QUESTION BANK - Mijbil The Otter
QUESTION BANK - Mijbil The Otter
QUESTION BANK - Mijbil The Otter
Reference-to-context Questions:
Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow:
1. Two days later Mijbil escaped from my bedroom as I entered it and I turned to see his tail …….
…………………………………………after a moment or two achieved in the full flow.
(a) How did the author feel while watching the antics of Mijbil?
(i) amused (ii) amassed (iii) amazed (iv) amorphous
(b) Choose the statements that are NOT TRUE
1. The otter escaped from the bedroom two days later.
2. The author ran after the otter.
3. The otter disappeared round the bed of the corridor.
4. The otter used his paws to turn on the tap.
5. The author helped the otter to turn on the tap.
6. In a moment the otter had achieved the full flow of the tap.
(i) 2 and 5 (ii) 1 and 4 (iii) 3 and 5 (iv) 4 and 6
(c) Pick the option that classifies (F) Facts from (O) Opinion.
1. I think otters are very clever animals.
2. Just look at the way Mijbil turned on the full flow of the tap.
3. I feel Mijbil wanted to be freed.
4. Let us not forget Mijbil could fumble with the chromium tap with his paws.
(i) F 1 and 3 O 2 and 4 (ii) F 2 and 4 O 1 and 3
(iii) F 3 and 4 O 1 and 2 (iv) F 1 and 4 O 2 and 3
(d) Which word does ‘trickle’ correspond to?
(i) drubbing (ii) dribble (iii) drowsing (iv)droning
(e) Choose the characteristic displayed by Mijbil when he opened the tap.
(i) dexterity (ii) deafness (iii) desirous (iv) deformity
2. When I returned, there was an appalling spectacle. There was complete silence from the box, but
……………………………………………………………………………like a ricocheting bullet
(a) Choose the speaker who uses the phrase ‘appalling spectacle’ correctly.
Speaker 1 – We got back home to see that our pet dog had eaten kheer my mother had kept out of
the fridge. Indeed, an appalling spectacle.
Speaker 2 – We got back home and witnessed that our cousin had dressed our pet dog in his t-
shirt. Have to admit that it was an appalling spectacle.
Speaker 3 – We got back home to see that our pet dog sitting with a mangled rat. It was an
appalling spectacle.
Speaker 4 – We got back home from the airport and observed our et dog sound asleep on the rug.
What an appalling spectacle!
(i) Speaker 1 (ii) Speaker 2 (iii) Speaker 3 (iv) Speaker 4
(b) “Whipped off” is an example of a phrase verb i.e. combination of a verb and a preposition.
Choose the option that DOES NOT fit the given definition.
(c) Choose the option that is closest in resemblance to the box’s condition in which Mij was kept
Ans: Option 4
(d) Select the option that DOES NOT state the possible reason for Maxwell’s cutting the box edges
(i) Mij could have injured himself further.
(ii) It could have made the place untidy.
(iii) Mij could have accidently swallowed the torn pieces.
(iv) It could have obstructed the shutting of the lid.
(e) Choose the option that correctly states Maxwell’s likely feelings, in the situation below.
“ ………. I put the miserable Mij back into the box, holding down the lid with my hand.”
1. anxious 2. disappointed 3. terrified 4. guilty 5. insulted
(i) 1 and 5 (ii) 2 and 3 (iii) 1 and 4 (iv) 3 and 5