DRRR Reviewer

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● A sudden, calamitous occurrence Disaster Risk

that causes great harm, injury, ● refers to the potential disaster
destruction and devastation life and losses in lives, health status,
property. livelihoods, assets and services
● A damaging event that occurs ● not actual and realized
suddenly and involves loss of ● occur in a community or society over
property and life. some specified future time period
● The effects may vary on;
2. Major damage
3. Total destruction 1. Exposure
4. death (worst scenario) ● the elements at risk from a
natural or man-made hazard

1. Natural Disasters 2. Hazard

● a natural phenomenon ● a potentially dangerous
caused by natural forces physical occurence,
phenomenon, or human
2. Man-Made activity
● intentional or non-intentional ● may result losses
● caused by human
● categorized by; 3. Vulnerability
● the condition is determined
a. Technological/ Industrial Disaster by physical, environmental,
- unregulated industrialization economic, and social
- inadequate safety standard processes, which increase
which increase the risk of the suspectability of a
industrial disaster community to the impact of
b. Terrorism/ Violence hazard
- the threat of terrorism has
increased due to the spread Risk Factor
of advanced technologies ● process or condition often
such us bombing, biological, development related
and chemical agents that will ● influence the level of disaster risk by
result a mass destruction. increasing levels of exposure and
c. Complex Humanitarian vulnerability or reducing capacity
Emergencies ● reduction of the level of vulnerability
- complex emergency is used and exposure is possible by keeping
to describe the humanitarian people and property as distant as
emergency resulting from an possible from hazards.
international or civil war.
● the combination of the probability of 1. Climate Change
an event and its negative ● the altereration of the world’s
consequences. climate
● caused by human activities density can lead to creation
● directly or indirectly to of risk
human activities that alters
the composition of the global 6. Weak Governance
atmosphere. ● disaster risk is concentrated
in lower income countries
2. Environmental Degradation with weak governance
● overconsumption of natural ● disaster risk governance
resources - refers to the specific
● Example; arrangements that
- deforestation of slopes often leads societies put in place
to an increase in landslide hazard to manage their
- removal of mangroves can increase disaster risk
the damage caused by the storm
surges Security of Exposure
● measures those who experience
3. Globalized Economic Development disaster first hand which has the
● increased the polarization highest risk of developing future
between the rich and poor mental problem
● provides an opportunity to ● highest risk are those in contact with
build resilience victims such as rescue workers and
● investing a protective health care practitioners
infrastructure, environmental ● lowest risk are those most distant
management and upgrading like those who have awareness of
informal settlements, risk can the disaster only through news
be reduced
Gender and Family
4. Poverty and Inequality ● the female gender suffers more
● lack of access to insurance adverse effects
and social protection means ● this worsen when children are
that people in poverty are present at home
often forced to used their
already limited access to Age
buffer disaster losses, which ● age range of 40-60 yare more
drives them further poverty stressed
● cause a total loss of ● children exhibit more stress
livelihoods, displacements,
poor health, food insecurity Economic Status of Country
● serve mental problems resulting
5. Poorly Planned and Managed Urban from disasters are more common in
Development developing countries like the
● people, poverty, and disaster Philippines
risk are increasing ● natural disasters tend to have more
concentrated in cities effects in developing countries
● the growing role of
urbanization and the
increase in population
3. Food Scarcity
1. Natural Disasters ● thousands of people around
● can destroy a whole the world are hungry
community in an instant because of destroyed crops
● Example; and loss of agricultural
- volcanic eruptions supplies, wether it happens
- tsunamis suddenly in a storm or
- typhoons gradually in a drought
- earthquakes
4. Emotional Aftershocks
2. Man-made Disasters ● natural disasters can be
● are caused by human beings traumatic to young children
● they happen due to human ● confronted sciences of
actions and not by natural destructions and loss of
forces friends and loved ones, can
create or develop
Hazard post-traumatic stress
● is a dangerous situation or event disorder (PTSD) to many
that carries a threat to humans children
● can only be considered as disasters ● Post-traumatic Stress
one it affected humans Disorder (PTSD)
● if a disaster happened in an - serious psychological
unpopulated area it is still hazard condition resulting
from extreme trauma


1. Displaced Populations
● when countries are ravaged 1. Check for hazards at home.
by natural forces, many 2. Identify safe place indoors and
people need to abandon outdoors.
their homes and seek shelter 3. Educate yourself and family
in other regions members.
● a large influx of refugees can 4. Have disaster kits/supplies on hand.
disrupt accessibility of health 5. Develop an emergency
care and education, as well communication plan.
as food supplies and clean 6. Help your community get ready.
water 7. Practice the DISASTER
2. Health Risks
● Situation; severe flooding
can result in stagnant water
that allows breeding of
waterbone bacteria and
malaria carrying mosquitoes

1. Physical Perspective
2. Psychological Perspective
3. Socio-cultural Perspective
4. Economic Perspective
5. Political Perspective
6. Biological Perspective



1. Population density near a hazard

● Population differs from population
● Population refers to the number of
individuals inhabiting in a particular
space at the same time. If people
are well distributed, there is lesser
effect of disaster.
● Population density refers to the
number of individuals living in an
area in relation to the size of an
area. If population density is high, it
means that the number of
individuals is high but the space is
very small.
● The primary consideration is not the
population size but the population

2. Capacity and efficiency to reduce

Disaster Risk.
● Community that is less vulnerable
has the capacity to reduce disaster
risk because;
1. It can provide accessibility
and availability of services
and facilities during and after
2. It has the ability to anticipate,
adapt, and respond to
possible disaster.

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