The Importance of Early Nutrition Inbroiler Chick
The Importance of Early Nutrition Inbroiler Chick
The Importance of Early Nutrition Inbroiler Chick
Poultry industry constitutes one of the most significant segments of the agricultural and veterinary sector worldwide. For this reason, one of its main objectives is to
improve not only the quantity but also the quality of the offered product. Over the years, the abuse of antibiotics as growth promoters has led to the development of
antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, imposing the need to find alternative solutions for animal welfare and for gastrointestinal diseases prevention, finding confirmation
in the use of pre and probiotics. Various stressors, together with feed deprivation during the first few hours of chicks’ life increase the chance of disease contraction
and mortality. Innovative feeding systems to be administered to chicks immediately after hatching in incubation rooms are gaining ground in poultry industry. These
new systems consist of complementary feeds, often in the form of hydrated gels, which provide all the nutrients and additives that chicks need during their first hours
of life, promoting the development of the gastrointestinal system and preventing the documented side effects caused by fasting.
Anim Husb Dairy Vet Sci, 2020 doi: 10.15761/AHDVS.1000183 Volume 4: 1-4
Riva S (2020) The importance of early nutrition in broiler chickens: Hydrated gels enriched with nutrients, an innovative feeding system
of a beneficial founding microflora that could protect its gastro- quickly learn to consume water to compensate for any dehydration that
intestinal tract. The most common species used as probiotics in broiler could occur from the hatch until their arrival to the farm, thus also
nutrition mainly belong to the genera Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, favouring the consumption and digestibility of feed [21,22]. Recently,
Bacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Aspergillus, Candida, and De Jong et al. [23] carried out a metaanalysis study starting from 83
Saccharomyces, and have a beneficial effect on broiler performance, experimental trials in which the effect of fasting time on the weight and
modulation of intestinal microflora and pathogen inhibition, productive performance of chickens at different ages was studied. This
immunomodulation, haematobiochemical parameters, intestinal study helped to find out that although chickens were able to compensate
histological changes, and promotion of microbiological meat quality for the delay in growth caused by fasting during the first hours of
[6-8]. The desirable criteria that a probiotic should fulfil to be selected life, this compensation is not complete, as statistically significant
are many: it must be a normal inhabitant of the gut, and it must be differences were observed in live weight at 42 days of life, depending
able to adhere to the intestinal epithelium to overcome potential on the number of hours during which the chicks received no food from
hurdles, such as the low stomach’s pH, the presence of bile acids in hatching [23]. Similarly, the study showed that the number of fasting
the intestine, and the competition against other microorganisms in hours after hatching also significantly affects the feed conversion rate,
the gastro-intestinal tract. The mode of action of probiotics in poultry as well as mortality throughout the entire chicken fattening period. In
includes: maintenance of normal microflora by competitive exclusion addition to the need for feeding as soon as possible, the proportion of
and antagonism with nonbeneficial microorganisms [3,9]; increased macronutrients in the first feed that chicks receive is crucial for their
digestive enzymatic activity and decreased bacterial enzyme activity growth, as protein intake is the main nutritional factor during the first
and ammonia production [10,11]; improved feed intake and digestion days of life. In their study, Swennen et al. [24], for the first five days, fed
[12,13]; stimulation of the immune system [14, 15]. Many studies have the newly hatched chicks with three different isoenergetic pre-starter
shown that the competitive exclusion produced by inoculating an adult diets, one low in protein, one low in carbohydrates, and one low in fats.
microflora in day-old chicks has a positive impact on intestinal function From day six on, all chickens received the same commercial diet until
and disease resistance. This approach allows to provide the chick with their 42nd day of life. The results showed that chicks fed the low protein
a complete adult microbiota, thus avoiding having to add one or more diet were delayed in growth compared to those who received the
bacterial strains to an already formed microbiota. Given the high other two types of diet. This is explained by the fact that the efficiency
chicks’ susceptibility to infections, this practice has a very important of protein digestion is lower than that of lipids and carbohydrates in
commercial value. The main mechanisms by which probiotics improve the first days after hatching. The digestive capacity of dietary proteins
feed conversion efficiency include the alteration of the intestinal flora, and ammino acids begins to be efficient from the tenth day of life,
the growth increase of non-pathogenic and anaerobic gram-positive consequently the inclusion of highly digestible protein sources in the
bacteria capable of forming lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, the pre-starter diets is essential to strengthen chicks’ growth. In their study,
growth repression of pathogenic intestinal microorganisms, and finally Moore et al. [25] confirmed that feeding chickens immediately after
the digestion improvement and use of nutrients. Hence, the main results hatching is essential for muscle development as fetus’ glycogen stores
obtained from the probiotics administration are the improvement in are utilized immediately after hatch, leaving the chick in a nutrient
growth rate, the reduction of chickens’ mortality, and the improvement deficit state. Compared to fasted poultry, chickens fed immediately after
in feed conversion efficiency [16,17]. hatching develop the pectoral thoracic and pectora supracoracoideus
muscles more, resulting in a greater weight. This is likely due to low
Early feeding in broilers pectoral thoracic protein synthesis by fasting chickens, as well as an
The “hatch window” is known as the 24 to 48 hours period increased level of apoptosis. Poor development and decreased muscle
during which eggs hatch [18]. The newly hatched chickens remain in weight at early stages, will likely lead to a low meat yield on the market.
the incubator until all the eggs have hatched, after which chicks are The investigators speculate that low levels of muscle development due
collected. After collection, chickens undergo routine treatments such to feed deprivation after hatching are directly related to satellite cell
as selection, vaccination, sex determination and sorting. Then they dynamics. Indeed, poultry showed low mitotic activity of satellite cells
are transported to the farm. From the moment of hatching until their during fasting and the first day of feeding. However, although these
arrival to the farm, chickens are usually not given neither water nor underwent a compensatory increase in activity once fed, the response
food. The length of this period may vary depending on the hatchery was not sufficient to equate that of chickens fed since hatching, neither
window, the hatchery procedures and the trip’s length to the farm. The with regard the activity of satellite cells, nor muscle weight. Further
time elapsed before the administration of the first water and feed can confirmation was given by the increase expression of the Pax7 protein
even be up to 72 hours [19,20]. While the yolk sac may be sufficient in fasting chickens which, after a period of stress, appears to be related
for the first few hours of chicks’ survival, all the other requirements to a low level of satellite cells mitotic activity [25]. Finally, Moore et al.
fail during the long hours until their arrival to the farm. Willemsen [26] also studied the importance of leucine if administered in the initial
et al. [20] suggest that the deprivation of feed and water for 72 hours diet: leucine’s metabolite, the β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate, promotes
can have long-term negative effects on chicken’s welfare and behaviour. weight gain in turkeys, as well as the increase in satellite cell activity,
The chicks come out from an embryonic condition in which the energy with the consequent increase in pectoral muscle weight.
basis of their nutrition is yolk’s fat and egg white’s proteins. Immediately
An innovative feeding system from incubator to farm:
after birth, during the first hours of life there is a significant reduction
in the endogenous glycogen levels, which need to be replaced preferably
hydrated gels rich in nutrients
by glycogen from the consumption of corn starch or another source As previously explained, access to food and water immediately after
of starch. Chicks need to learn quickly to consume feed to allow hatching is of paramount importance for chicks’ digestive and immune
their digestive system to undergo rapid anatomical and physiological systems proper development. Nowadays, there are food management
transformation. Furthermore, early feed consumption also promotes systems right in the incubator. In these systems, the hatching trays have
the rapid development of the immune system. The chicks must also openings in which the newly hatched chicks fall into a lower basket
Anim Husb Dairy Vet Sci, 2020 doi: 10.15761/AHDVS.1000183 Volume 4: 2-4
Riva S (2020) The importance of early nutrition in broiler chickens: Hydrated gels enriched with nutrients, an innovative feeding system
where they can find double-sided feeders with sufficient feed and water birds’ health can include many elements, such as altered atmospheric
for the following 24-36 hours. This first feed provides the energy needed temperature, relative humidity, inadequate human handling, feed
for the basic maintenance of the chick, while yolk’s high value nutrients and water deprivation. Other factors include vaccination, diseases,
are used for the development of the immune system and vital organs. such as coccidiosis, confinement, excessive movement, or excessive
A recent innovative method to ensure the ingestion of nutriment from noise, a micro-thermal core inside the transport vehicle, or even the
the first hours of life is the administration of hydrated gels that contain use of inappropriate vehicles. The harmful effects of these factors
an increasing variety of nutrients and additives, such as vitamins and and, their combination can cause mild to severe discomfort and can
probiotics. These gels, considered as complementary feed, are sprayed even lead to death. The administration of C vitamin, in a range from
on chicks in form of droplets directly in the incubators. These droplets 100 to 200 mg per kg, is able to reverse the stress factors in chickens,
are quickly consumed by pecking each other. In this way, chicks ingest and therefore improve productivity.
all the nutrients contained in the gel drops without getting wet or
• Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) represent an important supply of
cold. These gels contain innovative formulations that usually include
dietary fiber and favour the selective growth of lactic bacteria and
several nutrients, vitamins, minerals, highly digestible amino acids, and
Bifidobacterium. Thanks to their ability to stimulate the growth of
prebiotics that promote the stimulation of gastrointestinal development
specific beneficial bacteria in the colon and to obstruct the growth of
and functioning, and also influence positively the growth and the
pathogenic bacteria, they are considered prebiotics. Thanks to their
productive yield, thus favouring poultry welfare. The main ingredients
fermentation process, FOS can influence the intestinal epithelium by
that characterize and make these enriched hydrated gels unique are the
promoting the development of the mucosa and increasing resistance
to intestinal diseases by creating a sort of barrier mechanism. FOS
• Sodium chloride is the main electrolyte of the extracellular fluid, consumption reduces the appearance of ulcerative intestinal lesions,
responsible for the control and distribution of water throughout the being the short-term treatment based on the ingestion of FOS and
body, and consequently for the maintenance of body fluids’ normal bifidobacteria, one of the best therapies for inflammation associated
balance. with active ulcerative colitis [28]. The FOS are attributed the ability
to prevent constipation as they allow a better formation of the faecal
• Calcium chloride is a calcium supplement, indicated in cases of
bolus and promote intestinal mobility [29]. Consumption of FOS has
severe hypocalcaemia, hypermagnesemia, hyperkalaemia, or in case
been shown to improve the absorption of minerals such as calcium,
of toxicity caused by calcium channel antagonists.
magnesium, zinc, iron and copper. Absorption of minerals generally
• Magnesium sulphate helps decrease acetylcholine in nerve endings; occurs mainly in the small intestine, although the large intestine can
it is necessary for the entry or exit of calcium, sodium, and potassium also represent an absorption site, thanks to the help of short-chain
from cells, as well as for membrane stabilization. fatty acids derived from fermentation [28,29]. Finally, there is no
experimental evidence indicating that FOS have any toxicity degree.
• Potassium chloride is a potassium supplement, intracellular fluid’s
main cation, closely linked to cell function and metabolism, • Patented high-quality soluble extract obtained from a primary
in particular carbohydrates’ metabolism, glycogen storage and culture of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain. This ingredient
protein synthesis. Potassium is one of the main responsible for is an important protein source in chicken diet, being made up of
the transmembrane potential and is essential in the electrical 63% free amino acids, small peptides, and rich in nucleic acids
excitability of muscles’ nerves, including the cardiac ones. It also derived from yeast cells’ content. It is a source of highly digestible
plays a fundamental role in the genesis and correction of acid-base essential amino acids, such as lysine, and also contains a high level
metabolism disorders. of glutamic acid, known to be palatable and useful during the first
week of chick’s life.
• Organic selenium has been introduced in the formulation for its
important benefit compared to its inorganic form: it allows the Conclusion
creation of selenium reserves in tissues, mainly the muscular ones,
in the form of selenomethionine. Selenomethionine is perceived as As previously discussed, there are many factors that can affect the
an amino acid, so it can be used in conditions of stress or need to welfare of broiler chickens, such as the deprivation of water and feed
improve antioxidant defences. for long hours, inappropriate feeding, and environmental stressors.
For this reason, alternative systems are increasingly necessary to
• Leucine, together with valine and isoleucine, is part of the so- compensate or avoid the side effects of bad practices implemented since
called Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) group. BCAAs are the first hours of life of newly hatched chicks. The use of hydrated gels
known for their anabolic and anti-catabolic function on muscle as complementary feed rich in nutrients and additives, aims to protect
metabolism. The anabolic function is confirmed by the increase chickens’ gastrointestinal system, promoting its development and
in protein synthesis and by the inhibition of proteolysis. However, functionality. The easy administration of these type of products directly
different scientific researches show that leucine exerts a greater effect into the incubation chambers in the form of small gel drops ensures a
on protein metabolism than valine and isoleucine. It appears that first nourishment to chicks to make up for the long hours of transport
postmeal protein synthesis of muscle tissue increases significantly to the farm, without wetting or cooling them. The new technology
more after leucine ingestion than the other two BCAAs. Although of hydrated gel is an incredibly valid and innovative solution to help
not all of the mechanisms of leucine-induced protein synthesis are chicks in their first hours of development which, accompanying them
known yet, some can probably be explained by the activation of the throughout their growth, promotes not only chickens’ welfare but also
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) protein, known for its role the achievement of a high production yield.
in the muscle growth process [27].
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Copyright: ©2020 Riva S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Anim Husb Dairy Vet Sci, 2020 doi: 10.15761/AHDVS.1000183 Volume 4: 4-4