stresses that might otherwise shatter us. (V) However, that's why an emotional disturbance requires professional treatment. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

45- (I) The entrance of the US government into the foreign intelligence business is fairly recent. (II) Even between the two World Wars it did not maintain a strong intelligence organisation. (III) The army and the navy, however, maintained separate intelligence units at this time but they were designed specifically to meet their own needs in times of war. (IV) The duplication of material in this way was soon regarded as excessively wasteful and the system was accordingly abolished. (V) Additionally the State department kept a watchful eye on world happenings and ambassadors regularly reported their observations. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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46- (I) In Britain, mass broadcasting has been subject to some state control from its early days. (II) One agreed purpose has been to ensure that news comment and discussion should be balanced and impartial. (III) To this end, first, radio and then TV were entrusted to the BBC. (IV) The obvious solution to this financial pressure, was of course, to allow advertisements. (V) In 1954, however, the BBCs monopoly came to an end and commercial TV companies were granted licenses. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

50- (I) Racism is the doctrine that one race is inherently superior or inferior to others. (II) It has no connection whatsoever with the study of race as a concept. (III) Moreover, it is not concerned with the investigation of racial differences, which is a science practised by the physical anthropologist. (IV) Racism is simply a vulgar superstition believed in by the ignorant or the mentally unbalanced. (V) Today in the world anti-Semitism is not so widespread as it used to be in the past. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

47- (I) Studies have shown that even at birth a child responds positively and specifically to the tones of human voice. (II) Music in particular has been found to have a soothing effect upon a child. (III) In one such study a film of a new born baby was taken. (IV) When it was examined in slow motion it was found that tiny gestures on the part of the child synchronised with specific tones and syllables from parents. (V) Sounds other than the human voice, however, produced no such responses. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

51- (I) The balance of payments has recently been a serious problem particularly in Eastern Europe. (II) The late 1950s and the early 1960s saw a decline in British competitiveness. (III) As a result the British share in world exports of manufactures fell steadily. (IV) On the other hand, there was a rapid increase in imports of manufactured goods. (V) Consequently, the balance of payments deteriorated, and the country was heading towards a major economic crisis. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

48- (I) Feminism has established beyond all doubt that a very few women find satisfaction except by working outside the home. (II) Many women regard motherhood as a time-consuming obstacle to the great joy of working outside home. (III) There are, however, plenty who contest this view. (IV) These value the time they spend with their children, and are aware that it teaches them patience and sensitivity and offers them a clue into their own pasts. (V) Moreover, because they have children, they feel a greater responsibility towards the future and the need to ensure the quality. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

52- (I) In the early I900s, various film production companies appeared in the United States and entered into fierce competition with each other. (II) It was in the late 1920s, however, that the golden era of Hollywood really began. (III) Many companies then created stars still popular and famous today. (IV) Financial difficulties became even more pressing during the depression years. (V) Among these the best known and most famous of all was, of course, Charlie Chaplain. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1996 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 49- (I) Chemistry is the science of the elements and their compounds. (II) It is concerned with the laws of their combination and behavior under various conditions. (III) This term is usually restricted to mean the use in war of poisonous gases. (IV) It had its roots in alchemy and has gradually developed into a science of vast magnitude and importance. (V) Its major fields are organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and physical chemistry. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

53- (I) Delacroix's paintings fall into three distinct groups. (II) One must also be reminded that he was devoted to music, and often spoke of his palette as though it were a scale on which he composed harmonies. (III) There are his portraits, remarkable for their astonishing psychological perception. (IV) Then there are his historical pieces, large ambitious subjects drawn from the romantic literature for which he had so much sympathy. (V) Finally there are a few landscapes, of pure lyrical content. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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54- (I) On 15 June 1977 the first free parliamentary elections for 41 years were held in Spain. (II) This was a decisive step on the road from dictatorship to democracy, and in July the new two-chamber parliament replaced the old "Cortes" of General Franco. (III) Indeed, the most crucial issue for the future of Spain was the separatist Basque terrorism in the north of the country. (IV) The first task of the new government and parliament was the drawing up of a new democratic constitution. (V) Also, in the meantime, a wide range of political and economic reforms were introduced, and in the 1980s Spain emerged as a major economic power in Europe. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

58- (I) An interesting development of recent times in the world of literature has been the revival of the short story. (II) For three decades or more, this genre had really gone into a decline. (III) Magazines, in order to survive at all, found it increasingly necessary to publish non-fiction, not fiction. (IV) Of these, Oscar Wildes stories were perhaps the most popular of all. (V) Moreover book publishers would only consider short story collections if the author already had a substantial success as a novelist. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1996 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 55- (I) Female literacy and infant mortality are closely related. (II) One principal cause is increased access to programmes. (III) As the former goes up the latter comes down. (IV) Among the poorest countries, womens literacy has improved from 8 percent in 1970 to 24 percent in 1990. (V) There has been a corresponding drop in infant morality. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

59- (I) Few people are enamoured of the English weather, but G. K. Chesterton is. (II) Out of the England the weather is a series of sharp contrasts. (III) He sees it as being as beautiful and as changeable as woman. (IV) He also makes the interesting point that English landscape painters make the weather the subject of their paintings. (V) Their European counterparts, on the other hand, only use it to give atmosphere. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

56- (I) Chartres cathedral is the medieval equivalent of the modern effort to put a man on the moon. (II) The medieval peasants who gazed at it must have been overwhelmed by a feeling of wonder. (III) Both represent the perfect combination of individual achievement and group cooperation. (IV) The space programme would never have got off the ground without von Brauns discoveries in the field of jet propulsion. (V) Similarly, the arches of Chartres would never have soared if an unknown French architect hadnt devised a system of buttresses to sustain a two-ton block of stone 120 feet in the air. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

60- (I) With only minor exceptions, public education in the United States is committed to twelve years schooling for all the children of all the people. (II) In the first year potential truck drivers and janitors sit alongside embryo research physicists and journalists. (III) This is also true of the twelfth year. (IV) In most schools, moreover, they use the same textbook, and are marked on the same standards. (V) Indeed, certain elements of the learning situation cannot be discussed at all. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1997 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 61- (I) While most early European immigrants to America were farmers, many city dwellers came to the new land as well. (II) These new comers were attracted to the bustling urban centres. (III) As a result, American cities expanded enormously. (IV) The history of the United States is filled with accounts of people who came from all over the world to settle here. (V) New York, for example, which had a population of only sixty thousand in 1600, grew to a city of more than one million people in 1860. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

57- (I) Tidiness means keeping things out of sight and yet available when wanted. (II) It implies that there is a special place for everything. (III) In some households half the living-room is regularly treated as storage space. (IV) It also implies that each thing used finds its way back to its place by a continuous process. (V) The process depends, however, upon the drawer, cupboard and the storage space being provided. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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62- (I) As we live and grow we learn the culture of the society in which we live. (II) Sociologists tell us that the most significant elements of culture that we must learn are values, norms and roles. (III) While values are rather general, norms are quite specific. (IV) A collection of norms connected with a particular position or activity in a society is called a role. (V) History shows us that disagreements over vital political issues always create violent conflicts within a society. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

63- (I) Getting through a day without being exposed to the media would be unthinkable. (II) Both directly and indirectly the media have a profound effect on our daily lives. (III) What we eat, what we buy, what we do, even what we think is influenced by the media. (IV) Yet, the question is whether what the media provides us with can always be good and revealing. (V) According to one study, 64 % of the American public turns on television for most of its news. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

66- By about 3500 B.C., there had developed in Egypt and Mesopotamia a highly advanced social and economic life. (II) Copper and bronze were being used, although on a limited scale, and trading contacts with other countries had been established. (III) It is the opinion of most archaeologists that civilisation first developed in the Middle East. (IV) Many of these contacts were with Syria, which, lying between Egypt and Mesopotamia, had participated at an early date in the general advance of material and cultural development. (V) Moreover, Syria was endowed with a number of resources that were lacking in Egypt and Mesopotamia. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1997 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 67- (I) In 1965 when Mrs Indira Gandhi became the prime minister of India, she faced serious political problems in the country. (II) For instance, she followed a pro-Soviet foreign policy and, hence, did not react against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. (III) In the first place, she had to consolidate her authority in the Congress Party against the opposition from the Partys old guard. (IV) Also she had to deal with the terrorist activities in various parts of the country. (V) However, she took courageous steps in her rule and won a landslide election victory in 1971. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

64- (I) Writing in the 1930s, J.M. Keynes was mainly concerned with unemployment. (II) For him, the question was why it persisted. (III) Since 1945 the twin objectives of economic growth and full employment have been the primary concern of developed countries throughout the world. (IV) His own answer to this was that employment was determined by the level of output, and this was determined by demand. (V) Therefore, the level of employment could be regulated by managing the level of demand. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

65- (I) From the fourteenth century onwards, especially in Italy, scholars, poets, and artists began to take a new interest in learning. (II) In nearly all the city-states of Northern Italy the power had been seized by certain great families. (III) Instead of studying chiefly theology and the writings of the medieval philosophers they now turned to the philosophers and poets of classical antiquity and began to study them intensively. (IV) The minds of men were now set free and they began to think as they pleased (V) This new learning soon spread to the rest of Europe and the Renaissance was well under way. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

68- (I) To understand the British system of government it is essential to appreciate the importance of the party system. (II) Naturally, parties exist to form governments, and in Britain the path to this goal lies in the House of Commons, for the party which obtains a majority of seats has the right to form the government. (III) Since the 17th century, two parties have usually been predominant in British politics. (IV) Until the 1920s these were the Tories (the Conservatives) and the Whigs (the Liberals), and since the 1930s the Conservatives and the Labour. (V) So far many reforms have been introduced to improve the local election system. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

69- (I) In October 1973 the Arab oil-producing states took the decision to restrict oil supplies to the West and raise oil prices. (II) The restriction of supplies was initiated as a short-run weapon in the ArabIsraeli conflict. (III) In fact, it revealed a potential for obtaining higher prices, which had not previously been exploited by the oil countries. (IV) Most economists argue that the exploitation of North Sea oil has been a mixed blessing for Britain. (V) Being aware of this potential, the international oil cartel OPEC raised the price for a barrel of crude oil from 1.75 US dollars in September 1973 to 7.00 US dollars in January 1974. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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70- (I) In general, the term abstract art is used to describe new movements and techniques in plastic arts in the 20th century. (II) The underlying principle of this art is that it is not the subject at all but form and colour which really possess aesthetic value. (III) Obviously, we cannot disregard the fact that the vitality of art throughout history is closely bound up with some form of religion. (IV) Most art historians suggest that the Impressionists, especially Cezanne, can be considered to be the pioneers of this art. (V) Also, there are some who strongly argue that the origins of abstract art are to be sought in the designs of primitive people as well as folk art. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

74- (I) High oil prices helped Venezuela to emerge, two years ago, from a long recession. (II) Soon the government launched a comprehensive economic reform programme, which was to be financed through the oil revenue. (III) In fact, the flow of money through trade could have enabled them to avoid taking unpopular decisions. (IV) However, with the recent precipitous drop in oil prices the economic situation has again begun to deteriorate. (V) In particular, the governments seems likely to cut down on the reform programme which it embarked on with high hopes. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

71- (I) Throughout the Middle Ages Christian Europe launched many allied expeditions against the Muslim rule in Spain to bring it to an end. (II) Historically the ancient palace of the Muslim rulers at Granada in Spain is called Alhambra. (III) Originally, it was designed, built, and developed into an architectural masterpiece in the 13th and 14th centuries. (IV) Unfortunately, the stylistic uniformity of the palace was spoiled when in the 16th century Charles V turned part of it into a modern residence. (V) However, the most beautiful parts of the interior, including the Court of Alberca and the Court of Lions, have survived and preserve their original charm. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

75- (I) Some historians point out that cannibalism did not exist before 1942. (II) They would argue that it was invented by Columbus. (III) Of course, this is not to deny that cannibalism was unknown in the ancient world. (IV) It seems always to have existed, or to have been said to exist, usually in other places. (V) Therefore, it is true that the word cannibal is a corruption of the Amerindian word Carib, which means bold or fierce. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

72- (I) It was Engels in 1844 who first referred to the Industrial Revolution in Britain. (II) For him, the transformation of Britain from a merely agricultural country into a predominantly industrial one was of a revolutionary nature. (III) In the 19th century Britain colonised most of Africa and South East Asia. (IV) Actually, the Industrial Revolution had begun in the late eighteenth century with the mechanisation of the textile industry. (V) This was soon followed by major technological and other industrial developments which made Britain the most prosperous country in the world. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

76- (I) Michael Leveys recently-published book Florence; A portrait is a masterly survey of Renaissance and post-Renaissance Florence. (II) His portrayal of this magnificent city is that of an eminent art historian elegantly at home in painting, sculpture and architecture. (III) As one visits this princely city, a dilemma characteristic of postwar Europe is unavoidably insistent. (IV) He is at his best especially when he is analysing particular masters and sites. (V) Indeed, it is fascinating to read his learned account of the achievements of the great Florentines like Botticelli, Brunelleschi, Michelangelo and the others. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1998 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 73- (I) For almost 40 years, relations have been frozen between the United States and Cuba. (II) This is mainly due to the glaring differences between the regimes of the two countries. (III) Many, on both sides, have ceased to hope for an improvement in the relations. (IV) More surprisingly, the recent papal trip to the island has had an effect in Washington, too. (V) Mr Castro will not ease his grip until he dies; nor will the policy makers in Washington be ready to lift the American embargo against trade with Cuba. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77- (I) They hadnt expected to see rolling hills dotted by family farms with herds of cattle grazing around. (II) Richardson County is in the south-eastern corner of Nebrasca, abutting Kansas and Missouri and washed by the Missouri River. (III) It is the heart of the heartland, the America mythologized, in 1943, by Oscar Hammerstein in the lyrics of Oklahoma!. (IV) Yet, today, this part of prairie America continues to possess very little of its pastoral and traditional charm. (V) Unfortunately, industrialisation and reckless urbanisation have destroyed much of it and turned the place into a wasteland. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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78- (I) As recently as the 1980s, poverty rates among the elderly in Britain were more than double those of the population at large. (II) Many experts and policy makers contend that the problems of the retirement system have often been exaggerated. (III) A great number of old people were largely dependent on the charity of their children and on local assistance programmes. (IV) However, by 1995 most of these people had improved their living conditions. (V) This was partly due to the fact that the country had become more prosperous in general. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

82- (I) Agricultural teaching in West African schools invariably meets with apathy. (II) Even so, agricultural education is a necessity, but it should be directed towards the farmer himself. (III) He needs instruction in new techniques. (IV) The majority of these students acquire a lifelong distaste for all forms of activity. (V) He also needs information on new and profitable cash crops and potential local markets. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1998 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 79- (I) The Morley Gallery has once again caught the attention of the public. (II) Its exhibition programme is richly varied and focuses on the less well-known painters. (III) In the current exhibition, some of the paintings of Joseph Hayward, a promising young painter, are on show. (IV) The Gallery is situated on the outskirts of London, but within easy reach of the metro. (V) Examples of his early work, such as a large watercolour of a garden, are also included. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

83- (I) The basic strategy of the war on poverty during 1960s was to try to give everyone entering the job market comparable skills. (II) Of these, the best mechanism for breaking this vicious circle seemed to be educational reform. (III) This meant placing great emphasis on education. (IV) Many people imagined that if schools could equalise peoples cognitive skills, this would equalise their bargaining power as adults. (V) In such a system nobody would end up very poor or, presumably very rich. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

80- (I) A camera is now being developed that scans the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the human body. (II) The police, after all, never do show any enthusiasm for technological innovations. (III) It may prove to be a great asset in crime detection as hidden objects which distort that radiation show up as cold spots. (IV) It can detect weapons and drugs hidden beneath layers of clothing. (V) Moreover, it has apparently no dangerous side effects. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

84- (I) As forests are cut down, many wild animals are finding it harder to survive. (II) Sadly the range of the leopard, for instance, is but a fraction of what it formerly was. (III) They are, for instance, no longer to be found in Europe proper. (IV) Fortunately, there are instances of such endangered species managing to reestablish themselves. (V) In the Caucasus and northern Iran there are still some, but their numbers are decreasing rapidly. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1999 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 85- (I) Roughly six centuries before Columbus crossed the Atlantic, Mayan society abruptly collapsed. (II) No one knows precisely why. (III) Scientists and historians have come up with various suggestions. (IV) Other empires arose in place of the Mayan empire. (V) None of these are in any way original; they include overpopulation, disease, climate change and war. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

81- (I) There are clever lawyers and dull ones; fast runners and slow ones, good cooks and bad ones. (II) However, when it comes to investment, this human variety seems to disappear. (III) Those who manage money and prepare market analysis for companies are naturally well-paid. (IV) Numerous studies suggest that exceptional investment managers simply do not exist. (V) In any given period, each has no more than an even chance of doing better than the market index. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

86- (I) Poverty is not primarily hereditary. (II) While children born into poverty have a higher than average chance of ending up poor, there is still an enormous amount of economic mobility from one generation to the next. (III) In this way many parents work to ensure that their children will enjoy easier lives. (IV) Indeed there is nearly as much economic inequality among brothers as in the general population. (V) This means that inequality is recreated anew in each generation, even among those who start life in essentially identical circumstances. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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87- (I) Several months ago the Czech finance minister announced that his countrys four biggest banks would shortly be privatised. (II) Even so a poll showed that nearly half of the Czech people opposed the new interests rates in the country. (III) Since then, however, there has been a change of government which naturally slowed down proceedings. (IV) Moreover, a row over the value of one of the banks has further delayed the matter. (V) So has a recent startling revelation concerning loan policies in one of the banks. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1999 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 91- (I) Today the worst problem facing the government of South Africa is unemployment. (II) This now affects a third of the population and is rising rapidly. (III) Actually, the end of South Africa's isolation from the world meant that companies had to cut jobs to be competitive. (IV) Moreover, in order to meet the government's tight deficit targets, there are now cuts being made in the number of the public-service staff, which makes unemployment even worse. (V) In the economic sector, the situation is even more hopeful for there has been a wave of reforms and mergers among banks and insurance companies. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

88- (I) Fire-fighting is presently getting a boost from technology. (II) Nevertheless, fire-fighting doesnt rate so high in the list of dangerous occupations. (III) With the new system, database information gets into the hands of the people on the scene. (IV) As a result, a firefighter can immediately determine the location of fire hydrants, hazardous materials, elevator shafts and electrical panels. (V) Further, the planning of rescue routes has become quicker and more reliable. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

89- (I) The latest cause for concern in drinking water is aluminium. (II) It can occur naturally in peaty moorland waters. (III) More often it is added in the form of aluminium sulphate to water at treatment works. (IV) Apparently, some countries in the world are not yet fully aware of the danger. (V) Water authorities do this because it removes tiny particles suspended in the water that can make it brown. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

92- (I) For governments and institutions, disaster preparedness is of vital importance. (II) This is especially so in countries where the risk of disaster is real. (III) Since disaster preparedness is a multi-sectoral activity, the functions and respective responsibilities of each sector must be clearly defined. (IV) In fact, few types of natural disaster can be predicted accurately. (V) Moreover, a precise division of labour among institutions and agencies, and detailed predisaster planning will reduce enormously the adverse effects of a disaster. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

90- (I) Boston High School is Americas oldest and one of its finest public schools. (II) Indeed Boston is a city with large black population. (III) Sarah Wessman, who is 14, wants to go there. (IV) She applied last autumn and was rejected. (V) That might have been the end of the story except that Sarah found she was one of ten white candidates rejected by Boston High School while ten black candidates with lower scores wore admitted. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

93- (I) In Brazil, as in much of Latin America, oil in particular has long been a political symbol. (II) This has been represented by the country's federal oil company Petrobras. (III) Consequently, mismanagement and subsidized pricing paralyzed the system with debt. (IV) When founded in 1962, it was regarded as an icon of emancipation from foreign economic domination. (V) Yet, today the Brazilian government has taken serious steps to end, through privatization, Petrobras's oil monopoly. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

94- (I) Fish farming, which is practiced in many countries, has developed into an industry in recent years. (II) This has made scientific research into fish biology of vital importance. (III) Hence, advances in disease control and in fish nutrition are likely to be impressive in the years ahead. (IV) Fish farming has succeeded only where it can compete with other forms of food production in terms of costs. (V) Moreover, for most fish species, genetic improvements through breeding have already been achieved to make the industry profitable. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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95- (I) Heat stroke happens under unusually hot and moist conditions. (II) In either case one must send urgently for medical help. (III) This is because the evaporation of sweat cannot take place in an atmosphere already saturated with moisture. (IV) The patient becomes burning hot with a red dry skin and a fast, forceful pulse. (V) He may suddenly collapse and go into coma. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

96- (I) Archeological evidence has shown that the earliest libraries were built by the Sumerians. (II) All libraries are classified to facilitate reference, and the favorite system is the Dewey Decimal System, which divides the whole field of knowledge into ten main classes. (III) These are General Works, Philosophy, Religion, Sociology, Philology, Natural Science, Useful Arts, Literature, and History. (IV) Each of these main classes is again subdivided into ten main divisions.(V) Then, each division is marked by decimals within itself. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

99- (I) It should be stated at the outset that it is the successful farmers with the best quality land who have generally benefited from all the government support. (II) Traditionally the farmers on plateau in Central India cultivated a large number of unirrigated wheat varieties. (III) With the introduction to this region in the late sixties of electricity, and the technology for digging deep wells, they were induced to change to irrigated farming. (IV) Moreover, to develop high-yielding varieties of wheat appropriate for irrigated farming, the government set up a wheat research centre in the area. (V) This was then backed up with the organization of special training courses for farmers. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2000 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 97- (I) The telephone has come along distance indeed since Alexander Graham Bell invented the first crude transmitter in 1876. (II) Today we can place calls from automobiles, ships at sea and places in the air. (III) Using the phone system, we can fax documents around the world. (IV) Most local telephone markets are still monopolized by one company, but competition is growing. (V) Soon we will be able to dial up images of computerized data. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

100- (I) The collapse of the economies of south east Asia in the early years of the decade was later followed by that of Korea, the classic tiger economy. (II) What happens next in a region that is now strewn with the wrecks of so-called economic miracles? (III) This leaves Europe and United States as significant mass markets. (IV) The assumption that recession will spread in the region owing to capital flight and belt-tightening is most plausible. (V) This will deepen as foreign investors increasingly reduce their profile in south east Asia. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

98- (I) An international team of researchers has finished a study of the spread of HIV in Africa. (II) Safe sex education needs to be targeted at women and men in countries such as Kenya and Zambia. (III) The results show that teenage women and girls in Africa are up to six times as likely to be infected with HIV as males of the same age. (IV) Their findings also suggests that the AIDS epidemic in Central and East Africa is being caused by oldest man infecting young girls, who then pass the virus onto their children. (V) In the worst affected regions, up to half of all pregnant women are now infected with HIV, and 40 percent of them are teenage girls who have had sex with men aged 35 and over. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

101- (I) The first obvious fact about the mass media system is that it is not controlled by corporations; It is made up of them. (II) Many large corporations are active in the third world and in the arms trade. (III) Just as corporations do not control the car industry but the car industry itself is a corporation, so the media is made up of large corporations, all in the business of maximizing profits. (IV) Moreover, media corporations are not simply businesses; they are also owned by even larger parent corporations. (V) It's this parent corporations which influence and formulate the media policies and practices. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

102- (I) Once, when people dreamt they dreamt of America, of its high wages, comforts, huge cars, high technology. (II) "If only we could live there or make our country like it," millions said to themselves. (III) But no more. (IV) Today, only the desperately poor , the deluded or the oppressed wish to emigrate to America or build their countries with its image. (V) Finally the rate of democratic growth in America has shown a downward trend in recent decades. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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2000 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 103- (I) All countries have a central bank, in many cases owned and operated by the government. (II) One of the oldest of the central banks is the Bank of England. (III) The duties of a central bank usually include the issuing of new bank notes. (IV) It originated in 1694 when a number of business men grouped together to form a bank to raise a loan for the government. (V) This bankgovernment relationship continued to develop and in 1946 the Bank of England was nationalised. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

108- (I) During World War II submarines played a key role in all the worlds oceans. (II) In the Atlantic, German submarines began to sink British shipping far faster than it could be replaced. (III) Consequently, Britain came close to defeat. (IV) The British airforce continued to patrol the seas and protect shipping. (V) It was really only the discovery of submarine-detecting radar that saved her. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2001 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 109- (I) It was July 1789, and the Parisians were excited to lever pitch by the summons of troops to Versailles. (II) For them, the Bastille had long been symbol of royal absolutism. (III) Everywhere in the country similar incidents were taking place. (IV) So now they seized guns and cannons from the invalides and marched against the Bastille. (V) Since It was poorly defended this fortress passed into the hands of the mob in just four hours. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

104- (I) As supplies of natural resources, prices and so on, change throughout the world, different countries may find their areas of comparative advantage changing. (II) One example of this is in the production of steel. (III) South Korea, for instance, has become increasingly competitive in steel products. (IV) The consumer goods exported from Japan constitute a similar competitive threat. (V) The result is, steelmakers in Western Europe are losing some of their markets to South Korea. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

105- (I) Solomon is traditionally regarded as one of the wisest kings of ancient times. (II) By the end of his reign his subjects were extremely discontented with his policies. (III) His reputation for wisdom is not without foundation. (IV) Since he inherited a large and relatively peaceful empire from his father, David, he was able to concentrate on economic matters. (V) Soon he proved a genius at exploiting a number of major trade routes as well as developing the copper mines south of the Dead Sea. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

110- (I) Heraclitus, an outstanding figure among the early Greek philosophers, was a native of Ephesus. (II) By birth he was an aristocrat, but devoted himself to speculation. (III) There he founded a school lasting down to the time of Plato, who was influenced by his ideas. (IV) He is best known for his doctrine of perpetual change and impermanence in nature. (V) Because of this it is usual to contrast him with Parmenides, his younger contemporary. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

106- (I) Bonnington is now Britains best known mountaineer. (II) The book he wrote about the journey was a best-seller. (III) He is not , perhaps, as famous as Edmund Hillary, who was the first man to have conquered the worlds highest mountain. (IV) But he was the first to reach the top via Everests previously unclimbed South-West Face. (V)This route had already been attempted on six occasions but on each occasion the result had been a defeat. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

111- (I) The provision of a safe water supply constitutes the most important step in preventing water-borne diseases such as cholera. (II) Water for a community is of vital importance. (III) It is obtained in various ways depending on local conditions. (IV) Surface water can be piped from reservoirs, rivers or lakes. (V) Underground water can be tapped by wells. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

107- (I) For many centuries most people thought the world was flat. (II) As a result they presumed that if one sailed to the edge of the world one would fall off into space. (III) Columbus postulated that the world was round and that one could sail round it. (IV) There were other great Spanish explorers besides Columbus. (V) He tested his theory and proved empirically that the earth was not flat. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

112- (I) It seems that sprinters could get a bigger boost on windy days than athletics authorities ever imagined. (II) Most of the runners found the strong wind very trying. (III) Up to the present, crosswinds have always been ignored. (IV) A physicist from the University of Toronto thinks this is wrong. (V) He has calculated that runners could gain up to 0.5 seconds with a helpful crosswind, which is a great deal as a race can be won by 0.01 seconds. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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113- (I) The larger a hall is the more difficult it is to make the acoustic effects evenly good. (II) There is also a greater likelihood of echoes. (III) Halls which are used for both speech-making and music recitals have to compromise between the requirements of each. (IV) Actually, the sound heard in such a well-designed hall is superior to that produced by any stereo system. (V) Even different kinds of music require different acoustic effects. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

118- (I) The church in the village of Sampford Bretf, in England, has a carving of a sixteenth-century woman, Florence Wyndham, who was buried alive at St. Decuman's Church. (II) Florence fell into a trance, which her parents mistook for death. (III) Preparation of the body for burial has traditionally included washing the body and dressing it in special garments. (IV) A thief opened her coffin to steal her rings, and finding them difficult to remove, was about to cut off her fingers, when she awoke. (V) She lived for many more years after her "death." A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

114- (I) Even India's own information technology has been hit. (II) Scientific research in India is facing up to a brain drain with a difference. (III) The financial lure of careers in information technology abroad is creaming off more and more of the talented young people who might otherwise become scientists. (IV) Addressing the Indian Science Congress last month the Indian Prime Minister referred to this problem. (V) He said that the global demand for Indian computer professionals was a challenge for Indian science. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2001 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 115- (I) Australia has much land relative to its population. (II) On the other hand, Japan has little land relative to its population. (III) All other things being equal, one would expect countries with relatively more land to specialise in products that use more land. (IV) So, one expects Australia to engage in extensive sheep-raising but not Japan, because the cost of raising sheep in Japan would be much higher. (V) Some developing countries, for example, cannot, for technological reasons, effectively compete with countries Western Europe in the manufacturing of clothes. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

119- (I) Some countries either do not want immigrants or are selective about whom they will admit. (II) Immigrants who can speak the language of their new country find it much easier to adjust than those who cannot. (III) Whatever language they speak, however, newcomers usually seek homes where their countrymen have already settled. (IV) The reason for this is that they believe they'll face the fewest personal adjustments there. (V) Some immigrant groups, by choice or necessity, even form their own small communities and do not mix with the other residents. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

120- (I) In June, the days and nights got hotter and hotter. (II) The sky was white and the sun was red hot until the middle or end of the month, when the sign the farmers had been waiting for came. (III) Everyone was wet, and had to go inside to change their clothes. (IV) First there would be a small cloud, then more clouds, and then the white sky would turn to grey. (V) Suddenly there would be a flash, and the first drops would come down and perhaps the next day, or a week later, there would be the first steady rain. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

116- (I) My own knowledge of Jane Austen's life, character and opinions depends mainly on her letters. (II) Some 150 of these survive. (III) Most are to her sister Cassandra and are really family letters intended for the whole family. (IV) Her nephew was to write a memoir of his aunt, but he was old when he did so. (V) There are only a few written to friends, and these are the ones that reveal most about her. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2002 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 121- (I) Everyone knows that software is in and hardware is out, at least as far as start-up companies are concerned. (II) A software company has low manufacturing costs and can make good profits. (III) Mistakes in both hardware and software are easy to correct. (IV) For hardware companies the reverse is true. (V) They have extremely high manufacturing costs and thin profit margins. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

117- (I) Almonds, more than any other nut, have been held in high regard since ancient times. (II) A oneounce serving supplies 35 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin E. (III) The almond tree, a relative of the rose, originated in Asia. (IV) From there it is thought to have been introduced to Europe via Greece. (V) Before long, they were flourishing in the Mediterranean climate, particularly in Spain and Italy. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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122- (I) Norway remains aloof from the EU. (II) In contrast to Norway, the Swedish economy relies on multi-national giants, not on oil reserves. (III) She sees it far more as a threat to her wealth than as a potential partner. (IV) The other Scandinavian countries, however, are all EU members. (V) They are trying to persuade Norway to join too, but she remains stubbornly resistant A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2002 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 127- (I) The book furnishes us with some really fascinating information about hummingbirds. (II) For instance, they can hover for as long as 50 minutes at a time. (III) Their lovely colouring is even then apparent. (IV) They don't simply use their wings in order to do this, but also their tails which they spread like a fen to give extra lift. (V) Hovering allows access to nectar but requires so much nectar that they have to consume one and a half times their body weight in nectar every day. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

123- (I) In 1912 some of the top mathematicians in the world received letters full of incredibly complex formulas. (II) They came from Madras, India, from a 23-year-old accounts clerk named Srinivasa Ramanujan. (III) He claimed to have worked them out in his spare time after leaving school. (IV) It is an ambition one shares with lots of people, of all ages and backgrounds. (V) One of the letters reached Professor G.H. Hardy of Trinity College, Cambridge, who soon realized that the formulas were the work of one of the greatest mathematical geniuses of all time. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

128- (I) The majority of existing robots do not look even remotely human. (II) Industrial robots are now in demand. (III) At least 750,000 robots work in global industry, according to the World Robotics 2001 survey. (IV) Japan is in the lead, producing twice as many industrial robots as the rest of the world combined. (V) Next comes the European Union, where Germany is the leader. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

124- (I) In this book on management, the author makes the point that most people are deeply and rightly resistant to being managed. (II) He then goes on to give an attractive solution. (III) The world's business leaders are too often motivated by self-interest, not by a company's performance. (IV) It is that the best way to manage people is to let them manage themselves. (V) This becomes truly meaningful when we are reminded that the best performers are those who both know enough and care enough to manage themselves. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

129- (I) Forests come under increasing pressure as the population increases as so many people use firewood for cooking. (II) On the average, one person burns about a metric ton of firewood a year. (III) Another result of deforestation is accelerated soil erosion. (IV) Because of this fuel need, forests surrounding communities have been slowly cut down. (V) As nearby trees are used up for firewood, people travel farther to obtain wood and the size of the deforested area expands. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

125- (I) Global inequality is not just about income. (II) It is also about education for children, access to world markets, control of technology and so on. (III) Nevertheless, the extremes of global inequality are exemplified in a striking fashion in income distribution. (IV) Cheap labour has undoubtedly aided economic development in many of the developing countries. (V) The richest 5% of the world's people have incomes 114 times those of the poorest 5%. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

130- (I) In Egypt, with its proximity to the elephants of the Sudan, the craft of ivory carving was carried to a high state of perfection in late predynastic times. (II) Remarkably realistic figures of lions and baboons still survive from this period. (III) Even more remarkable are the statuettes of the 4th-dynasty. (IV) Even quite a small collection of ivory figures can be quite valuable. (V) At a later date the use of ivory continued in a rather different form; to provide inlaid ornamentation for furniture. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

126- (I) Global warming is bringing new arrivals to British shores. (II) Since 1980,18 new fish species have been caught off the coast of Cornwall. (III) As the water warms up, they feel the need to move northward. (IV) Since they are cold-blooded creatures, they have to find suitable surroundings in which to regulate their temperature. (V) Indeed, between 1960 and 1980 no new species were reported any where in the area. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

131- (I) All the main problems today are interconnected. (II) These include, among other things, poverty, environmental devastation, the arms race and disease. (III) The reversal of one will nourish the reversal of the others. (IV) Indeed, poverty is only one of the reasons for these environmental problems. (V) Conversely, if there is an improvement in one, this will be reflected in the others. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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132- (I) The big divide among economists is no longer over whether there will be a recession in America. (II) A steeper drop in demand will now make overcapacity worse. (III) The debate is now over how deep it will be. (IV) Optimists say there will be a swift recovery. (V) If this does happen, it will be due to lower interest ratea and a looser fiscal policy. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

137- (I) Aerobic dancing, which exercises the whole body, is a popular type of exercise and is available at most community centres. (II) Stress aerobics primarily exercises the muscles in the upper legs (III) There people can exercise at their own pace with guidance from experienced instructors. (IV) Lively music and familiar routines make the workout enjoyable. (V) Further, committing oneself to a schedule and exercising with friends can improve motivation. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2003 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 133- (I) A true partnership between develop and developing countries could have achieved a breakthrough. (II) Over the past half-century the dream of a world free from poverty, disease and despair has grown no nearer to fulfilment. (III) In the 1960s, some 60 countries actually grew poorer. (IV) Over the years, 30,000 children have been dying daily of preventable disease. (V) Further, the spread of AIDS has become the most deadly epidemic in human history. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

138- (I) Sir Francis Galton is an English anthropologist and a pioneer of human intelligence studies. (II) He made important contributions to many fields of knowledge. (III) His research revealed important facts about the intellectual and physical characteristics that are passed on from one generation to the next. (IV) Galton's family included men and women of exceptional ability one of whom was his cousin Charles Darwin. (V) He also discovered that characteristics of two different generations could be plotted against one another. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

134- (I) The world's population continues to increase. (II) And despite the rise in high-tech agriculture, 800 million people don't get enough to eat. (III) Admittedly, that's often due to a lack of moneythe world actually produces enough for everyone, at least for now. (IV) In many African countries, famine has been a major concern for the United Nations. (V) But by 2050 we will have 9 billion mouths to feed, 3 billion more than today. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2003 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 139- (I) Never in Hong Kong's history have so many people taken to the streets in protest against their own government. (II) Hong Kong officials have tried to play down the event. (III) A top official responsible for security remarked dismissively, beforehand, that people might join the protest just because it was something to do on a public holiday. (IV) Mr. Tung was anyhow unpopular and he had failed to revive Hong Kong's depressed economy. (V) It was, in fact, the sixth anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

135- (I)It will be a bad year for football clubs across Europe. (II)Having met spiralling wage demands and transfer fees in the belief that increasing television revenues would cover the costs, the realization that they will not, will lead to urgent reform. (III)Clubs across Europe have been given lucrative television contracts. (IV)Middle-sized clubs in England, Italy and Germany will be worst affected. (V)At least ten well-known clubs are at risk of bankruptcy. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

136- (I) The Colosseum in Rome, which was the largest and most famous of the Roman amphitheatres, was opened for use in 80 A.D. (II) Even so, there are others that are in better condition. (III) Elliptical in shape, it consisted of three storeys and upper gallery. (IV) It was principally used for gladiatorial combat. (V) As for its capacity, it could seat up to 50,000 spectators. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

140- (I) There are many different types of mercury. (II) But the most dangerous of all are the organic mercury compounds. (III) Elemental mercury is used in thermometers, and is the least toxic form. (IV) These are toxic by ingestion, inhalation or contact. (V) Since they are not removed from the body, their concentrations gradually build up, particularly in the brain. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

141- (I) Currently there has been a noticeable drop in applications for MBA courses in the USA. (II) If the economy picks up, the situation could change. (III) This is partly because fewer people can afford the annual tuition fee. (IV) Partly also, because new visa restrictions are making it harder for foreigners to apply. (V) But most important of all one is no longer sure of landing a well-paid job on graduation. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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142- (I) Italy has a sad record of journalists succumbing to pressure from politicians and officials. (II) Indeed, many of them are virtually bought by powerful interests. (III) They find it hard to resist the combination of temptation and pressure that the government has at its disposal. (IV) Naturally, the country as a whole realizes what is happening and has no confidence in its newspapers. (V) Corriere della Sera, which is based in Milan, is Italy's biggest newspaper. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

143- (I) For years, the scale of Colombia's tangled conflicts has dwarfed those of most of the world's better known trouble spots. (II) The money from drugs and other forms of crime and plunder have allowed three irregular armies to flourish. (III) Colombia stands at the strategic heart of a very fragile Andean region. (IV) The result has been a heavy toll in murders and kidnappings. (V) Moreover, some two million Colombians have been driven from their homes and farms. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

146- (I) While megacities are renowned for pollution, they often generate a lot of money. (II) Estimates made during the past two decades suggested that most megacities would continue to increase at an alarming rate. (III) But contrary to expectations, more people are now leaving many of the world's (argest urban areas than are moving in. (IV) For example, the population of Sao Paulo was expected to reach 24 million by the year 2000, but fewer than 13 million live there now. (V) There is a similar situation in cities such as Calcutta, Buenos Aires and Beijing. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

147- (I) In India, a lower-middle-class group is steadily emerging, (II) it was a long time before any improvements were made to the infrastructure, (III) Further, with the arrival of television, the expectations of these people have risen considerably. (IV) Indians are now demanding better education for their children. (V) They are also asking for tarred roads to facilitate business, and better products and services to make their lives easier. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

144- (I) A series of excellent vintages in 199097 put Californian wines on the world map. (II) Just as the new vineyards started to produce viable grapes, the dollar rose making imported wines cheaper. (III) The timing was exceedingly fortunate. (IV) It was at this time that scientific research began to highlight the hearth benefits of wine. (V) While at the same time aging baby boomers began drinking more of it. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2004 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 145- (I) After decades of experimentation, the first practical and fairly reliabie typewriters arrived on the market in the early 1870s. (II) Over the next fifteen years or so they became established in American offices and were soon regarded as indispensable. (ili) But they were large and ungainly. (IV) Obviously, these early models printed under the roller, so you couldn't see what you had typed till several lines later. (V) Indeed, one of the early models was built into a table, like a sewing machine and had a pedal to operate carnage return, A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

148- (I) The film Last Samurai takes place in Japan in the mid-1870s and is based on the life of Saigo Takamori, a samurai. (II) This samurai lived during the period of transition in which the country's ancient feudai culture, symbolized by samurai warriors, was being rapidly replaced by western ways. (III) Production of the film began at the 1000-year-oid Engyoji temple in Hirneji near Tokyo. (IV) Throughout the film, the producers tried to be true to the elegant simplicity of Japanese architecture. (V) The rest of the film was made in New Zeaiand, where they built a replica of a 17th century samurai village, and in Callfornia. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

149- (I) Europe has no need for biotechnoiogy. (II) Its people are already well-fed and its farmers receive generous subsidies, (III) Apparently, gene-spliced crops make farming safer, easier and more productive. (IV) Indeed the wealthy European countries are inclined to see farming as a traditional cultural activity, similar to folk dancing that deserves preservation. (V) They don't see it as an economic activity that needs to be maximized. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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150- (I) Ever since the latter part of the 1990s, industrial pollution is being replaced by vehiclelinked smog in China. (II) Already, Shanghai planners estimate that 90% of the city's air pollution is from motor vehicies. (III) The thick smog over many Chinese cities has huge health costs. (IV) The Worfd Bank estimates * that air pollution takes about 5% of China's Gross Domestic Prcduct (GDP) in health care costs and lost productivity from those too ill to work. (V) The nation has placed enormous economic and political capital into developing the car industry and the cassenger car is rapidly becoming a syrnbol of the country's success. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

154- (I) Artists were much admired ancient Greek society for their skill. (II) For example, in the case of vase painting, it was quite common for the painter to sign the vessel in paint before it was fired. (III) This means that numerous vessels are known to be the work of specific artists. (IV) Obviously, art is not restricted to the depiction of scenes or objects. (V) In fact, for the Attic black figure style, twelve painters are known by name. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2004 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 151- (I) In the 1996 movie Phenomenon, John Travolta plays a small-town mechanic, George, who experiences a remarkable transformation. (II) For many people, IQ is the definition of intelligence and high IQ is an unquestioned good. (III) Knocked unconscious by a mysterious flash of light, George Malley awakens to find himself a genius. (IV) Previously, he had been a man of simple interests and modest accomplishments, but suddenly he becomes intellectually insatiable. (V) He devours several books a day, creates invention after invention, beats his former mentor at chess and cracks security codes in his spare time. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

155- (I) It seems that some form of electric battery may have been in use two centuries before Christ. (II) In 1938 the German archaeologist Wilhelm Knig found a small, oddly configured clay jar near Baghdad that he dated to 200 B.C. (III) In any event, the modern history of batteries begins with the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta. (IV) It has a coiled copper-sheet inside and an iron rod extending through the top. (V) When filled with an acid such as vinegar, it could have generated 1.5 to 2.0 volts. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

152- (I) Countries throughout the world appear to be determined to avoid war at any cost. (II) In both France and Germany, governments are seeking to introduce more flexibility into the labour markets. (III) Germany plans to make it easier to fire workers, at least in small firms. (IV) It also plans to curb unemployment and make jobseekers take unattractive jobs. (V) The French are working on similar lines, but hampered by their 35*hour-week. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

156- (I) New legislation to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption in the state of Illinois was introduced on February 6th, 2004, in the Illinois House of Representatives. (II) On February 18th, 2004, the bill was referred to the House Executive Committee. (III) The legislation would also make it illegal to transport horses into or out of the state for slaughter. (IV) The Cavell International slaughter plant was destroyed by fire in March of 2002. (V) The antislaughter legislation caused a clash between Horsemen's Council of Illinois, which opposes the bill, and industry associations, welfare groups and animal rights groups that support it. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2005 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 157- (I) There is no point in pretending to be someone you're not, not even when you're what is called a "paper" wasp. (II) A study at the University of Arizona has shown that these insects are severely punished if they try to mislead others over their social rankings. (III) Actually, their colouring is largely black and yellow. (IV) Scientists used a toothpick and special paint to alter the facial markings of a number of wasps and then analyzed how these "dishonest-insects were treated by their peers. (V) Compared to unaltered wasps, the fakes received far more aggression and harassment. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

153- (I) The risks of flying and driving are influenced by different parameters. (II) The risk of driving depends largely on the distance travelled. (III) Most people do, in fact, realize that flying is safer than driving, but still gel nervous about it. (IV) The risk of flying is primarily affected by the number of take offs and landings. (V) Indeed, over a 10*year period, 95 per cent of all airline fatalities occurred either during take off or during landing. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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158- (I) Proper testing is often sacrificed when new management systems are being developed. (II) The system must respond with 100 per cent accuracy. (III) As a result, expensive and sometimes catastrophic problems may emerge later. (IV) Why, then, is testing so often neglected? (V) One reason is that testing can be both expensive and time-consuming. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

159- (I) X-rays, chemical analysis of paint and close scrutiny by expert eyes are all used to tell art forgeries from the real thing. (II) But now computer scientists at America's Dartmouth College have come up with a digital method for sorting the real from the counterfeit. (III) Drawings or paintings are scanned at high resolution and a computer breaks them down into digital elements called wavelets. (IV) An analysis of Madonna with Child by the Renaissance painter Perugino showed that at least four people had worked on the six faces in the painting. (V) The wavelets are then analyzed statistically to find consistencies or differences. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

162- (I) Carrier companies have made great strides in recent years with the introduction of simple package tracking services. (II) Now they are racing to use the World Wide Web to gain market share by providing more sophisticated services for their customers. (III) Their web sites can handle package scheduling and pickup from start to finish. (IV) As a result, use of the World Wide Web has enabled companies to create new business ventures which wouldn't otherwise have been feasible. (V) Anyone in a major metropolitan area with a package to ship can use web sites to check delivery routes, calculate shipping charges, and schedule a pickup. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2005 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 163- (I) Whisky began to be marketed commercially in the middle of the nineteenth century. (II) By enlarging and modernizing its distilleries, Scotland was able to dominate the market in Europe and America. (III) Up until then, production had been divided between a few official distilleries and many much smaller, illicit ones, whose produce was almost exclusively for local consumption. (IV) The development of reliable transport systems particularly trains - during the Industrial Revolution meant whisky could travel further afield. (V) And a few Scottish-and Irish traders seized the opportunity to begin exporting their output. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

160- (I) Lengthy confinement and the isolating sensation of being cut off from Earth could endanger an astronaut's mental stability. (II) In the enclosure of a Mars capsule, feuds, suicide and even murder could occur, which would endanger all aboard. (III) To estimate levels of psychological stress on a Mars mission, Russian space scientists plan to lock six . astronauts in a 4,500-square-foot imitation spacecraft for 500 days, with limited amounts of water, food and oxygen. (IV) They would then be closely monitored as they went about their daily activities. (V) In fact, even healthy individuals make tiny facial movements when they are under stress. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

161- (I) A data warehouse is a database that stores current and historical data. (II) In general, data warehouses not only offer improved information, but they make it easy for decisionmakers to obtain it. (III) Although data administration is a very important organizational function, it has proved very challenging to implement. (IV) In fact, they even have the ability to model and remodel data. (V) These systems also enable decision-makers to access data as often as they heed, without affecting the processing performance of the operational systems. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

164- (I) Infants all over the world begin to smile at about the same age. (II) Whether they are born in a remote African village or in a middle class American home, it seems to make no difference. (III) Unfortunately, this usually occurs when they see familiar faces or hear familiar voices. (IV) This suggests that age is more important in determining the onset of smiling than are the conditions of rearing. (V) Moreover, blind babies smile at about the same age as sighted infants, suggesting it is an innate response. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

165- (I) In sharp contrast to many other euro-area members, Belgium and the Netherlands have in recent years been able to abide by the aim of the stability and growth pact, with budgets in balance or surplus. (II) Now the effects of weaker growth are eroding this achievement. (III) Their economy's slide into deficit is a new worry and a reason for belt-tightening. (IV) Similarly, Luxembourg, which for years had more money than it could spend, is moving into the red. (V) In the end they have made concessions on their human-rights law to improve relations with America. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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166- (I) Stained glass windows are part of Britain's heritage. (II) In fact we see them so often that we take the hours of effort that go into creating them for granted. (III) So an exhibition that counterbalances this effect is of particular value. (IV) Actually it is the work of local designers that are particularly interesting. (V) This one does just that by following the whole creative process from the initial designs all the way through to the finished product. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

170- (I) The most popular talk show on Arab TV is The Opposite Direction. (II) The show is hosted by Faisal al-Kasim, a forty-two-year-old with glasses. (III) The chance to take part in the regions first experiment with free journalism was one that could not be missed. (IV) Al-Kasim moderates while two guests debate a topic of his choosing; viewers join in by telephone, fax and e-mail. (V) No other Arab television personality is as controversial, as despised or as revered as al-Kasim. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

167- (I) Egypt's water consumption is limited by international agreement with its upstream neighbors. (II) Existing irrigation systems are outdated and inefficient. (III) Under the Nile Waters Agreement of 1959 between Egypt and Sudan, Egypt is only allowed to take 55.5 cubic kilometers from the Nile each year. (IV) In fact, its annual consumption is closer to 65.5 cubic kilometers. (V) It makes up the difference by recycling water through various irrigation systems. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

171- (I) In the past century US life-expectancy climbed from forty-seven to seventy-seven. (II) Similar rises happened in almost every country. (III) And this process shows no sign of stopping. (IV) Such a pill could give us an extra twenty years of life. (V) According to the United Nations, by 2050 global life expectancy will have increased by another ten years. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

168- (I) Prints from digital photos last for generations. (II) In fact, they last longer than a traditional print if you use the right combination of printer, ink and specifically-formulated photo paper. (III) Indeed, lab tests show that they will not fade or discolour for about 50 years, or as long as about 75 years if you keep them behind glass. (IV) Fading takes place when prints are exposed to light and contaminants in the air. (V) The layer above it contains polymers that help prevent fading. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

172- (I) Beginning about age 5, the child develops a sense of obligation to follow rules. (II) Indeed, young children change the rules frequently and arbitrarily. (III) He treats them as absolute moral imperatives handed down by some powerful authority. (IV) For him, rules are permanent, sacred and not subject to modification. (V) Obeying them to the letter is more important than any human reason for changing them. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2006 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 169- (I) It used to be argued that, once there were just two major companies involved in civilaircraft manufacturing, aircraft prices would rise. (II) There are few engineering tricks left that could give one or other a technological edge. (III) That theory has been thoroughly discredited. (IV) The best indicator of newaircraft prices the average price per seat on flights has been declining for several years. (V) This is due, of course, to the brutal competition between the two rivals. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

173- (I) The eruption of Nevada del Ruiz in Columbia in 1985 illustrates how a lack of monitoring and poor evacuation can lead to loss of life. (II) The eruption itself was a small one and didnt kill anyone. (III) Disaster came later when molten rock melted the ice cap. (IV) This caused mudflows which wiped out 230,000 people. (V) Sometimes there are early signs that an eruption is imminent. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

174- (I) Teachers naturally welcome information about their students that might help them to teach more effectively. (II) For many, results from standardized assessment tests, such as IQ and academic achievement measures, are one useful source of information. (III) Teachers, however, often interpret a childs quick responses as rude interruptions. (IV) Normally, of course, such tests are designed to be as accurate as possible. (V) There is one famous one, however, that was built around deliberately inaccurate information. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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2006 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 175- (I) Science is systematic because of the attention it gives to organizing knowledge and making it readily accessible to all who wish to build on its foundation. (II) If the results support the hypothesis, the scientist may use them to generate related hypotheses. (III) In this way science is both a personal and a social endeavour. (IV) In other words, it is beneficial both to the individual and to society at large. (V) Moreover, science contributes a great deal to the improvement and the quality of human life. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

179- (I) Seismic waves are the vibrations from earthquakes that travel through Earth. (II) The Richter magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of Technology to compare the intensity of earthquakes. (III) They are recorded on instruments called seismographs. (IV) Seismographs record a zigzag trace that shows the varying amplitude of ground oscillations beneath the instrument. (V) Sensitive seismographs, which greatly magnify these ground movements, can detect strong earthquakes from sources anywhere in the world. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

176- (I) As people age, the amount of water in the body decreases. (II) Since many drugs dissolve in water, and since less water is available to dilute them, these drugs reach higher levels of concentration in the elderly. (III) Also, the kidneys are less able to excrete drugs into the urine, and the liver is less able to metabolize many drugs. (IV) For these reasons, many drugs tend to stay in an elderly persons body much longer than they would in a younger persons body. (V) People in every civilization in recorded history have used drugs of plant and animal origin to prevent and treat disease. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

180- (I) In the fall of 2000 and the winter of 2001, Britain was beset by a series of problems. (II) In September 2000, rising oil prices prompted protests by truck drivers and farmers who demanded a reduction in the fuel tax. (III) In November 2000, a series of unusually severe rainstorms and tornadoes caused high flooding and killed 12 people. (IV) In June 2001, Blair won a second landslide victory, with the Labour Party capturing 413 seats in Parliament. (V) In February 2001, foot-and-mouth disease broke out among British livestock, prompting other countries to ban British meat import and forcing the slaughter of thousands of cattle, pigs and sheep. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

177- (I) Many Romantic writers in Europe were preoccupied with the fact and idea of revolution. (II) For instance, in the early period of the French Revolution, all the leading English Romantics were in sympathy with it. (III) In fact, they were among its most fervent adherents. (IV) Through the greater part of the eighteenth century, man had been viewed as a limited being in a strictly ordered and essentially unchanging world. (V) Later, even after the first enthusiastic expectations had been disappointed by the events in France, the younger writers felt that its example still constituted humanitys best hope. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2007 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 181- (I) The governments of the EU, the US, China, India, Japan, Russia and Korea initialled a treaty to build the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), the worlds largest fusion machine, in Provence, France. (II) It will take a decade to build and will then run for two further decades, performing tens of thousands of fusion experiments. (III) At the end of that time, say its backers, the world will know once and for all if nuclear fusion is technically viable. (IV) Once this point has been settled, the costs can be taken into consideration. (V) As well as being the largest, the fusion reactor known as JET in Culham, Britain, is, by common consent, the worlds most successful. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

178- (I) Modern Bergama is a sleepy agricultural market town in the midst of a well-watered plain. (II) There has been a town here since Trojan times. (III) Of Bergamas four main tourist attractions, only the museum is in the centre of the town. (IV) However, it was during the period between Alexander the Great and the Roman domination that Bergama, then called Pergamum, enjoyed its greatest prosperity. (V) At that time, it became one of the Middle Easts richest and most powerful small kingdoms. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

182- (I) In a small firm the manager may perform the role of cost accountant, salesman, personnel officer, stock controller etc. (II) However, as a firm increases in size it can take advantage of specialization of labour. (III) Each managerial role can be allocated to a specialist in that field. (IV) Many firms spend a lot of money on research and development. (V) Furthermore, bigger firms can buy in-management services and afford large inhouse salaries to entice and retain the best management. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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183- (I) Many historians were sceptical that King Arthur was a historical figure. (II) The mystique of Camelot, Arthurs Palace, endures, from Disney films to Broadway musicals to the Kennedy White House. (III) Then, in 1998, scientists unearthed a broken stone at Tintagel Castle on Britains Cornish coast, long said to be Arthurs stronghold. (IV) The stone bore the Latin inscription Pater Coliavificit Artognou, which translates as Artognou, father of a descendant of Coll, has had this built. (V) Artognou is pronounced Arthnou, lending credence to theories that the legendary king was real. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

2007 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 187- (I) The history of the German occupation of France is dirty, tragic, and sometimes darkly comic. (II) It is also one of the most intensely researched subjects of the past decades. (III) In May of 1940, the Germans attacked France, and in June they entered Paris. (IV) More than 8,000 books and articles have been devoted to this subject. (V) However, Julian Jacksons recent book, France: The Dark Years, 19401944, is an exceptional contribution to the already-accumulated knowledge of the occupation. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

184- (I) The road map of South America constantly needs updating. (II) Furthermore, we can expect that it will adversely affect international trade. (III) Hundreds of new bridges, roads and rail lines are turning formerly isolated areas into infrastructure corridors that will accelerate the continents economic integration. (IV) This vast undertaking, which has largely escaped media attention, is certain to bring unprecedented economic progress within the continent. (V) But it also poses major risks for some of South Americasmost valuable natural areas. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

188- (I) Academics are smart and fast, and, in nonscientific fields such as law and history, they can be very fluent. (II) They are able to supply plausible commentary at short notice on pretty much any subject that engages the interest of the public. (III) The greater that interest, the greater the outpouring of instant commentary. (IV) But when academics speak unprepared, especially about matters outside their area of expertise, the quality tends to go down. (V) Furthermore, topics such as foreign affairs, terrorism, security, the intricacies of politics and the like have been studied extensively. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

185- (I) Administrative law first came into use in Turkey with the introduction of continental European legal thinking in the 19th century. (II) The most influential model was that of French administrative law. (III) This model developed in the 1890s as a result of the growing influence of Western academic institutions, namely the Law and Political Science Schools in Istanbul. (IV) The model was further developed when a system of administrative courts, modelled on a French pattern, was established by the Republic in 1927. (V) Unlike the German and French Constitutions, the Turkish Constitution does not merely characterize the Republic as a social state. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

189- (I) Caviar has held a place at the top of Russian menus under czarist, communist, and postSoviet regimes alike. (II) Until the Russian economic crisis of 1998, even people with modest incomes could afford half a pound or so a month. (III) Caviar has always been treasured in Russia, where people believe that it provides relief from grief and despair. (IV) In Eastern Europe, caviar fetches as much as $700 a pound. (V) It is also prized for medical reasons since it contains lipids, vitamins, and albumen. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

186- (I) Patriarchy does not simply mean that men rule. (II) Otherwise, through a process of cultural evolution, societies that adopted this particular social system maximized their population. (III) Indeed, it is a particular value system that not only requires men to marry but to marry a woman of proper station. (IV) It competes with many other male visions of good life, and for that reason alone is prone to come in cycles. (V) Yet before it degenerates, it is a cultural regime that serves to keep birth-rates high among the affluent while also maximizing parents investments in their children. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

190- (I) When searching for land mines, it is exceedingly difficult to distinguish them from the tin cans, spent cartridges, and other metallic debris that litter a war zone. (II) Fewer than one per cent of all signals from de-miners metal detectors actually indicate land mines. (III) Indeed, civilians have frequently been victims of land mines. (IV) Moreover, the technology used in the field has barely advanced since World War II. (V) Therefore, the clearing process is laborious and inefficient, as well as dangerous. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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191- (I) Since the days of ancient Carthage, the area that makes up present-day Tunisia has been an oasis of urbanity, relative prosperity, and stable government. (II) Though lacking the oil and natural gas of their Libyan and Algerian neighbours, Tunisias 9.6 million people are by some estimates sixty per cent middle class, with a poverty rate of only six per cent. (III) Yearly economic growth rarely falls below five per cent, and inflation is about three per cent. (IV) Africa, originally a Roman term, meant Tunisia long before it meant the continent. (V) Moreover, the World Economic Forum rates Tunisia as the most competitive country in Africa. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

192- (I) El Salvador is a country tectonically so volatile that its capital city has been destroyed ten times in the past four hundred years. (II) In Latin America, El Salvador is not the first country to switch to the dollar, nor is it likely to be the last. (III) At least twelve major earthquakes shook El Salvador during the twentieth century. (IV) And in this century, disaster did not wait long to strike. (V) In early 2001, an earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale levelled much of the country, killing almost a thousand people. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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