Evaluation of Paris Metro & Shadow Pricing as a Congestion Management Scheme in Packets Based Network
Evaluation of Paris Metro & Shadow Pricing as a Congestion Management Scheme in Packets Based Network
Evaluation of Paris Metro & Shadow Pricing as a Congestion Management Scheme in Packets Based Network
Keywords: GSM, Congestion, Flutter, Cellular, Radio, Shadow Pricing, Paris Metro Pricing.
How to Cite: Yekini Olawale Saheed; Koledoye Titus Olugbenga; Muibi Kehinde Abdulahi (2024). Evaluation of Paris Metro &
Shadow Pricing as a Congestion Management Scheme in Packets Based Network. International Journal of Innovative Science and
Research Technology, 10(1), 3105-3116. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14810097
The development of this research involved investigating interference in places where they overlap, neighboring cells in
the use of Erlang-B and critically analyzing call data collected the cellular network operate at distinct frequencies. To prevent
during a busy hour for a week. The data collected were used to the existence of the signal across adjacent cells, which might
explain a model that estimates the maximum capacity of the cause interference and crosstalk, the transmitter power level at
channel based on the number of Er1ang's channels. The the cell base station must be optimized. Increasing the number
information were utilized to calculate the effective load or of cells is also necessary to improve the geographic coverage.
successful setup call (times), blocking rate, TCH congestion Every cell has a fixed capacity due to the established
ratio (%), the accessible channels, successful TCH frequency range. In order to accommodate more devices in the
assignments, and the overall load per call setup attempt. same space, a region's cell size must be decreased in order to
Correlated analysis hypothesis was used for this. From the increase the number of cells there. The following methods are
work's visual result analysis, it was found that many of the frequently employed in cellular networks to enhance a cell's
channels that are available are underutilized, particularly in capacity: sectoring, zone micro cells, splitting a cell into
places which has low blocking ratio and available channels smaller cells, and frequency borrowing from neighboring
exceed the required channels for effective load transmission. cells. Because each cell's base station and mobile devices must
(Emuoyibofarhe et al., 2015). run at lower signal strength and radiated power level, cell
splitting results in an increase in cell count that not only boosts
In order to reduce congestion, some traffic that would system capacity but also lowers power consumption for each
typically have been transported must be delayed or refused to individual cell. Cell splitting, on the other hand, decreases the
be carried. Congestion control is prioritized at the source end coverage area of each cell, as seen in Figure 1.
as well as during connection setup. Dijkstra's Routing
Algorithm model was proposed for the connection admission
control. Application of the suggested model significantly
improved the monitoring effect (Olabiysi & Afolabi, 2012).
six sectors in the cell to cover the complete 360°. "Selective are produced that operate on the same frequency as the parent
cells" are the name given to such cells. Dead or non-signal cell. A single micro cell can contain several, and each micro
zones within a cell can be avoided with the aid of zone micro cell needs to have its own antenna. Typically, a wired network
cells. Dead zones can be found in basements, tunnels, the connects the antennas of the cell's micro cells to a base station.
shadowed portion of hills, spaces with reflectors, and thickly When a zone microcell's antenna count increases, the base
walled buildings. These micro cells within the cell are station's control operation becomes more complicated. The
equipped with antennas to provide transmission signals to base station also manages the handover between micro cells.
these dead zones. Thus, by adding more antennas, micro cells
Mobile Station data from the HLR . This data is required for call management
The mobile station (MS) is made up of display, smart and the provision of subscription services. While each
card, digital signal processors and radio transceiver. The functional entity can be implemented independently, most
smart card also called the subscriber identity module (SIM) switching equipment manufacturers combine one MSC and
allows for mobility. The International Mobile Equipment one VLR so that the MSC's controlled geographical area.
Identity (IMEI) provides a unique identification for the mobile Security and authentication are the uses for the other two
equipment. A secret key for authentication, additional user registers.
data, and the subscriber's International Mobile Subscriber
Identity (IMSI) are all contained on the SIM card. III. METHODOLOGY
Base Station Subsystem The application is built using the Flutter framework. The
The Base Station Subsystem is made up Base application consists of a single page with multiple widgets to
Transceiver Station (BTS) and Base Station Controller (BSC). display information about the simulation. The first widget,
They communicate via designated abis interface. The base which is the graph chart, shows the bandwidth being used by
transceiver station manages the radio link with the mobile the simulation. The default maximum bandwidth is
station. The BTS perform various functions such as radio 2500MBps; this can be adjusted by the operator using the
channel setup, frequency hopping and handover. The BTS and control data section of the application. The bandwidth using
BSC are linked to the mobile switching centre through the the text field in the control data section can be increase or
base station subsystem. decrease. This is used to manage congestion of packets within
a specified period. The control data section of the application
Network Subsystem display current price indicator, which shows the current price
The Mobile Switching Center (MSC) is the core per megabyte of the system. The default price when there is no
component of the Network Subsystem. It performs congestion is $4 per MB, but it changes per MB if the cells in
registration, authentication, location updates, handovers and the BTS are almost occupied. The Price per MB ($) for the
call routing to subscriber. It functions as a typical PSTN or standard price and Congested Price per MB ($) for when the
ISDN switching node. The ITUT Signaling System Number 7 system is experiencing congestion is fixed. There are two
(SS7), which is utilized in ISDN, is widely used in toggle switches; the one on display information about the
contemporary public networks for signaling between simulation is used to change the pricing algorithm and the
functional entities. The MSC provides the link to the public second on the simulation data page is used to pause or
fixed network (PSTN or ISDN).The GSM's call routing and continue the simulation. By default, the system uses shadow
features are offered by the MSC, the Visitor Location Register price, but you can toggle the switch to change it to Paris metro
(VLR) and Home Location Register (HLR). The HLR pricing.
includes mobile device's current location as well as all of the
administrative data for every subscriber registered in the
relevant GSM network. The Visitor Location Register receives
How the Pricing Algorithm Works the wait time is 2 seconds. If there is available bandwidth
For Paris metro pricing, the 36 channels are divided before the wait time expires, the packet is moved to the packet
logically into three with different prices. There is a standard manager queue, where it will be processed. The current price
price, Paris metro 2nd price and Paris metro 3rd price. The becomes the congested price, and all new packets received are
different prices take effect base on the pre-set percentage of put through a Boolean generator to simulate getting a response
occupied channels. The current price changes when preset from the user if is ready to pay the new price. If the user
maximum percentage channels are reached. All new packets agrees to pay the new price the packets are processed and if
received are put through a random Boolean generator to not the packets are dropped. The system creates packet every
simulate getting a yes or no response from the user. If the 50 milliseconds. If the response gotten from the Boolean
randomly generated Boolean value is true, the user packet is generator is true, the packet is added to the waiting queue and
added to a waiting queue and given a wait time in seconds, given a wait time in seconds, depending on the packet type. If
depending on the type of packet. The wait time determines the packet wait time expires before it is processed, it is
how long the packet should remain in the queue before being removed from the list. If bandwidth is available, it is added to
terminated. For audio packets, the wait time is 3 seconds; for the packet manager queue for processing.
text packets, the wait time is 5 seconds; and for video packets,
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION parameters are to be set for each generation and simulation of
Three types of packets are considered;
Audio Minimum audio size
Text Maximum audio size
Video Minimum video size
Maximum video size
The flutter application use a random Boolean generator Minimum text size
to generate packets within limits specified for processing. The Maximum text size
packets are express in megabyte (MB) which can be varied to Shadow price per MB
manage congestion on the network. The maximum bandwidth Standard price per MB
is set at 2000MB. This will allow proper capturing of relevant Paris metro 2nd price per MB
information needed for this research work. The following Paris metro 3rd price per MB
Paris metro active price percentage (%) different prices should take effect is set. This research uses
Paris metro 2nd active price percentage (%) 30% /70% pricing approach. The 30%/70% means the 2nd
Shadow active price percentage (%) price takes effect when 30% of the cells are occupied and 3 rd
Bandwidth (MB) price takes effect when 70% of the cells are occupied.
Subscribers are alerted when price changes and are given
The following simulation data will be display during the option of either accepting or reject. Once price is accepted
processing of packets packets are processed. If not packets are dropped. The amount
Maximum bandwidth of video, audio and text sent at every 10minutes is recorded.
Bandwidth used The total packets sent and revenue generated is also noted
Data sent same time. The total packets sent at every instant of 3hours are
Channel used
Video data sent
Shadow Pricing Approach
Audio data sent The concept of shadow pricing notifies a user ahead as
Text data sent soon as there is congestion to decide when to submit packets.
Revenue A packet receives marks when sent during congestion. A fixed
Waiting queue price is assigned to every mark. There are two prices involve;
Current Price standard price and shadow price. For the purpose of this
Standard price research, the shadow price is set at 30% which means the
shadow price of $8.00 takes effect when 30% of the cells are
Paris Metro Pricing Approach occupied.
The Paris metro pricing scheme is configured using three
pricing scheme; the 1st is the standard price ($4.00), 2nd price
($8.00) and 3rd price ($8.00). The percentage at which the
30MB 40MB 10MB 15MB 150MB 200MB $4.0 $8.0 $10.0 2000MB
Time Video Sent Audio Sent Text Sent Data Sent Revenue Congestion
2mins 0.00Gb 0.00Gb 0.00Gb 1995MB $0.00M YES
Min Max Min Max Min Video Max Video Standard Shadow price Band
Audio Audio Text Text price Width
10MB 20MB 1MB 5MB 50MB 100MB $4.0 $8.0 2000MB
Time Video Sent Audio sent Text Sent Data Sent Revenue Congestion
10mins 9.043Gb 1.49Gb 0.89Gb 112049MB $0.08 No
20mins 18.11GB 3.18Gb 1.84Gb 23239MB $0.16M No
30mins 26.064Gb 4.77Gb 2.74Gb 34094MB $0.23M No
40mins 36.081Gb 6.63Gb 3.65Gb 46499MB $0.31M No
50mins 43.816Gb 8.09Gb 4.49Gb 56797MB $0.38M No
60mins 52.533Gb 9.71Gb 5.32Gb 67787MB $0.46M No
70mins 61.182Gb 11.24Gb 6.17Gb 79095MB $0.53M No
80mins 70.732Gb 12.80Gb 7.09Gb 90858MB $0.61M No
90mins 79.895Gb 14.23Gb 7.99Gb 102410MB $0.69M No
100mins 89.323Gb 16.22Gb 8.88Gb 114553MB $0.78M No
110mins 98.436Gb 18.12Gb 9.84Gb 126921MB $0.85M No
120mins 106.029Gb 19.65Gb 10.63Gb 136774MB $0.93M No
130mins 116.303Gb 21.45Gb 11.47Gb 149525MB $1.00M No
140mins 124.824Gb 23.19Gb 12.26Gb 160291MB $1.28M No
150mins 133.985Gb 24.87Gb 13.11Gb 172082MB $1.17M No
160mins 142.308Gb 26.43Gb 14.00Gb 183036MB $1.24M No
170mins 151.314Gb 28.11Gb 14.91Gb 194531MB $1.32M No
180mins 160.125Gb 29.79Gb 15.89Gb 206571MB $1.38M No
V. DISCUSSION & CONCULSION only. The combine effect of Paris metro pricing and shadow
pricing will manage congestion in base station subsystem.
The combine effect of Paris metro and shadow price
scheme in packet based network has been proved to manage The experimental results also show that the two pricing
congestion. It allows users to decide, based on their scheme incorporate open and close congestion control policy
requirements and budgets. It provides congestion control and in managing congestion. The dynamic pricing scheme can be
minor changes in the network infrastructure is being required applied to the base station subsystem of a GSM network to
to management congestion. It is evident from the result that as manage congestion of packet based network. It is seen from
the size of packets increases the network will experience more the result that the combine effect of PMP and shadow pricing
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