Summer Holiday Homework (2024-25)
Summer Holiday Homework (2024-25)
Summer Holiday Homework (2024-25)
1. Read English Newspaper daily. Write 2 news headlines. Write 5 difficult words,
their meanings and make sentences of these 5 words in a separate A4 size sheet.
2. 5th of June is 'Environment Day' celebrate this day by planting a sapling. Take
a photograph and paste it in A4 size sheet and write paragraph on 'How I Celebrated the
Environment Day' in about 150 words.
3. Computers are the storehouse of knowledge and wisdom and they are hardous too.
Write an article on the topic 'The benefits and harms of computers'.
(Word limit 180 - 200 words) in a separate A4 size sheet
4. Read chapter 2 (Part I & II) from BEEHIVE BOOK and write answers to the textbook
questions of the chapter in your classwork notebook.
Gather information about Ustad Bismillah Khan and Evelyn Glennie and their
famous works using the following hints -
- Name
- Early life
- Career
- Achievements
- About music
- Awards
Do the above activity/Project in a self made folder or a scrap file with colorful
pictures and drawings.
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Holiday Hom ewor k
Session 2024-25
Class 9
Q4. With the help of an activity show that gasses are compre ssible?
QS. Read the followin g and answer any four questions from (1) to (5):
to solids and liquids the
We have observed that gasses are highly compressible as compar ed
or the oxygen
liquefie d pet roleum gas (LPG) cylinde r that we get in our home for cooking
gas (CNG) is used
supplied to hospitals in cylinder s is compressed gas. Compressed natural
s of a gas can be
as fuel these days in vehicles. Due to its high compressibility, large volume
compressed in a small cylinde r and transpo rted easily.
enterin g there by the
r We come to know of what is being cooked in the kitchen withou t even
smell that reaches o ur nostrils how does this smell reach us? The particle
s of the aroma of
and even farther away.
food mixed with the particle s of air spread from the kitchen , reach us
the rate of diffusio n
The smell of hot cooked food reaches us in seconds; compar e this with
betwee n them, gasses
of solids and liquids. Due to high speed of particle s and large space
show the proper ty of diffusin g very fast into other gasses.
Due to this random
In the gaseous state the particle s move about random ly at high speed.
er. The pressur e
movem ent, the particles hit each other and also the walls of the contain
per unit area on the
exerted by the gas is because of this force exerted by a gas particle s
walls of th e container.
1. Which of the followin g substances possess maximu m compre ssibility
a. Cardbo ard
b. Wool
c. Water
d. Air
2. Compre ssed natura l gas is used as a fuel for?
a. Cooking
b. Cooking and vehicles
c. Bore Wells
d. Constru ction
3. Smell of a substance can be felt because of the property of high speed and large
space between the particles this property is called?
a. Compression
b. Expansion
C. Diffusion
d. Evaporation
Q6. What is evaporation? Why does a desert cooler cools better on a hot dry day?
Ql. Draw a neat labelled diagram of plant cell and animal cell?
Q2 . Choose any 8 scientist and write their contribution on A4 size sheet and also paste
pictures of t hem.
Q7. Wh at are the differences between plant cells and animal cells?
Chapter ------ Motion
All intext , solved and exercise questions from
Ho lidtLy Hotnework
class- IX
Subject-Social Studies
Session 2024-25