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Litr102 | ASEAN Literature

LITERATURE Mood – is the atmosphere of the story. The reader

determines the feel of the story.
The story, whether it is a short story, novel or folk Denotation – Dictionary definition of a word.
tale has the following general elements that are used Sometimes a word can have multiple definitions.
to analyze any written story: Consider the way the word is used in context to the
• Character story.
• Setting Connotation – Feelings and images associated
• Plot with a word or phrase.
• Themes
• Style Tone – is the author’s attitude towards the subject
they are writing about.
• Point of View
• Characterization Exposition – The opening of the story that sets up
• Diction the characters, setting, (time and place), and basic
• Denotation information in introduced.
• Connotation
Conflict – The protagonist struggles between
• Tone
opposing forces. It can be external: person vs.
• Mood person, person vs. person vs. nature, person vs.
society, person vs. technology, person vs.
Theme – The message/es explored throughout a supernatural. It can be internal: person vs. self
work of literature.
Rising Action – The main character faces a series
Motifs – Repeated patterns in the story, particularly of conflicts.
the symbolic
Crisis – A significant turning point in the story that
Plot – The arrangement of events; consider determines how it must end.
chronology or use of flashback/flashforward.
Climax – The highest point of tension or drama in a
Setting – The time and place (or when and where) narratives’ plot. Often climax is also when the main
of the story. It can be time period, location, the time problem of the story is faced and solved by the main
of day, the season, the weather, the type of room or character or protagonist.
building. Three types of setting to keep in mind are
Physical, Historical, and Atmospheric Falling Action – The story begins to slow down and
work towards its end, tying up loose ends.
Character – is a person, animal, being, creature in
a story. Writers use characters to perform the Resolution/Denouement – The conclusion of the
actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along story’s plot.
a plot line. Examples: Protagonist, Antagonist
Characterization – is a writer’s process used to Physical – The place where the story occurs. Ex.
develop their characters throughout the story. The The setting of Trifles takes place in a farmhouse.
author uses details to teach us about a character.
This is used over the course of a story in order to tell Historical – The time period in history that either
the tale. There are two types of characterization, surrounds the story. Ex: The Yellow Wallpaper takes
Direct and Indirect. place around the nineteenth century, which is
important to why the protagonist is treated a certain
Point of view – The vantage points from which the way by her husband.
story is told. Who is telling the story? There are three
points of view a story can be told from, First-person, Atmospheric - The feeling, emotion, or mood that
Second-person, and Third-person. an author creates in a narrative through descriptive
Diction – Refers to word choice and phrasing in any
written or spoken text. There are two types of diction:
Formal and Informal

Geron, Jasmin B. | ASEAN

Litr102 | ASEAN Literature
Protagonist – This is the main character, around Formal – Involves choosing words that are polite
which the whole story revolves. and proper. Formal language is often filled with
descriptive words that are quite precise, and
Antagonist – This character, or group of sentences may be longer.
characters, causes the conflict for the protagonist.
The antagonist could be the protagonist, who is torn Informal – Generally uses shorter words.
by a problem within. Sentences may be incomplete or ignore some finer
points of grammar and usage
Foil – Opposite character traits from another,
character meant to help highlight or bring out
another’s positive or negative side. Here is a list of literary devices to consider when
analyzing your essay.
Static – Do not change throughout the story. A major Symbolism – The use of symbols to signify ideas
character can remain static through the whole story and qualities, by giving them symbolic meanings that
Dynamic – Changes throughout the story. They are different from their literal sense. Symbols can be
may learn a lesson, become bad, or change in universal, conventional, and con textual.
complex ways. Figurative Language – Used to describe someone
Flat – Has one or two traits, usually only all positive or something by comparing to another or using
or negative. They are the opposite of a round words for description that do not have a literal
character. The flaw or strength has its use in the meaning. Examples: Metaphor and Simile.
story. Imagery – Evokes the five senses. What does the
Round – Opposite of the flat character. Characters character or narrator make the reader touch, see,
have many different traits, good and bad, making hear, feel, smell, taste?
them more interesting.
TYPES OF CHARACTERIZATION Extensions of Literary Devices:
Direct: The author explicitly tells the audience what The following are extensions of literary devices
he or she wants you to know about the character. you can use throughout your essay

Indirect: The reader makes inferences about a TYPES OF SYMBOLS

character based on their actions, thoughts, Universal – A word or object that most every-one
personality, and emotional affect on other agrees on the meaning.
characters. There are five types of Indirect
characterization: Speech, Thoughts, Effect on Conventional – Widely recognized by a society or
others, Actions, and Looks. culture. Ex: Christian cross, the Star of Da-vid, a
swastika, or a nation’s flag.
First-person: The story is told through the eyes of Contextual – A word or object that stands for
the character telling the story. something else just in the story or situation

Second-person: The narrator is speaking to you. TYPES OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE

This is seen mostly in poems, speeches,
instructional writing, and persuasive articles
Metaphor (Pagwawangis o Metapora)
Third-person: The narrator is describing what’s • Makes a comparison of two unrelated things
seen, but as a spectator. If the narrator is a character often using “is.”
in the story, then we are reading what he or she • Example: But soft! What light through yonder
observes as the story unfolds. The story can be told window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is
from an omniscient (all-knowing) narrator who the sun. – The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
doesn’t interact in the events, or a limited omniscient
character who knows only one other person’s
thoughts or feelings, or character who has a limited
perspective of the events unfolding.

Geron, Jasmin B. | ASEAN

Litr102 | ASEAN Literature

Personification (Pagsasatao o Personipikasyon)

• A thing- an idea or an animal – is given
human attributes.
• My love for you is a raging fire.
• Example: “I find it hovering in the dining-
• Raging fire emphasizes the passion and
room, skulking in the parlor, hiding in the hall,
heat and “out-of-controlness” that comes
lying in wait for me on the stairs.” – “The
with being in love. It easily out-
Yellow Wallpaper”
intensifies very much.

Hyperbole (Pagmamalabis)
• Hyperbole is a purposeful exaggeration not
meant to be taken literally. It is used to
emphasize or draw attention to a certain
element in a story.

• The characters are representative of some
larger humanistic trait and attempt to convey
some larger lesson or meaning in life.
• such forms as fable and parable may have
meaning on two or more levels that the
Simile (Pagtutulad o Simili) reader can understand only through an
• Makes a comparison of two unrelated things interpretive process.
to show common quality between them using
“like” or “as.”
• Example: “She smiles like the sun”
• As cold as ice
• As busy as a bee
• As light as a feather
• Swim like a fish
• Fight like cats and dogs
• As black as coal
• Brave as a lion

Geron, Jasmin B. | ASEAN

Litr102 | ASEAN Literature
• Any collection of written or oral work, but it
more commonly and narrowly refers to
writings specifically considered to be an art
• Latin word “littera/litteratura” meaning
letters and referring to an acquaintance with
the written word.
• It is commonly refers to works of the creative
imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction,
nonfiction and in some instances journalism
and song.
• As an art form can also include works in
various non-fiction genres such as
autobiography, diaries, memoir (author’s
personal memory), letters and the essay.

Importance of Literature
• One of the chief purposes of literature is a
means of exploring what is to be human.
• A way of communicating with others about a
huge range of ideas and concerns.
• Allows a person to step back in time and
learn about life on Earth from the ones who
walked before us.
• Appreciation for other cultures and beliefs.
• Literature improves your command of
• It teaches you about the life, cultures and
experiences of people in other parts of the
Allusion world.
• A reference to something in history, culture, • It makes you a wiser and more experienced
or literature person by forcing you to judge, sympathize
with, or criticize the characters you read

Kinds of Literature
• Literature is divided into two (2) kinds
1. Fictional
2. Non-Fictional
• Fictional Literature is imaginary composed
writing or work of art that is meant to provide
information, education, and entertainment to
the reader.
• In other words, fictional literature is based
on the writer’s imagination rather than reality.
• Non – fictional Literature is factual writing
or written work that is gives facts that can be
proved as it provides real places, events,
characters, times or reality rather than
imaginary things.

Geron, Jasmin B. | ASEAN

Litr102 | ASEAN Literature
Examples of Fictional Literature ➢ The literary arts, especially poetry, have
• Plays traditionally been highly prized in Vietnam.
• Poems ➢ There are three main types of Vietnamese
• Short stories literature:
• Novels 1. Truyen (traditional oral literature);
• Oral or traditional literature 2. Han Viet (Chinese-Vietnamese
• Songs literature);
Examples of Non- Fictional Literature 3. Quoc Am (modern literature, or
• Autobiographies anything written in the
romanticized quoc ngu alphabet).
• Biographies
• Essays
➢ From the early 20th century, “chu Quoc
• Diaries
ngu” (national language) was widespread
• Journals
nationwide. With the development of
• Magazines
printing technology, together with
• Newspaper
exposure to Western and Eastern literature.
• Subject text books (Geography, History and
Civic Education) ➢ Literature in Vietnam witnessed a great
number of new literary genres, in which
ASIAN LITERATURE prose occupied an important position in the
• Asian literature is a compact of ideas wherein literature forum with poems reigned before.
culture, belief, religion, and values collide. Changes in literary life appeared with the
This can be reflected from the different advent of the New Poetry movement in the
writers or authors all over Asia who wants to 1930s.
share their views, ideas, emotion through ➢ This was a modern movement to liberate
different literary pieces. Vietnamese poetry from the restrictive rules
• Asian literature mirrors not only the customs of classical Chinese poetry. In the field of
and traditions of Asian countries but also. prose, the activities of “Tu Luc Van Doan”
their philosophy of life which on the whole are group influenced by the West created a
deeply and predominantly contemplative modern Vietnam novel. Vietnam literature
and. hauntingly sweet. It is a reflection of the
from this period set a presence of many
storm and stress of developing nations
seeking a place. movements. It can be named of them, such
as works in romanticism, works according
VIETNAM LITERATURE to realism, or works associated with
➢ Vietnam literature consists of two parts, politics – revolutionary literature flow.
namely folk and written literature. Folk
literature is oral literature; meanwhile,
written literature includes kanji, “chu
Poetry is literature that is written in verse and
Nom” (Nom letters) and “chu Quoc ngu”
emphasizes the rhythmic use of words to create
(national language) literature.

Types of Poetry
1. Lyric Poetry
2. Narrative Poetry
3. Descriptive Poetry

Lyric Poetry
Lyric poetry refers to a short poem, often with
songlike qualities, that expresses the speaker's
personal emotions and feelings.

Geron, Jasmin B. | ASEAN

Litr102 | ASEAN Literature
Narrative Poetry OCTAVE - eight lines of iambic pentameter (10
Narrative poetry is a form of poetry that tells syllables). ABBA ABBA
a story, often using the voices of both a narrator and
characters; the entire story is usually written in When I consider how my light is spent
metered verse. Narrative poems do not need to Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,
rhyme. The poems that make up this genre may be And that one talent which is death to hide
short or long, and the story it relates to may be Lodg'd with me useless, though my soul more bent
SESTET - six lines of iambic pentameter (10
Descriptive Poetry syllables) CDECDE
One that mainly describes the subject –
whether it be a person, an animal, or an inanimate So answerest thou; but why not rather say:
object – often in great detail, rather than telling a “Hath man no second life? - Pitch this one high!
story or expressing one's feelings. Sits there no judge in Heaven, our sin to see?-
More strictly, then, the inward judge obey!
Sub Types: Was Christ a man like us? Ah! Let us try
1. Sonnet If we then, too, can be such men as he!”
2. Haiku
3. Elegy Haiku
4. Limerick A haiku is a short, unrhymed poem that adheres to
5. Ballad a specific three -line, seventeen-syllable.
6. Ode
7. Epic "JANUARY" by Paul Holmes
Delightful display - 5
Sonnet Snowdrops bow their pure white heads - 7
Fourteen-line poem that written in iambic To the sun's glory. - 5
1. Shakespearean or English Elegy
ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG The elegy is a form of poetry in which the poet or
2. Petrarchan or Italian speaker expresses grief, sadness, or loss.
"His Grace! impossible! what dead!
Shakespearean or English Of old age too, and in his bed!
ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG And could that mighty warrior fall?
From fairest creatures we desire increase, And so inglorious, after all!
That thereby beauty's rose might never die, Well, since he's gone, no matter how,
But as the riper should by time decrease, The last loud trump must wake him now:
His tender heir might bears his memory: And, trust me, as the noise grows stronger,
S But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
He'd wish to sleep a little longer.
0 Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies, And could he be indeed so old
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel. As by the newspapers we're told?"
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament
And only herald to the gaudy spring, Limerick
Within thine own bud buriest thy content A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of a
And, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding. single stanza, an AABBA rhyme scheme, and
Pity the world, or else this glutton be, whose subject is a short, pithy tale or description
To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.
“There was a small boy of Quebec,
Petrarchan or Italian Who was buried in snow to his neck;
ABBA, ABBA, CDECDE When they said 'Are you friz?’
➢ Named after Francesco Petrarca He replied, Yes, I is -
➢ Consist of fourteen-line or fourteen But we don't call this cold in Quebec.”
hendecasyllabic lines in parts.
First -Octave
Second- Sestet
Geron, Jasmin B. | ASEAN
Litr102 | ASEAN Literature
A ballad is a form of narrative verse that is
considered either poetic or musical.

“I’ll do as much for my true -love

As any young man may;
I’ll sit and mourn all at her grave
For a twelvemonth and a day.”

A short Iyric poem that praises an individual, an
idea, or an event.

‘Paul Laurence Dunbar, ‘Ode to Ethiopia’.

O Mother Race! to thee I bring
This pledge of faith unwavering,
This tribute to thy glory.
I know the pangs which thou didst feel,
When Slavery crushed thee with its heel,
With thy dear blood all gory.

A long, often book-length, narrative in verse form
that retells the heroic journey of a single person, or
group of persons.

Sound Devices:
1. Alliteration
2. Assonance
3. Consonance
4. Onomatopoeia
5. Rhyme
6. Rhythm

Figurative Devices:
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. Personification
4. Irony
5. Metonymy
6. Synecdoche

Geron, Jasmin B. | ASEAN

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