3, 99106
DOI: 10.20473/jmv.vol6.iss3.2023.99106 online at https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JMV
This study aimed to determine the effect of probiotic administration of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus
coagulans isolate in improving feed intake, and body weight, and feed conversion rate (FCR) in broiler chicken.
A total of 24 broiler chickens divided into four treatments i.e. (P0) was a group without probiotics, (P1), (P2),
and (P3) were experimental treatment groups consist of probiotic 2 mL/day, 4 mL/day, and 6 mL/day per orally.
In results, feed intake, body weight, and FCR values in all treatment groups (P1, P2, P3) were significantly
different (p < 0.05) from (P0) group. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between P1 and
P3 group. It can be concluded that the effect of B. subtilis and B. coagulans as probiotics with a dose of 4
mL/day had a noticeable impact on feed intake, body weight, and decreased FCR.
Keywords: Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis, broiler chicken, probiotic, zero hunger
among others, the bacteria are easy to cultivate in and B. coagulans. The concentration of these
large numbers, the bacteria produce organic acids, isolates was maintained at a concentration of
and the bacteria can sporulate (Hyronimus et al., 1x107 CFU/mL, with the source being PT. Centra
2000). Biotech Indonesia—a reputable supplier known
Based on the description above, study on the for its quality biotechnological products.
effect of B. subtilis and B. coagulans isolates as To ensure the welfare of the broiler chickens
probiotics was conducted to analyze feed intake, during this study, they were housed in specially
body weight, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) in designed plastic battery cages, each boasting
broiler chickens. dimensions of 155 cm in length, 55 cm in width,
and 55 cm in height. These cages were
MATERIALS AND METHODS thoughtfully equipped with dedicated sections for
food and water, ensuring the animals had
Ethical Approval convenient access to sustenance. The broiler
This study was approved by Universitas chickens were sustained on a commercial broiler
Airlangga, Animal Care and Use Committee chicken feed diet, identified explicitly as HI
(ACUC) Ethical Clearance No: 801-KE. PROVITE 512-Br.
digestibility of broiler chickens increases, the The results of data analysis showed that the
absorption of feed and the emptying of the administration of bacterial isolates of B. subtilis
digestive tract is faster, so the broilers become and B. coagulans as probiotics in treatment P2
hungry faster (Pratama et al., 2021). had the highest weight gain value among all
The P3 treatment with the highest dose treatments, namely 89.466 g/head. This weight
showed lower feed intake than the P2 treatment. gain was in line with the high P2 treatment feed
These results are thought to be due to competition intake. This shows that the feed consumed by
for nutrients between bacteria, causing the broiler chickens is quite efficient and is widely
bacterial population and activity of the used for growth. This study supported the opinion
endoglucanase enzyme to be lower and resulting of Astini et al. (2014) that weight gain is
in slower digestion and absorption of nutrients in influenced by the amount of feed consumed. The
the P3 treatment (Sinta et al., 2020). In addition, higher the level of feed intake, the higher the
probiotics will not work well if the dose of resulting weight gain, and vice versa. Increased
probiotics given is not appropriate or the way of feed intake will result in high nutrient intake, one
giving probiotics is not appropriate (Astuti et al., of which is protein, which plays a role in
2015). Giving probiotics with high doses causes increasing the growth of broiler chickens. The use
large bacterial colonization so that they are more of Bacillus spp. for the weight gain of chickens
competitive in getting nutrients from the larger following study by Yang et al. (2019), which
substrate so that bacteria that lack nutrients will stated that the use of Bacillus spp. after 28 days of
be hampered by their activities and lead to death treatment showed that the chickens had a higher
and cannot have the maximum effect as body weight than the control group.
probiotics. The higher the dose, the more energy Increasing the dose of probiotics at a dose of
is used in metabolism because during this 6 mL/day (P3) did not affect body weight gain.
metabolism, the bacteria will produce enzymes This is presumably due to reduced appetite in
and organic acids which result in decreased feed chickens caused by the suppression of pathogenic
intake (Mas’ad et al., 2020; Wardiana et al., bacteria in the small intestine due to competition
2021). between pathogenic bacteria and probiotics and
Sen et al. (2012) also stated that Bacillus spp. the presence of bacteriocin produced from
administration caused histomorphological probiotic bacteria (Warwick et al., 1995). This
changes in broiler intestines, increasing villi shows optimal limits in chickens in their tolerance
height to crypt depth ratio to increase nutrient to microbial populations in the digestive tract
digestibility and absorption capacity of the small (Wiryawan et al., 2005). Then, according to
intestine. Broiler chickens fed Bacillus spp. Mahdavi et al. (2005), probiotic microbes can
supplementation showed a decrease in digest produce an optimum response in the digestive
viscosity, which could affect the availability and tract in certain doses.
absorption of nutrients (Latorre et al., 2015). Azizah et al. (2020) stated that probiotics
Factors that affect feed intake in broilers are body could increase the activity of digestive enzymes
weight, strain, production level, stress level, so that the decomposition and absorption of feed
livestock activity, energy content in feed, and became well absorbed and could be utilized by
environmental temperature (Sjofjan et al., 2016). chickens to increase body weight. Probiotics play
a role in increasing metabolic products that
Body Weight benefit livestock's body. These metabolic
Based on the results of the data analysis, products are utilized optimally to form or increase
there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) the size of new tissues. Based on Wizna et al.
between P0 and P1, P2, and P3. However, P1 was (2013) stated that B. coagulans bacteria could
not significantly different (p > 0.05) from P3 produce several enzymes to help digest food
(Table 1 and Figure 1). substances needed for growth in chickens.
Table 1. Feed intake, weight gain and FCR value in all treatment groups
Treatments Feed intake Weight gain FCR
P0 80.675a ± 7.929 43.966a ± 6.562 1.855c ± 0.241
P1 96.485b ± 5.135 59.133b ± 6.864 1.638b ± 0.123
P2 118.051 ± 8.780 89.466c ± 1.473 1.315a ± 0.081
P3 90.853 ± 9.764 55.016 ± 4.770 1.656b ± 0.130
Different superscript in the same column indicate significant different (p < 0.05).
a b c
Figure 1. Trend graph of (a) feed intake, (b) weight gain, (c) and FCR.
The factors that affect weight gain are Based on the P0 group showed the highest
regular feeding and the content of the feed FCR compared to the other three treatments. The
provided also includes everything needed by the higher FCR was due to a large amount of feed
livestock (Chandra et al., 2022). Then, in terms of consumed and not matched by weight gain
the development of the livestock, its balanced (Agustono et al., 2019). In addition, the condition
between weight gain and harvest time (Salim, of the small intestine is less efficient in the
2017). process of absorption of food and irritates due to
pathogenic bacteria, so food substances that
FCR Evaluation should be needed for livestock growth may be
Based on the results of the data analysis, used to repair the irritated surface of the small
there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) intestine (Hidayat, 2013). These results are
between P0 and P1, P2, and P3. However, P1 was consistent with previous studies using B. subtilis
not significantly different (p > 0.05) from P3 probiotics to improve FCR in poultry
(Table 1 and Figure 1). (Mingmongkolchai and Panbangred, 2018).
The results of data analysis showed that the Wizna et al. (2013) stated that the increase in
administration of B. subtilis and B. coagulans weight gain was in line with the increase in the
bacteria isolates as probiotics in P2 treatment was number of colonies of B. coagulans in the small
able to reduce the FCR of broiler chickens with intestine because this B. coagulans can benefit the
the lowest value of 1.315. This is because the feed growth of broiler chickens to increase feed
consumed to the maximum in the growth process efficiency (Hamid et al., 2022). In addition, B.
can affect the weight gain of chickens. The lower coagulans can help the digestive process of
the FCR, the more efficient the feed, which means broiler chickens in digesting food substances.
that the use of the feed is economical (Azizah et Rodas et al. (1996) stated that the efficiency of
al., 2020). The FCR is one of the business success feed use had a significant effect when probiotics
factors for farmers (Utomo et al., 2022). A were added to feed that had a balanced
comparison of feed intake and weight gain will composition and nutrition to give the result that
produce an economic calculation value. This is in the feed given probiotics at a dose of 4 mL/day
line with the effect of efficient probiotics on feed (P2) was the most efficient dose to achieve
intake and weight gain (Abdurrahman et al., optimal growth. Maximum and more profitable
2022). when compared to the control treatment (P0).
ML: Conceptualization and drafted the Astini, W., Al Arif, M. A., & Mulyati, S. (2014).
manuscript. BEF, RD, SC, MAA, and SHW: The Potensial Of Commercial Probiotic to
Treated the animal laboratory. TDL and HMR: Broiler's Weight Gain, Feed Consumtion and
Validation, supervision, and formal analysis. SR Feed Conversation of Broiler. Agroveteriner,
and MAH: Performed the statistical analysis and 2(2).
the preparation of table and figures. All authors
have read, reviewed, and approved the final Astuti, Farida, K., Woro, B., & Osfar, S. (2015).
manuscript. Pengaruh Penambahan Probiotik Cair dalam
Pakan Terhadap Penampilan Produksi pada
COMPETING INTERESTS Ayam Pedaging. Indonesian Journal of
Environment and Sustainable Development,
The authors declare that they have no 6(2).
competing interests.
Azizah, Nanda, K., Sarmanu, S., Budi, Utomo.,
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