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QUESTION BANK - Mijbil The Otter

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Short Answer Questions:

1. When did Gavin Maxwell decide to have an otter as a pet?

When Gavin Maxwell was in Southern Iraq, he thought that he should keep an otter as a pet
instead of a dog. The place where he was living was suitable for that experiment.
2. What are the exclusive features/habits of an otter?
An otter is a fun-loving animal. They are found in abundance near fresh water. They love the
flowing water. An otter is an intelligent animal and capable of inventing new games.
3. Why did Gavin Maxwell stay in Basra for five days?
Gavin Maxwell went to Basra to the Consulate General to collect and answer his mail from
Europe. His mail didn’t arrive on time. He cabled to England, and when three days later, no
response was received, he tried to telephone. But the exchange was closed for a religious holiday.
His mail arrived five days later. So, he had to wait for a few days.
4. How did Maxwell get an otter?
Maxwell expressed his desire to his friend to have an otter as a pet. His friend sent two Arabs
with an otter to Basra. This is how he got an otter in Basra.
5. When did Maxwell realise that otter loved water?
One day Maxwell took the otter in the bathroom. The otter jumped with joy into the bathtub. It
remained there for a long time. Seeing the otter’s movement, Maxwell realized that the otter
loved the water.
6. What did Mijbil, the otter, do in the bathroom after two days of his arrival?
Mijbil, the otter was a fun-loving intelligent animal. He loved the water. On the first day, he went
wild with joy in the water. Next day, Mijbil escaped from the bedroom and entered the bathroom.
He struggled with the tap till it had a full flow of water.
7. How did Mij invite the attention of the teachers and the students of a primary school in London?
There was a primary school opposite to Maxwell’s house. It was a single storey building. It had a
wall of thirty yards. It was only two feet in height. Mij used to jump and run over it at full speed.
This always distracted the teachers and the students of the school.
8. What did the Londoners think about Mijbil the otter?
Mijbil, the otter was a new creature for the Londoners. They had never seen such a pet in their
life. They guessed that it belonged to a small group of animals called mustellines. Some of them
guessed it a small walrus or a baby seal. Some called it a hippo and a brontosaur.


1. The narrator is a great lover animals. He decided to have an otter, a unique animal, as a pet. Do
you also have or want to keep a pet? There are many responsibilities towards the pet to keep
them happy. How do you take good care of your pet?


For, some people, life without a pet is lonely. The same happened with the narrator. When his pet
dog died, he became extremely sad. To overcome his grief, he decided to have an otter as a pet.
This shows his great love for all animals. I also have a pet dog, Bruno. I take great care of him
and am aware of my responsibilities towards him. A pet must be treated as a member of the
family. It should be regularly vaccinated by a trained vet. A pet, like a dog and a cat, needs
proper toilet training and must be taught to obey your instructions. A balanced diet is a must for a
pet to keep it healthy. A pet should not be chained all the time. It can make it more aggressive.
Remember, a daily dose of exercise, affection and playful activities work wonders for a pet. And,
more importantly, all the members of a family should be considerate towards it.
2. how did the narrator feel when he saw blood trickling down the box in which Mijbil had been
kept to transport to England? How would you feel if you were in such a situation? What traits of
the narrator’s character are reflected here?
When Mij was to be transported to England, and to Camusfearna, the narrator got tensed at the
prospect. Mij was packed in a box with air holes in order to be taken by an airline. Just before
leaving the home for the airport, the narrator was shocked to see traces of blood all around the
box. Mijbil, in an attempt to be freed and fumbled with the box and injured himself. The narrator
removed the iron lining with its cutting edges and again put Mijbil back in it. During the flight,
though Mijbil, caused a ruckus, the narrator resumed his journey with Mijbil on his knees.
I would also feel in the same manner if I were in the narrator’s place. Seeing a pet in distress is
the least wanted thing. The incident revealed the narrator’s extremely caring and compassionate
nature. He was indeed a man with boundless kindness. We all must have the value of compassion
and kindness for all living creatures.
3. What do you think is the purpose of the narrator to write in detail his relationship with his pet
otter? What are the ethics to be observed with animals-either wild or pet?
The narrator has revealed some interesting facts regarding his per, Mijbil the otter. The main
purpose behind this is to arouse feeling of empathy and concern for pets as well as wild animals.
The text compels us to think about many other situations where animals are kept in captivity just
for amusement without thinking of the animal’s welfare. For example, elephants, bears, lions and
tigers are trained to work in a circus in the most inhumane manner. Jugglers keep monkeys and
snakes captive to earn a living. All these practices are illegal according to law. Any animal, either
wild or pet, is useful to us in one way or the other. Pet animals protect our houses, carry loads for
us, provide us with milk and meat, entertain us etc. Wild animals in a forest form a food chain
that is essential to maintain a balance in the ecosystem. So we all must adopt a positive approach
while dealing with animals.
4. For smooth and effective working, we have to follow certain rules and regulations. Sometimes
basic human values don’t go together with rules. It is painful. But there are some people like the
air hostess in the story ‘Mijbil the otter’, who tried to act against the rules in the name of
humanity. What qualities do we find in the air hostess? What would you have done if you were in
her place?
It is true that for smooth and effective working, we have to follow certain rules and regulations.
Sometimes basic human values don’t go together with rules. It is painful. But there are some
people like the air hostess in the story ‘Mijbil the otter’, who tried to act against the rules in the
name of humanity. The air hostess was the embodiment of good qualities. When Gavin Maxwell
told her about the otter, she listened to his story very peacefully. She was the queen of her kind.
Though it was against the rules to carry the animal in that way, yet she decided to help him. She
even suggested that he could keep the pet in his knee. She was always kind-hearted and
considerate. She handled the whole situation calmly. When Mij created trouble with squeaks and
shrieks, she maintained her charming smile. She displayed basic human qualities while on her
duty. Yes, I would have done the same. If there is no risk to the life and property of others, we
may compromise with rules and regulations for the sake of humanity.

Reference-to-context Questions:
Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow:
1. Two days later Mijbil escaped from my bedroom as I entered it and I turned to see his tail …….

…………………………………………after a moment or two achieved in the full flow.
(a) How did the author feel while watching the antics of Mijbil?
(i) amused (ii) amassed (iii) amazed (iv) amorphous
(b) Choose the statements that are NOT TRUE
1. The otter escaped from the bedroom two days later.
2. The author ran after the otter.
3. The otter disappeared round the bed of the corridor.
4. The otter used his paws to turn on the tap.
5. The author helped the otter to turn on the tap.
6. In a moment the otter had achieved the full flow of the tap.
(i) 2 and 5 (ii) 1 and 4 (iii) 3 and 5 (iv) 4 and 6
(c) Pick the option that classifies (F) Facts from (O) Opinion.
1. I think otters are very clever animals.
2. Just look at the way Mijbil turned on the full flow of the tap.
3. I feel Mijbil wanted to be freed.
4. Let us not forget Mijbil could fumble with the chromium tap with his paws.
(i) F 1 and 3 O 2 and 4 (ii) F 2 and 4 O 1 and 3
(iii) F 3 and 4 O 1 and 2 (iv) F 1 and 4 O 2 and 3
(d) Which word does ‘trickle’ correspond to?
(i) drubbing (ii) dribble (iii) drowsing (iv)droning
(e) Choose the characteristic displayed by Mijbil when he opened the tap.
(i) dexterity (ii) deafness (iii) desirous (iv) deformity
2. When I returned, there was an appalling spectacle. There was complete silence from the box, but

……………………………………………………………………………like a ricocheting bullet
(a) Choose the speaker who uses the phrase ‘appalling spectacle’ correctly.
Speaker 1 – We got back home to see that our pet dog had eaten kheer my mother had kept out of
the fridge. Indeed, an appalling spectacle.
Speaker 2 – We got back home and witnessed that our cousin had dressed our pet dog in his t-
shirt. Have to admit that it was an appalling spectacle.
Speaker 3 – We got back home to see that our pet dog sitting with a mangled rat. It was an
appalling spectacle.
Speaker 4 – We got back home from the airport and observed our et dog sound asleep on the rug.
What an appalling spectacle!
(i) Speaker 1 (ii) Speaker 2 (iii) Speaker 3 (iv) Speaker 4
(b) “Whipped off” is an example of a phrase verb i.e. combination of a verb and a preposition.
Choose the option that DOES NOT fit the given definition.

(i) Option 1 (ii) Option 2 (iii) Option 3 (iv) Option 4

(c) Choose the option that is closest in resemblance to the box’s condition in which Mij was kept

Ans: Option 4
(d) Select the option that DOES NOT state the possible reason for Maxwell’s cutting the box edges
(i) Mij could have injured himself further.
(ii) It could have made the place untidy.
(iii) Mij could have accidently swallowed the torn pieces.
(iv) It could have obstructed the shutting of the lid.
(e) Choose the option that correctly states Maxwell’s likely feelings, in the situation below.
“ ………. I put the miserable Mij back into the box, holding down the lid with my hand.”
1. anxious 2. disappointed 3. terrified 4. guilty 5. insulted
(i) 1 and 5 (ii) 2 and 3 (iii) 1 and 4 (iv) 3 and 5


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