TM01 Apply Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills
TM01 Apply Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills
TM01 Apply Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills
Administration Level-IV
Ministry of Labor and Skills wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives
of TVET instructors and respective industry experts who donated their time and expertise to the
development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM).
VS-------------------------------------------------------------------Visual Studio
This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the Web development and
database administration occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competency: Apply
Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills
For effective use this modules trainees are expected to follow the following module instruction:
2. Accomplish the Self-checks at the end of each unit and perform operation sheet and
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
Strategic intent of website
Development of information requirement
Identification and Categorization of Information
Content Requirements
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Identify strategic intent of website from business requirements and client expectations
Develop information requirement
Identify required information and grouping into business schemes
Determine content requirements for each processes
The data and code within an object can be defined as a user-defined data type using a class,
essentially making objects variables of the class type. This encapsulation of data and functions
within objects allows for interactions without the need for detailed knowledge of each other’s
data or code. Key principles of OOP such as Object, Classes, Data Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Inheritance, and Polymorphism are fundamental in managing complexity and promoting code
reusability. Thus, OOP provides a structured approach to software development, modeling data
as interactive objects
Class Name
Class variables
Class functions
For example, there is a class Employee which has Sue, Bill, Al, Hal, David different employees.
Each employee will have unique identity; so they will form the objects of the class Employee.
get_value ( ) ( )
Protection ‘wall’
OOP languages like Java, Python, C++, and others provide robust frameworks for implementing
these principles, offering developers the tools to create modular, maintainable, and extensible
software systems. By leveraging OOP concepts, programmers can design solutions that mimic
real-world scenarios, promote code organization, enhance code reusability, and facilitate easier
maintenance and scalability of applications.
Basic language syntax rules and best practices play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness,
readability, and maintainability of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) code. These guidelines
govern how developers write and structure their code within OOP paradigms, contributing to the
overall quality of the software.
A. Naming convention
One fundamental syntax rule in OOP languages is adhering to naming conventions. Meaningful
and descriptive names for classes, methods, variables, and other entities enhance code
comprehension. Employing camelCase or snake_case for naming, depending on the language's
conventions, helps improve code readability.
For instance, in Java, classes typically use CamelCase while methods and variables use
In the above example in the ShoppingCart class, the class name adheres to CamelCase, while
addItem utilizes camelCase for the method name. Consistently applying these conventions
improves code readability and helps other developers easily understand the codebase.
B. Encapsulation
Attributes: The self.balance attribute represents the current balance of the bank account. It's
initialized to 0 within the __init__ method.
Encapsulation in this context involves restricting direct access to the balance attribute from
outside the class. This means that external code cannot directly modify or view the balance
attribute without using the provided methods (deposit, withdraw, getBalance).
C. Inheritance
Another critical syntax rule involves the proper use of inheritance. While inheritance enables
code reuse and promotes a hierarchical structure, it should be employed judiciously. It's essential
D. Polymorphism
Polymorphism, a core OOP concept, should be used appropriately to improve code readability
and maintainability. Method overriding and method overloading should follow logical and
consistent naming conventions, making it easier for developers to understand the intended
behavior of overridden or overloaded methods.
By using polymorphism effectively, developers can write code that is more adaptable to changes
and promotes code reuse. get in your consideration the following java example.
Best practices in OOP also emphasize the importance of modularization and design patterns.
Breaking down complex systems into smaller, manageable modules or classes enhances code
maintainability and reusability. Design patterns like Factory, Singleton, Observer, and others
provide standardized solutions to common design problems, aiding in creating robust and
scalable applications. You can see the example in Python.
The Singleton pattern in Python ensures that only one instance of the class Singleton is created
throughout the program's execution. The _instance variable stores the single instance, and the
__new__ method checks if an instance exists before creating a new one, thereby ensuring a
unique instance.
Moreover, following the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) ensures that each class or module
has a single, well-defined purpose, reducing code complexity and making it easier to maintain
and extend. Additionally, adhering to the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle by avoiding
duplication of code promotes code reusability and minimizes errors in the system. The following
is an example in Python.
The Logger class is responsible solely for logging messages. It contains a log method
that handles logging messages to a file, database, console, etc. For brevity, it simply
prints the log message to the console using print.
By separating concerns into distinct classes (Logger for logging and PaymentProcessor for
payment processing), we adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle. Each class encapsulates a
single responsibility—logging or payment processing—making the code easier to maintain,
understand, and modify.
There are different OOP languages but among them our focus is Python. Understanding Object-
Oriented Programming across different languages can offer valuable insights into the common
principles and syntax variations. Here are brief insights into how some other languages handle
OOP concepts and why Python will be our main focus:
C. JavaScript
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular and versatile source-code editor by Microsoft that
supports various programming languages, including Python. It offers a user-friendly interface, a
powerful IntelliSense, a built-in debugger, and Git integration, among other features that
facilitate Python development.
VS Code also allows users to customize the editor with a wide range of extensions that provide
additional tools for linting, formatting, testing, virtual environments, and more. Furthermore, VS
Code is cross-platform, meaning it works on Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring a consistent
experience across different operating systems.
Numeric data types such as integers and floating-point numbers allow for mathematical
operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, using arithmetic operators (+,
-, *, /). Python's flexibility with arithmetic operations extends to support complex numbers and
floor division (//) for obtaining integer results of divisions.
Python incorporates a variety of operators beyond arithmetic and string operations. Logical
operators (and, or, not) facilitate boolean operations and comparisons, while relational operators
(>, <, ==, !=, >=, <=) help evaluate conditions and comparisons between variables or data.
A. Data Types
Python Data Types are classified as “Core Data Types”, “Compound Data Types” and
“Boolean Data Type”. Under the Core data Types we have Numbers and Strings. Under the
Compound Data Types, we have Lists, Tuples, Dictionary, and set etc.
The Numbers and Strings represent the Numeric and Textual values, respectively. Under the
Boolean Data, a variable can contain any one of the two values: True or False.
Numbers: Integers, floating point numbers and complex numbers are fall under the Number
category. These are defined as “int”, “float”, and “complex” class in Python. We can use the
type function to know type or class of a variable. Integers are whole numbers without any
decimal point. It can be of any length, it is only limited by the memory variable. A floating point
number is including decimal points and accurate up to 15 decimal points. For example, 1 is an
Integer. 1.0 is floating point number. The complex numbers are written in form, x+yj, where x is
the Real part and y is the imaginary part.
Example :
We can get the character at the specified position by its index. We can also get the substring
from the index by specifying the range of the substring. The index always starts from zero. See
the following example:
Compound data types in Python are data structures that can hold multiple elements of different
or similar data types within a single variable.
These data types are essential for organizing and managing complex collections of data. The
primary compound data types in Python are Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets.
List: Is the Order collection of different types of items. All the items need not be of same type.
These are mutable, that means the list can be modified using the index of the item or using the
predefined methods such as “append()”, “sort()”, “pop()”, and “reverse()”. The list is created
with square brackets [].
For example
Dictionaries: are unordered collections of data stored as key-value pairs within curly braces {}.
They are mutable and allow for fast retrieval of values based on their associated keys.
Sets: are unordered collections of unique elements enclosed within curly braces {}. They do not
allow duplicate values and support set operations like union, intersection, and difference.
Type conversion, also known as type casting, refers to the process of converting one data type
into another in Python. This conversion is essential when you need to perform operations or
functions that involve different data types. Python provides built-in functions to facilitate type
B. Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Logical Operator
Assignment Operators
Membership Operators
Identity Operators
Understanding and utilizing operators effectively is crucial for performing various operations,
comparisons, and logical evaluations within Python programs.
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison operators compare values and return True or False based on the comparison
Bitwise operators perform operations at the binary level on operands. The operators operate bit
by bit. For example, x=2 (binary value is 10) and y=7 (Binary value is 111). The binary
equivalent of the decimal values of x and y will be 10 and 111 respectively.
Logical Operator
Logical operators perform logical operations on Boolean values and return a Boolean outcome.
There are three logical operators: and, or, and not. The semantics (meaning) of these operators
is similar to their meaning in English. For example, x > 0 and x < 10 is true only if x is greater
than 0 and less than 10. n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0 is true if either (or both) of the conditions is
true, that is, if the number is divisible by 2 or 3. Finally, the not operator negates a boolean
expression, so not(x > y) is true if (x > y) is false, that is, if x is less than or equal to y.
Assignment Operators
Membership Operators
These operators are used to test whether a value or operand is there in the sequence such as list,
string, set, or dictionary. There are two membership operators in python: in and not in. In the
dictionary we can use to find the presence of the key, not the value.
Identity Operators
These are used to check if two values (variable) are located on the same part of the memory. If
the x is a variable contain some value, it is assigned to variable y. Now both variables are
pointing (referring) to the same location on the memory as shown in the example program.
Arithmetic Expressions:
Arithmetic expressions involve mathematical operations on numbers. Python follows the same
precedence rules for its mathematical operators that mathematics does. The acronym PEMDAS
is a useful way to remember the order of operations. Parentheses have the highest precedence
and can be used to force an expression to evaluate in the order you want. Since expressions in
parentheses are evaluated first, 2*(3- 1) is 4, and (1+1)**(5-2) is 8.
You can also use parentheses to make an expression easier to read, as in (minute*100)/60, even
though it doesn’t change the result. Exponentiation has the next highest precedence, so 2 **1+1
is 3 and not 4, and 3*1** 3 is 3 and not 27.
Multiplication and Division have the same precedence, which is higher than Addition and
Subtraction, which also have the same precedence. So 2 *3-1 yields 5 rather than 4, and 2/3-1 is
-1, not 1 (re- member that in integer division, 2/3=0).
Operators with the same precedence are evaluated from left to right. If the minute=59, then in
the expression minute*100/60, the multiplication happens first, yielding 5900/60, which in turn
yields 98. If the operations had been evaluated from right to left, the result would have been
59*1 which is wrong. If in doubt, use parentheses.
Logical Expressions:
Logical expressions involve boolean operations that result in a Boolean value (True or False).
Function call expressions involve calling a function and using its return value in an expression.
Compound Expressions:
In Python, sequence, selection, and iteration constructs are fundamental programming concepts
that control the flow of a program, allowing developers to organize code, make decisions, and
execute repetitive tasks efficiently.
A. Sequence:
Sequences are ordered collections of elements. In Python, lists, tuples, and strings are common
sequence types. Lists are mutable and allow modifications; tuples are immutable and cannot be
changed after creation, while strings are sequences of characters.
Selection constructs, represented by conditional statements like if, elif (else if), and else, allow
branching based on conditions. These conditions evaluate as True or False, and code blocks are
executed based on the outcome.
The "if statement" in Python is a fundamental control structure that allows conditional execution
of code blocks based on certain conditions. It enables developers to create decision-making
processes within their programs. The syntax involves using the if keyword followed by a
condition, and if that condition evaluates to True, the code block associated with the if statement
gets executed.
A basic if statement checks a condition and executes a block of code if the condition is True.
If-Else Statement:
The if-else statement allows for branching, where if the condition is True, one block of code
executes, and if the condition is False, another block executes.
If-Elif-Else Statement:
The if-elif-else statement allows multiple conditions to be checked sequentially. When the first
condition is True, the associated block of code executes, and the rest of the conditions are
If statements can be nested inside other if statements, allowing for more complex decision-
C. Iteration (Loops):
Iteration constructs, such as for loops and while loops, enable the execution of a block of code
repeatedly. for loops iterate over a sequence, executing the block of code for each element,
while while loops execute as long as a certain condition remains True.
for statement
For loops iterate over a given sequence or list. It is helpful in running a loop on each item in the
list. The general form of “for” loop in Python will be as follow:
Here variable is the name of the variable. And in is the keyword. Inside the square brackets a
sequence of values are separated by comma. In Python, a comma-separated sequence of data
items that are enclosed in a set of square brackets is called a list. The list is created with help of
[] square brackets. The list also can be created with help of tuple. We can also use range()
function to create the list.
while statement
While loops repeat as long as a certain boolean condition is met. The block of statements is
repeatedly executed as long as the condition is evaluated to True. The general form of while will
be as follow:
Loop statements may have an else clause. It is executed when the loop terminates through
exhaustion of the list (with for loop) and executed when the condition becomes false (with while
loop), But not when the loop is terminated by a break statement.
Jump statement
In Python, jump statements alter the normal flow of control in a program. Two essential jump
statements are break and continue.
Break Statement:
The break statement is used to terminate the execution of a loop prematurely based on a certain
condition. It is commonly used within loops to immediately exit the loop when a specific
condition is met, regardless of whether the loop has finished iterating through all elements.
The continue statement is used to skip the rest of the code inside a loop for the current iteration
and proceed to the next iteration. It allows you to skip specific iterations based on a condition
without completely exiting the loop.
Modular programming is a software design technique, which is based on the general principal of
modular design. Modular design is an approach which has been proven as indispensable in
engineering even long before the first computers. Modular design means that a complex system
is broken down into smaller parts or components, i.e. modules. These components can be
independently created and tested. In many cases, they can be even used in other systems as well.
There is hardly any product nowadays, which doesn't heavily rely on modularization, like cars
and mobile phones. Computers belong to those products which are modularized to the utmost.
So, what's a must for the hardware is an unavoidable necessity for the software running on the
If you want to develop programs which are readable, reliable and maintainable without too much
effort, you have to use some kind of modular software design. Especially if your application has
a certain size. There exists a variety of concepts to design software in modular form. Modular
programming is a software design technique to split your code into separate parts. These parts
A. Importing Modules
So far we haven't explained what a Python module is. In a nutshell: every file, which has the file
extension .py and consists of proper Python code, can be seen or is a module! There is no special
syntax required to make such a file a module. A module can contain arbitrary objects, for
example files, classes or attributes. All those objects can be accessed after an import. There are
different ways to import modules. We demonstrate this with the math module:
import math
The module math provides mathematical constants and functions, e.g. π (math.pi), the sine
function (math.sin()) and the cosine function (math.cos()). Every attribute or function can only
be accessed by putting "math." in front of the name:
It's possible to import more than one module in one import statement. In this case the module
names are separated by commas:
Import statements can be positioned anywhere in the program, but it's good style to place them
directly at the beginning of a program. If only certain objects of a module are needed, we can
import only those:
The other objects, e.g. cos, are not available after this import. We are capable of accessing sin
and pi directly, i.e. without prefixing them with "math." Instead of explicitly importing certain
objects from a module, it's also possible to import everything in the namespace of the importing
module. This can be achieved by using an asterisk in the import:
But how do we create modules in Python? A module in Python is just a file containing Python
definitions and statements. The module name is moulded out of the file name by removing the
suffix .py. For example, if the file name is, the module name is fibonacci.
Let's turn our Fibonacci functions into a module. There is hardly anything to be done; we just
save the following code in the file
The newly created module "fibonacci" is ready for use now. We can import this module like any
other module in a program or script. We will demonstrate this in the following interactive
Python shell:
Names from a module can directly be imported into the importing module's symbol table:
In Python, arrays and arrays of objects are fundamental data structures used to store collections
of items. The primary difference between arrays and lists in Python is that arrays can only store
elements of the same data type, whereas lists can contain elements of different data types.
Arrays are part of the array module and require a specific data type declaration upon creation,
such as integers, floats, or characters.
To work with arrays of objects in Python, one can utilize arrays from the array module or create
arrays of custom objects using classes. For instance, a class definition can be created to represent
objects with various attributes, and an array can be instantiated to store instances of these
Arrays are handled by a Python object-type module array. Arrays behave like lists except for
the fact that the objects they contain are constrained by their types and most importantly, they
are faster and use lesser memory space.
Array Syntax
Length: Is the size of the array or the number of indexes the array possesses.
Indices: Is the index map of the array value stored in the object.
The above figure displays an array with a length of 6, and the elements of the array are [5, 6, 7,
2, 3, 5]. The index of the array always begins with 0(zero-based) for the first element, then 1 for
the next element, and so on. They are used to access the elements in an array.
There are many other built-in modules in Python which you can read more about from here. A
module is a Python file containing Python definitions and statements or functions. These
statements are used by calling them from the module when the module is imported into another
Python file. The module used for the array is called an array.
The array module in Python defines an object that is represented in an array. This object
contains basic data types such as integers, floating points, and characters. Using the array
module, an array can be initialized using the following syntax.
1. The name arrayName is just like naming any other variable. It can be anything that
abides by Python naming conversions, in this case, myarray.
2. The first array in array.array is the module name that defines the array() class. It must
be imported before used. The first line of code does just that.
3. The second array in array.array is the class called from the array module which
initializes the array. This method takes two parameters.
4. The first parameter is dataType which specifies the data type used by the array.
In example 1, we used the data type ‘i’ which stands for signed int.
Operations that can be performed on its object are Traverse, Insertion, Deletion, Search, and
1. Traversing an Array
Just like lists, we can access elements of an array by indexing, slicing and looping.
Indexing Array
An array element can be accessed by indexing, similar to a list i.e. by using the location where
that element is stored in the array. The index is enclosed within square brackets [ ], the first
element is at index 0, next at index 1 and so on.
Just like lists, we can access elements of an array using the slicing operator [start : stop : stride] .
To know more about slicing and how it applies to strings, check out the tutorial Python String
Operators and Methods.
Looping an array is done using the for loop. This can be combined with slicing as we saw
earlier or with built-in methods like enumerate().
In Python, inserting elements into an array can be performed using various methods provided by
the array module. The insert() method, while available for Python lists, isn't natively available
for arrays. Instead, arrays offer certain functionalities for appending and extending, facilitating
the addition of elements at the end of the array. However, for inserting elements at specific
positions within an array, one common approach involves using the insert() method available for
Python lists and then converting the modified list back to an array, if necessary.
Initially, an array of integers (int_array) is created using the array() function from the
array module.
To perform an insertion, the array is converted to a list (int_list) using Python's list()
Using the insert() method available for lists, an element (here, 10) is inserted at a
specific index (2) within the list.
Finally, the modified list is converted back to an array using the array() function,
resulting in the updated int_array.
The output showcases the updated array after the insertion operation.
A. Appending Elements:
The append() method in Python is used to add a single element at the end of an array or list.
An array of integers (int_array) is initially created using the array() function from the
array module.
The append() method is used to add elements 4 and 5 one by one at the end of the array.
The output showcases the updated array after the appending operations.
B. Extending Elements:
The extend() method in Python is utilized to append multiple elements (another array, list, or
iterable) at the end of an array or list.
In this example:
Two arrays of integers (int_array_1 and int_array_2) are created using the array()
function from the array module.
The extend() method is used on int_array_1 to append all elements from int_array_2 at
the end of int_array_1.
The output showcases the updated int_array_1 after the extension operation
1. Objects in OOP can interact with each other by directly accessing and modifying each other's
internal data and code.
2. Encapsulation in OOP refers to the bundling of data and methods within a single unit or
3. Inheritance allows new classes to inherit properties and behaviours only from one specific
parent class.
4. Polymorphism in OOP is solely achieved through method overriding.
II. Choose the best answer
1. Which OOP principle refers to the act of representing essential features without including
background details?
A) Encapsulation C) Inheritance
2. Which concept allows creating new classes based on existing classes, inheriting their
attributes and behaviours?
A) Encapsulation C) Inheritance
5. Which OOP principle allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common
A) Inheritance C) Polymorphism
1. Go to the official Python website: (if you have Python installer skip to step
2. Click on the "Downloads" tab.
3. Choose the latest release within Python 3.
4. Click on the "Download Python 3.x.x" button.
5. Double-click on installer file to start the installation process.
6. Check the box that says "Add Python 3.x to PATH." This option will allow you to use
Python from the command line easily.
7. Click on "Install Now" to start the installation. You can customize the installation by
clicking on "Customize installation" if needed.
8. The installer will begin installing Python on your system. This process might take a few
Internet connection
1. Define a variable number and assigning it a value of 10. You can do this by typing
number = 10
2. Next, use an if statement to check if the value of number is greater than 5. You can do
this by typing if number > 5:
3. Write a code If the value of number is greater than 5, print the message “The number is
greater than 5.
4. If the value of number is not greater than 5, print the message “The number is not greater
than 5.”
Quality Criteria: The Output must say “The number is greater than 5.”
1. Define a list of numbers by enclosing them in square brackets and separating them with
2. Use a for loop to iterate through the list and print each number.
1. Write a code that define a list of fruits: fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange", "grape"]
Purpose: To demonstrate arithmetic operations using different data types and operators
Quality criteria: the output of the written code we be look like the following
1. Write a code that can print a welcome message and prompt the user to enter two
numbers and an operation
2. Get user input for the two numbers and the operation
And will continue by asking the user second number and the operator.
Purpose: to demonstrate the basic programming concepts of sequence, selection, and iteration
in Python
3. Enters a for loop, inside this loop, an if-else statement checks whether the current
number is even or odd by using the modulo operator (%)
4. Declares a variable count with a value of 5. It then enters a while loop that continues as
long as count is greater than 0. Inside the loop, it prints the current value of count and
then decreases count by 1. Once the while loop finishes (i.e., count is no longer greater
than 0), it prints “Blast off!”
Purpose: To perform basic operations on arrays, including accepting user input, traversing an
array, and inserting elements into an array.
1. Create an empty list named user_array. It then asks the user to input the size and the elements
of the array.
2. Write a code that checks if the array is not empty. If it’s not, it prints the first and last elements
of the array.
3. Write a code that uses a for loop to traverse through the array and print each element.
4. Write a code to ask the user to input an element. It then appends this element to user_array and
prints the updated array.
5. Write a code that asks the user to input additional elements to extend the array. It then
extends user_array with these elements and prints the updated array.
Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks accordingly.
Task 4: Write Python code that accomplishes the following output. Your code should prompt
the user to input the size of the array, populate the array with elements, display the first and last
elements, traverse the array, check and print whether each element is even or odd, and finally
perform a countdown using a while loop until reaching zero, printing "Blast off!" at the end.
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
Primitive Member Variables in Class Implementation
Flexible Object Construction
User-Defined Aggregation in Class Design
Navigating Hierarchical Inheritance
Code Extension through Versatile Polymorphism
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Understand the concept of primitive member variables within class structures.
Explore various methods for constructing objects in a flexible manner.
Comprehend the concept of user-defined aggregation within class designs.
Navigate and create class hierarchies through inheritance to establish relationships between
Grasp the fundamentals of polymorphism and its role in code extension.
Here, the make, model, year, and mileage are primitive member variables of the 'Car' class.
They store basic data such as strings for make and model, integers for year, and mileage,
forming the essential attributes of a car object. These variables encapsulate crucial information
about each car instance created from this class.
Primitive member variables within a class facilitate encapsulation, enabling the class methods to
access and manipulate these attributes, controlling their behaviour and providing a way to
interact with them. For instance, one can create methods to update the mileage, retrieve specific
information, or perform calculations based on these variables:
In this updated 'Car' class, the update_mileage method allows modification of the mileage
attribute, while get_age calculates the age of the car based on the current year. Overall, utilizing
primitive member variables in Python classes serves as the foundation for building objects with
distinct attributes and behaviors. These variables encapsulate the object's state, enabling the
implementation of methods to manipulate and retrieve data, thus facilitating the organization and
functionality of the class.
Classes in Python promote the concept of encapsulation, where data (member variables) and
methods (functions defined within the class) are bound together. This encapsulation ensures that
the internal state of an object is protected, and access to its data is regulated through well-
defined interfaces (methods). By utilizing primitive member variables and encapsulation, classes
facilitate the creation of multiple instances (objects) that share the same structure but can hold
different data.
Classes and their associated primitive member variables form the backbone of object-oriented
programming in Python, enabling the creation of organized, reusable, and modular code that
models real-world entities effectively.
A. Constructors
Constructors, represented by the --init-- method in Python, initialize the object's state by
assigning initial values to its member variables when an instance of the class is created. In the
context of primitive member variables, the constructor is responsible for setting up these
variables with the provided or default values.
Here, the --init-- method sets up the primitive member variables (make, model, year, and
mileage) for each Car object created. Parameters passed during object instantiation are used to
initialize these variables, and mileage has a default value of 0 if not provided during object
Methods in a class are functions defined within the class structure that operate on the class's data
(member variables). They encapsulate behaviours associated with the objects created from the
class and enable interaction with the member variables
In this example, update_mileage and get_age are methods defined within the Car class. The
update_mileage method allows modification of the mileage attribute of a car object, while
get_age computes the age of the car based on the year attribute and the current year passed as
an argument.
Constructors initialize the primitive member variables when an object is instantiated, providing
the starting state for the object. Methods then operate on these member variables, allowing
manipulation, retrieval, or modification of their values during the object's lifecycle
In this usage scenario, car1 is an instance of the Car class. The constructor sets initial values for
make, model, year, and mileage. The update_mileage method modifies the mileage attribute,
and get_age calculates the car's age based on the current year.
Constructors initialize primitive member variables, providing the initial state of objects, while
methods define the behaviours and operations that can be performed on these variables,
facilitating interaction and manipulation throughout the object's lifespan.
In Python, the concepts of public, private, and protected member variables are associated with
controlling access to class attributes (member variables) and methods. However, it's important to
note that Python doesn't enforce access restrictions in the same way as some other programming
languages (like Java or C++), but it provides conventions and some mechanisms to achieve
similar functionality.
By default, all member variables in a Python class are considered public and can be accessed
and modified from outside the class.
In the above example, make, model, and year are public member variables of the Car class.
They can be accessed and modified directly from outside the class.
In Python, there is a convention for indicating that a member variable should be treated as
private by prefixing it with a double underscore (__). However, note that Python doesn't strictly
enforce this as private, but it does implement name mangling to make it less accessible from
outside the class.
In Python, there's a convention for indicating that a member variable should be treated as
protected by prefixing it with a single underscore (_). This indicates that the variable should be
treated as protected but it doesn't enforce it.
Protected member variables are intended to indicate to other developers that these attributes
should be considered non-public, and accessing or modifying them from outside the class should
be done with caution. However, there's no strict enforcement in Python, and they can still be
accessed directly.
In Python, these concepts are more about conventions and signaling intent rather than strict
access control. Developers are expected to follow these conventions to respect the intended
visibility of class attributes and methods.
In Python, the --init-- method acts as a constructor and is called automatically when an object of
a class is created. It initializes the object's attributes (member variables) with specific values
provided during object instantiation.
Standard Constructor (--init--): This constructor takes in name and price parameters
to initialize the object directly with specified values.
Alternative Constructors (from_sku and from_file): These are class methods (marked
by @classmethod) that act as alternative constructors allowing object creation with
different parameters.
from_sku: Creates an instance by extracting information like name and price
from a product's SKU code.
from_file: Reads information from a file (e.g., a CSV file) to set the name and price
Designing a class with multiple constructors in Python provides flexibility in creating objects by
offering various ways to initialize attributes. This approach allows users to create objects using
different parameters or external data sources, enhancing the class's usability and versatility.
Python provides powerful tools like ‘reduce()’ from the ‘functools’ module or list
comprehensions for basic aggregation tasks. However, user-defined aggregation empowers
developers to create custom aggregation logic tailored to specific requirements.
Consider a scenario where you have a list of Product objects and want to find the average price
of these products.
Suppose you have a dictionary containing sales data where each key represents a month, and the
value is a list of sales amounts for that month.
User-defined aggregation in Python offers the flexibility to create custom aggregation functions
suited to specific data structures and aggregation requirements.
This approach enables developers to perform complex aggregations, process custom objects, or
aggregate data in unique ways that might not be achievable using standard aggregation
Hierarchical inheritance forms a tree-like structure, where each child class inherits from a
common parent class. This allows the child classes to inherit attributes and methods from their
immediate parent and, indirectly, from all the ancestors up the hierarchy.
Here, Mammal is a child class of Animal, and Dog and Cat inherit from Mammal. This
demonstrates multiple levels of hierarchical inheritance, where Mammal inherits from Animal,
and Dog and Cat inherit from Mammal
Consider a scenario where a parent class (Animal) has a method make_sound().Now, a subclass
(Dog) inheriting from Animal can override the make_sound() method with its specific
Parent Class (Animal): Defines a generic make_sound() method that provides a default
behavior for all animals.
Child Class (Dog): Overrides the make_sound() method with a specific implementation
for a dog's sound
In this example, both the Dog and Cat classes override the make_sound() method inherited
from the Animal class with their specific sound implementations. When instances of Dog and
Cat are created and the make_sound() method is called on them, the overridden methods in the
respective child classes are executed.
Flexibility: Provides flexibility in modifying the behavior of inherited methods without altering
the superclass's implementation.
2.5 Code Extension through Versatile Polymorphism
Code Extension through Versatile Polymorphism refers to the ability to extend and enhance the
functionality of code by leveraging polymorphism in various ways, allowing for adaptable and
flexible behaviour within an object-oriented programming paradigm.
A. Understanding Polymorphism:
5. Discuss the various types of access control for member variables in Python classes
Purpose: To extract text file names from a list of file names using list comprehension
3. The display_info method is defined. This method prints the name, age, and grade of
a Student object when called.
1. Define two classes, Student and Course. Student represents an individual student,
while Course represents a course that can have multiple students.
2. Define the __init__ method in both classes. This method gets called when a new object is
created. It takes self and other parameters to initialize the object’s attributes.
3. Create, self.student_id in Student and
self.course_name, self.course_code, self.students in
4. Create display_info method in both classes’ prints
the object’s information. The add_student method in
Course adds a Student object to the course.
5. Create Three Student objects and one Course object.
6. Create display_course_info method to call
the Course object to display the course information
and the details of the enrolled students.
7. Create the whole code like the following:
3. The FullTimeEmployee class should have an additional attribute salary, and the
PartTimeEmployee class should have additional attributes hourly_rate and
6. Run the program and verify that it correctly prints the details of the Full-Time and Part-
Time employees.
1. Create Shape class, It should have a placeholder method area() that will be overridden in
each subclass.
2. Create the Circle and Rectangle classes. And it should have an attribute radius, and the
Rectangle class should have attributes length and width. These attributes should be
initialized in their respective __init__ methods.
3. Create a function calculate_area(shape). It takes an object of the Shape class (or any
subclass) and calls its area() method.
4. Create instances of Circle and Rectangle and pass them to the calculate_area() function.
Lap Tests
Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks accordingly.
1. Prompt the user to input the number of dogs they want to add to the zoo.
Create a Dog object using the provided information and add it to the zoo.
3. Prompt the user to input the number of cats they want to add to the zoo.
Create a Cat object using the provided information and add it to the zoo.
5. Finally, display information about all animals in the zoo, including their names, ages,
breeds/colors, and the sounds they make.
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
There are several Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that support debugging Python
code effectively. Here are a few notable ones:
2. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with Python Extension: VS Code, a lightweight and
versatile code editor, has a Python extension that provides excellent support for debugging
Python applications. It offers features like breakpoints, variable tracking, stepping through
code, and integrated terminal access, enabling developers to debug Python code seamlessly.
3. Spyder: Spyder is an open-source IDE designed specifically for scientific computing and
data analysis in Python. It includes an interactive debugger that allows users to set
breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through code, making it suitable for debugging
Python code involved in data analysis and scientific computations.
4. PyDev for Eclipse: PyDev is a Python IDE plugin for the Eclipse platform. It provides a
feature-rich environment for Python development, including debugging capabilities like
breakpoints, variable inspection, and interactive debugging, leveraging Eclipse's
These IDEs offer comprehensive debugging tools and features that aid developers in efficiently
identifying and resolving issues within their Python codebases, catering to different preferences
and project requirements. Developers can choose an IDE based on their familiarity, workflow
preferences, and specific needs for Python debugging.
Logging and Output Analysis: Incorporating logging statements strategically within the
code allows developers to output specific messages, variable values, or program flow
details. Analyzing log outputs aids in understanding the code's behavior during runtime
without halting the program's execution, offering valuable insights into potential issues.
Print Statement Debugging: Placing print statements at crucial points in the code to
display variable values, intermediate outputs, or the program's execution flow. This
technique, while simplistic, is effective for quick debugging, enabling developers to
track the program's execution and identify potential issues or unexpected behavior.
Code Review and Pair Programming: Collaborating with peers for code review or
engaging in pair programming sessions to identify potential issues. These practices offer
fresh perspectives, aiding in the identification of logical errors, inefficiencies, or bugs
that might have been overlooked by the original developer.
Employing multiple debugging techniques tailored to the specific context of the codebase and
encountered errors enables developers to systematically identify, isolate, and resolve issues.
These methods collectively contribute to the creation of robust, error-free software by ensuring
comprehensive error detection and resolution throughout the development process.
Self-Check : 3
1. Logging and Output Analysis provide insights into the code's behaviour during runtime
by halting the program's execution.
A. Adhering to PEP 8
PEP 8 stands for "Python Enhancement Proposal 8," and it's the official style guide for Python
code. It outlines guidelines and recommendations for writing Python code in a consistent and
readable manner. Created by Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, and Nick Coghlan in 2001,
PEP 8 aims to enhance the readability of Python code and promote a common coding style
across the Python community.
1. Code Layout: Recommendations for indentation, line length, and the use of whitespace
to make code more readable.
2. Naming Conventions: Guidelines for naming variables, functions, classes, and modules,
ensuring consistency and readability.
It refers to the practice of creating code that is easily understandable, clear, and coherent without
needing extensive comments or explanations. The primary goal is to ensure that the code can be
read and comprehended effortlessly by other developers, including your future self.
Meaningful Naming: Use descriptive and intuitive names for variables, functions, classes, and
methods. Names should reflect the purpose and functionality of the entity they represent, making
the code more understandable at first glance.
Clear and Concise Code: Break down complex logic into smaller, well-structured functions or
methods. Each function or method should ideally have a single responsibility, performing a
specific task without unnecessary complexity. This makes the code easier to read, understand,
and maintain.
Avoiding Ambiguity: Write code that is explicit and leaves no room for ambiguity.
Avoid cryptic or overly complex expressions that might confuse other developers.
Instead, favor simplicity and clarity in the code structure and logic.
Documentation and Comments: While the goal is to write code that is self-explanatory,
sometimes it's necessary to include comments or documentation to clarify intricate or
Readable Control Structures: Ensure that control structures like loops and conditionals
are well-structured and easy to follow. Use meaningful variable names in loops and
avoid deeply nested or convoluted logic.
Writing readable and self-explanatory code is crucial for collaboration among developers,
especially in large projects. Code that is clear and understandable not only helps in reducing
bugs and errors but also improves maintainability and facilitates future enhancements or
modifications to the codebase.
C. Modularization:
Modularization involves breaking down a software system into smaller, independent modules or
components, each responsible for a specific functionality or feature. These modules act as
building blocks that can be developed, tested, and maintained separately, contributing to easier
code management and reducing complexity.
Benefits of Modularization:
Encapsulation is a key concept in OOP that involves bundling the data (attributes or properties)
and the methods (functions or behavior) that operate on that data within a single unit, typically a
class. This bundling is done in such a way that the internal workings and data of an object are
hidden and can only be accessed or modified through well-defined interfaces (methods).
Benefits of Encapsulation:
Data Protection: Encapsulation allows for the protection of data from unauthorized
access or modifications by providing controlled access through methods (getters and
Improved Maintainability: By hiding the implementation details, changes within a
class don't affect the external code using that class, promoting easier maintenance and
reducing dependencies.
Code Flexibility: It enables better control over how data is accessed or manipulated,
allowing modifications to the internal implementation without affecting other parts of the
Together, modularization and encapsulation play crucial roles in creating robust, maintainable,
and scalable software systems. Modularization promotes a clear and organized structure by
breaking down complex systems into manageable parts, while encapsulation ensures that each
part of the system is self-contained, reducing dependencies and facilitating easier maintenance
and evolution of the codebase.
1. Code Comments: Inline comments within the code that explains specific sections or
complex logic. These comments are for developers' understanding and help clarify the
code's functionality.
2. Docstrings: Descriptive strings of text included in code to document functions, classes,
methods, and modules. Docstrings are usually accessible through programming
interfaces and are meant to provide comprehensive information about the purpose,
inputs, outputs, and usage of code elements.
3. Guides and Manuals: External documents or resources providing instructions,
guidelines, or explanations for using and understanding the software. This might include
user manuals, installation guides, troubleshooting guides, and developer documentation.
4. API Documentation: For software libraries or frameworks, API documentation outlines
how to use the application programming interfaces (APIs) provided by the software,
including details about available functions, classes, parameters, and return values.
5. Design and Architecture Documents: High-level descriptions and diagrams illustrating
the system's design, architecture, components, relationships, and interactions. These
documents often serve as a blueprint for developers and stakeholders to understand the
system's structure.
Effective documentation is essential for various reasons:
Maintaining up-to-date and accurate documentation is crucial for the long-term success,
usability, and maintainability of software project
Refer to the processes and practices within software development aimed at ensuring that
software products meet predefined quality standards, are free from defects, and function as
1. Testing:
Testing involves the systematic evaluation of software to identify and fix errors, bugs, or
unexpected behavior. It's performed across different stages of the software development life
cycle (SDLC) and includes various types of tests:
Unit Testing: Tests individual components or units of code to verify their functionality
in isolation from the rest of the software.
Integration Testing: Verifies the interaction between different units or modules to
ensure they work together as expected.
System Testing: Tests the entire system to ensure it meets specified requirements and
functions correctly as a whole.
Regression Testing: Repeatedly tests the software after modifications to ensure that
existing functionalities aren't affected by the changes.
Performance Testing: Assesses the system's performance under various conditions,
such as load, stress, or scalability testing, to ensure it meets performance requirements.
Quality Assurance involves activities that focus on establishing and maintaining processes to
ensure that the development and delivery of software adhere to predefined quality standards. It
Quality Planning: Defining quality standards, processes, and procedures that need to be
followed during the software development life cycle.
Process Audits: Reviewing and assessing adherence to established processes and
standards to ensure consistency and compliance.
Defect Prevention: Identifying potential issues early in the development process and
implementing measures to prevent defects from occurring.
Continuous Improvement: Striving for continuous enhancement of processes and
methodologies based on feedback, best practices, and lessons learned from previous
Testing and Quality Assurance work hand-in-hand to ensure that software is reliable, functional,
secure, and meets user expectations. They contribute significantly to delivering high-quality
software products by identifying and addressing issues early in the development cycle, reducing
risks, and enhancing customer satisfaction. These practices are essential for building robust and
maintainable software systems.
Version Control Best Practices: Utilize Git for version control, following branching
strategies like GitFlow, and commit frequently with clear, descriptive commit messages.
Collaborative Development: Foster collaboration through code reviews, ensuring that
changes align with coding standards and maintainability guidelines.
Refactoring and Continuous Improvement:
Learning and Adapting: Stay updated with Python best practices, new features, and community
standards to evolve the codebase accordingly.
In addition to docstrings and UML diagrams, inline comments are employed to explain complex
algorithms or less intuitive code sections, offering detailed context beyond high-level
descriptions. Maintaining versioning and change logs alongside documentation aids in tracking
code evolution and understanding modifications made in different iterations. This combination
of well-crafted docstrings, UML diagrams, and concise comments serves as a vital resource for
developers, facilitating comprehension, consistent usage, maintenance, and collaborative
development processes.
Self-check :4
1. Docstrings in Python are single-line comments used to clarify specific sections of code.
2. UML diagrams, such as class diagrams and sequence diagrams, are used in Python
documentation to visually represent the execution flow of a program.
3. Inline comments in Python code are intended to provide high-level descriptions for
classes and their methods.
4. Versioning and change logs in Python documentation help track the evolution of the
codebase and record modifications made in different versions.
To conduct simple tests in OOP, developers often utilize Python's built-in testing frameworks
like unittest or pytest. These frameworks enable the creation of test cases, where each test case
typically consists of methods that validate specific behaviors or functionalities within classes.
The process starts by defining test cases that encompass scenarios and expected outcomes for
individual methods or functionalities of classes. In Python, test methods within these test cases
are prefixed with "test_" to differentiate them as test functions.
Using assertions within these test methods is crucial. Assertions, such as assertEqual, assertTrue,
or assertFalse, compare actual results against expected outcomes. For instance, assertEqual
verifies if a method returns an expected value, ensuring it aligns with the intended functionality.
Incorporating mock objects or dependency injection techniques further aids in isolating and
testing specific functionalities within classes. Mock objects simulate the behavior of
dependencies, enabling controlled testing environments and facilitating the testing of complex
interactions or edge cases.
Moreover, leveraging concepts like setUp() and tearDown() methods in test cases helps in
preparing test fixtures or cleaning up resources before and after each test, ensuring a consistent
and controlled testing environment.
The simplicity of these tests lies in their focus on individual methods or components within
classes, ensuring that each unit of code behaves as expected. Simple tests not only verify the
correctness of code but also enhance maintainability by providing a safety net for future
modifications, encouraging clean and modular designs, and promoting confidence in the
reliability of the software.
The Calculator class contains add() and subtract() methods performing addition and
subtraction operations, respectively.
The TestCalculator class, inheriting from unittest.TestCase, contains test methods
prefixed with "test_".
setUp() method initializes an instance of the Calculator class before each test method
test_add() and test_subtract() methods perform tests using self.assertEqual() to assert
expected outcomes against actual results.
To run the tests, save the code in a Python file and execute it. The unittest framework will
execute the tests, and if all assertions pass, it will display OK; otherwise, it will indicate which
test failed and why. This example demonstrates simple tests verifying basic functionality
In the realm of code, embracing corrections involves fostering a culture that encourages
developers to recognize and rectify issues promptly. This includes bugs, logical errors, or
inefficiencies discovered during various phases of development or even after deployment.
Adopting strategies like continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) facilitates the
rapid identification and rectification of bugs, ensuring that corrections are integrated into the
codebase seamlessly. Embracing corrections also involves soliciting feedback from peers
through code reviews or collaborative discussions to identify potential improvements and
implement necessary changes.
Embracing corrections in both code and documentation not only improves the overall quality of
the software but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement. It promotes accountability,
transparency, and collaboration among team members, enabling a more resilient and adaptable
development environment. Furthermore, acknowledging and rectifying mistakes promptly in
both code and documentation demonstrate a commitment to delivering high-quality software
products and reliable documentation, ultimately enhancing user satisfaction and trust in the
software. Overall, embracing corrections is an integral part of the iterative and evolutionary
nature of software development, contributing to the continual enhancement and refinement of
software products and their accompanying documentation.
B) Embracing corrections
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 2nd edition by Brett D. McLaughlin, Gary
Pollice, David West
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