Gal Gadot Meal Plan
Gal Gadot Meal Plan
Gal Gadot Meal Plan
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The Overall Diet Plan:
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Healthy choices with protein coming from eggs, chicken, fish, and main diet
consisting of vegetables, and lots of water throughout the day. Gadot also
follows an 80/20 style of nutrition and believes in indulgences.
Morning Smoothie:
Superfood Smoothie
Gadot shares that her and her daughter add: “parsley, celery, green apples and
ginger” and other things they love!
Gadot mentions: ““I eat a lot of fish and chicken, and I make sure that around
30-40% of our family diet is made of cooked or raw vegetables.”
Gadot has shared pics snacking on fruits and vegetables with avocado toast,
strawberries, and more; but also believes in indulgences like cheeseburgers and
other foods that she likes to add in from time to time.