GEC 112great Books Midterm

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by: Dr. Jose Rizal -also known in his full name as Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y
-novel written by Dr. José Rizal, a national hero of the Magsalin, a Filipino who studied in Europe for 7 years, the
Philippines. love interest of Maria Clara. Son of the deceased Don Rafael
Ibarra. The main and most important character in the novel
UNCLE TOMS CABIN manifesting in him the Filipino who acquired European idea
BY:HARRIET BEECHER STOWE through his education in Europe.
-it inspired Dr. Jose Rizal to prepare a novel that would depict
the miseries of his people under the last of of Spanish  ELIAS
Tyrants. -Ibarra's mysterious friend, a master boater, also a fugitive.
He was referred to at one point as "the pilot". He wants to
 The title is Latin for "Touch Me Not" and is inspired by a revolutionize his country. In the past, Ibarra's grandfather
verse in the Bible. John, Chapter 20, Verse 17. condemned his grandfather of burning a warehouse, making
 Consist of 63 chapters. Originally the novel has 64 Elias the fugitive he is. The character that Rizal placed to
chapters. represent the Filipino masses who suffered from Spanish
 The removed chapter, now referred to as Chapter X brutalities and abuse due to their powerlessness in the novel
 (Chapter "eks"), was titled Eliás y Salomé (Elias and and in real Philippines social situation of that time.
 Maximo Viola financed the publication of the first 2000  MARIA CLARA
copies of the novel. -Maria Clara de los Santos, Ibarra's sweetheart; the
 The novel, published in 1887, ( Berlin, Germany) played legitimate daughter of Father Damaso and Pia Alba. In her,
a significant role in the Philippine revolution against Ibarra has fallen in-love, she also mirrored the Filipino
Spanish rule. It vividly depicted the injustices suffered by woman of religious upbringing and orientation, and through
Filipinos under the Spanish colonial regime, stirring a her love to Ibarra, and she represents true loyalty and
sense of nationalism among its readers. religiosity of the woman in real Filipino society.
 “Noli Me Tangere" played a significant role in awakening
a sense of nationalism among Filipinos and is considered  FATHER DAMASO
a catalyst that led to the Philippine revolution against - also known in his full name as Damaso Verdolagas, a friar
Spanish rule. and Maria Clara's biological father. An antagonist in character
and represents the in Christian works for the Catholic friars
"Noli Me Tangere" explores several themes, including: who are in the church.
Colonialism, Religion, Power, Revolution and Reform,
Education and Isolation.  SISA
-the mother of Basilio and Crispin who became insane after
Theme losing his sons. She represented in the novel unfortunate
 Colonialism Filipina mothers losing her two sons; Basilio and Crispin. In
The novel depicts the negative effects of Spanish colonial rule the novel, Sisa loses her sanity.
on the Philippines, highlighting the social injustices and
economic disparities it caused. CAPTAIN TIYAGO
 Religion -also known in his full name as Don Santiago de los Santos,
Rizal criticizes the Catholic Church's role in perpetuating the the known father of Maria Clara but not the real one, lives in
oppressive colonial system. He exposes the hypocrisy and Binondo. An illegal opium leader who subsequently was a
corruption of some church officials. landlord. He represented a businessman who used his money
 Power to work for him even in religious life and obligations.
The book explores the dynamics of power, particularly how it
is used to oppress and exploit the Filipino people.  PILOSOPONG TASYO
 Revolution and reform -also known as Don Anastacio, portrayed in the novel as
Rizal advocates for peaceful reform rather than violent pessimistic, and mad by his neighbors. He portrays the role of
revolution to effect change in society. a Philosopher who was completely misunderstood in many
 Education aspects, he argues with the belief of the Catholic Church and
The novel underscores the importance of education in social changes and concerns in the novel.
enlightening the populace and fostering national
consciousness.  DONYA VICTORINA
 Isolation -Victorina de los Reyes de Espadaña, a woman who poses
The protagonist, Crisostomo Ibarra, experiences isolation due herself as a Peninsulares. Wife of Don Tiburcio de Espadana,
to his progressive ideas, symbolizing the alienation of known in the novel as a trying hard rich woman who abhors
enlightened Filipinos in a society resistant to change. anything that is Filipino and clings for Spanish way of life. This
kind of character was manifested on some Filipinos of that

-abusive husband of Sisa who loved cockfighting.
opposes the marriage. He wishes to drive the two apart and
 DON RAFAEL IBARRA eventually achieves. He arrives uninvited to a dinner party
-known in the plot as a concerned citizen and property owner hosted by Ibarra and dishonors the memory of his late father,
who was a father of Crisostomo Ibarra. Padre Damaso who which baits the latter into retaliation. Ibarra physically attacks
played an antagonist role called him a heretic and filibustero Dámaso, holding him at knife point and threatening to kill
due to his view on relating to liberalism in society. him. María-Clara intervenes and prevents Ibarra from
completing the deed, but the damage is done. As punishment
Supporting Charaters for the assault, Ibarra is excommunicated and thus, the
couple’s engagement is annulled.
The leader of the rebels, whose family was destroyed The Captain General, the King’s representative in the
because of the Spaniards. Philippines, intercedes on Ibarra’s behalf. Once again,
Dámaso and his colleague Father Salví are disgruntled and
 BASILIO see the Captain General’s respect for Ibarra as a threat to
the elder son of Sisa. their power. Salví’s role in the novel becomes more
prominent after this incident, as he works on a scheme to
 CRISPON take down Ibarra once and for all.
the younger son of Sisa who died from the punishment of the
soldiers from the false accusation of stealing an amount of Afterwards, Ibarra and Elias bounded a boat and left the
money. palace. Elias instructed Ibarra to lie down and the former
covered the latter with grass to conceal the latter's presence.
 PADRE SIBYLA As luck would have it, they were spotted by their enemies.
Hernando de la Sibyla, a Filipino friar. He is described as short Elias thought he could outsmart them and jumped into the
and has fair skin. water. The guards rain shots on the person in the water, all
the while not knowing that they were aiming at the wrong
also known in his full name as Bernardo Salvi, a secret
admirer of Maria Clara. Maria Clara, thinking that Ibarra has been killed in the
shooting incident, was greatly overcome with grief. Robbed
 THE ALFEREZ of hope and severe disillusion, she asked Father Damaso to
chief of the Guardia Civil, mortal enemy of the priests for confine her into a nunnery. Father Damaso reluctantly agreed
power in San Diego. when Maria Clara threatened to take her own life,
demanding, "the nunnery or death!" Unbeknown to her,
 DON TIBURCIO Ibarra is still alive and able to escape. It was Elias who had
Spanish husband of Doña Victorina who was limp and taken the shots. It was Christmas Eve when Elias woke up in
submissive to his wife; he also pretended to be a doctor. the forest, gravely wounded and barely alive. It was in the
forest that Elias found Basilio and his lifeless mother, Sisa.
Noli Me Tángere begins at a dinner party hosted by Captain The Message of Noli Me Tangere
Don Santiago (Tiago), a wealthy resident of Manila. Guests The message of "Noli Me Tangere" is multifaceted, reflecting
assembled at the party include other members of the upper the social, political, and cultural context of the Philippines
class as well as friars of both the Dominican and Franciscan during the Spanish colonial period.
orders. During dinner, Don Crisóstomo Ibarra arrives—the
party being his first stop post-returning from Europe. He is Here are some key messages conveyed in the novel:
there to visit his fiancée María-Clara, Santiago’s daughter.
However, the celebratory atmosphere soon turns tense as 1. Expose the Corruption and Abuses of Spanish Colonial
one of the friars, Father Dámaso, becomes angry at Ibarra’s Rule:
arrival. After the party, Ibarra learns that his father, Don -Rizal intended to shed light on the injustices and abuses
Rafael, died while in prison and Father Dámaso had his committed by the Spanish authorities and their collaborators.
corpse exhumed and removed from the Christian cemetery He aimed to awaken the Filipino people to the oppressive
(i.e., dumped into a river). The dramatic tension between nature of colonialism and inspire them to seek change.
Ibarra and Dámaso forms the central conflict.
2. Critique the Role of the Catholic Church:
As Ibarra reacclimates himself to his homeland, he looks to -Rizal criticized the Catholic Church's complicity in the
apply his progressive ideals to make life better for the citizens perpetuation of the colonial system. He exposed the abuses
of San Diego. After meeting with a school teacher, Ibarra’s and hypocrisy of some church officials, highlighting the need
first act is to build a school. While he gains support from the for spiritual and moral renewal.
local government, the religious order within the town views
the project with suspicion. They begin to see Ibarra as a 3. Advocate for Education and Enlightenment:
threat to their power—with Dámaso in particular seeing him -"Noli Me Tangere" emphasizes the importance of
as a rival who must be put in his place. education in enlightening the masses and empowering them
Ibarra and María-Clara’s relationship dates back to childhood. to challenge the status quo. Rizal believed that through
However, Dámaso is the godfather of María-Clara and
education, Filipinos could gain the knowledge and critical  Flerida: lover of Aladin who is forcibly being taken by his
thinking skills necessary for social progress. father Sultan Ali-Adab

4. Promote Nationalism and Patriotism:  Adolfo: Florante's rival, called "mapagbalat-kayo"

-The novel encourages Filipinos to embrace their national (disguise); hates Florante
identity and take pride in their heritage. It calls for unity and
solidarity among Filipinos in the face of colonial oppression.  Duke Briseo: Florante's father and Haring Linceo's royal
5. Highlight the Need for Social Reform:
-Rizal's novel underscores the urgent need for social reform  Haring Linceo: Laura's father and king of Albania
in the Philippines. It critiques the social hierarchy, economic
disparities, and feudal system prevalent during that time,  Sultan Ali-Adab: Aladin's father and sultan of Persia
advocating for a more just and equitable society.
 Princessa Floresca: Florante's mother and princess of
Overall, "Noli Me Tangere" serves as a call to action, urging Crotona
Filipinos to rise against the injustices of colonial rule and
work towards a better future for their nation. SUMMARY
On a faraway vast land, there’s a mystical forest outside the
Kingdom of Albanya. Florante, son of Duke Briseo and
2. FLORANTE AT LAURA Princess Floresca, was knotted tightly on a giant old tree in
the middle of the dark forest. Sadness and emptiness crept
AUTHOR around the helpless Prince. The scary woods and uncanny
One of the country's most enduring literary masterpieces, sounds of wild animals and creatures just didn’t help.
Florante at Laura – written by 19th century poet Francisco Just before two huge lions were about to ravish the poor
Baltazar, also known as Balagtas. Prince, a kindhearted Persian Morong, Aladin, helped
Florante at Laura is an 1838 awit written by Tagalog poet Aladin was on exile from his own kingdom because of his
Francisco Balagtas. The story was dedicated to his former father’s cruelty. His father, Ali-Adab, took his lovely fiancé
sweetheart María Asuncion Rivera, whom he nicknamed away from him. On his way to the woods, he heard Florante’s
"M.A.R." and Selya in Kay Selya ("For Celia"). The story is scream trying to seek help from the lions nearly killing him.
loosely based on Balagtas' own biography. The two became good friends and they started to talk about
their past and what brought them there in the woods.
It was completed in 1838 and is considered a masterpiece of Florante told Aladin his true identity—a prince of Albanya.
Philippine literature. The narrative revolves around the love
story of Florante, a prince, and Laura, a princess, set against He also told his new friend about his another near-death
the backdrop of a fictional kingdom called Albania. experience involving a giant crow which was killed by his
cousin, Menalipo, his school days at Atenas where he met
"Florante at Laura" is often studied in Philippine literature Adolfo whom from the beginning was his rival. Adolfo tried to
courses and is an essential part of the country's literary kill Florante during their school play, the latter was rescued
heritage. by Menandro, nephew of their kind professor—Antenor.
Because of that terrible incident, Adolfo decided to go back
THEME home in Albanya.
Florante at Laura is filled with passages on living the upright
life and respecting elders and the values of love for country, One day in Atenas, a sad news came to Florante about the
industry and patriotism. One of its central themes is that death of his mother. After two months, the Prince went back
religious differences should not be used to discriminate home in Albanya.
against another. [ Florante Falls in Love With Laura ]
In Albanya, Duke Briseo and King Linseo, father of Laura,
CHARACTERS gathered a meeting about their defense against the troops of
Persian General Osmalik. Osmalik ruined the Kingdom of
 Florante: The protagonist of the story, Florante is a Kotrona. According to the King, he dreamt of a clever
noble prince who faces numerous trials and tribulations, powerful Prince who looked like Florante, their only weapon
including imprisonment and exile. to beat Osmalik.

 Laura : daughter of Haring Linceo of Albania; Florante's Florante instantly fell in love with Laura seeing her beauty. In
lover his three days stay at their palace, he never had the chance
to talk to the Princess. He only had few moments with her
 Aladin: A loyal friend of Florante, Aladin provides when he was prepared to battle. The princess only sent her
support and assistance to Florante throughout his tears and hopes.
[ Florante Rescues Laura ]
Alas, Florante defeated Osmalik. He stayed for another five courage, and the enduring power of love in the face of
months in the kingdom of Kotrona. He went home and was hardships.
amazed what greeted him … their enemy, Morong, flag was
waving high in the air. 3. MGA IBONGMANDARAGIT
While Florante and his troop of soldiers were on their way By: Amado V. Hernandez
down the mountain, they witnessed a girl whose head was
about to be cut by Aladin’s troop. Florante and his troop AUTHOR
rescued the girl who was Laura.
Eventually, Florante saved his kingdom including King Linseo, Born on September 13, 1903
Duke Briseo and Adolfo. Died on March 24, 1970
After that triumph, another army headed by Miramolin tried He is a poet, playwright, and novelist. He is among the
to invade the Kingdom of Albanya. Fortunately, Florante has Filipino writers who practiced"committed art" or a political
succeeded victory again. In the midst of battle, Florante artist.
received a letter while he’s in Etolya. He had to go back to He was born in Tondo in Manila and studied in Gagalangin,
Albanya not knowing it was just a wicked scheme to kill him. Tondo, the Manila High School and the American
Adolfo made it all to kill the young Prince. Adolfo has killed Correspondence School where he finished a Bachelor of Arts
Florante’s father and took the crown and his kingdom. degree.
He began writing in Tagalog for the newspaper Watawat
Florante has been captive for thirteen days. After that, the (Flag), when he was a teenager.
Count of Albanya has condemned him to be thrown away in In 1922, at the age of 19, Hernandez became a member of
the wild forest to feed the wild beasts and lions. the literary society Aklatang Bayan which included noted
Learning about his dark fate, it was Aladin’s turn to tell Tagalog writers Lope K. Santos and Jose Corazon de Jesus. He
Florante about his life. Aladin left his father’s kingdom after studied in Gagalangin, Tondo, the Manila High
his father king took his fiancé, Flerida. He left everything School, and the American Correspondence School where he
behind and went to Persia. finished a Bachelor of Arts degree.
In 1932, He married sarsuela actress and kundiman queen
When Florante has succeeded in claiming back Albanya Honorata "Atang" dela Rama which is a National Artist for
against Aladin’s troops, the king realized his son surrendered Theater and Music.
and for him it was a big shame. Because of that, he executed He is the son of Juan Hernandez and Clara Vera During WWII,
an order to catch Aladin and cut his head. But Aladin was he served as an intelligence officer for the resistance.
thrown away from Persia and couldn’t come back again ever. After the war he was appointed and elected as councilor of
manila in 1945 and 1947.
[ Aladin and Florante Meet Flerida and Laura ] Hernandez was arrested on January 26, 1951 on suspicion of
Again While Aladin and Florante got to know each other, they his writings and activities among the leaders of the rebellion.
became good friends. They realized their own fate. In the It was while when he was imprisoned that he wrote his most
middle of their chats, they heard voices of two people in the notable works. Including "Mga Ibong Mandaragit",Luha Ng
woods. They followed it and found out they were Laura and Buwaya,at Isang Dipang Langit. Isang Dipang Langit (A Stretch
Flerida. Aladin then learned that Flerida escaped from the of Heaven), which later won a Republic Cultural Heritage
wicked hands of his father, Sultan Ali-Adab by disguising to Award.
be a gerero who fell down until reached the woods. His masterpiece Luha ng Buwaya. It is about poor farmers
uniting against the greedy desires of the prominent family of
On the other hand, Florante realized that he was Laura’s one the Grandes. In Filipino idioms, "buwaya" were used to
true love although he admitted he thought the girl cheated symbolize those people who are corrupt. The "buwaya" in
on him so many times. Laura never had affections to Adolfo the title refers to the Grandes family, who were greedy for
which is why the latter tried to enslave her ruin her but money.
Flerida saved Laura by speared the pitiless man. Menandro He started to write his first Filipino socio-political novel
came looking for Adolfo only finding him dead. After all has that exposes the ills of the society as evident in the agrarian
settled back to normal, everything went back into place in problems of the 50s which is "Mga Ibong Mandaragit"
the kingdom and everyone was so happy. Everyone was (Birds of Prey).
celebrating in Albanya.
[ Florante and Laura Get Married ]  Isang Dipang Langit (An Arm-Stretch of Sky)
Florante and Laura married each other and celebrated their  Panata sa Kalayaan (Pledge to Freedom)
wedding. They became the new king and queen of Albanya  Ang Mga Kayamanan ng Tao
while Aladin and Flerida were baptized as Christians before  Ang Dalaw Kay Silaw
they wed, too. They returned back to Persia to start a new  Aking Bayan (When Your Tears Have Dried, My Country)
happy life and became the new leaders of their kingdom.  Bartolina
 Kung Tuyo Na ang Luha Mo
What was the Message?  Bayang Malaya
"Florante at Laura" is an epic poem written by Francisco  Ang Taong Kapos
Balagtas that explores the themes of love, patriotism, and the  Bayani
triumph of good over evil. It conveys a message of resilience,
 Sa Batang Walang Amidst the socio-political themes,
 Bagong Damit "Mga Ibong Mandaragit also explores themes of love,
 Isang Sining ng sacrifice, and familial bonds. It portrays the personal
 Pagbigkas sacrifices individuals make for their beliefs and the resilience
 Ang Panday and strength that love and solidarity can provide in times of
 Inang Wika adversity.
 Ang Tao
 Ang Aklasan Injustices and Oppression
 Ang Dalaw Kay Silaw The novel portrays the unjust social structures of the time,
where the ruling class benefits from the labor and suffering
BACKGROUND of the working class. It exposes the oppressive systems and
highlights the arbitrary exercise of power and the denial
MGA IBONG MANDARAGIT of basic human rights.
 "Mga Ibong Mandaragit" is a novel written by Amado V.
 The book contains 69 chapters and 416 pages.
 It was written between 1951-1956 while the author was  Mando " Andoy " Plaridel
imprisoned for crimes of rebellion.  main character/antagonist
 The title "Mga Ibong Mandaragit" translates to "Birds of  also known as "Alejandro Paminuan"found Simoun's
Prey" in English by Estelita Constantino-Pangilinan. treasure, thrown into the Pacific Ocean with the help of
 The novel depicts the struggles and plight of Filipino Tata Matyas
peasants and workers.  Editor-in-chief of Kampilan
 The narrative reflects Hernandez's deep social
consciousness and advocacy for social change. "Kampilan”
 The characters in the novel represent different facets of  tawag sa peryodikong pinatayo na pinamunuan ni
Filipino society, particularly those marginalized and Mando sa Maynila.
oppressed.  naging simbolo ng katotohan walang bahid ng
 Hernandez's writing style in this novel is characterized panunuhol, ng maskara at higit sa lahat, ay ang pamimili
by vivid imagery, powerful symbolism, and poetic sa mga dapat lang na mailabas sa mga pahayagan at
language. malaman ng publiko
 "Mga Ibong Mandaragit" is considered one of
Hernandez's most important literary works and a  Dolores "Dolly" Montero
significant contribution to Philippine literature. The enigmatic daughter of the Montero family who became
 The novel continues to be studied and celebrated for its involved with Colonel Moto during the Japanese Occupation,
portrayal of the Filipino experience and its call for social impregnated by Lieutenant Whitey during the Liberation
justice. Mando's lover in Paris
 Birds of Prey follows Mando Plaridel, the guerrilla
warrior who discovers his strength and greater purpose  Don Segundo Montero
as he searches for and finds the treasure left behind by The cunning businessman and owner of Hacienda Montero
Rizal's protagonist Simoun. This historical fiction
examines one country's past but its message resonates  Donya Julia Montero
with the real and present struggles in societies around Don Segundo's wife, infatuated with her former lover,
the world. Governor Doblado.

What is Guerilla means?  Tata Matyas

-a member of a small independent group taking part in Mando's father is a former revolutionary who fought against
irregular fighting, typically against larger regular forces. the Spaniards and Americans.
Guide Mando on where to find Simoun’s Treasure.
expores several themes including, Mando's companion and a fellow guerilla.
Class Struggle and Social Inequality. Bitten by a shark while he was diving and looking for the
Love and Sacrifice treasure.
Injustices and Oppression
Class Struggle and Social Inequality.
The novel delves into the stark divide between the ruling The novel begins in September 1944, when the weakening of
class and the oppressed working class. It highlights the the forces of the Japanese Empire in the Philippines can be
exploitation, poverty, and social injustices endured by the felt. The activities of the Filipino guerillas are getting stronger
laborers, as well as their struggle to rise against oppressive and are helped by the Filipino soldiers from the
systems and fight for better conditions. commonwealth of the Philippines Army in Luzon. These are
happening even though the promised return of American
Love and Sacrifice
troops, promised by Franklin Roosevelt and Douglas activism, and revolution in challenging oppressive systems
MacArthur, has not yet come. and achieving genuine liberation for the Filipinopeople.

The first chapter begins with the sun setting in the forest.
Mando Plaridel and his two other companions reach the hut 4. THE WOMAN WHO HAD TWO NAVELS
of Tata Matyas in the Sierra Madre mountain range. Tata A Novel by Nick Joaquin
Matyas is a former revolutionary who fought against the
Spaniards and Americans. Mando's companions are Karyo AUTHOR
and Martin, who
were also fellow guerrillas. They are fleeing from a failed The Woman Who Had Two Navels is a 1961 novel by Nick
struggle against Japanese soldiers who attacked their camp in Joaquín, a National Artist for Literature and leading English-
Sampitan. It was about three or four months ago when language writer from the Philippines.
Mando last visited Tata Matyas' residence.
Nick Joaquin was a Filipino writer and journalist best known
During Mando's last visit to Tata Matyas, they were able to for his short stories and novels in the English language.
exchange issues regarding their own problems, and even He was born on May 4, 1917 in Paco, Manila, to a Catholic
about their beginnings in the movement. They also discussed and educated family.
Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo, especially He was a former seminarian in Hong Kong who decided to
the consequences of Simoun's wealth (the main character in pursue writing as his vocation.
El Filibusterismo) after Padre lorentino (another character in He wrote under the pen name Quijano de Manila and was a
El Filibusterismo). According to Tata Matyas, imoun's wealth historian of the Golden Age of Spain in the Philippines.
could have been used to upply the needs of the guerrillas. He was conferred the rank and title of National Artist of the
Tata atyas believes that the characters in the novels of the Philippines for Literature.
hero Jose Rizal are real, ecause his family knows the real He has been considered one of the most important Filipino
"Padre lorentino". writers, along with José Rizal and Claro M. Recto.

If he was still young like Mando, he would search the sea to BACKGROUND OF THE BOOK
find Simoun's missing iron. Tata Matyas also believed that all
heroes aside from Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, and polinario This novel by Joaquin is a literary assessment of the influence
Mabini should be role models for the Filipino people. Mando of the past to the time encompassing events in the
finds Simoun's treasure from the ocean near Atimonan with Philippines after World War II, an examination of an
the help of a map provided by Tata Matyas. But, despite this assortment of legacy and heritage and the questions of how
good fortune, Karyo and Martin die. Karyo is attacked by an individual can exercise free will and deal with the “shock”
a shark, while Martin wanting to claim the discovered wealth of experiencing “epiphanic recognition”.
for himself dies at Mando's fists.
It is considered a classic in Philippine literature. It was the
After the war, peace returns, but so does the old ways of the recipient of the first Harry Stonehill Award.
rich and landed. That is why the social subjec presented to It tells the story of an elite Filipina who is hallucinating and is
the government, the asenderos and the merchants of the preoccupied with the notion that she has two navels or belly
associations of farmers in the fields and the workers in the buttons in order to be treated as an extraordinary person.
city do not disappear. Explores identity, colonialism, and Psychology Published in
Mando emigrates to sell the riches, but not before founding a
newspaper, Kampilan. Due to his departure from the THEME
Philippines, he entrusts the running of the paper to Magat, "The Woman Who Had Two Navels" is a novel that explores
who is also a former guerrilla. the themes of identity and self-acceptance.

The printing press is run with the help of other former  Identity
guerrillas, such as Tata Matyas, Andres, Rubio, and Dr. Sabio. Personal and national identity in post-colonial Philippines.
Dr. Sabio, a former teacher, promises Mando to disseminate  Colonialism
the things taught at the Freedom University (University of Lingering effects on Filipino society.
Freedom), which was also established by Mando, for the  Psychology
benefit of the youth. The latter was also one of Mando's Characters' motivations and desires.
instructions, before traveling to Europe and the United  Wealth Disparity
States. Class divisions, power dynamics.


"Mga Ibong Mandaragit" advocates for social change and  Connie Escobar
collective action. It portrays the struggles and sacrifices of is a young newlywed woman from Manila. She tells people
individuals who resist oppression and strive for a better she has always had two navels, although her mother,
society. The novel underscores the importance of olidarity,
disputes the truth of her claim. She believes she has two consult him, but a year ago; that she has only ONE navel.
navels symbolizing her search for fulfillment. Senora de Vidal also told Pepe that she forced Connie to
marry Macho Escobar because Connie was upset about the
 Pepe Monson rumor that her father, Manolo Vidal, spends the public fund
is the child of Filipino emigrants, Pepe lives in Hong Kong and to send his children to school. Because Connie was just
works as a "horse doctor." When Connie visits him in distress forced to marry to a man she really does not love, Senora
over her purported two navels, he learns of the strange story Concha told Pepe that Connie was chasing a bandleader
of his friend Paco's relationship with Connie and her mother. named Paco Texeira, that's why she is now in Hong Kong.
Pepe is engaged to Rita Lopez.
She and Macho followed Connie in Hong Kong they can bring
 The Señora de Vidal her back to the Philippines. Macho's reason in taking her back
or Concha de Vidal is an elite Filipino woman who lives in a is to avoid humiliation for her politician father by creating a
mansion in Manila. Connie is her daughter. She has an affair scandal because it is election times in the Philippines. Pepe
with Macho Escobar, the husband of her daughter. told Senora de Vidal that Paco is married to Mary and that he
and Paco are grade school friends. After talking to Senora de
 Macho Escobar Vidal, Pepe went to the Texeira's Pepe learned from his
is Connie's husband. Connie tells the story of concealing the conversation with the Texeiras that Paco had been to Manila
revelation of her two navels from him by leaving Manila and playing with his band. From Manila, Paco had sent letters to
fleeing to Hong Kong, where she asks Pepe to perform an Mary about Senora de Vidal. Senora de Vidal and Paco had a
operation. good time together and they were interested in each other's
countries Hong Kong and Philippines.
 Rita Lopez
is Pepe's fiancée. She lives separately from him in Hong Kong. One day, when Paco was waiting for Senora Concha in her
house, he found Connie and from that moment on he started
 Tony wanting Connie. Connie had watched Paco perform in the
is Pepe's brother. Tony studies in a Roman Catholic seminary. clubs until one night, there were people fighting and
Like Pepe, Tony grew up listening to romanticized stories of someone had got shot. Because Connie was shocked, Paco
their father's home in Manila but eventually gave up on the comforted her. Until some weeks, Paco drove Connie to his
dream and became more invested in his faith. hotel, knowing that Connie also liked him. He was about to
rape Connie, not knowing her background. They only had a
 Paco Texeira savage fight like wild beasts.
is a Filipino-Portuguese jazz bandleader who lives in Hong
Kong. Paco starts a friendship with the señora de Vidal and After 2 days, Paco went back to Hong Kong. Pepe states that
pulls away when people insinuate that their relationship is both Connie and Senora de Vidal have an evil hold on him
romantic or sexual. He then develops unconsummated sexual and he knows that he will go running to them when they call
desire for Connie, Vidal's daughter. him. But he does not call it love. Pepe also realized both his
father and Paco have a similar traumatized look after they
 Mary came back from the Philippines. Pepe's father could not
is Paco's wife. She lives in Hong Kong and is of mixed answer most of Paco's questions since he came back to Hong
Portuguese and Filipino descent. Athletic and down-to-earth, Kong from Manila.
Mary has a sarcastic attitude toward her husband, who is
often openly rude to her in front of Pepe. She has children Meanwhile, in the art shop of Rita Lopez and Helen Sliva, Rita
with Paco. received a call from Pepe, Rita is Pepe's wife and Helen is a
friend. Pepe called Rita to invite her for a dinner with Paco
SUMMARY and Mary to a club in Tovarich, In Tovarich, they met Pete
Alfonso, a bandleader who is seeking a pianist and a singer.
The story begins with Connie Escobar, daughter of a politician Paco applied and got hired. The next important thing that
and a famous beauty, visiting Pepe Monson, a horse doctor, happened was that Pepe found Connie Escobar naked inside
in Hong Kong for a consultation because she has TWO the club and talked to her for he knows Connie needs him,
NAVELS. She wanted him to remove her other navel through with a promise to Rita that he would just do it with a couple
a surgical operation because if she will be going to give birth, of minutes. After a short talk with Connie, Pepe went back to
where would the other umbilical cord be connected? In Rita and told her and the rest of the group to go home
addition, she does not want to become a freak when she has without him so he can help Connie in her problem, which
to undress for her husband. She said she is 30 years old and made Rita get angry.
has just been married hours ago. Then, she told Pepe about a
story from her childhood. When she was a child, she thought Connie had driven her car so fast that made Pepe to cry
that everybody has two navels but when she discovered her "stop!" Then Connie told Pepe why she was. driving so fast
doll, Minnie, has only one, she threw it into the pond. because she feels like she's running away. She related it to a
story where she ran away from school, not because of her
Then she told Pepe that her mother is also in Hong Kong. father whipping her a lie told by Concha to Pepe, but because
Pepe talked to Senora Concha Vidal and discovered from her she was ashamed that her father was an abortionist. Then
that Connie was lying that she is not 30 years old, only 18, Pepe advised Connie to ask advise to her brother, Tony, at
that she was not married a morning just before she came to the convent, but Connie instead wanted to go in her hotel.
However, when Connie went to her room in the hotel, she The Monson brothers want her to reengage in her life to live
rushed back to Pepe telling him that Macho, her husband, is a full, free, responsible life of her own choosing. Then, she
inside and she does not want to see him. wants the Monson brothers to confirm or refute her two-
navel delusion once and for all by stripping and letting them
She told Pepe that Macho has other girls and one of them is see for themselves whether she has two navels. Father Tony
her mother, Concha de Vidal. Paco learned from her that she left Pepe to refute her two-navel delusion which Pepe
found out the love letters of Macho and her mother. Because hesitantly complied to. When Pepe discovered that Connie
of this, Pepe helped Connie to go away from her hotel by really had only one navel, her delusional world broke apart.
letting her sleep in Rita's place, which made Rita even
angrier, Connie asked Pepe to tell Macho that she was sick Connie proceeded to do what he wanted to do TO RUN
and does not want to see him, which Pepe agreed to do. AWAY first toward the monastery. On her way, she
Macho, however, stopped Pepe when he was leaving his remembered her bitter past and saw hallucinations of her
room and told Pepe the story of their marriage and that he family's destruction. The flashbacks started when Connie was
knew Connie knew of his past affair with her mother because 5 years old. She went to a carnival and wanted her doll,
of the letters, but he insisted it was over and done with. Minnie, to see Biliken, the carnival god. Because the young
Connie is such a spoiled brat, she wanted to have Biliken at
When Pepe went home, just before daylight when Rita home even going to the extent that she threw Minnie away
awoke, they did not find Connie in the sofa. She was gone. It and have to lie that it was stolen from her just to convince
was a Chinese New Year in Hong Kong and Paco Monson and her mother to get Biliken for her.
his band were performing in Tovarich. In the convent of St.
Andrew, Connie, as per Pepe's advice, sought help from When she was 11, Connie was able to possess Billiken since
Father Tony Monson about the explanation of her two Mr. Vidal considers Biliken to represent happy memories
navels. She says she is grateful and horrified at the same time during the beginning of World War II before the war
of her state. Father Tony did not believe her and advised her destroyed this joyous past. This was also the time when her
to see an okler priest instead so she would realize that she's mother had become so cold to her after returning home from
only delusional. Hong Kong. Her mother had left Manila without an
explanation. With her mother's coldness, Connie converted
Meanwhile, Senora de Vidal, visited St. Rita's Shop and her attention to Biliken idol which was kept in the orchard so
fortunately saw Father Tony there. She told him that all that she can have a friend to be together with. When she
Connie was saying are lies, but Father Tony, when asked if he became 14 years old, Connie was evacuated because the war
finds the problem silly, replied that it was serious, Finally, she was coming to Manila.
told him about the reason why she married Macho off to
Connie. It was because she hated Connie for preventing her At 15 years old, after the war, Connie and her family returned
from running off with Macho for she has a responsibility to to their ruined house. She found Biliken in the orchard and
Connie who was still a child. Moreover, she told Father Tony was horrified seeing Biliken having two black holes at her
that Connie really thinks that all the time Connie still loved stomach, making it look like two navels. Seeing the horrifying
her, she was already planning to destroy her daughter, but Biliken, Connie realized that her childhood was nothing as
this was urgently stopped by Father Monson. she thought it was that it never was happy. She sees her past
as horrible when she associated it with the love affair of
Later that night, Concha was remembering the time when Macho and her mother in the past that made her to be like
she was fifteen, when she first met her first husband, Esteban that horrible monster.
Borromeo, a handsome boy, a good painter, an activist. She
married him but was widowed by his death. And then she After her honeymoon with Macho, Connie discovered the
met the abortionist, Dr. Manolo Vidal, after seeking help love letters, which made her to seek Biliken, though she did
because she got pregnant by an effete writer and does not not know how she had got there when she came in the final
want to embarrass her father. After the abortion, she turned chapter, Kikay Valero, since she knows all the Filipinos in
to religion with equal passion she displayed with earlier love town, had the obligation to report to Concha about Connie's
affairs. But before she committed herself to God, Manolo death and to comfort Tony for his father's sudden demise.
Vidal came back into her life to court her, and later married Macho, showing his love for Connie, looked for her body
her. during a storm. Concha, on the other hand, hides in the
shadows of her room but did not mourn for her daughter for
On the other hand, The Manson brothers found Connie in she does not consider herself guilty of her death.
their apartment and relayed the information that Macho
wants to start from scratch with Connie wherever she might The Monson brothers think the real reason that Concha
want to go as long as they are together. She insists that the refuses to feel guilt is because she wants to continue to live
knowledge of her two navels will scare him away. The with a semblance of normality by continuing to dress up as
Monson brothers think that she is using the delusion of though nothing has happened. Meanwhile, Tony felt guilty
having two navels in order to feel unique and disengage from over Connie's death because he had pushed her to seek the
her problematic life including an excuse for not confronting truth. He quitted his priesthood so he could not destroy other
Macho about being her mother's former lover. She wants to Connie's. Rita, on the contrary, grew mad at Father Tony's
be safe so she retreats from a fully lived life. decision of quitting as a priest just because of Connie's death.
She even grew angrier when she found out that Connie is not
dead and has eloped with Paco because she knows Mary will
be suffering too if she knows about it. This revelation was us, the fact that we can face the truth with head held high is
written by Connie in her letter to Pepe before she went off more than enough for us.
with Paco.
The story tells us to live life how you wanted to live it. You do
In the final moments before her car flew off the cliff, Connie not have to be controlled by the people around you. We are
was able to escape and this escape made her desire of a life the author of our own life and we always have to protect our
well-lived. By throwing her mother's handbag, she also threw inner peace.
the influence her mother has over her. Instead of going to
the monastery, as advised by Father Tony himself, Connie 5. PO-ON
went to celebrate the living in the city, and when she did not F. Sionil Jose
know where she would go, Connie ended up in the Monson's
apartment. There, she met Dr. Monson and asked Author
forgiveness for betraying the past. Dr. Monson also asked
forgiveness for not living in the present. After this F. Sionil Jose
reconciliation of the past, Connie felt saved and free, while -is a Filipino writer and journalist who is known for his novels
Dr. Monson died in this encounter with a smile on his face and short stories that explore the social, political, and
because he has already reconciled with the present. economic issues facing the Philippines. He is considered one
of the country's most important literary figures and has won
After her visit with Dr. Monson, Connie bumped into Paco numerous awards for his work. Some of his most famous
and fell to his embrace. He recognized that Connie was the novels include "The Pretenders," "My Brother, My
haunted girl he feared and had fought with but now he sees Executioner," and "Mass."
Connie's face as Mary's and remembers Mary's face as the
one haunted. They decided to go to Macao and then leave Background
their partners behind. While Rita objected to this, Father "Po-on" is a historical novel written by Filipino author and
Tony believes Connie did the right thing. Another soul must national artist for literature, F. Sionil José. The novel is also
sacrifice for one soul to be free. known by its other title, "Dusk" in its English translation. It is
the first book in the Rosales Saga, a series of five
She chose Paco to leave her delusion caused by Macho and interconnected novels that explore the social, economic, and
Concha's love affair. She needs to do the wrong thing to save political history of the Philippines.
herself. She can find redemption through sinning, for
"without sin there can be no repentance and, therefore, no F. Sionil José is acclaimed for his realistic portrayal of Filipino
upheaval for transfiguration or growth of the spirit." Pepe life and his exploration of the country's history and culture.
told Tony that they helped Connie have a courage to live "Po-on" serves as a significant work in Philippine literature,
though they do not yet know the outcome of her new found contributing to the understanding of the nation's past and
freedom will be the key to her salvation or damnation. At the the challenges faced by its people as they navigate the
end, Macho shot Concha then himself and they both died. complexities of colonial rule and the struggle for
The whole story centered on the idea that Connie Escobar Theme
had two navels that could be landed in the psychological The theme of "Po-on" By f. Sionil jose revolves around the
conflict of the story. The leading character struggles with her concept of history, identity, and the struggle for freedom and
ideas of right and wrong. independence. The novel explores the effects of colonialism
on filipino society, as well as the challenge of preserving
Connie pretending that she has two navels may refer to her one's cultural heritage in the face of external influences.
past and present life after her delusions were revealed. Her
past life wherein she was escaping from her mother's evil It also delves into the complexities of family relationships,
behavior and the present life refers to her self-realization and social class distinctions, and the quest for personal and
liberation as a woman. national identity. Ultimately, "Po-on" Highlights the
importance of resilience, endurance, and the enduring spirit
Nowadays, a lot of Connie exists in our society. We can of the filipino people in the face of adversity.
encounter at some point in our lives, a mother-daughter
failed relationships. There were chaos and troubles between Characters
their relationships. As individuals, we are afraid to admit the
truth and to face the truth. We tried to escape and avoid the  Istak
truth. We usually deny the mistakes that we did. We tried to The main protagonist of the novel, Istak is a poor farmer
live in a world of lies. We want to escape from our realities struggling to make a living and provide for his family.
and always make excuses.
 Magda
We must always remember that even how painful the truth is Istak's wife, who supports him in his endeavors and keeps
we must face it, this will gradually help us in accepting and their family together through tough times.
loving ourselves and become a better person. Though we
may encounter some unforeseen circumstances that will test  Victorino
Istak's son who goes off to fight in the Bataan Death March miraculously, he survived! without full consciousness, he told
during World War II. them what to do to save him from death. during the journey,
dalin narrated to istak her true story. it was pitiful!
 Kasme
Istak's daughter who dreams of a better life outside of their when their journey had brought them close to the spanish
rural village. road, they decided to do a strategy: they would cross singly.
they were able to cross the spanish road safely. when they
 Father Julian reached the town of candon, they decided to visit their
The Catholic priest in the village who is torn between his relatives who lived there. but, to their surprise, they were all
religious duties and his own desires. gone! “the houses are there, but they are empty…they must
have left…,” ba-ac reported. surprisingly, the next morning
 Don Vicent they met their relatives. the relatives decided to come with
A wealthy landowner who plays a large role in the lives of the the traveling group to wherever they planned to go.
while resting, they were attacked by bagos, a fierce tribe in
Summary the mountain. they set fire around the caravan and showered
istak (eustaquio salvador), arguably the protagonist in the them with fatal arrows. the clan ran for their lives and was
narrative, was from a poor ilocano family of farmers. his able to escape sheer death narrowly save the youngest boy
mother was mayang and his father was ba-ac, who lost one of istak’s aunt sinang who was pierced with a spear through
arm due to a false accusation of theft. istak had two younger the neck. they buried him.
brother, an-no, who was taller and bigger than him, and bit-
tik, who was much younger. they lived in a small village called istak, who was now finally well, recommended to his father
po-on in the town of cabugaw. at ten, istak became an that they change surname from salvador to samson and burn
acolyte to father jose, the parish priest, who taught him their cedulas. they now traveled safer in the daytime like
foreign languages such as spanish and latin and other other carts. they were now in a place where there were more
significant knowledge about nature. towns, which they had to skirt. but one morning, the guardia
came upon them led by capitan gualbeto, who saw orang,
when father jose was transferred to a new parish due to old istak’s cousin, and raped her. the men were not able to resist
age, padre zarraga, the new parish priest ordered istak to go because guns were leveled at them. orang’s shame made her
home to po-on as his services was no longer needed. run away but an-no found her and comforted her. they
however, this was only a pretext because padre zarraga continued on their journey.
wanted kapitan berong’s two beautiful daughters to himself.
they were istak’s students. suddenly, dalin noticed that ba-ac was missing. istak looked
for his father and found him in a coiling body of a large
one late afternoon, istak happened to see padre zarraga and python hanging from a tree. istak was able to slay the serpent
carmencita, the older daughter, making love behind a but his father was already lifeless. they buried him at the
cabinet. when istak was back in po-on, his father decided to edge of the forest, and resumed their journey. they were
go talk to padre zarraga to take istak back so that the order now near the plains of pangasinan, their destination.
for them to abandon po-on would be rescinded. but the
arrogant and evil priest would not have what ba-ac wished. one day they were roused by two merchants from abra, who
upon recognizing the priest as the one that caused the loss of informed them of the guardia who was checking all caravans
his arm, ba-ac killed him in a fit of rage with a heavy crucifix. in search of a one-armed man. this made them hasten their
travel despite the torrential rain till they reached the river
this criminal revenge was the start of the series of agno, which was swollen. they decided to cross it by using a
misfortunes of the salvador family. together with their submerged bridge made of coconut trunk. they were just
relatives, who were equally in grave danger with the mere halfway when a large uprooted tree came rushing down to
fact that they were baac’s relatives, had to leave po-on in them and hit the cart where istak and his mother rode. his
such a hurry that they forgot to bring many important things. mother was killed!

together with them was a beautiful stranger-turned-friend, they reached carmay, where the farmers advised them to
dalin, whose old husband had just died. dalin became a proceed to rosales and to approach don jacinto, a generous
source of rivalry between istak and anno; the latter being the man of wealth and land, which they did. don jacinto indeed
one who found her on the road and decided to help her and helped them and led them to a forest that nobody owned,
her sick husband. together they decided to abandon po-on, which they could clear and farm for themselves. their
escape for their lives, and search for a better and safer place perilous and exhausting journey has ended at last!
they could call home.
they started anew in their new land. one day in town, an-no
the journey of the clan was full of perils. “the forest was befriended two men, who took him to their land where lived
hostile, with unseen threats…(p.17). istak, who decided to an old who claimed the spirit of the departed hero diego
tarry in po-on to beg mercy from the persecuting authorities silang lived in him. one day an-no got sick but istak was able
was shot on the chest. dalin, who decided to return, found to cure him when he was at the verge of death.istak
him and saved him. for the longest part of the journey, he discovered he could heal the sick! people brought him
was ailing and weak. the family thought he would die.
patients when the plague came. istak himself was afflicted
with it and he almost died.

but dalin did her best to cure him, and after one month, he
finally got rid of the disease. while he was bedridden, kapitan
gualberto came, took an-no and killed him.

Later, the Americans came and tried to subdue the Filipinos.

Running away from the Americans, Mabini visited Don
Jacinto and hid in his house. He was sick so Don Jacinto
invited Istak to come with him to cure Mabini. Istak did his
best to help cure Mabini.

Message of the novel

The message of the novel "Po-on" by F. Sionil Jose is the
importance of resilience, perseverance, and the value of
one's roots. It highlights the struggles and sacrifices of the
Filipino people during the Spanish colonial era and the
enduring spirit of the characters as they fight for their
independence and identity.

The novel also emphasizes the significance of remembering

one's heritage and history in order to understand and
appreciate the present. Ultimately, "Po-on" conveys the idea
that despite facing numerous challenges and hardships, the
human spirit has the ability to overcome and endure.

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