Cbme Reviewer
Cbme Reviewer
Cbme Reviewer
➢ It is the managers’ theories about how to gain and CHAPTER 2 – THE NATURE OF STRATEGIC
sustain competitive advantage. MANAGEMENT
➢ It is about being different from your rivals. Strategic management is both an art and science of
➢ It is about creating value while containing cost. formulating, implementing, and evaluating, cross-
➢ It is deciding what to do, and what not to do. functional decisions that facilitate an organization to
➢ It combines a set of activities to stake out a unique accomplish its objectives.
- Is the ongoing planning, monitoring, analysis and
➢ It requires long-term commitments that are not assessment of all necessities an organization needs to
easily reversible. meet its goals and objectives.
Purpose: To use and create new and different
opportunities for future.
✓ overarching approach taken to meet or exceed goal strategic plan is a company’s game plan
✓ actions taken must relate to the original goal set by
OBJECTIVE ✓ Competitive Advantage – Anything that a firm does
➢ a measurable action taken to execute the strategy especially well compared to rival firms.
agreed on by management and the rest of the ✓ Achieving Goals – Helps keep goals achievable by
organization using a clear and dynamic process for formulating steps
and implementation.
➢ follows the paradigm of the SMART formula ✓ Sustainable Growth – Lead to more efficient
organizational performance, which leads to manageable
✓ Cohesive Organization – Necessitates communication
and goal implementation company-wide.
✓ Increased Managerial Awareness – Strategic
management means looking toward the company’s
Basic Strategic Management Concepts
Strategy Evaluation
Three fundamental strategy-evaluation activities are:
Living the Ethical Values 1) Reviewing external and internal factors that
• Organizational Values are the ethical standards are the bases for current strategies
and norms that govern the behavior of 2) Measuring performance
individuals within a firm or organization and 3) Taking corrective actions
within society. Integrating Intuition and Analysis
• Strong ethical values have two important • Most organizations can benefit gtom strategic
functions: management, which is based upon integrating i
➢ They form a solid foundation on which a ntution and analysis in decision making
firm can build its mission and long-term • Intuition is particularly useful for making decisio
success. ns in situations of great uncertainty or little prec
➢ They serve as the guardrails put in place edeent
so the company can stay on track when
pursuing its quest for competitive Adapting to Change
advantage. • The second largest bookstore chain in the
United States, Borders Group, declared
bankruptcy in 2011 as the firm had not adapted
well to changes in book retailing from
traditional bookstore shopping to customers
buying online, preferring digital books to hard
• Borders was on the brink of financial collapse Overconfidence
before being acquired in July 2011 by Direct Prior bad experience
Brands Self-interest
Fear of the unknown
KEY TERMS IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Honest difference of opinion
Competitive Advantage – anything that a firm does Suspicion
especially well compared to rival firms.
Strategists – help an organization gather, analyze, and CHAPTER 4-5 – THE EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT
organize information
Vision Statement – “what do we want to become?” ➢ An external audit focuses on identifying and
Mission Statement – “What is our business?”. evaluating trends and events beyond the
External Opportunities and Threats – are factors which control of a single firm.
could harm or benefit the organization in the future ➢ An external audit reveals key opportunities and
threats confronting an organization so that
managers can formulate strategies to take
advantage of the opportunities and avoid or
reduce the impact of threats.
----------NICOLE BALENDO---------