Enhancing Employability through Collaborative Project-Based Learning

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Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

Enhancing Employability through Collaborative

Project-Based Learning
Mohamed Amish
School of Computing, Engineering and Technology,
Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK

Publication Date: 2025/02/08

Abstract: There is a gap between the skills taught in higher education and those needed in the workplace, with employers
often finding engineering graduates lacking in soft and digital skills. Traditional university courses may not adequately
prepare students for the job market as they are content-focused and educator-centered. To address this gap, formal
education should incorporate essential pedagogy strategies and technology needed in the workplace, especially in the post-
COVID-19 era. Many universities are updating their curricula to align with industry demands. This study explores the
role of technology and pedagogy-based solutions in enhancing the employability of engineering students engaged in
collaborative project-based learning activities. The aim is to improve teaching and learning effectiveness and offer
interdisciplinary courses that enhance students' job prospects. Data were collected from 205 project students through
questionnaires, and qualitative data were gathered from interviews with 35 students and 25 supervisors, employing a
mixed-methods research approach. Analysis revealed that students actively participated in group discussions, decision-
making, and information sharing for the project. Collaborating within their learning community enhanced their learning
experience through communication and involvement in group activities. Collaborative approach enhances creativity,
sustainability, and innovation in engineering. Working together allows students to share ideas and develop creative
solutions for complex problems, deepening their understanding of the subject. Collaborative learning has improved
students' comprehension and career opportunities by integrating pedagogical techniques with technology. This approach
has enhanced academic achievement and developed digital and soft skills, making students more competitive in the
dynamic job market.

Keywords: Engineering, Collaborative Learning, Soft Skills, Digital Skills.

How to Cite: Mohamed Amish (2025). Enhancing Employability through Collaborative Project-Based Learning.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 10(1), 1923-1932.

I. INTRODUCTION fostering growth, and creating job opportunities (Saari, et

al., 2021; Amish. 2024). Today, education needs to adjust to
The education system needs to evolve to better prepare evolving needs. Educators need to adapt their approaches to
individuals for life and future employment opportunities incorporate these identified soft and digital skills, and one
(World Economic Forum, 2016). There is a gap between the effective method is through collaborative learning (CL)
skills taught in higher education and those needed in the techniques (Chanpet, Chomsuwan, and Murphy 2020).
workplace, with employers often finding engineering Participating in online interactions enriches students'
graduates lacking in soft and digital skills. The current educational experiences, satisfaction, and academic
courses do not adequately prepare students for the demands achievements (Al-rahmi & Othman, 2013). It enables them
of the job market. Traditional teaching method is inadequate to understand new ideas, connect prior knowledge, and
in developing innovative graduate engineers prepared to cultivate problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.
face new challenges in today's fast-paced world. To address Educators can encourage student-student interaction by
this issue, it is recommended to update the syllabus to organising collaborative tasks and providing clear
incorporate practical work experiences and soft skills that instructions to support valuable discussions (Frisen &
complement technical knowledge (Amish, 2024). Kuskis, 2013). Transitioning from individual work to
Additionally, the digital transformation accelerated by collaboration and community engagement is crucial for
COVID-19 has reshaped the skills needed in today's job students to develop communication, problem-solving, time
market. The demand for engineers with digital skills is management, and teamwork skills. Working together allows
increasing, highlighting the need to provide engineering students to combine strengths, perspectives, and achieve
students with digital literacy. Proficiency in digital shared goals. Engaging with the community provides a real-
technologies is now essential for driving innovation, world application of learning and the opportunity to make a

IJISRT25JAN1469 www.ijisrt.com 1923

Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

difference, enhancing the overall learning experience and learning. CL helps students develop conflict resolution, self-
preparing students for the future. evaluation, and interpersonal skills while gaining a deeper
understanding of the subject. Different CL models, such as
II. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY Learning Together and Group Project-Based Investigations,
have been successful in promoting knowledge acquisition
The courses integrate technology with a focus on and soft skill development. CL is an authentic approach to
energy and environmental sustainability, emphasising learning that involves collaboration among students to align
practical applications of artificial intelligence and machine content with curriculum standards and establish clear
learning. (Amish and Khodja, 2024; Amish and Etta-Agbor, objectives. This programme encourages student participation
2023; Mahdi, Amish, and Oluyemi, 2023; Khodja, Debih, and utilises various technologies for effective instruction. In
Lebtahi, and Amish, 2022). The study aims to establish best addition to traditional educator assessments, collaborative
practices in engineering education for teaching and learning project-based learning incorporates innovative assessment
effectiveness and to offer courses that enhance students' job techniques such as self and peer evaluation (Ning, 2010).
prospects. Therefore, it is important to transform traditional Engaging in CL enhances retention, academic performance,
projects into virtual collaborative learning formats through and soft skills like collaboration, communication, and
pedagogical design using the ADDIE instructional model problem-solving, leading to overall educational satisfaction
and technology tools. This research integrates a Learning (Zhu, 2012). Interaction during the learning process is most
Management System with sustainable online collaborative effective when students collaborate, share ideas, engage in
project-based learning (COPBL) to enhance engineering dialogue, challenge each other, and work together on issues.
graduates' employability. User Acceptance Testing was Peer interaction positively impacts undergraduate
conducted using a customised and revised questionnaire. performance (Chen, 2011), and integrating CL into courses
This study found that a collaborative approach in helps students enhance their soft skills (Ballantine & Larres,
engineering education positively impacted access, 2007).
sustainability, quality of education, health, well-being,
inequality reduction, clean energy, and economic growth. IV. CHALLENGES OF CL
These advancements support Sustainable Development
Goals 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 16 (Transforming our World, CL is not always successfully implemented in
2023). classrooms due to issues such as unequal participation,
ineffective communication, and group composition (Baker
III. RATIONALE AND CONCEPT OF CL & Clark, 2010). Educators face challenges in designing
activities, creating tasks, forming groups, scheduling class
The shift in education toward active learning centers time, and monitoring activities (Van Leeuwen, Janssen,
on CL through discussions, exploration, and professional Erkens, & Brekelmans, 2013). Challenges to CL
assistance. Employers have noted that students are lacking effectiveness include lack of collaboration, free riding, low
in soft skills, which are essential for success in the competence, and participant friendships (Ha Le, Jeroen, and
workplace (White, 2013). Workplace assessments place a Theo 2018). Teaching group learning requires different
strong emphasis on the value of soft skills for job retention methods and has advantages over educator-centered tutorials
in addition to hard skills (Arnolds & Smeets, 2015). in terms of deeper learning and skill development.
Teamwork, communication, problem-solving, decision- Graduates often lack soft skills due to difficulties in
making, information processing, and task organisation are implementing CL methods, such as inactive participation
the five fundamental soft skills that individuals need to (Chiong & Jovanovic, 2012). Collaborative group work
succeed (Adams, 2014). To enhance a university's reputation requires intentional effort and should not rely on the
for producing job-ready graduates, it is essential to ensure assumption that all group members contribute equally. It is
that students possess the necessary skills for success in the important for educators to assess individual contributions
workplace. This involves updating the curriculum to include and assign grades accordingly to motivate students to
essential soft skills that are crucial for competitiveness in the participate fully in group projects (Swan, Shen & Hiltz,
job market. Educators should adopt a new approach that 2006). To effectively monitor class discussions and evaluate
focuses on integrating these identified soft skills. Traditional students' involvement in group work, educators should have
content-based, educator-centered teaching methods have access to online learning tools. This paper aims to introduce
been found to be inadequate in preparing students for the an online learning management system to support CL.
challenges of the job market. Scholars recommend a more
engaging approach, such as CL approach, which can address V. METHODOLOGY
these shortcomings while also enhancing student learning
outcomes and meeting industry expectations (Chanpet, A. Research Design:
Chomsuwan, and Murphy, 2020; Lin and Tsai, 2016; Yu-Hui This study employed a mixed-method research
and Yu-Chang, 2013). CL is an instructional approach approach to evaluate the influence of COPBL on
where small groups of students work together to enhance engineering education. This research design follows an
individual and group learning. Students collaborate on explanatory sequential approach, with the quantitative phase
organised activities with individual responsibilities towards preceding the qualitative phase and data integration
a common goal (Ormrod, 2008), fostering a positive (Creswell and Creswell, 2018). The reason for integrating
learning environment and encouraging mutual support and quantitative and qualitative methods in the present study was

IJISRT25JAN1469 www.ijisrt.com 1924

Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

that each method alone was insufficient to fully understand that the developed prototype is fully functional and meets
the intricacies of collaborative practices and their impact on user expectations as outlined in the project module.
learners' academic performance in engineering education.
This study included two levels of integration. To determine D. Research Instrument Validity:
the sampling criteria for the subsequent qualitative phase, The instrument's construct validity was confirmed
the researcher first examined the quantitative data at the through an expert validation process (Taherhoost, 2016;
method level and applied the findings (Fetters, Curry, and Sangoseni, Hellman, and Hill, 2012; Olson, 2010). School
Creswell, 2013). Second, narratives and collaborative staff familiar with module curriculum and instructional
displays were used to integrate the reporting and design provided feedback on the questionnaire's content,
interpretation processes (Guetterman, Fetters and Creswell, criterion, construct validities, and clarity, leading to
2015). revisions for the final version. Following validation and
pilot testing, survey questionnaires were distributed to
B. Participants in the Research: participants with the approval of the supervisor and module
The proposed respondents for the study were leader. Students were informed about the study's objectives,
engineering school students in their final year of group the data being gathered, and the expected survey completion
projects, academic supervisors, and school experts in the time. Confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be
design phase. The students had completed the group project ensured in accordance with research ethics. The study used
module in engineering, with supervisors overseeing the descriptive statistics to examine students' preferences. To
module. Mugenda and Mugenda (2008) argue that a sample better understand overall trends, frequencies and
size of 10% to 30% of the target population is adequate. For percentages were calculated. Mean scores were calculated
this study, author utilised two common sampling techniques: using a five-point Likert scale (1-strongly disagree, 2-
sample size and selection. The sample size of 205 disagree, 3-neutral, 4-agree, 5-strongly agree) for each
respondents was selected from a population of 440 using the question, evaluating various aspects and interpreting the
criteria established by Krejcie and Morgan (1970). The results accordingly. It aimed to gather feedback on
respondents were chosen using a simple random sampling supervisor readiness, students' soft and digital skills, and
method. Kothari (2014) defines random sampling as a support a proposed framework for the school strategy.
statistical method for selecting a representative sample from Interviews focused on participants' understanding of
a larger population. This technique ensures that each COPBL, differences from traditional project styles, roles of
individual in the population has an equal opportunity of students and educators, benefits, and challenges. Expert
being selected, reducing bias, and allowing for the curriculum and instruction professionals reviewed and
transferability of outcomes. Random sampling is commonly provided input on the interview questions, leading to
used in research to ensure sample representativeness and refinements based on their feedback. The COPBL
generalisability to the population. The survey questionnaires framework is a digital learning environment integrated into
are validated, and pilot tested for reliability and validity the university Campus Moodle platform.
before being distributed to participants.
It aligns with the ADDIE model (Morrison, 2010) as
C. Instruments for Collecting Data: illustrated in Figure 1, adapted from Amish and Jihan
The study aimed to implement the COPBL framework (2023). The instructional method aimed to create an
strategy to enhance employability and gather feedback from interactive and flexible learning environment that promotes
project students and supervisors on the effectiveness of creative engagement among engineering students with the
COPBL The COPBL platform provides a virtual learning project's content, peers, and educators (Alario-Hoyos, et al.,
environment based on the ADDIE model, allowing students 2013). Additionally, the COPBL strategy allows educators to
to collaborate on real-world engineering projects in a secure form teams, encourage collaboration within them, monitor
setting. Educators can create groups, monitor discussions, their progress, and assess students' achievements. During the
and assess student performance using the learning development stage, create modern information to improve
management system. This study gathered data through project outcomes. In the analysis phase of the ADDIE
surveys and interviews. The research utilised a mixed- model, learning theory is established, incorporating
method approach, with a pre-designed questionnaire as the constructivism and online collaborative learning. This phase
primary tool. Quantitative data was collected through involves examining objectives, content, resources, and tools
questionnaires, while qualitative data was obtained through to create project-based activities aligned with industry
interviews with a selected group of students. Data were standards. Collaborative learning is encouraged through peer
collected through qualitative and quantitative methods from engagement and problem-solving. The project module
project students and supervisors. Quantitative data were structure facilitates interaction and coordination of different
gathered from students (n=205) through anonymous stages, focusing on content study, teaching methods,
questionnaires with a five-point Likert scale ranging from processes, and scheduling. Key factors influencing effective
strongly agree to strongly disagree, while qualitative data online collaborative learning are identified, and learning
were obtained through interviews with students (n=35) and outcomes, resources, and assessment methods must align
supervisors (n=25). This improved the clarity and coherence with the curriculum (Olivo, 2012). Educators play a crucial
of the findings, confirming the consistency of information role in grouping students into teams, developing project
gathered from various sources (Creswell and Creswell, specifications, and establishing an implementation schedule.
2018). Alpha and Beta testing were carried out to verify Exemplary projects are presented, drop-in sessions are

IJISRT25JAN1469 www.ijisrt.com 1925

Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

organised, and communication at individual and group administered for feedback. Alpha and Beta acceptance
levels is encouraged. Project requirements are detailed, a testing were conducted to verify that the prototype functions
project guide is distributed, and a student survey is correctly.

Fig 1. COPBL framework

VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Formative evaluation forms were provided to staff and
students for final revisions based on user feedback. The
In recent years, educational institutions have prototype was implemented and evaluated, with formative
increasingly adopted learning management systems like evaluation conducted to improve the COPBL management
Moodle and Aula to centralise teaching materials and system and summarise learning satisfaction and outcomes.
activities (Carlos et al., 2013; Coates, James and Baldwin, Evaluation leads to COPBL improvements and revision of
2005). Campus Moodle learning data was collected to insufficient content, as well as standardisation and value
accommodate student and educator preferences. A formative assessment of teaching modules. The ADDIE model is a
evaluation involving subject-matter experts ensured systematic tool used by teaching designers to ensure quality
alignment between analysis data and module curriculum. in teaching design projects. It helps in constructing learning
Campus Moodle at the university offers tools for educators activities and provides a flexible structure for higher
and students to manage teaching and learning effectively. education teaching design (Fang, Zheng; Hu, and Shen,
Features like discussion forums facilitate communication 2011).
and collaboration among students, allowing the use of
external applications alongside the system's built-in tools. Alpha testing is a necessary step to verify the quality of
The COPBL instructional design supported the CL subject the prototype before moving on to Beta testing (Oladimeji,
approach during the design phase, following modifications 2007). This testing phase involves school staff, specifically
based on Ellis and Hafner (2009) to support data analysis. the subject matter expert in this study. During the Alpha
Feedback from subject-matter experts and online system testing phase, the staff conducted tests before evaluating the
designers was gathered through formative evaluations and prototype’s quality. Participants were asked about
redesigns to ensure data validity. Students engaged with collaborating in a group setting (Q1) and using a learning
project content and interacted with each other and educators management system in Campus Moodle (Q2). Beta testing
using the designed system. A draft COPBL architecture was requires educators and students to ensure that the proposed
integrated into the university Campus Moodle after the system is operational. Questions raised during this stage
design phase, addressing implementation, support, include: (Q1) ease of use, (Q2) clarity of instructions, (Q3)
collaboration, hardware facilities, and teaching environment. system stability, (Q4) suggestions for improvements, and
(Q5) feedback on interface design. Tables 1 and 2 present
the findings.

IJISRT25JAN1469 www.ijisrt.com 1926

Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

Table 1. Findings of Alpha testing

Examiner Response
1 Q1: Ideal for improving student outcomes.
Q2: This tool can be used to support teaching and learning in any setting.
2 Q1: Students are able to communicate, interact, and share knowledge.
Q2: Using Campus Moodle can improve student learning experience.
3 Q1: Utilising technology in engineering education has its benefits.
Q2. It can help students better understand and engage with the material.
4 Q1. Improved communication among students can be facilitated.
Q2. Effective techniques are essential for student skill development.
5 Q1: Employability skills can be enhanced.
Q2: Yes
6 Q1. Promote student-centered learning.
Q2. Utilise video recordings in the demonstration tab and dedicate another tab for additional information,
readings, and background knowledge.

Table 2. Findings of Beta testing

Examiner Response
Lecturer 1 The student instructions are clear, the menu is user-friendly, and the project handbook provides helpful
Lecturer 2 The student-friendly information, visually appealing colour scheme, and user-friendly login process
make this project easy to conduct.

Lecturer 3 The system is flexible, with simple instructions and easy-to-use interfaces that make learning more
accessible. The design is efficient and supports effective learning.
Lecturer 4 The Campus Moodle project guidelines are easy to follow. Well-structured layout.
Lecturer 5 The system icon the user needs can be located by following the on-screen instructions. Consistent text
and colour are advantageous.

Students (group 1) It equipped me with the necessary tools for effective communication with my colleagues.
Students (group 2) All required information is accessible to complete tasks.
Students (group 3) It is user-friendly. The learning environment facilitated the integration of theory and practice.

Students often face challenges in group projects, and educators play a crucial role in ensuring fair assessment methods.
Educators helped groups establish norms, clarify roles, and set expectations. They built trust, provided individual support, and
fostered a sense of community online. Collaborative project-based learning enhanced student engagement, with educators guiding
the process. Students were grouped into teams, project details were defined, and a timeline was set. Educators recommended
providing sample projects, hosting virtual drop-in sessions, and encouraging communication. Comprehensive project
specifications and a project guide handbook were explained and distributed. Feedback from students was collected to address any
concerns. The development phase involved creating training modules and activities using modern platforms to support project
outcomes. Table 3 outlines the project proposal and execution phases.

IJISRT25JAN1469 www.ijisrt.com 1927

Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

Table 3. A Roadmap to Optimal Results in COPBL Strategy Implementation

Duties Task
Project Leader Organises project seminars for students and supervisors, introduces COPBL, and promotes early
involvement in project-based learning.
Project Register students for the COPBL project module on CampusMoodle.
Students Required to source a suitable project and submit a proposal that includes a Gantt Chart.
Project Moderators Evaluates the project proposal and either approves it and assigns an academic supervisor or offers
feedback and sets a resubmission deadline.
Establishes the project goal and develops a schedule for execution.
Organises students into teams for teamwork.
Students Once the proposal is approved, students begin project work. Each group then starts the design phase of
their project.
Students Students in each group work together through campusMoodle forums to tackle online challenges and
obstacles. Educators are tasked with offering guidance during this process.
Students Regularly communicate with the academic supervisor and maintain a work diary. Students are
responsible for project management.
Supervisors Progress and monitoring:
Supervision: improving supervisory skills, refining communication, and addressing negative attitudes.
Collaboration: promoting interpersonal skills and teamwork among students and educators.
Communication: enhancing communication skills for students and supervisors.
Creative thinking and problem-solving: educators are fostering creativity and problem-solving skills
through regular brainstorming sessions.
Students/supervisors Submits projects and presents them to an assessment panel for evaluation. The panel assesses their
presentation and projects and confirms the grades.
Projects Leader COPBL appraises

A study was conducted to confirm that the prototype sharing it for feedback. Peer feedback workshops were
functioned as intended and met user expectations in conducted to develop content for final projects, where
alignment with the curriculum (Sefton-Green, Julian, Helen students exchanged constructive feedback with random
and Ola, 2009). This assessment was crucial to ensure the peers. Educators provided feedback on final project drafts,
prototype could be effectively used for further research. and students reflected on their learning experiences.
Analysis of 195 students (~95%) showed that they actively Formative assessments were used to gauge engagement and
engaged in group discussions, collaborative decision- address knowledge gaps, while summative assessments
making, and information sharing for the project. They evaluated students' understanding of project concepts. A
effectively collaborated within their learning community on mid-project evaluation questionnaire measured student
the online project-based content, enhancing their learning engagement and effectiveness of the project structure. The
experience through communication and involvement in COPBL strategy combined traditional and e-learning
group activities. Students also actively participated in group benefits, fostering learning efficiency, academic
problem-solving, primarily using technology for task comprehension, self-growth, participation, and empathy
completion, finding collaborative learning more effective development. Educators can create groups, interact with
than working alone. They stated that this approach enabled students, track their progress, and evaluate their work
them to fully understand the subject matter and acquire deep through the learning management system. The strategy
knowledge. To enhance student engagement and leveraged technology to facilitate access to information and
collaboration, various methods were employed, such as promote communication through various media. Face-to-
discussion forums, emails, and meetings. Students were face lectures encouraged interaction, and the Likert scale
assessed individually based on collaborative work practices, questionnaire assessed self-assessment (Table 4).
with each team member completing a task component and

IJISRT25JAN1469 www.ijisrt.com 1928

Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

Table 4. Project Progress Evaluation from Student and Supervisor Perspectives

Tasks Students’ viewpoints Supervisors’ viewpoints
Average Evaluation Average Evaluation
(std. dev) (std. dev)
1. The project resources enhance my learning. 4.20 (±0.2) Agree 4.60 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
2. I have set project objectives with my supervisor. 4.60 (±0.1 Strongly Agree 4.70 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
3. The project module is well-organized and 4.60 (±0.1) Strongly Agree 4.70 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
efficiently managed.
4. COBPL enhances problem-solving skills. 4.80 (±0.1) Strongly Agree 4.80 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
5. My supervisor has the necessary technical 4.20 (±0.2) Agree 4.50 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
6. My supervisor provides effective guidance. 4.20 (±0.2) Agree 4.50 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
7. The content is intellectually stimulating and well- 4.60 (±0.1) Strongly Agree 4.60 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
8. Assessment requirements and criteria are clearly 4.50 (±0.1) Strongly Agree 4.70 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
9. I collaborate with my team to manage project 4.30 (±0.1) Agree 4.40 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
10. I am actively engaged in my learning experience. 4.50 (±0.1) Strongly Agree 4.80 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
11. Students seek guidance from the supervisor when 4.20 (±0.2) Agree 4.50 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
issues arise.
12. I receive valuable feedback and guidance for 4.50 (±0.1) Strongly Agree 4.80 (±0.1) Strongly Agree

The questions were grouped based on soft skills to the development of higher-level thinking skills and deeper
dimensions and the Framework for Digital Competence. levels of understanding. The outcomes of COPBL are
Overall, COPBL enhanced student learning experiences and typically assessed through measures such as student grades,
skills development. satisfaction, and knowledge and skill gains demonstrated in
student design projects. The positive impact of COPBL on
The five-point Likert scale was utilised to assess creating a collaborative learning environment is evident
different aspects and yield clear outcomes. Students through measurable outcomes and student feedback. To
expressed their preferences based on Tables 5 and 6. address the lack of real-life case studies in COPBL, industry
Analysis of average scores revealed that the COPBL projects-based and interactive practice videos have been
approach enhanced the quality of learning, understanding, incorporated to provide students with practical experiences.
and success. It also enhanced self-confidence, self-worth, Workshops have been conducted to gather feedback and
accountability, engagement, and empathy. The combination improve the inclusion of industry-related resources in
of traditional and technology methods facilitated the COPBL. The implementation of a COPBL template with
practical application of academic concepts to project work, flexible access and multiple feedback channels has enhanced
acquisition of advanced content, and development of soft the interactive learning experience for students, fostering
skills. Creative, critical thinking skills scored highest, with critical thinking and skill development. In order to improve
improvements in time management, communication, and accessibility to engineering simulators, the learning platform
interpersonal skills. In a collaborative problem-based has been redesigned to integrate instructions for first-time
learning setting, students share knowledge, actively engage, users. The standard interface includes key information and
and build connections around common learning objectives. interactive elements to engage students in the engineering
Students found the COPBL work engaging for improving process, promoting active participation and collaboration.
their digital skills. They valued the platform's diverse Students have reported that COPBL stimulates their learning
communication tools and the opportunity to share their by exposing them to various digital technologies and
experiences. COPBL is a user-friendly and adaptable allowing them to apply their knowledge to real-world tasks.
learning platform that enhances course material, boosting Overall, COPBL is recognised as an effective and user-
student engagement in engineering subjects through friendly learning environment that supports the development
technology, and enhancing student learning results. of digital skills. The survey results highlight the positive
Throughout the process of acquiring knowledge, students impact of project-based tasks on enhancing students' digital
are active participants rather than passive recipients, skills and problem-solving abilities. The detailed findings
engaging in information-seeking and idea-sharing with their are presented in Tables 5 and 6.
peers. This collaborative learning approach fosters a sense of
connection and mutual dependence among learners, leading

IJISRT25JAN1469 www.ijisrt.com 1929

Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

Table 5. Results of Soft Skills

Skills Group Comment Average (std. dev) Evaluation
1. Problem solving The use of COPBL enabled me to tackle specific problems, 4.90 (±0.05) Strongly Agree
engage in a collaborative problem-solving process, enhance
my creative thinking skills, and learn how to apply
disciplinary knowledge.
2. Communication The communication tools provided by COPBL enabled me 4.80 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
to effectively engage with colleagues and educators. This
programme played a crucial role in enhancing my
communication skills and fostering the development of my
interpersonal skills through interactions with others, whether
in one-on-one scenarios or group settings. I have the
necessary technical expertise for the project and managed it
3. Collaboration Engage in team meetings to enhance collaborative skills. 4.70 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
Group tasks are advantageous for both the team and
individual. Acquiring knowledge is more effective when
learning within a group setting.
4. Content creation The COPBL played a crucial role in enabling me to develop 4.60 (±0.1) Strongly Agree
digital products, improve my time management abilities, and
acquire the art of giving and receiving constructive
5. Processing Utilising COPBL enabled me to communicate information 4.20 (±0.2) Agree
information with my colleagues effectively. It is necessary to have group
discussions as part of the decision-making process.

Table 6. Results of Digital Skills

Project-based Activity Digital Skill Average (std. dev) Evaluation

1. Employing simulator tools and applying personal Problem solving 4.90 (±0.05) Strongly Agreed
2. Information is synthesised into a report. Content creation 4.60 (±0.1) Strongly Agreed

3. Collaboration through the utilization of various Communication 4.60 (±0.1) Strongly Agreed
communication tools
4. Developing solutions for measuring, controlling, and Content creation 4.60 (±0.1) Strongly Agreed
monitoring operations.
5. Remote access to digital environments is allowed. Security 4.20 (±0.2) Agree

6. Employ the use of online manuals, video tutorials, and Information processing 4.20 (±0.2) Agree
technology to effectively search the internet for precise

VII. CONCLUSIONS strategies with technology enhanced employability skills,

sustainability, innovation, academic performance, and
Engineering students need a combination of soft skills marketable skills for engineering students. COPBL
and digital proficiency to succeed in a competitive global empowers students to apply knowledge to real-world
market and meet industry requirements (Cascio & challenges, fostering innovation to address the UN
Montealegre, 2016). The COBPL management solution, Sustainable Development Goals. Students work in small
developed using the ADDIE instructional design approach, teams to develop and refine ideas that have a positive
aims to create an interactive project-based learning societal impact, market potential, and commercial viability,
environment for students to engage with project content, with a focus on creating new ventures. Research has shown
peers, and educators. This collaborative approach allows that using COBPL improves student performance and helps
educators to form groups, facilitate communication, track students acquire digital skills and various soft skills like
progress, and assess performance. A mixed-methods communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem-
research methodology was used to analyse the benefits of solving, time management, and creativity. These skills
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student interactions, enhancing comprehension of project market (Arnold-Smeets, 2015), ultimately improving
tasks, and improving project management and development students’ employability prospects. The school can enhance
skills. The study found that integrating pedagogical graduates' employability and innovation by incorporating

IJISRT25JAN1469 www.ijisrt.com 1930

Volume 10, Issue 1, January – 2025 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14831458

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