05 English 4 Lesson Plan About Writing Short Fiction
05 English 4 Lesson Plan About Writing Short Fiction
05 English 4 Lesson Plan About Writing Short Fiction
A. Content Standards
B. Performance
C. Most Essential Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements (EN4WC-IId-20)
D. Objectives 1. Define and identify fiction as a genre of literature, along with its complete
(Cognitive, elements.
Psychomotor, 2. Write a short fiction story with its complete elements.
Affective) 3. Participate actively in class discussions or small group activities.
II.CONTENT/TOPIC Short Story (Fiction) with its complete elements
III.LEARNING K to 12 MELC English 4 page 185
RESOURCES English 4 Q4 Week 1 Module, PPT, pictures,
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
What was the previous topic all about? Share what you have learned.
2. Drill/Unlocking of Difficulties
1. Story
2. Character
3. Setting
4. Plot
5. Title
3. Motivation
Present different story characters and let the pupils identify them
Ask: Have you read/watched these stories/movies? Are they real? As we go along in our lesson, let's
keep in mind this question: What do we call stories that talk about fantasy?
B. Presentations/ Presentation:
Activity Ask:
What is a story?
What are the elements of a story?
Group 3: The pupils will identify what element of the story is the given words or
sentences. They will present it in class.
1. dog
2. small bridge
3. On his way home, however, he had to cross a small bridge across a brook. But
as he was crossing, he saw his own shadow in the water below. He thought, “I
must have that bone, too.”
4. He barked at his own shadow. And the bone in his mouth fell into the water,
gone forever.
5. Out from market, a dog was running fast. In his mouth was a bone. “Ha-ha!”
He would surely have a hearty meal.
The prince married the princess and they lived happily ever after.
A wicked fairy cast a spell and the princess slept for a hundred year.
Sleeping Beauty
Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/628674429202877393/
V. Assignment Directions: Look at the pictures. Choose the sentences inside the box that match
the picture to form a short story. Write the story in a piece of paper with correct
capitalization, indention and punctuation. Good luck!
a. The lion woke up, put his paw on the mouse and opened his big
mouth. He wanted to eat the mouse.
b. One day a lion was asleep and a little mouse ran over the lion’s back.
c. “Oh king,” cried the mouse” I am so sorry! I will never climb on you
again! Maybe one day I will also help you.” The lion laughed at the
silly mouse. “Ha, ha, ha! You will help me- ha, ha!” but he let him go.
d. One week later, hunters caught the lion. They tied the lion to a tree
and went to find a wagon to carry him away.
e. The little mouse heard the lion roar. When he saw the big lion tied to
the tree, he said, “I am going to help you!” slowly he ate away the
f. “I told you I can help you” said the little mouse and he was right.
1. 2.
https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/333618284900712645/ 3.
4. 5. 6.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C.Did the remedial
lessons work?No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D.No. of learners who
continue to require
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did it work?
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section:
Subject: English 4 Date: _______________________
Quarter 4 Week 1 Assignment #1 Score: ______________________
A. Directions: Look at the pictures. Choose the sentences inside the box that
match the picture to form a short story. Write the story in a piece of paper
with correct capitalization, indention and punctuation. Good luck!
a. The lion woke up, put his paw on the mouse and opened his big
mouth. He wanted to eat the mouse.
b. One day a lion was asleep and a little mouse ran over the lion’s
c. “Oh king,” cried the mouse” I am so sorry! I will never climb on
you again! Maybe one day I will also help you.” The lion laughed
at the silly mouse. “Ha, ha, ha! You will help me- ha, ha!” but he
let him go.
d. One week later, hunters caught the lion. They tied the lion to a
tree and went to find a wagon to carry him away.
e. The little mouse heard the lion roar. When he saw the big lion
tied to the tree, he said, “I am going to help you!” slowly he ate
away the ropes.
f. “I told you I can help you” said the little mouse and he was right.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.