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English4.dlp Q4 Week1

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GRADE 4 School: Grade Level: IV


Teaching Dates and Time: (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4th QUARTER



A .Content Standard The learners demonstrates an understanding of writing as a process ( Writing Composition)
B .Performance Standard The learner uses a variety of strategies to write informational and literary compositions
C.Most Essential Learning Competency Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements EN4WC-IId-20
Write the LC code for each.

D.Enabling Objectives: 1. Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction story

2. Identify the elements of the story
3. Write a short story fiction or non-fiction with its complete elements.
II.CONTENT Writing short stories (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Do you like reading stories? Checking of Assignment -Checking of Assignment -Checking of Assignment -Checking of Assignment
presenting the new lesson What kind of story do you -Processing of Output -Processing of Output -Processing of Output -Processing of Output
usually read?
Is it fiction or nonfiction?
Have you tried writing your
own story?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Read the story below, then Read the selection and Write a short story on a A graphic organizer is useful for Which of the selections
lesson answer the questions that identify the elements of the sheet of paper based on the mapping the plot structure. below is a make believe
follow. story. Write your answer guide question for each or a true information?
using the graphic organizer picture. You can write down details the
as your guide. For the first paragraph of orientation (the beginning of
your story, answer the the story where the setting,
At five o’clock in the following questions: the characters and the
morning, the sun came up. A situation are established), the
friendly ladybug flew in from complication (problems and
the left. It saw a leaf with events), the climax (the most
many aphids on it, and exciting event), the resolution
decided to have them for (how the problems are
breakfast. But just then, a resolved),
In selection A, the
grouchy ladybug flew in
1. Who do you see in the story never happened, or
from the right. It, too, saw
picture? couldn’t really happen in
the aphids and wanted them
Questions: Ant and Grasshopper are in real life. This story is a
for breakfast. So, they
the picture. make believe or derived
shared the aphids for their
1. Where did the story 2. What is Ant doing? from the imagination of
happen? Ant is gathering food. the author or writer.
3. What is Grasshopper Make believe stories are
2. Who were the characters
doing? fiction.
in the story?
Grasshopper is playing his
3. What happened in the guitar while singing. In selection B, the
beginning of the story? in 4. What can you say about story is based on facts as
the middle? and in the end? the weather? having occurred. This
It is a sunny day. story is true. Factual
4. Is the story “Frog’s Lunch”
5. Where are they? stories that are based on
a fiction or nonfiction?
Ant and Grasshopper are in real people and true
the field. events are nonfiction.
Fiction refers to
There are two type of story For the middle part of your literature created from
material found in books, story, answer the following the imagination and its
There are many stories that
films, TV shows or play. questions: main purpose is to
have ways of getting the
These are Fiction and Non- entertain the readers.
reader’s attention. As a child,
you are also able to write
Nonfiction refers to
your own story. But before
Fictionisa make believe literature based on facts
you could write a simple
creation thus, it is unreal and its main purpose is
story, you should know first
while Non-Fictionis true and to inform the readers.
the different kinds of a 1. What is the weather?
factual stories about real
story,and the different It is a rainy day.
elements of a story. 2. Where is Grasshopper
Activity: Read the following while the rain is pouring?
There are two kinds of a
sentences below and Grasshopper is outside his
identify if it is Fiction or house.
Non Fiction 3. Where do you think is
1.Fiction–a story that is Ant?
made out of imagination and Ant is in his house.
cannot happen in real life. A.A book that tells about
plants and
2.Nonfiction –a story that
B.A book about a dog that
can actually happen in real
4. Why do you think
C.A story about our National
Grasshopper went to the
Hero Dr. Jose P.
house of Ant?
Grasshopper went to the
D.A TV show on a Cartoon house of Ant because he is
Network. hungry and he will ask for
_____________________ food.

For the ending of your story,

answer the following

1. Why Ant did not give food

to Grasshopper?
The food that Ant gathered
is just enough for him.
2. What did Grasshopper
learn from this experience?
Grasshopper learned that he
must work and save for the
rainy days.
Do not forget to write the
title of your story.
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Activity 1: Who, Where, Say: Compare. The story that you You can write a short story Complete the outline of
the new lesson When There are two types of story have written should be from the graphic organizer the story “The Proud
material in books, films, TV almost the same as this: below Rose”
Directions: Here is a shows, movies or play. The The Ant and the
nonfiction story, identify its two types are Fiction and Grasshopper
elements by completing the Non-fiction.
graphic organizer below. In the field one sunny day,
Fiction refers to the plot, a Grasshopper is playing his
setting and character
guitar while singing and an
created from the
Ant is gathering food.
Mang Ben had a garden. One
imagination provided. When the rainy day came,
day, the aphids ate the leaves
It is unreal, a make believe the Ant is in his house while
of the plants. Many plants did
creation. We read or watch Grasshopper is outside his
not grow well. He brought lady
this material for fun. house.
bugs in the garden. The lady
Example: A book about Grasshopper went to the
bugs ate the aphids.
fairies and dwarfs. house of Ant because he is
A cartoon on TV. hungry and he will ask for
A story with talking animals.food.
In writing paragraph,
Ant did not give
indention and proper margins
Non-Fiction a story or a text Grasshopper any food
must be observed. Each
that is true and based on because the food that he
Activity 2: What Happened? real information. sentence must start in capital
gathered is just enough for
letter and ends in accurate
You can get real life him.
Directions: Using the story knowledge. punctuation mark.
Grasshopper learned that
“At the Farm”, write the plot Example: A book about the he must work and save for
in the train organizer. life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal. the rainy days.
A book about the life cycle
of a frog.
A late night news on TV.

Elements of the story

There are five elements that
make up a story. They are
the setting, character, plot
problem, solution.

When and where a story
takes place
Ex. A long time ago in a
faraway kingdom.
The people or animals that
found in the story.
Ex. A witch, a girl and a

All of the events that
happen in a story.
(beginning, middle and end)
Ex. Beginning (The girl is
walking in a nearby brook
when she saw a small rabbit.
Middle (The girl fought back
with witch and she took the
small rabbit and brought it
to her kingdom.
End (The girl cried and
hugged the small rabbit, her
tears fell onto the body of
the rabbit and the rabbit
instantly turned into a
handsome prince. They
kissed and lived happily ever

Non Fiction a story or a text

that is true and based on
real information.
You can get real life
Example : A book about the
life of Dr.Jose P. Rizal
A book about the life cycle
of a frog.
A late night news on TV.

The problem the characters
faces in the story or
something they struggle
Ex. The girl encountered an
evil witch and they had a

It is something that is used
to deal and end the
How the conflict was solved
or the answer to the
Ex. The girl had won the
fight, and finally she found
her way home together
with her prince.
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity : Fill It Up! Group Activity: Look closely at the picture Look at the graphic organizer. Group Reporting
practicing new skills # 1 and let it be your guide in Write a short story about it. Presentation of Output
Directions: Identify the Read the selection and do writing a short nonfiction
elements of the following the activity that follows. story.
story by filling in the graphic

Identify the elements of the _____________
story by filling in the graphic
The story you have written
should be almost the same
as this.
A Visit to the Dentist
My tooth hurt one day. I
told my mother about my
toothache so we went to a
dental clinic.
The dentist let me enter
the clinic. She made me sit
on the dentist’s chair.
The dentist examined my
hurting tooth. She told me
that she had to pull my
tooth because it was already
My visit to the dentist
relieved me from aching
E. Discussing new concepts and Read the selection and Group Reporting Look at the pictures to be Group Reporting Story writing helps us to
practicing new skills # 2 analyze the identified Presentation of Output able to write the middle Presentation of Output learn and organize our
elements of the story. This events of the short fiction thoughts to
will serve as your guide as story. communicate with
you write your own short readers in a variety of
story. An Honest Woodcutter ways.
Once there lived a poor A Step-by-Step Guide to
woodcutter. He used to cut Help You Write a Short
trees on the woods. One day Story
he was cutting wood on the Step 1: Think of an
bank of a very deep river idea.... write stories
based on real life
experiences, such as your
first day of school, an
adventure in the park or
losing your first tooth.
Experience and
imagination help to build
a good plot.
Step 2: Create a
character and a
setting. ...
A. The characters can be
a child, an adult, or an
B. The settings can be in
the park, a different
country or outer space.
Step 3: The Beginning. ...
A. Write a catchy first
paragraph that will hold
the interest of the
B. Introduce the
characters and tell where
and when the story takes
C. Tell about the problem
faced by the main
Step 4: The Middle. ...
present the actions made
by the characters to solve
the problem. Like, where
The fairy was very happy a character discovers a
because of his honesty. She hidden superpower.
rewarded the woodcutter Think of something that
with the other two axes. the reader would least
expect. This is your time
to unlock your
imagination. Give the
events in time order,
from first to last.
Step 5: The Ending. ...
A. Show how the
characters solve the
B. Tell what happened to
the characters once their
problem is resolved and
how they finally achieved
C. Tell the important
lessons they learned.
Step 6: The Polishing. ...
A. Re-read and edit your
B. Let someone
proofread and edits your
short story.
F. Developing mastery Directions: Write a short Read the story and identify Directions: Write a short Look at the graphic organizer. Read the story and
(leads to Formative Assessment ) story with complete the elements found in the nonfiction story based on Write a short story about it. answer the questions
elements. It can be either story. the pictures. that follow.
fiction or nonfiction.

1. Who are the

characters in the story?
2. What is the setting of
the story?
Reminder: _____________________
Observe indention and proper _____________________
Answer the following margins. Start each sentence ____________
questions. in capital letter and ends each 3. What is the problem of
in accurate punctuation mark. the story?
1. Who are the characters of
the story?
A. The baby, the witch, the
4. What does mother do
prince and the girl.
with the dog?
B. The witch, the girl, the
prince and the mouse.
C. The witch, the rabbit, the
prince and the girl.
5. How does the story
D. The wizard, the witch, the
rabbit and the girl.
2. What is the setting of the
A. a long time ago in London
B. a long time ago in a
faraway land
C. once upon a time in a
faraway place
D. a long time ago in a
faraway kingdom
3. What is the problem of
the story?
A. The girl had lost her way
B. The girl took pity on the
poor rabbit.
C. The girl wanted to bring
the rabbit to her home.
D. The girl and the witch
engaged in a fight because
of the black rabbit.

4. What is the conclusion of

the story?
A. The witch turned the
prince into a black rabbit.
B. The girl won the fight and
she brought the rabbit with
C. The old woman punished
the girl and turn her into a
black girl.
D. The old woman got angry
and revealed herself as the
ugly witch.
G. Finding practical application of Directions: Write a short Directions: Write a short Draw ↑ before the number Write a short story using the Directions: Use the
concepts and skills in daily living story about your favorite story out of your personal if the picture will give you an information in the graphic picture as a clue to be
place to visit by filling in the experience using the story idea if you are going to write Organizer able to write a short
graphic organizer with the elements. a short story about civic- story .
complete elements. mindedness or community
________________ involvement and ↓ if not.

Observe indention and proper
margins. Start each sentence
capital letter and ends each in
accurate punctuation mark.

H. Making generalizations and Directions: Fill in the Complete the statement. Write the details that are Complete the statement. Complete the statement.
abstractions about the lesson missing letters in the puzzle needed under each event in
to complete the paragraph. I have learned that the story when writing a I have learned that I have learned that
_______________________ short story. _________________________ _____________________
_______________________ _________________________ _____________________
_______________________ _________________________ _____________________
_______________________ _________________________ _____________________
_______________________ _________________________ _________________ .
_____________ . _________ .

Explain: Explain:
STORY ELEMENTS In writing a short story
A short story is a short work there are 6 steps to
of fiction. The three important follow:
elements of a short story are 1. Think of an idea
characters, setting, and plot. 2. Create a character and
In writing paragraph, indention a setting
and proper margins must be 3. Write the beginning
observed. Each sentence must 4. Write the middle
start in capital letter and ends 5. Write the ending
in accurate punctuation mark. 6. Do the polishing

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Based on the Read the story below and do Directions: Use the picture Write a short story using the Directions: Write the
following pictures, write a the activity that follows. as a clue to be able to write information in the graphic letter of the correct
short story in paragraph a complete short fiction Organizer answer on your answer
form with the complete The Boy Who Cried Wolf story. sheet.
elements. 1. It refers to literature
A boy named John was created from the
once taking care of some imagination and its main
sheep not far from a forest. purpose is to entertain
Nearby was a village, and he the reader.
was told to call for help if A. fact
there was any danger. B. fiction
One day, he thought he C. nonfiction
would have some fun, and D. reality
he cried out with all his
might. “The wolf is coming! 2. What part of the story
The wolf is coming!” The will you introduce the
men came running with character and the
clubs and axes to save the setting?
boy from the wolf. As they A. anywhere
saw nothing, they went B. beginning
home again and left John Answer:
C. ending
laughing in his sleeve. D. middle
Because he had so much
fun the day before, John 3. What part of the story
decided to do it again the will you write the actions
next day. So, John cried out made by the
again. “The wolf! The wolf!” characters to solve the
The men came again. This problem?
time not as many as the first A. anywhere
time. Again they saw no B. beginning
trace of the wolf, so they C. Ending
shook their heads and went D. middle
back to the village.
On the third day, the wolf
now appeared for real so
John cried in dismay “Help!
Help! The wolf! The wolf!”
But, not a single man came
to help him. The wolf broke
into the flock and attacked 4. If you are going to
the sheep. Among them was write a short story based
a beautiful lamb that on the picture above,
belonged to John. As he who is a possible
grieved over the loss of his character?
lamb, he felt very sorry that A. driver
he had deceived his friends B. farmer
and neighbors and he C. king
vowed never to do it again. D. seafarer
The truth itself is not
believed from someone who 5. What place is shown in
often has deceived his the picture? A boat on
fellowmen. the ______________.
A. falls
B. lake
Direction: Identify the C. River
elements of the story. D. sea
Complete the given pattern.
6. If you are going to
write a story based on
Title : The Boy Who Cried the picture above, what
Wolf would be the possible
Setting :________________ title?
_____________________ A. One Stormy Day
Character :______________ B. One Sunny Day
_____________________ C. One Windy Day
Problem :_______________ D. One Cloudy Day
Solution :_______________ 7. It refers to literature
_____________________ based on fact, its main
Plots purpose is to inform the
Beginning :______________ reader.
_____________________ A. fantasy
Middle :________________ B. fiction
_____________________ C. nonfiction
End :___________________ D. reality
_____________________ 8. It refers to the people
or animals in the story.
A. character
B. conclusion
C. plot
D. setting

9. If you are going to

write a short story based
on the picture above,
who are the possible
A. hero-villain
B. king-queen
C artist-painter
D. president-member

10. What place is shown

in the picture? A castle
A. in an island
B. near the sea
C. on the mountain
D. near the riverbank
J. Additional activities for application Write a short story with Read the following Write a short story about a Directions: Write a short story
or remediation complete elements based on sentences below identify if it girl who saved money and out of your most unforgettable
the following strip of is fiction or non fiction. was able to buy the toy she experience during the
pictures. Write __F_ if it is fiction, wanted. The pictures on the lockdown period due to
write NF if it is non-fiction. left will give you an idea COVID-19 in year 2020.
about the plot of the story. __________________
________ 1.The baby girl _________________________
can fly in the sky. _________________________
_______ 2. The wolf fed the _________________________
crying baby. _________________________
_______ 3.The man took _________________________
good care of his child. _________________________
_______ 4.The witch cast a _________________________
spell on the young boy. ____ .
_______ 5.The old woman is
crying because she is
________6.The pig and the
cow are talking to each
________ 7.Planting
vegetables is a worthwhile
________ 8.Daily exercise
can be good for our body.
________ 9.Drinking milk
makes you become
________ 10.The sun and
the wind argue on who is
stronger between them.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?



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