Oral Communication, Grade 11 Quarter 2
Oral Communication, Grade 11 Quarter 2
Oral Communication, Grade 11 Quarter 2
Restriction - sound
- Directions that confine/restrict you as a Illocutionary
STRATEGIES speaker and limit what you can say. - intention
Turn-Taking - Effect
Communicative Strategies - Giving communicators an opportunity to
- plans for communicating information related speak Types:
to a specific issue, event, situation, or Commissive
audience. They serve as the blueprints for Topic Control Assertive
communicating with the public, stakeholders, - Used to control and prevent unnecessary Declaration
or even colleagues. interruptions and topic shifts in a certain Directive
- can provide opportunities to advance your conversation. Expressive
career and increase workplace productivity - Sticking to the topic throughout the
- Strategies used by communicators to convey discussion.
their intended meaning
- Understanding the benefits of effective Topic Shifting
communication can help you improve a team's - Involves moving from one topic to another
performance and encourage collaboration - It requires a good timing, because as much as
possible do not leave a cliffhanger in the convo
Nomination as this can make a miscommunication
- a speaker carries out a nomination to
collaboratively and productively establish a Repair
topic. - This refers to how the speaker will address the
- You try to open a topic with the people you are problems in comprehending, speaking, and
talking to. listening that may possibly encounter in a
- Nomination is usually employed at the conversation.
beginning of interaction to set the purpose of
conversation. Termination
- (specified questions) - Expressions that end a topic in a conversation.
- Prevention of the problems 5. Spice up your speech with stories
- Knowing the problems that can arise 6. Vary your speaking cadence
Lesson: 3. Visualization 7. Discuss what you know and care about
- You have to present in creativity
- It reflects your image
4. Discipline
- You, as a speaker, must have a
- Not allowing your emotions control
- Ability to interact with others b. Body
- Communication = process of - Core part of the speech that
exchanging information addresses the main ideas and
EFFECTIVE SPEECH - 2 way process; sender and receiver principles of the speech
a. Problem-Solution Order
C. Entertainment Speech
- Intends to captivate an audience’s
attention and amuse them while
delivering a message