PR12 - Q1 - W8 - Conceptual Framework - Definition of Terms-Mildred Pa-ac-Baguio-v4

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Conceptual Framework and

Definition of Terms
Learner's Module in Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 ● Module 8 ● Week 8


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

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What I Need to Know

Having a clear view on what the research is all about and how it will take place is
very important. Thus, in this module, we will be learning about conceptual framework as one
part in research.
Also, research studies are conducted for information dissemination. Researchers do
not conduct a research for it to be concealed or be placed in an archive. The research
studies conducted are meant to be shared to the public. In this regard, the language used
must be appropriate to the readers and the terms used must be understood by the readers
coming from various backgrounds. To attain this, we will also learn in this module the
definition of terms and when to utilize it in the study.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. construct a conceptual framework related to the study,
2. explain the importance of conceptual framework,
3. differentiate conceptual definition from operational definition, and
4. define terms used in a research study appropriately.

What I Know

I. Read and understand each question then choose your answer from the choices
given. Place your answer on a separate sheet of paper. (15 points)

1. What is a conceptual framework?

A. It is a framework which presents the theories that explains why a problem under
study exists.
B. It is a framework which guides the readers what the research is all about and how
is it being done.
C. It is a framework which explains the significance of certain factors included in the
D. It is a framework which specifies the variables of the study and the expected flow
of relationship or influence among the variables.

2. The conceptual framework can be derived from which part of the research paper?
A. Introduction C. Research questions
B. Literature Review D. Scope and delimitation

3. Which of the following is not a part of a conceptual framework?

A. dependent variable C. methodology of the research process
B. independent variable D. importance of the research

4. What is a theoretical framework?

A. It is a framework which presents the theories that explains why a problem under
study exists.
B. It is a framework which guides the readers what the research is all about and how
is it being done.
C. It is a framework which explains the connection between certain factors/ variables
and the problem.
D. Both A and C

5. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Conceptual framework focus on theories presented in the literature review.
B. Conceptual framework is anchored to the theoretical framework.
C. Theoretical framework has no significant difference from a conceptual framework.
D. Theoretical framework is applicable to all kinds of researches.

6. Which of the following definition can be used when defining key terms in research
A. conceptual C. technical
B. operational D. both A and B

7. The meaning of the term in this type of definition is usually taken from the dictionary.
What definition is this?
A. conceptual C. technical
B. operational D. both A and B

8. This type of definition is based on observed characteristics and how it is used in a

study. What definition is this?
C. conceptual C. technical
D. operational D. both A and B

9. When should a researcher include the definition of terms in his/her research study?
A. when the terms are repeatedly used in the entire research
B. when the terms used in the study have different meanings to different people
C. when the terms are only used in certain professions
D. both B and C

10. In which part of the research paper is the definition of terms presented?
A. Conclusion
B. Introduction
C. Methodology
D. Results and Discussion

11. Why do researchers need to define technical terms being used in their study?
A. It is for an easier understanding among readers.
B. It is to make the research appear complicated.
C. It is to inform that the researcher is of high caliber.
D. It is to make the reader be interested to read.

12. How should a researcher construct his or her conceptual framework?

A. The framework must contain the technical terms in the study.
B. The framework must be long to include all details in the study.
C. The framework must be simple and easy to understand.
D. Both B and C

13. Which of the following is FALSE when defining terms in a study?

A. Define specialized terms used in a study.
B. Major terms in the study must be given definitions.
C. Researchers should understand the concepts before defining.
D. Use jargons in a research to attract readers.

14. Which of the following is FALSE when presenting conceptual frameworks?

A. The variables are to be presented in the conceptual framework.
B. The use of visual or graphic form of presentation is discouraged.
C. Important details in the understanding of the study are presented.
D. both A and B

15. Why should researchers need to place importance on the terms being used in a research
A. The terms will add to the knowledge of the readers.
B. The terms will help the readers understand the study.
C. The terms will help researchers express how they feel.
D. The terms will make sure that research is of good value.

What’s In

Let’s have a review on what you have learned from the previous lesson. Answer the
Match the given words in circles to its corresponding definition/description in
the boxes. Place your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

describes the coverage of the


defines the potential weakness

SCOPE of the study

presents the factors or

variables that are not to be

includes constraints that

cannot be avoided

specifies what is covered


contains those that you would

include in your study

mentions problems beyond the

capability of the researcher to

includes general description of

the research topic

includes the time frame and

number of participants

identifies lack of available data

What’s New
Activity 1
Cut the pictures in the next page and create a meaningful concept map out of
it. Place it inside the box then explain the map created in not more than 10 sentences.

Concept Map


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC
BY-SA-NC 02/pollution-1603644_960_720.jpg

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

under CC BY-NC This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed CC BY-NC-ND
under CC BY-NC
orientale/Cina/Inquinamento blog-ocean-ocean-trash-harming-our-life/

What Is It
LESSON: Conceptual Framework
In the previous activity, you were able to come up with a concept map. Looking at it,
do you think other people will create the same concept map as you did? Probably not! Every
person has his or her own interpretation on what the pictures are all about and will probably
present it differently from yours. The important thing is that, though the concept map may be
presented differently, the viewers can understand what it is trying to portray. That’s why, the
manner on how you arranged the pictures matter.

In research, we follow the concept of concept mapping to be able to plan how our
research will go about with the existing theories and concepts in research as our basis. This
is where the conceptual and theoretical framework will come in. Let’s go over these

A. Conceptual Framework
- It is defined as “a graphical representation of concepts or ideas on the basic
structure or components of a research as well as on the relationships of these
elements with one another (Baraceros, 2016).
- It is summarized through an illustration called the research paradigm.
- It is presented through a graphical form with the use of shapes (box, circles,
etc.) and arrows to show how every part (variables of the study, related
literature, methodology, and others) is interrelated/related with one another.
*It would look like a concept map like what you have created in the previous
- It is anchored or founded on the theoretical framework. It can also be derived
from the literature review.

1. It presents the variables to be studied.
2. It presents the specific connections of the variables in the study.
3. It serves as the foundation for the specific research questions.

The common framework being used in research is the I-P-O or the Input-Process-
Output. The input would refer to the independent variables of the study, the process would
refer to the method to be used, and the output refers to the dependent variable or the
outcome. We have also the model for Independent Variable (IV) and Dependent Variable

An example is presented below.

Profile of the Grade
11 students OUTPUT
1. Track Test questions
Rate of retention
2. Strand
Statistical tests
3. Sex
inferential) Factors affecting the
Factors rate of retention
1. Teacher factor
2. Student factor
Interview schedule
3. Learning
environment factor

Adapted from Retention of Basic Science Concepts (2019) by Mildred K. Pa-ac

B. Theoretical Framework
- This framework “consists of concepts, together with their definitions, and
existing theory/theories that are used for a particular study”. (Sacred Heart
University, 2020).
- This portion helps in understanding why the problem exists and then shows
the connection of certain variables to the existing problem. It is presented in
broader terms.
- Specific ideas coming from this framework are presented in the conceptual

1. It provides the framework which can help in the analysis of data at the latter part of
the study.
2. It helps identify the variables to be studied.
3. It presents how one variable can be affected by other variables or how other
variables affect other variables in a study.
4. It helps limit the scope of the study by focusing on relevant data.
5. It guides the researcher on the steps to take in analyzing and interpreting data.

An example is presented below.

Memory was described by cognitive psychologist Margaret W. Matlin as the “process
of retaining information over time” (Zimmermann, 2014). With this, it affects every
person’s retention of their past experiences. In the classroom setting where teachers are
having problems on the retention of concepts among students, Science can help in
understanding why students tend to forget what they are learning. This was explained by
psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus on what he called as the forgetting curve. In his
experiment, he found out that without connecting the prior knowledge of a person to a
concept, the information is quickly forgotten - that is 56% in one hour, 66% after a day,
and 75% after six days (Terada, 2017). Thus, retaining the learned concepts is very
crucial to every student for this will serve as one of their instruments when they will be
working later.
Excerpt from Retention of Basic Science Concepts (2019) by Mildred Pa-ac

All research studies need a conceptual

framework but not all require a
theoretical framework except for
experimental, correlational, and
comparative studies.

Important note: When constructing your conceptual framework, make sure

that the concepts being presented are aligned to your topic. The concepts are
arranged in an orderly manner and the connection of the concepts with each other
are evident and easily understood by the readers. Refrain from putting too much
concepts which could lead to confusion. It is always a good thing to go back to your

topic and understand important variables, plan how you are going to present the
concepts, and review finished framework for further improvements.

What’s More
Activity 1: Conceptual framework
Construct a conceptual framework based on the following texts. Place your answer on a
separate sheet of paper. Be guided by the given rubric. (10 pts.)
In the context of the study, the sex (Male or Female), strand, track, and the internal or
external factors that may have or may not have an effect to the level of proficiency of the
students in science are identified. The theories presented in the research that male perform
better as well as those in the academic track perform better will be tested in the study. The
level of the proficiency in Science among the Grade 11 students will be the one to be looked
onto - the outcome affected by the existing condition. The variables will be taken into
consideration by the researcher by analyzing them. In this manner, the researcher will be
able to determine the level of proficiency of the Grade 11 students on the specified variables
of the study as well as to know the factors affecting it.

Criteria Points
10 8 6 4
Content The formulated The formulated The formulated The formulated
conceptual conceptual conceptual conceptual framework is
framework is correct framework is framework is incorrect and is missing
and complete. generally correct somewhat correct too many important
and complete. and is missing concepts.
some important
Organization 5 4 3 2
The conceptual The conceptual The conceptual The conceptual
framework is highly framework is framework is framework is poorly
organized. generally somewhat organized.
organized. organized.
Total Points

Assessment 1
In the formulation of a conceptual framework in the previous activity, answer
the following on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What makes a conceptual framework easy to understand?
2. Why is a conceptual framework needed in a research study?
Content 5 4 3 2
The explanation shows The explanation shows The explanation shows The explanation
thorough substantial partial understanding of shows serious
understanding of the understanding of the the topic. 2 errors are misunderstanding of
topic. topic. 1 error is found. found the topic. 3 or more
errors are found.

What I Have Learned

Activity: Summary
Complete the following based on your understanding of conceptual framework.
Place your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Conceptual framework is different from theoretical framework in a way that

2. The conceptual framework of a research study contains

What I Can Do

Activity 1: Application
Present the conceptual framework of your research study (integrating the
review of related literature). Make sure to follow the correct steps and provide the
necessary information. Place your output on a separate sheet of paper or can be
encoded. (30 points)
Criteria Points
20 15 10 5
Content The reviewed The reviewed The reviewed The reviewed
literature and literature and literature and literature and
constructed constructed constructed constructed
conceptual conceptual conceptual conceptual framework
framework show framework show framework show show
thorough substantial partial understanding misunderstanding of
understanding of the understanding of the of the concepts. The the concepts. The
concepts. The concepts. The reviewed literature is reviewed literature is
reviewed literature reviewed literature is somewhat relevant in irrelevant in the
is highly relevant in generally relevant in the understanding of understanding of the
the understanding of the understanding of the topic. Proper topic. It did not follow
the topic. It followed the topic. It followed citation was not the proper citation of
the proper citation of the proper citation of completely followed. borrowed text.
borrowed texts. borrowed texts.
Clarity 5 4 3 2
Presentation of Presentation of ideas Presentation of ideas Presentation of ideas
ideas are very clear. are generally clear. are somewhat clear. are unclear.
Organization 5 4 3 2
The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are
arranged in a very arranged in a arranged in a arranged in a
orderly manner generally orderly somewhat orderly disorderly manner
which leads to an manner which leads manner which leads which leads to serious
easy understanding to the understanding to some misunderstanding of
of concepts. of concepts. misunderstanding of concepts.
Total Points


What’s In

Let us have a review on what you have learned from the previous lesson.
Construct a conceptual framework based on the following texts. Place your
framework on a separate sheet of paper.

In the context of the study, the track, strand, sex (Male or Female), and the internal and
external factors which may affect the rate of retention are to be included. The study will be
conducted with test questions, statistical tests, and interview schedules. The theories on
memory retention will be tested using such variables. Looking for the rate of retention as well
as the factors affecting the rate of retention will be the goal of the study.

What’s New
Activity 1: Vocabulary Building
Match the terms in column B to their corresponding meaning in column C.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. retort A. a computer in a network that is used to
provide services (such as access to files or shared
peripherals or the routing of e-mail) to other
computers in the network
2. chassis B. substances discharged into the air (as by a
smokestack or an automobile engine)
3. blanch C. to work and press into a mass with or as if with the
4. cubism D. any physical operation that takes place in an enterprise
5. applet E. the frame and working parts (as of an automobile or
electronic device) exclusive of the body or housing
6. activity F. to scald or parboil in water or steam in order to
remove the skin from, whiten, or stop enzymatic
action in (such as food for freezing)
7. server G. a vessel or chamber in which substances are distilled
or decomposed by heat
8. knead H. a style of art that stresses abstract structure at the
expense of other pictorial elements especially by
displaying several aspects of the same object
simultaneously and by fragmenting the form of
depicted objects
9. equestrian I. one who rides on horseback
10. emissions J. a short computer application especially for performing
a simple specific task

What Is It

LESSON: Definition of Terms

The goal of any research is to inform the people. In doing so, the readers must
understand what the research is all about regardless of its topic. This is where the right
language and terms come in.
From the previous activity, were you able to match all the terms correctly? If yes,
that’s great! If not, why is this so? For the terms related to your own strand, I suppose you
did not experience much difficulty in answering the activity but for the other terms you’ve
barely encountered or are new to you, you may have hard time looking for its correct
Just imagine reading a research and encountering these unfamiliar words, would you
continue reading or would spark an interest in you? Absolutely not! In research, we use
simpler or common terms. It is the goal of the researcher to let the readers understand what
the research is, not to impress them with highfalutin words. With specialized words used in
various profession, they are still included in the study but are defined for the understanding
of people who are not adept with such.


This is the part of the research paper where the key terms or important terms are
defined. It is included under the introduction portion of the research paper after the
background of the study or in some research papers with a separate review of related
literature, it is placed after it.
The terms in a research study are defined in two ways: conceptual (theoretical) and
operational. Let’s take a look at this.


- This type of definition is usually obtained from the dictionary.

- It defines a concept in terms of theories, principles, and others which are
associated with the term.
- It also defines terms which are universally correct or are commonly used.

a. Academic proficiency refers to the amount of clarity a student has about the
various concepts and topics and his ability to apply this to solve the questions.
b. Retention is a preservation of the aftereffects of experience and learning that
makes recall or recognition possible.


- This type of definition is based on observed characteristics and how it is used in a
- It defines the term on how it is measured or be measured.
- This operation may be adopted/repeated by other researchers in other studies.

a. Academic proficiency
This refers to the mastery of learners on a specific concept or subject which
can be measured through various assessments such as written works (tests,
quizzes, etc) and performance tasks (actual performance or application of
b. Retention
This refers to the concepts that the learners can recall from their previous
lessons or grade level which can be measured using test papers.

When defining the important terms in your research study,

1. understand the terms or concepts used before defining,
2. make the definition clear and easily understood by the readers,
3. define important/major or key terms only,
4. arrange the terms alphabetically, and
5. avoid the use of jargons.

What’s More
Activity 1
From the given conceptual definition of terms below, give its operational
definition. Place your answer on a separate sheet of paper. (10 points; 2 points each)

Conceptual Definition Operational Definition

1. Motivation refers to the general desire
or willingness of someone to do
2. Learning is defined as the acquisition of
knowledge or skills through experience,
study, or by being taught.
3. Online learning is education that takes
place over the internet.
4. Emotion is a state of feeling.
5. Learning styles refers to the preferential
way in which the student absorbs,
processes, comprehends and retains

Assessment 1
Differentiate conceptual definition from operational definition by filling such
table. Do this on a separate sheet of paper. (10 pts.)

Points of comparison Conceptual definition Operational definition

Similarities (2 pts.)

Differences (4 pts.)

Example (provide 2 each only

– 4 pts.)

What I Have Learned

Activity 1: Summary
Complete the phrase inside the box to present what you have learned in this
module. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Operational definition refers to


while conceptual definition refers to


What I Can Do

Activity 1: Application
Define the important terms used in your research study. Be guided by the given
rubric. Write or encode your output on a separate sheet of paper. (10 pts.)
Criteria Points
6 5 4 3
Content The defined terms are The defined terms The defined terms The defined terms are
highly relevant to the are relevant to the are somewhat irrelevant to the
research study and research study and relevant to the research study and are
are defined in a truly are defined in clear research study and defined in a poor
clear manner. manner. are defined in a manner.
somewhat clear

Organization 4 3 2 1
The output is highly The output is The output is The output is poorly
organized. generally somewhat organized.
organized. organized.
Total Points

Post Assessment
Read and understand each question then choose the letter of the correct
answer. Place your answers on a separate sheet of paper. (15 points)

I. Analyze the following conceptual framework and answer the questions that follow.
For items 1-5

Reading Comprehension among Elementary Students

Intervention/ Learning Materials

Level of Reading Groups Level of Reading

Comprehension •Traditional materials Comprehension
before intervention • Integration of ICT after intervention
• Traditional and ICT based

1. Which of the following is the dependent variable in the study?

A. integration of ICT
B. level of reading comprehension
C. traditional materials
D. reading comprehension

2. What is the independent variable in the study?

A. level of reading comprehension
B. kinds of learning materials to be used
C. traditional materials
D. elementary students

3. What is the main goal of the research based on the framework?

A. To determine the Level of Reading Comprehension before intervention
B. To look for the best intervention for the students’ reading comprehension
C. To determine the Level of Reading Comprehension before and after the
D. To compare the level of reading comprehension of the students before and after
the intervention

4. How does the researcher plan to enhance the Level of Reading Comprehension of the
A. The researcher plans to use various kinds of instructional materials.
B. The researcher plans to interview the students.
C. The researcher plans to give assessments for the students to answer.
D. The researcher plans to use questionnaire in finding for the answer.
5. Which of the following questions is aligned to the conceptual framework?
A. What is the level of comprehension among elementary students?
B. Has the level of reading comprehension of elementary students become better
after the intervention?
C. What is the level of comprehension of elementary students before and after the
use of intervention?
D. Which intervention improved the level of reading comprehension of students?

6. When should a researcher include the definition of terms in his/her research study?
A. when the terms are repeatedly used in the entire research
B. when the terms used in the study have different meanings to different people
C. when the terms are only used in certain professions
D. both B and C

7. In which part of the research paper is the definition of terms presented?

A. Conclusion
B. Introduction
C. Methodology
D. Results and Discussion

8. How many terms should a research define in his or her research study?
A. 5 terms only
B. 10 terms only
C. At least 15 terms
D. All the important terms in the study

9. When the term used in a study comes from the dictionary, what do we call this term?
A. conceptual
B. operational
C. technical
D. both A and B

10. Which of the following should a researcher do when defining important terms in a study?
A. Make the definition clear and easily understood.
B. Define important or key terms only.
C. Understand the terms or concepts before defining.
D. All of the choices

II. Write T if the statement is correct; F if otherwise. Place your answers on a

separate sheet of paper.

11. The operational definitions present in a research can be repeated by other

researchers in other studies.

12. Terms used only by certain professionals should not be used in research.
13. The terms being defined in a study is limited into 5 terms only.

vary may -answers -answers may vary
What I Can do What’s more activity 1
What I Have Learned lesson 2
What’s New –
Points of Conceptual Operational
comparison definition definition lesson 2
Similarities (2 They are used to define terms used in a 1. G
pts.) research study 2. E
3. F
Differences - derived from the - based on 4. H
(4 pts.) dictionary observable 5. J
- define concepts characteristic 6. D
in terms of s 7. A
theories, - define 8. C
principles, and variables 9. I
ideas which are 10. B
- establishes the measurable
definition -answers may vary
What’s In lesson 2
-Answers may vary
What I Can do
What I Have Learned
What’s more lesson 2 – assessment What’s more lesson 1
Post -
1. B
2. B
3. D
4. A
1. D
5. C
2. B
6. D
7. B 3. D
4. D
8. D
5. B
9. A
6. D
10. D
11. T 7. A
8. B
12. F
9. D
13. F
10. B
14. T
15. F 11. A
12. C
13. D
14. B
15. B
What’s In – lesson 1
Answer Key
the readers.
15. Defining specialized terms in a research can contribute to confusion on the part of
among others.
14. The terms being defined in a study may include concepts, theories, and principles

Baraceros, Esther L. 2017. Practical Research 2. Sampaloc, Manila : Rex Bookstore, Inc.,
Faltado III, Ruben E., et al. 2016. Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for SHS).
Quezon City, Metro Manila : Lorimar Publishing Inc., 2016.
Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes F. and Mendoza, Diana J. 2016. An Introduction to Quantitative
Research Methods and Report Writing. Quezon City, Metro Manila : Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc., 2016.
Pulmones, Richard. 2016. You and the Natural World Quantitative Research. Quezon City :
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2016.
University, Sacred Heart. 2020. Organizing Academic Research Papers: Theoretical
Framework. [Online] 2020. [Cited: August 24, 2020.]

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Department of Education-Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad Benguet, Philippines
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