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Biosaintifika 15 (2) (2023): 262-269 p-ISSN 2085-191X | e-ISSN 2338-7610

Journal of Biology & Biology Education https://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/biosaintifika

Effects of Locally-Made Probiotics on Drinking Water

on the Performance of Chickens
Analyn Molines Moniño1, Roger Yatan Ibañez Jr1*, Primitivo Diaz Moniño Jr2
Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology
Philippine Coconut Authority-Masbate Field Office

*Corresponding E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted: 2023-02-01. Revised: 2023-06-02. Accepted: 2023-08-03.

Abstract. This study investigated the effects of locally-made probiotics on the performance of Kabir and Starbro broilers.
The birds were randomly assigned to four treatments, and their body weight, weight development, feed consumption, feed
conversion efficiency, dressing percentage, livability rates, and income over feed and chick cost were measured. The results
showed a significant interaction between the breed of chicken and the type of probiotics after 21 days of feeding in terms of
body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion efficiency. However, no significant interaction was
observed at 35 days of feeding. The use of locally produced probiotics in drinking water improved the dressing percentage of
both breeds of chicken, overall body weight gain, and overall feed consumption compared to the control group. Livability
rates were not significantly affected by the inclusion of different locally-made probiotics in drinking water. Net income per
chicken was marginally higher for the chickens fed with locally produced probiotics. Further studies are recommended to
assess the benefits of locally-produced probiotics in laying chicken and other types of livestock and poultry. These findings
provide insights into the potential application of locally-made probiotics as an alternative to commercial products for
improving chicken performance.
Keywords: kabir chicken; locally-made probiotics; starbro broiler

How to Cite: Moniño, A. M., Jr, R. Y. I., & Jr, P. D. M. (2023). Effects of Locally-Made Probiotics on Drinking Water on
the Performance of Chickens. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 15(2), 262-269.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/biosaintifika.v15i2.45217

INTRODUCTION shown to enhance the health and performance of

animals and do not leave residues in animal
Poultry farming has become a vital products (Anee et al., 2021).
component of the global meat industry, providing The benefits of probiotics on poultry are well
a significant source of animal protein, with documented. Probiotics have been found to
chicken production being the most prominent improve the balance of bacteria in the
(Attia et al., 2022). The strain of birds' feed gastrointestinal tract, increase the activity of
quality, and management practices, including digestive enzymes, decrease the activity of
addressing early chick mortality, stress, and bacterial enzymes, and stimulate immune
disease outbreaks, play a vital role in achieving function (Celi et al., 2017). They also decrease
maximum weight gain in broilers. Antibiotic use ammonia production, neutralize enterotoxins, and
has been a common practice to manage diseases enhance the quality of microbiological meat
affecting the performance of animals. However, (Rehman et al. 2020). Probiotics have been
there is growing concern over the development of shown to increase the immunity sensory
antibiotic resistance, which has prompted characteristics of broiler meat, regulate intestinal
researchers to explore alternative measures, such microbiota, and reduce pathogens (Krysiak,
as the use of probiotics. Probiotics are live 2021). The effectiveness of probiotics in
bacteria that provide health benefits to the host colonizing the gut is influenced by various
when consumed in suitable quantities (FAO, factors, including the availability of fermentation
2016). They promote gut integrity, maturation, substrate (prebiotics), the strain's specificity with
and immune function, and prevent inflammation. the dose and frequency of supplementation given
Probiotics, including Aspergillus oryzae, to the host, the host's age, health, genetics, and
Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus nutritional status, intestinal pH, and stress
bulgaricus, Lactobacillus plantarum, (Markowiak & Slizewska, 2018). Furthermore,
Streptococcus thermophils, and Lactobacillus the impact of probiotics on the immune system
bulgaricus (Spacova et. al., 2020), have been varies, as Al-Shawi et al. (2020) found that
probiotics did not improve the immune
Analyn Molines Moniño, et al. / Biosaintifika 15 (2) (2023): 262-269

system, while Raheem et al. (2021) reported that

probiotics acted as immunomodulatory agents by stored in a cool place until it was used.
activating specific and non-specific host immune The initial rice washes were collected from
responses in chicks, which helped prevent and the neighborhood. For the initial rice wash, a cup
control various infectious diseases. of rice and a half cup of water were combined,
The use of probiotics as a replacement for and the mixture was collected for fermentation.
antibiotics has gained attention due to the For every liter of newly washed rice, one
development of antibiotic resistance. Several kilogram of molasses was added, mixed
studies have reported improved performance with thoroughly, and put in a pail. The pail was
the addition of probiotics to broiler diets (Yu et covered with a clean, white cloth and secured
al. 2022), while Abd El‐Hack et al. (2020) found with a string or rubber band. The container was
that the tested probiotics did not result in stored in a cool, dry, shady place for ten days.
improvements in broiler production efficiency After 10 days, the fermented rice wash juice was
over the control group. Therefore, it is essential collected, placed in a plastic bottle, and stored in
to evaluate the effects of administering different a cool place until it was used. The raw golden
locally-made probiotics in drinking water on kuhol was collected from a swampy area in
chicken performance. Overall, probiotics have M.R. Espinosa and crushed into small pieces. For
demonstrated a positive effect on poultry health every kilogram of crushed golden kuhol, one
and performance (Al-Khalaifah, 2018; Ahmad et kilogram of molasses was added, mixed
al., 2022). However, the effectiveness of thoroughly, and put in a pail. The pail was
probiotics in colonizing the gut and improving covered with a clean, white cloth and secured
the immune system is influenced by various with a string or rubber band. The container was
factors, including strain specificity, dose and stored in a cool, dry, shady place for twenty days.
frequency of supplementation, host factors, and After 20 days, the fermented golden kuhol was
stress (Jha et al., 2020; Yousaf et al., 2022). collected, placed in a plastic bottle, and stored in
Thus, additional studies are needed to better a cool place until it was used.
understand the potential benefits of probiotics in
poultry farming. This study investigated the Research Design
effects of locally-made probiotics on the In this study, a Completely Randomized
performance of Kabir and Starbro broilers. Design (CRD) with a two-factor experiment was
used. As test animals, one hundred (100) day-old
METHODS straight-run broiler chicks and one hundred (100)
kabir chicks were employed. Five birds were
Preparation of the Treatment assigned randomly to each cage to represent a
Before the start of the study, fermented rice replication of the eight (8) treatment
wash, fermented kangkong juice, and golden combinations that were replicated five times.
kuhol amino acid were prepared. The kangkong
plant and golden kuhol were purchased from Data Collection and Analysis
M.R. Espinosa in Milagros, Masbate, while the Throughout the experiment, data were
rice wash was collected from the neighborhood collected on various parameters including body
in Panique, Aroroy, Masbate. The different weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed
stored probiotics were used as supplements in conversion efficiency, dressing percentages,
drinking water after the experimental birds livability, and income over feed and chick costs.
reached seven days of age and were continued The initial data was obtained by weighing the
throughout the study. Kangkong plants were chicks seven days after the brooding period.
collected early in the morning while they were Further data were collected at 21 and 35 days of
still fresh, and the microorganisms were still feeding. The data was analyzed using a
present. The plants were chopped into small Completely Randomized Design and a two-factor
pieces. For every three kilograms of chopped factorial experiment and analyzed using analysis
kangkong, one kilogram of molasses was added, of variance.
mixed thoroughly, and put in a pail. The pail was
covered with a clean, white cloth and secured RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
with a string or rubber band. The container was
stored in a cool, dry, shady place for ten days. Body Weight of Chickens
After 10 days, the fermented kangkong juice was This study investigated the effects of locally-
collected, placed in a plastic bottle, and made probiotics on the body weight of two
breeds of chickens, namely broiler and Kabir.
Analyn Molines Moniño, et al. / Biosaintifika 15 (2) (2023): 262-269

Analyn Molines Moniño, et al. / Biosaintifika 15 (2) (2023): 262-269

water with different locally-made probiotics

(Fermented kangkong juice, Fermented rice probiotics had a substantial influence on the
wash, and Kuhol amino acid) at a 5% level was breed of chicken tested and that the effects
given to the treated groups, while the control differed considerably depending on the breed of
groups were given plain drinking water. The chicken examined. Moreover, the increased body
study results indicated that the treated groups had weight of chickens on locally-made probiotics
higher average body weights than the control can be attributed to the fact that probiotics
groups, indicating that the locally-made promoted the metabolic processes and digestion
probiotics significantly increased body weights of nutrients and their utilization. These findings
after 21 days of feeding (F=34.63, P<0.01) and are consistent with the study of Arsene et al.
after 35 days of feeding (F=3.86, P<0.05) of both (2021), where probiotics have been shown to
broilers and Kabir chickens, compared to the promote growth, improve the efficiency of feed
control group in both breeds. utilization, protect the host from an intestinal
The findings further revealed a significant infection, and stimulate responses in farm
interaction (F=3.87, P<0.05) between the breed animals. Analysis of variance for average body
of chicken and the type of probiotics after 21 weight (grams) of chickens given drinking with
days of feeding, suggesting that the different locally-made probiotics were shown in
locally-made Table 1.

Table 1. Analysis of variance for average body weight (grams) of chickens given drinking with
different locally-made probiotics
Feeding Period
Source of Variation Initial 21 days 35 days
** **
Factor A (Breeds of Chicken) 16,402.50 640,090 6,231,128.91**
ns **
Factor B (Kinds of Probiotic) 69.17 17,530 40,433.07*
ns *
Interaction 29.17 1,956.67 25,333.91ns
Experimental Error 37.50 506.25 10,462.50
Means squares in columns having a ** are significantly different at the 1% and * at the 5% level of
significance using F-Value of comparison.

The study findings suggest that different the study revealed a significant interaction
locally-made probiotics at a 5% level can be used between the breed and the type of probiotics after
as a supplement to the drinking water of chickens 21 days of feeding (F=5.17, P<0.01) but not in
to improve their body weight. overall body weight gain (F=1.94, P>0.05). The
findings of this study are consistent with previous
Body Weight Gains of Chickens
research by Rahman et al. (2021), who reported
The results of the study showed that the
that the average daily weight gain of chickens fed
supplementation of locally-made probiotics in the
probiotics was significantly increased during the
drinking water of chickens significantly increased
first 21 days of growth but not during the 28-42
the body weight gain of both breeds (Tabel 2).
days of growth.
The use of different locally-made probiotics in
Moreover, the improvement in weight gain
drinking water significantly influenced the
might be associated with the capability of
overall body weight gain at the end of the study
probiotics to secrete enzymes such as amylase,
compared to the control group (F=5.88, P<0.01).
protease, and lipase, which might improve the
The significantly higher level of body weight
digestion rate of feed nutrients, leading to the
gains after 21 days of feeding (F=45.94, P<0.01)
improved live weight gain of broilers. This is
and overall body weight gains of chickens given
consistent with the findings of Fesseha et al.
drinking water with different locally-made
(2021) and Napirah et al. (2021), who reported
probiotics can be attributed to their significantly
that the addition of probiotics improved the final
higher body weight compared to those in the
weight and weight gain of chickens.
control groups without probiotics. Furthermore,

Analyn Molines Moniño, et al. / Biosaintifika 15 (2) (2023): 262-269

Table 2. Analysis of variance for average body weight gain (grams) of chickens given drinking water
with different locally-made probiotics
Feeding Period
Source of Variation
21 days 35 days Overall
** **
Factor A (Breeds of Chicken) 451,562.50 2,920,051.41 5,668,207.66**
** ns
Factor B (Kinds of Probiotic) 18,549.17 11,315.57 53,902.66**
Interaction 2,089.17** 8,436.41ns 17,829.32ns
Experimental Error 403.75 7,644.69 9,172.81
Means squares in columns having a ** are significantly different at the 1% and * at the 5% level of
significance using F-Value of comparison.

The study conformed to the results found by consumption than the control group, resulting in
Hrnčár et al. (2014) that the inclusion of locally- overall higher feed consumption throughout the
made probiotics in drinking water significantly feeding period. However, the treated group
increased the body weight gain of broiler and exhibited higher average body weights than the
Kabir chickens. The results suggest that the use control group, indicating that the treated group
of probiotics in the poultry industry can be a was more effective in converting feed into meat.
viable strategy to improve production efficiency The analysis of the data on means square
and reduce feed costs. Further studies on the use cumulative feed intake suggested that there was
of probiotics on other types of livestock and no significant (F=0.53, P>0.05) interaction
poultry are recommended to better understand the between chicken breeds and kinds of locally-
benefits of probiotics in animal production. made probiotics, as an overall feed consumption
(Table 2). This could be attributed to the
Feed Consumption of Chickens
probiotics- producing enzymes that improve feed
The results showed that the inclusion of
intake and digestion in the broiler. This finding is
different locally-made probiotics in drinking
consistent with the results of Toluwase (2016)
water had a significant effect on the average feed
study, which indicated that dietary probiotics
consumption (F=3.10, P<0.05). Despite receiving
suppressed the growth of bacteria and produced
the same feed ratio in all treatments, chickens
an enzyme that increased feed intake and weight
with different locally-made probiotics had higher
gain in birds fed with probiotics.

Table 3. Analysis of variance for average feed consumption (grams) of chickens given drinking water
with different locally-made probiotics
Feeding Period
Source of Variation 21 days 35 days Overall
Factor A (Breeds of Chicken) 1,100,248.90** 23,435,017.23** 34,690,925.03**
Factor B (Kinds of Probiotic) 25,897.97** 34,682.56ns 113,699.03*
Interaction 3,433.70* 16,363.89ns 19,503.96ns
Experimental Error 870.85 22,505.48 36,651.55
Means squares in columns having a ** are significantly different at the 1% and * at the 5% level of
significance using F-Value of comparison.

The results suggest that locally-made (F=24.99, P<0.01) but not after 35 days of
probiotics can be an effective way to increase feeding. The significantly better feed conversion
feed consumption and improve body weight in efficiency of chickens at 21 days with the
chickens. Further studies are recommended to inclusion of locally-made probiotics in drinking
determine the optimal inclusion level of locally- water at 21 days of age compared to those fed
made probiotics in chicken feed. control diets as shown in Table 4, was
attributable to their significantly higher body
Feed Conversion Efficiency of Chickens
weight gains as shown in Table 2. Additionally,
The data in this study showed that the
there was a significant (F=4.51, P<0.01)
inclusion of different locally-made probiotics in
interaction between the breed of chicken and the
drinking water significantly improved the feed
kinds of probiotics used during this period.
conversion efficiency (FCE) after 21 days in
both breeds

Analyn Molines Moniño, et al. / Biosaintifika 15 (2) (2023): 262-269

Table 4. Analysis of variance for average feed conversion efficiency of chickens given drinking water
with different locally-made probiotics
Feeding Period
Source of Variation 21 days 35 days Overall
Factor A (Breeds of Chicken) 0.44** 0.17ns 0.28*
** ns
Factor B (Kinds of Probiotic) 0.28 0.05 0.09ns
** ns
Interaction 0.05 0.71 0.10ns
Experimental Error 0.01 0.25 0.06
Means squares in columns having a ** are significantly different at the 1% and * at the 5% level of
significance using F-Value of comparison.

However, after 35 days of feeding, there The findings presented in Table 5 indicated
was no significant (F=2.80, P>0.05) effect on that the inclusion of various locally-made
FCE, and there was no significant (F=1.58, probiotics in drinking water significantly
P>0.05) interaction between the breed of increased the dressing percentage of both Kabir
chicken and the kinds of locally-made and day-old straight-run broilers in comparison to
probiotics employed as treatment in the the control groups. Chickens given drinking
research. The data indicate that chickens water with locally-made probiotics exhibited
given drinking water with locally-made significantly higher dressing percentages (with or
without giblets) than those in the control
probiotics efficiently converted nutrients at
treatment (F=8.98 & 9.11, P<0.01). However, no
21 days of age. This finding is in agreement significant interaction was observed between the
with the study of Rahman et al. (2021), who breeds of chicken and the types of probiotics in
reported that the average daily weight gain of terms of dressing percentage (with and without
chickens fed probiotics was significantly giblets) (F=0.40 & 2.67, P>0.05). This increase
increased during the first 21 days of growth in dressing percentage can be attributed to the
but not during the 28 - 42 days of growth. higher body weight of chickens given drinking
water with locally-made probiotics, as presented
Dressing Percentage in Table 1.

Table 5. Analysis of variance for average dressing percentage (%) of chickens with and without giblets
given drinking water with locally-made probiotics
Dressing Percentage
Source of Variation With Giblets Without Giblets
Factor A (Breeds of Chicken) 90.54 477.76**
Factor B (Kinds of Probiotic) 138.27 225.84**
Interaction 5.89 9.83ns
Experimental Error 15.40 24.80
Means squares in columns having a ** are significantly different at the 1% and * at the 5% level of
significance using F-Value of comparison.

These results are consistent with previous Livability Rate

studies that reported an increase in dressing The study found that the inclusion of different
percentage following the addition of symbiotics locally-made probiotics in drinking water did not
(Abdel-Hafeez et al., 2017). The improved significantly affect the livability rates of the
carcass characteristics resulting from the addition chickens. Mortality occurred only in the control
of probiotics to the broiler diet might be related group (Kabir), but this could not be attributed to
to the inhibition of intestinal pathogen the supplementation of locally-made probiotics.
colonization and enhanced utilization of Statistical analysis of the data showed no
nutrients, such as protein and energy, in the diet significant difference among treatment means.
(Pourakbari et al., 2016).

Analyn Molines Moniño, et al. / Biosaintifika 15 (2) (2023): 262-269

Table 6. Analysis of variance for average

livability rate (%) of chickens given commercial products for improving chicken
drinking water with different locally- health and performance.
made probiotics
Source of Variation Livability Rate Income over Feed and Chicks Costs
Factor A (Breeds of The results of this study showed that the
40.00ns supplementation of probiotics in drinking water
Factor B (Kinds of led to slightly higher income in broilers
Probiotics) 40.00ns compared to the control group. Meanwhile, the
Interaction 40.00ns income of treated Kabir chickens was almost the
Experimental Error 15.00 same as the control group, except for those
treated with fermented plant juice, which had a
higher income. The higher income of both breeds
The observed 100% livability rates of
supplemented with probiotics was associated
chickens given drinking water with locally-made
with their higher body weight and body weight
probiotics could be attributed to the continuous
gain Krysiak et al. (2021) as shown in Fig. 1. The
use of probiotics, which may have suppressed
slower growth of Kabir chickens compared to
undesirable microorganisms and improved the
broiler breeds, as demonstrated in Table 1, may
chickens' health status and overall performance
explain the minimal net income from Kabir
by building up resistance. This observation is
chickens supplemented with probiotics in
consistent with previous studies that
drinking water. The lower net income of treated
demonstrated the efficacy of mannan
groups in Kabir does not necessarily indicate that
oligosaccharides (extracted from the cell wall of
probiotics did not improve performance since
S. cerevisiae) in controlling pathogenic scours
birds without probiotics experienced mortality, as
caused by Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and
shown in Table 6. These findings suggest that the
other organisms in livestock (Teng & Kim,
use of probiotics in drinking water can improve
2018). Therefore, the inclusion of locally-made
the performance of both broilers and Kabir
probiotics in drinking water may prevent the
chickens (Fesseha et al., 2021) and may lead to
entry of harmful organisms, resulting in a 100%
higher income in certain cases. Further studies
livability rate for chickens. These findings
are needed to assess the optimal inclusion rate of
suggest the potential benefits of locally-made
probiotics in the diets of different chicken breeds.
probiotics as an alternative to

P0 P1 P2 P3

Broiler Kabir

Figure 1. Net profit (₱) from chickens given drinking water with different locally-made probiotics

This study was novel in its use of locally- society. It offered insights into using locally-
made probiotics, administration in drinking made probiotics to improve poultry production,
water, focus on the performance of chickens, enhancing growth rate and feed conversion
consideration of the geographic context, and efficiency. This contributed to a more sustainable
practical implications for the poultry industry. By and efficient poultry industry, ensuring a stable
combining these unique aspects, the research supply of affordable poultry products. Also, the
provided valuable insights into the potential study promoted sustainable agriculture by
benefits of locally-made probiotics in improving reducing reliance on commercial probiotic
chicken productivity and offered practical products and encouraging local farmers to utilize
implications for sustainable poultry production. available resources within their communities.
The study showed several potential benefits This minimized environmental impact and
for fostered
Analyn Molines Moniño, et al. / Biosaintifika 15 (2) (2023): 262-269

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time, insightful suggestions, and unwavering Marouf, R., & Khelifi, I. (2021). The use of
dedication in enhancing the quality of our probiotics in animal feeding for safe
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improving our work, making it a stronger and 328. https://
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