24_D0679_ENG_01 (1) (1)
24_D0679_ENG_01 (1) (1)
24_D0679_ENG_01 (1) (1)
Q. 2. (A)
A1. (1) Those considered by Kailash Satyarthi as his daughters : Malala, two Kayanats,
Shazia, the daughters from Africa and all over the world.
(2) The biggest challenge knocking on the doors of humankind : fear and intolerance.
A2. The progress made in the last couple of decades :
(i) The number of out-of-school children reduced by half.
(ii) The number of child labourers reduced by a third.
(iii) Child mortality and malnutrition reduced.
(iv) Millions of child deaths prevented.
A4. (a) No other challenge knocking on the doors of humankind is as big as fear and
(b) Fear and intolerance are bigger than any other challenge knocking on the doors
of humankind.
Q. 2. (B)
B1. (i) The narrator had heard of Bach. – False
(ii) The narrator’s answer displeased Einstein. – True
(iii) The upper room had a gramophone. – True
(iv) The narrator liked the kind of music where he could follow the words.– False
Statement Who said To Whom Effect on the listener
(i) “I do not know The narrator Albert The listener looked
anything about Einstein surprised.
(ii) “I like songs that The narrator the old man/ The listener smiled,
have words.” Albert obviously pleased.
Q. 3. (A)
A1. (i) Knowledge is free – Education is given to all
(ii) Dead habits – Dried up, infertile land of sands
(iii) The head is held high – Self respect and proud of possessing it
(iv) Depth of truth – Sincerity of heart
A2. The qualities the poet wishes to inculcate in his countrymen are : dignity,
truthfulness, wisdom, sincerity of heart, hard work, broad outlook, clear thinking and
A3. Metaphor :
‘Clear stream of reason’. Here reason has been implicitly compared to a clear
Appreciation :
The poem ‘Animals’ has been penned by Walt Whitman.
The poet has broken away from the conventional use of a rhyme scheme and
has written the poem in free verse.
The chief figure of speech used in the poem is Repetition. Lines such as ‘They
do not sweat …’, ‘They do not lie awake …’, ‘They do not make me sick …’ make
a strong impact, expressing the qualities that humans should possess, but do not.
The other figures of speech are Alliteration, Tautology, Hyperbole, etc.
The poet admires animals because they are placid and content. They do not
whine or grumble, and they are not crazy about possessions. They have simplicity
and innocence. The poet asserts that we human beings unmindfully discarded the
good qualities that we possessed somewhere along the line, but animals still retain
them. He concludes that animals today are better than humans.
Q. 4. (A)
A1. (i) The report expresses that only laws could provide women with the
protection and the facilities they deserve. – False
(ii) The situation in our country was very grave during the last two
decades of the century. – True
(iii) In India, the bias against the immunization of baby girls doesn’t exist.
– False
(iv) International organisation states that one-fourth of women, who die in
the world today, are Indians. – True
(i) insufficient nutrition
Q. 4. (B)
Summary :
Malnutrition and the Indian Woman
According to a reputed international organisation, one-fourth of the women,
who die in the world today, are Indians. In spite of this, the media does not help
in spreading awareness. Very little media coverage was related to the issues faced
by women. Expectant mothers are undernourished and anaemic. They often give
birth to handicapped children, who become victims of various diseases due to
insufficient nutrition, incomplete immunization, viral infection and improper
treatment. They do not grow to their full mental and physical potential. This is
especially true for girl babies. In addition to laws, social awareness is needed to
help Indian women.