Pvsyst Tutorial v7 Grid Connected 4 en
Pvsyst Tutorial v7 Grid Connected 4 en
Pvsyst Tutorial v7 Grid Connected 4 en
This document is a first step of a series of tutorials that demonstrates the use of
PVsyst Version 7 and may be understood as a PVsyst user's manual. In this
chapter, we describe how to manage components such as PV modules and
inverters in PVsyst.
More tutorials on different features of PVsyst are in preparation and will be
added in the future. The complete reference manual for PVsyst is the online help
that is accessible from the program through the “Help” entries in the menus, by
pressing the F1 key or by clicking on the help icons inside the windows and
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 2
Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 4: Components Management ................................................................................................... 4
4.1 PV Modules definition in Pvsyst .............................................................................................. 4
4.1.1 Defining PV modules from Datasheets................................................................................... 4
4.2 Inverter definition in Pvsyst .................................................................................................... 9
4.2.1 Defining an inverter from Datasheets .................................................................................... 9
4.3 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 14
Chapter 4: Components Management
4.1 Defining PV modules in Pvsyst
We will analyse the definition of PV modules in PVsyst (PAN files) by defining a new module from the
datasheet. Here, we are going to define a Generic 325Wp module. To do so, first, click on the
“Databases” button under Utilities from the main PVsyst screen. Then, click on the “PV modules”
button under the components database. Once in the PV module’s database click “New” to create a
new PV Module in the system.
NB: in practice, it is much easier to start from an existing similar component present in the database,
modify its parameters according to the datasheets and save it under a new file name, therefore
creating a new component in your database.
When opening a new PV module, we start by defining the "basic data", such as:
- the model,
- the manufacturer (if already existing in the database, exactly the same name),
- the data source (and possibly date of recording)
- the file name, which is the primary key in the database, and should be unique.
From the second page of the Datasheet:
- Nom power: the nameplate definition of the module (here 250 Wp).
- Tolerance: usually specified as % of PNom; here through «Pmpp range from … to".
- The technology: here Poly-crystalline (as mentioned elsewhere on the datasheet).
- The STC values: Impp, Vmpp, Isc, Voc.
NB: The product Vmpp * Impp should match the PNom (nameplate) within 0.2%.,
otherwise: change the Impp value to PNom / Vmpp.
- Efficiency at STC: not a parameter in PVsyst.
- NOCT: never specified in PVsyst!
- Reverse current feed: property of the by-pass diodes, not used in PVsyst.
Many datasheets mention operating parameters (Impp, Vmpp, Isc, Voc) under NOCT conditions.
The second tab of the dialog to be completed is the "Sizes and technology" of the modules.
- Module size: mandatory, the area will determine the efficiency of the module.
- Cells number: the number in series is mandatory, as the model is defined for one cell.
- Cells size: if defined, the cell's area may be used for defining the efficiency at cell level.
- Usual values: Poly 6" = 15.6 cm x 15.6 cm = 243.3 cm², Mono: idem - 6 cm2 = 237.3 cm²
- Maximum IEC or UL voltage: used for the array sizing (may be 1'500V for new modules).
- Number of by-pass diodes: used for the "Module layout" electrical losses calculation.
You can add some informative features in the "Modul technology and specificities” (5 lines of
free text).
On this page, you should leave the Rserie and Rshunt at their default value (checkboxes).
This page summarizes other parameters, as calculated when establishing the one-diode model.
NB: here the "muVoc" temperature coefficient is a result of the model. It cannot be matched to the
datasheet's specified value. This coefficient in only used during the sizing (safety low-temperature
condition), it is not involved in the simulation.
Proceeding to define the “Rshunt exponential". In absence of real measured values, leave the
parameters at their default value.
Lastly the “Temperature coefficient", is defined by Pmpp temperature coefficient, as specified on the
Figure 8: Defining the temperature coefficient from the datasheet.
This is a fundamental parameter for the simulation. PVsyst modifies slightly the usual One-diode model
to get the exact specified value.
NB: The Current Isc temperature coefficient has been specified on the first page.
The Voltage Uoc temperature coefficient may not match the value calculated by the model (Page
"Model parameters > Rshunt-RSerie).
This is not important, only used during the sizing for the voltage limits. If you want to use the value
specified by the manufacturer, you can define on the page "Additional data” and choose to use it
in the project's parameters.
"Graphs” tab:
Now the model is fully determined: you can see the results either as graphs or on the "Basic data"
page > "Internal Model result tool", for any Irradiance and temperature conditions.
Do not mind unless special requirements.
"Show optimization" button: Allows to modify the parameters and immediately see the effect on the
behaviour of the module.
"Copy to table" button: Exports the PAN file definitions as one line to an EXCEL document.
4.2 Inverter definition in PVsyst
We will define the Inverter in PVsyst (.OND file) by defining a new inverter from the datasheet.
NB: in practice, it is much easier to start from a similar component that exists in the database, modify
its parameters according to the datasheets, and save it under a new file name, therefore creating a
new component in your database.
When opening a new inverter, we start by defining the "basic data" (similarly to the PV module):
- the model,
- the manufacturer (the same name if already existing in the database),
- the data source (and possibly date of recording),
- the file name, which is the primary key in the database, and should be unique.
Then, we have to complete the main parameters on the datasheet, i.e., the input side, output side and
• Input side: mainly concerns the voltage conditions.
- "Minimum /Maximum MPP voltage": the voltage range for the MPP operation.
- In the PVsyst model, when attaining one of these limits, the inverter will "clip" the
operating voltage to the limit voltage. We suppose that this corresponds to the «Rated
MPP voltage range".
- We don't know exactly what the behaviour of the real inverter is outside of this range
(what is specified as "MPP operating voltage range", 150 … 1000V). This is not involved in
- "Minimum voltage for PNom”: this is specified for some inverters: under this
voltage the inverter will not be able to yield its full nominal power. This corresponds
indeed to an input current limitation.
- "Nominal MPP Voltage": sometimes specified, not used in PVsyst.
- "Absolute Maximum PV voltage": this is the voltage which should not be exceeded, under
the worst conditions: lower possible temperature and 1000 W/m2.
- "Power threshold": when using an automatic efficiency profile,
this value is necessary and cannot be lower than 0.5% of Pnom.
- "Nominal and Maximum PV power" are not used in PVsyst, except when they are a
contractual condition which affects the guarantee of the device (case "Required" checked).
In this case they prevent simulation of the system.
- "Maximum PV current» is sometimes specified (ISC of the array)), but not used in PVsyst.
- "Maximum AC Power": some manufacturers allow to overcome the Pnom value if the
temperature is not too high. This behaviour will be specified on the 4th page "Output
- "Nominal and Maximum AC current" are not used in PVsyst.
• Efficiency variables:
- "Maximum and Euro or CEC efficiency» values are a result of the second page (not editable
- "Efficiency defined for 3 voltages" should be checked here when using this feature.
After completing the basic data, we proceed to the "Efficiency curve" tab.
Since we do not have the description of a full curve, we define the efficiency profile according to the
NB: For the PVsyst database, the manufacturers usually specify their efficiency profiles as curves, often
for 3 voltages. However, these values are not present on the datasheets.
The "Additional parameters" tab gives miscellaneous information that you have to gather on the
Datasheets. Among these information, only the "multi-MPPT capability" and "number of MPPT inputs"
are really used for the system definition and simulation.
The "Auxiliary consumptions" are marginally used as default when defining the detailed losses.
You will get a warning if you use a transformer-less inverter with amorphous modules.
Figure 16: Additional parameters.
• Power factor that specifies the capabilities of this inverter for producing reactive energy.
Producing reactive energy (Phase shift) may be a requirement of the grid manager.
- "Tan(phi) min/max» or «Cos(phi) Leading/Lagging": the limits which may be set for this
inverter. But the real value to be used for the simulation will be specified in the "Miscellaneous
parameters" of the calculation version.
- "Nominal AC power (PNom) defined as …": specifies whether the nominal output power Pnom
applies to the Active power [kW] or the Apparent power [kVA].
In practice, this is most often applied to the Apparent power, as this corresponds to an output current
- The involved PMax is specified on the "Main parameters" page.
- If not defined or equal to the PNom value, this option is disabled.
- "High temperature limitations": defines other limitations as f(Temperature) on PNom.
NB: The temperature involved in these specifications during the simulation is specified in the
"Miscellaneous Tools". It may be the ambient temperature (outdoor installation), the ambient plus a
constant, or a fixed (room) temperature.
- "Technology specificities" allows to specify some features in 5 lines of free text maximum.
- "Operating conditions – Behavior at limits": Never modified, don't mind.
4.3 Conclusion
In this document, we presented the important aspects for PV modules and inverter components
management where we explained how to define PV modules and inverters from datasheets.