Circular-Letter-No. 2024-8
Circular-Letter-No. 2024-8
Circular-Letter-No. 2024-8
1.0 In view of the numerous reports that certain individuals/organized groups have
been claiming to have the capacity or influence to facilitate the release of funds,
all government entities, from the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches,
including local government units (LGUs), are again reminded that upon
submission of requests for fund releases to the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM), the same are acted upon consistent with pertinent laws
and established procedures and budgeting rules and regulations.
2.0 It is to be emphasized that the DBM does not authorize any person or organized
groups to facilitate or expedite fund releases for whatever purpose. More
importantly, DBM officials or personnel do not and shall not solicit requests for
fund release nor ask for money from government entities, including LGUs, to
facilitate the release of funds.
3.0 Relative thereto, all government entities concerned are enjoined to regularly
advise their respective clientele/stakeholders to rely only on official
communications and information from the DBM offices and by accessing the
DBM website.
4.0 We strongly advise all National Government Agencies (NGAs), LGUs, and all
others concerned to refrain from entertaining or transacting with private
individuals/organized groups of dubious character and be cautious of individuals
introducing themselves as DBM employees.
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5.0 In order to preclude these individuals or organized groups from making
representations that they are able to influence or facilitate the release of funds,
the DBM shall directly deal only with the Agency Head or Local Chief
Executive (LCE) or his/her duly authorized representative who must
be an organic personnel of the NGA/LGU concerned.
5.1 The DBM shall refrain from divulging the status or details of fund
releases in case of phone inquiries in order to avoid disclosure of
valuable information to unauthorized individuals.
6.0 Once the funds are already released to the NGAs/LGUs concerned, the details
on fund releases are posted on the DBM website or systems for public
information. For LGUs, the Bureau of the Treasury likewise informs the said
LGUs of the released funds and their purposes through the issuance of Notice
of Authority to Debit Account Issued (NADAI).
7.0 All NGAs/LGUs are earnestly urged to directly report to the DBM any attempt
or incident of fixing/facilitation of fund releases so that appropriate action may
be undertaken against the subject individuals/organized groups in a timely
manner. The DBM can be reached via (02) 8657-3300 and through respective
numbers found on the DBM website, Ze.,
8.0 All DBM employees are directed to advise concerned offices and/or individuals
inquiring about fund releases to submit their official inquiry to the
Bureau/Service/Office (B/S/0) concerned.
9.0 The B/S/Os concerned and DBM Regional Offices shall disseminate a copy of
this Circular Letter to all the NGAs and LGUs under their respective functional
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