Oral Communication, Grade 11 Quarter 2

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Lesson: - Level of formality

- Audience Additional Notes:

Restriction - sound
- Directions that confine/restrict you as a Illocutionary
STRATEGIES speaker and limit what you can say. - intention
Turn-Taking - Effect
Communicative Strategies - Giving communicators an opportunity to
- plans for communicating information related speak Types:
to a specific issue, event, situation, or Commissive
audience. They serve as the blueprints for Topic Control Assertive
communicating with the public, stakeholders, - Used to control and prevent unnecessary Declaration
or even colleagues. interruptions and topic shifts in a certain Directive
- can provide opportunities to advance your conversation. Expressive
career and increase workplace productivity - Sticking to the topic throughout the
- Strategies used by communicators to convey discussion.
their intended meaning
- Understanding the benefits of effective Topic Shifting
communication can help you improve a team's - Involves moving from one topic to another
performance and encourage collaboration - It requires a good timing, because as much as
possible do not leave a cliffhanger in the convo
Nomination as this can make a miscommunication
- a speaker carries out a nomination to
collaboratively and productively establish a Repair
topic. - This refers to how the speaker will address the
- You try to open a topic with the people you are problems in comprehending, speaking, and
talking to. listening that may possibly encounter in a
- Nomination is usually employed at the conversation.
beginning of interaction to set the purpose of
conversation. Termination
- (specified questions) - Expressions that end a topic in a conversation.
- Prevention of the problems 5. Spice up your speech with stories
- Knowing the problems that can arise 6. Vary your speaking cadence
Lesson: 3. Visualization 7. Discuss what you know and care about
- You have to present in creativity

- It reflects your image
4. Discipline
- You, as a speaker, must have a
- Not allowing your emotions control

DELIVERY your speech

- The speaker must respect the
Speech - Setting standards and goals
- Delivering a message to a large group of people 5. Description
- It is about words - Discussing the topic
- It is one-way - Adding all the relevant information
- It differs from other form of communication 6. Inspiration
- Formal - One main goal: to inspire the audience
- Body language and verbal 7. Anticipation
- Almost same as perception
7 strategies in Public Communication - What can be the possible things in the
1. Perception
- Perspective of you, as a speaker, and PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE SPEECH DELIVERY
the perspective of your audience
- It will illustrate how you think 1. Consider your Speech Performance
- Perceiving the problems that may - Knowledge of the topic
occur before hand 2. Harness the Power of Eye Contact
2. Perfection - Has sense of belongingness to the
- In reality, its is hard/impossible to audience
attain 3. Let go of the lectern/podium
- Manner of how you deliver the speech 4. Pay attention to your posture Lesson:
- Role and responsibility of the speaker which - Background and purpose of a discourse
FACTORS AFFECTED BY A will depend on the purpose and context of - Assumes a more or less direct
communication relationship between situational,
SHIFT IN SPEECH CONTEXT, - Depends on his purpose of communication: societal, political, or cultural
- To inform “environment” in which the
SPEECH STYLE, SPEECH ACT, - To persuade communication occurs
AND COMMUNICATIVE - To entertain a. Intrapersonal
Message - Oneself
STRATEGY - The content of the message b. Interpersonal
- May be facts, opinion, feelings, order, - Two or more people
Language Form suggestions, and questions c. Public
- Refers to the formality or informality of the Delivery - Large number of people
language used and it involves the choice of - Refers to the manner of delivery involving B. Speech Act
words and how sentences or utterances are verbal and non-verbal cues made by the - It refers to the utterance, intention,
structured speaker and response to a specific situation for
- Formal language is used when talking to - Can be classified as: an intended discourse impact
professionals or persons in authority in a a. Extemporaneous C. Communicative Strategies
formal, official or ceremonial occasion, - Speaking with limited a. Nomination
situation, gathering, or event preparation and guided by b. Restriction
- Informal language is used without much notes or outline c. Turn-taking
consideration to rules of convention or b. Impromptu d. Topic-control
etiquette. It is casual and mostly not - Speaking without advanced e. Topic shifting
well-thought-of or prepared preparation or unrehearsed f. Repair
Duration of interaction speech g. Termination
- Amount of time a conversation takes between c. Memorized D. Communicative Process
and among communicators - Planned and rehearsed topic 1. Language form which could shift from
Relationship of the speaker d. Manuscript formal to informal and vice versa
- Refers to the speech style used by the speaker - Reading aloud a written 2. The duration or length of
suited to his/her relationship to their receiver message communication which could be
Role and Responsibility of Speaker shortened or lengthened depending on
Communicative Competence how the conversation will be
A. Speech Context maintained
3. The relationship of the speaker to the 1. Physical production of sounds a. Introduction
receiver of the message that could be - Based on the anatomy of the human - Most crucial part of the speech
intimate, frozen, consultative, casual, vocal tract: mouth, nose, and throat - A good introduction serves 5
or formal - Produced by the movement of air functions (acc. To Wrench)
4. The role and responsibility of the through the vocal tract 1. Gain audience attention and
speaker, the message and its delivery 2. Use of Language interest
which could vary depending on the - Ability to understand and use symbols 2. State the purpose of the speech
context and purpose of communication - System of symbols that are used to 3. Establish credibility
communicate meaning 4. Provide reasons for them to
—------------------------------------------- - Symbols of language: spoken, written, listen
LESSON: or signed 5. Preview the main idea of the
3. Ability to communicate speech

- Ability to interact with others b. Body
- Communication = process of - Core part of the speech that
exchanging information addresses the main ideas and
EFFECTIVE SPEECH - 2 way process; sender and receiver principles of the speech
a. Problem-Solution Order

WRITING Principles of effective speech writing

1. Audience Profile
b. Chronological
c. Categorical/Topical Order
- Knowing your audience d. Comparison and Contrast
Speech - Age, gender, educational level, Order
- Delivering a message to a large group of people religion, language, culture, and e. Spatial/Geographical Order
- It is about words group membership f. Causal Order
- Vocalized form of human communication - Who is the audience? c. Conclusion
- Based on the production of sounds with the - How many? - Summarizer of the speech
mouth, which is then interpreted by the - What does the audience know a. Present a summary
listener about the subject? b. Repeat the key ideas
- The ability to produce speech is unique to - Why should they be interested? c. Repeat central idea
humans and it is integral part of our cognitive 2. Logical Organization d. Signal the end of your speech
abilities - Arrangement of thoughts e. End with an impact
- To have a smooth flow 3. Duration
3 main aspects of Speech; - 3 parts:
- Speech is usually divided into 5 parts: —-------------------------------------------
introduction, body (2-4 paragraphs), LESSON:
and conclusion
4. Word Choice EXPLORING
- Correct words in writing the speech Types of Speech according to delivery:
- Conversational language puts the
language at ease and creates a special
bond between the speaker and
audience SPEECH - Fully prepared in advanced and one in
which the speaker does not use any
- Should be avoided: notes
- Jargons Types of Speech according to purpose: - Is not like memorizing a poem, but
- Excessive repetition of words rather the outline of your speech
- Inappropriate language A. Expository Speech
5. Grammatical Correctness - Also known as informative speech B. Impromptu
- Good command of the language - Provides information that can help the - “Off the cuff”
prevents misunderstanding and listeners understand something that is - “Spur of the moment”
misinterpretation unknown to them or already known but - Little to no preparation
- good command of the listeners to not yet clearly understood - Very short
understand you - Listeners understand a topic in a more
in-depth manner by providing the C. Extemporaneous
following in an organized way - Opposite of impromptu
- Developed through outlining ideas
B. Persuasive Speech - Practiced ahead of time, rehearse and
- Written to persuade or convince the re-rehearsed
- Ethos, pathos, and logos

C. Entertainment Speech
- Intends to captivate an audience’s
attention and amuse them while
delivering a message

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