Jurin 8 Vian
Jurin 8 Vian
Jurin 8 Vian
To cite this article: Moataz Fathi, Ibrahim Al-Homidan, Abdelaziz Al-Dokhail, Tarek
Ebeid, Osama Abou-Emera & Ahmed Alsagan (2018) Effects of dietary probiotic (Bacillus
subtilis) supplementation on productive performance, immune response and egg quality
characteristics in laying hens under high ambient temperature, Italian Journal of Animal
Science, 17:3, 804-814, DOI: 10.1080/1828051X.2018.1425104
CONTACT Prof. Moataz Fathi [email protected] Department of Animal Production and Breeding, College of Agriculture and Veterinary
Medicine, Qassim University, Al-Qassim 51452, Saudi Arabia
ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which
permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
(Zarei et al. 2011; Afsari et al. 2014; Sobczak and Table 1. Ingredients and composition of the basal diet.
Kozłowski 2015). Ingredient (%)
The supplementation of probiotics to diet of laying Yellow corn 60.2
Soybean meal (44% CP) 26.0
hens may play an important role in altering the lipid Limestone 8.7
metabolism of chickens. Many investigators have Di-calcium phosphatea 1.7
Vitamin–mineral Premixb 0.3
pointed out that probiotics could reduce the choles- Sodium bicarbonate 0.23
terol content of egg yolk (Li et al. 2006; Mikulski et al. Salt (NaCl) 0.24
2012) and serum (Kalavathy et al. 2003). DL-Methionine 0.13
Vegetable oil 2.5
Probiotics have been used to stimulate the immune Calculated analysis (%, unless otherwise noted)
system in poultry. Numerous studies have concluded Metabolisable energy (kcal/kg diet) 2875
Crude protein 16.6
that using probiotics as feed additives exerts a benefi- Ca 3.77
cial influence on immune response and health status Available phosphorous 0.45
in both layer- and meat-type strain of chickens (Willis Dicalcium phosphate contained: 16% phosphorous and 23% calcium.
Premix provided per kilogram of diet: vitamin A (transretinyl acetate),
and Reid 2008; Vila et al. 2009; Shivaramaiah et al. 10,000 IU; vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), 3000 IU; vitamin E (all-rac-a-toc-
2011). Fong et al. (2015) observed an improved opherol), 30 IU; menadione, 1.3 mg; thiamine, 2.2 mg; riboflavin, 8 mg;
nicotinamide, 40 mg; choline chloride, 400 mg; calcium pantothenate,
immune response in the cells of healthy subjects 10 mg; pyridoxine, 4 mg; biotin, 0.04 mg; folic acid, 1 mg; vitamin B12
treated with Lactobacillus ramnosus in vitro. An (cobalamin), 0.013 mg; Fe (from ferrous sulphate), 80 mg; Cu (from cop-
per sulphate), 8.0 mg; Mn (from manganese sulphate), 110 mg; Zn (from
increase in serum bactericidal activity was observed in zinc oxide), 60 mg; I (from calcium iodate), 1.1 mg; Se (from sodium sel-
laying hens given a diet supplemented with probiotics enite), 0.3 mg.
(Forte et al. 2016). Therefore, the present study aimed
at evaluating productive performance, immune status Laying performance
and egg quality of laying hens from different chicken
Feed intake was recorded on a replicate basis for the
breeds fed a diet supplemented with varied concentra-
whole experimental period. Feed conversion ratio (FCR)
tions of probiotic under high ambient temperature.
was calculated at the end of the experiment on the basis
of the amount of feed consumed in gram divided by
egg mass in gram. Damaged eggs, including broken,
Materials and methods
cracked and shell-less eggs, were recorded as they
Experimental design, birds and dietary treatments occurred. All eggs were collected and recorded on a
A total of 216, 36-week-old laying hens were allocated daily basis. Eggs were individually weighed and egg
in a two-level factorial experimental design (3 3), mass was calculated for the whole experimental period.
consisting of three concentrations of dietary probiotic
(0, 200 and 400 g/t feed) containing 4 109 cfu/g of Egg quality
Bacillus subtilis and three different breeds (White
Leghorn, Saudi black and Saudi brown). Each sub- At 48 weeks of age, 48 eggs from each dietary treat-
group had eight replicates (experimental cages) of ment per breed were collected to assess internal and
three hens each. The birds were placed in wire cages external egg quality characteristics. Egg width and egg
(60 cm 45 cm 43 cm, L W H) under lighting length were measured in mm using electronic digital
schedule of 17 h/d light cycle. The average of high Vernier calliper (±0.01 mm). Egg shape was calculated
ambient temperature and relative humidity during the according to the following formula:
whole experimental period was 34 ± 1.5 C and 55%, Egg shape ¼ ½egg width=egg length 100
respectively. Feed and water were provided ad libitum
throughout the 90-d experimental period. The basal Following collection, the breaking strength for
diet was formulated to contain approximately 16.6% intact eggs was determined in kg/cm2 using Egg Force
crude protein and 2875 ME kcal/kg in a typical layer ReaderTM, Orka Food Technology Ltd, St. Paul, MN.
diet (Table 1). Three probiotic levels (0, 200 and Also, egg weight, Haugh unit and yolk colour were
400 ppm) were mixed with diet every week. measured automatically using Egg AnalyzerTM manu-
Conventional breeding and management procedures factured by Orka Food Technology Limited, St. Paul,
were applied throughout the experimental period. All MN. The liquid contents were put aside and the shell
birds were provided with similar environmental and plus membranes were washed under running water to
hygienic conditions. The care and handling of the lay- remove adhering albumen. The wet eggshell was left
ing hens were in accordance with regulations of ani- for 24 h at room temperature for drying and then
mal care committee of Qassim University. weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. The relative weight of
Table 2. Effect of probiotic dietary inclusion and breed on egg production traits.
Factor Egg No Egg weight, g Egg mass, g Feed intake, g FCR Damaged egg ratio
Probiotic level (P)
0 ppm 62.8 51.9 3252.8 10405.9 3.2 2.71
200 ppm 58.2 51.5 2966.6 9789.4 3.3 2.11
400 ppm 65.4 51.8 3380.7 10283.0 3.0 1.66
Breed (B)
Leghorn 56.9b 55.6a 3173.0b 9605.9b 3.0b 1.21b
Black 69.1a 50.7b 3499.6a 10,637.0a 3.0b 1.94b
Brown 60.4b 48.9b 2927.5b 10,235.3a 3.5a 3.34a
SEM 1.38 0.53 67.7 158.6 0.05 0.34
p Value
P .46 .96 .28 .08 .59 .42
B .04 .01 .02 <.01 .04 .03
PB .14 .65 .03 .20 .07 .33
Means in the same column with no common letters differ significantly (p < .05).
Table 3. Effect of probiotic level and breed on internal and external egg quality characteristics of laying hens.
Factor Yolk % Yolk colour Haugh unit Egg shape Shell weight, g Eggshell % Shell thickness (mm 102) Shell strength (kg/cm2)
Probiotic level (P)
0 ppm 30.9 9.1 58.5 76.5 5.0 9.5b 39.7b 3.8b
200 ppm 30.7 9.3 59.0 76.0 5.2 10.2a 40.1ab 4.3a
400 ppm 30.9 9.1 56.1 75.3 5.2 10.2a 40.8a 4.2a
Breed (B)
Leghorn 30.9ab 8.7b 53.8b 74.8b 5.5a 10.2 40.3 4.0
Black 31.9a 9.4a 57.9ab 76.4a 5.1ab 9.8 39.8 4.1
Brown 29.7b 9.4a 61.9a 76.6a 4.8b 9.9 40.5 4.2
SEM 0.27 0.14 0.84 0.250 0.05 0.09 0.200 0.05
p Value
P .9 .7 .3 .1 .1 <.01 .05 <.01
B <.01 .05 <.01 <.01 <.01 .3 .3 .7
PB .5 .9 .6 <.01 <.01 .03 .4 .9
Means in the same column with no common letters differ significantly (p < .05).
measurements of laying hens are presented in Table 3. significant difference due to breed effect. As shown in
No significant differences were found between the diet- Figure 1, a significant interaction between probiotic
ary groups with respect to yolk%, yolk colour and albu- level and breed was observed for shell weight, shell
men quality expressed as Haugh unit score. Both thickness and egg-shape index. The highest shell weight
probiotic levels significantly (p < .01) increased relative and shell thickness were detected in Leghorn given
weight of eggshell compared with the control group. 200 ppm probiotics and in black given 400 ppm
Likewise, shell thickness significantly (p < .05) improved probiotics.
in laying hens fed a diet containing 400 ppm probiotic Cellular and humoural immune responses of the
when compared with those fed a basal diet. While the laying hens as affected by probiotic administration
shell thickness of hens fed on 200 ppm probiotic was level and breed are shown in Table 4. The laying hens
intermediate. Therefore, as a consequence, the inclusion fed a diet with the level of 400 ppm inclusion resulted
of probiotic in both levels significantly (p < .05) in a numerical improvement in cellular immune
increased eggshell strength compared with the control response (PHA-P) at all tested times compared with
group (4.27, 4.17 and 3.82 kg/cm2, respectively). the other groups. Moreover, probiotic inclusion signifi-
Regarding breed effect, it could be noticed that the cantly (p < .01) increased IgM immunoglobulin concen-
native breeds (black and brown) laid eggs with signifi- tration at both probiotic levels (200 and 400 ppm). On
cantly (p < .01) darker yolk colour than those of Leghorn the contrary, this trend did not exist in both IgA and
hens. Also, they produced eggs with rounded shape IgY immunoglobulins. In terms of breeds, the results
compared with those of Leghorn. The brown breed obviously revealed that the Saudi native breeds (black
recorded lower relative yolk and higher HU compared and brown) had a significant increase in swelling
to the other two breeds. In terms of eggshell quality response, particularly at earlier stage of PHA-P test.
characteristics, the results revealed that there was no Concerning the interaction between breed and
Table 4. Effect of probiotic level and breed on cell mediated response and plasma immunoglobulins concentration of laying
Swelling response Immunoglobulin
Factor Difference 24 h Difference 48 h Difference 72 h IgA IgM IgY
Probiotic level (P)
0 ppm 0. 88 0.55 0.45 0.43 0.87c 4.61
200 ppm 0.74 0.52 0.42 0.43 0.96b 4.65
400 ppm 0.96 0.65 0.50 0.45 1.06a 4.69
Breed (B)
Leghorn 0.57b 0.44b 0.37 0.44 0.68c 4.62
Black 1.00a 0.61a 0.47 0.41 1.29a 4.70
Brown 1.01a 0.67a 0.53 0.46 0.92b 4.63
SEM 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.0098 0.0301 0.0266
p Value
P .14 .26 .53 .62 <.01 .41
B <.01 .02 .07 .19 <.01 .40
PB .04 .04 .03 .90 .74 <.01
Means in the same column with no common letters differ significantly (p < .05).
probiotic level, a significant effect on cell-mediated globulin, while no significant difference was observed
immunity was found. The best swelling responses at in total protein. After 90-d of probiotic supplementa-
24, 48 and 72 h were detected in black 400 and tion, a significant difference was found in blood chol-
brown 0 (Figure 2). The highest IgY concentration esterol. As shown in Table 5, cholesterol level was
was detected in Leghorn 200, black 0 and black significantly (p < .05) reduced by probiotic inclusion.
400 (Figure 3). This decrease was associated with increased dietary
Biochemical blood plasma parameters as affected probiotic concentration. On the one hand, blood chol-
by probiotic concentration and type of breed in laying esterol level was significantly affected by the inter-
hens are presented in Table 5. Plasma total protein, action between probiotic level and breed (Figure 4).
albumen and globulin concentrations were not signifi- The lowest cholesterol level was found in brown breed
cantly affected due to dietary probiotic supplementa- fed a diet supplemented with 400 ppm probiotics. On
tion. On the basis of breed factor, there were the other hand, probiotic supplementation had no
significant differences among breeds for albumen and effect on serum triglyceride level. There were no
Figure 2. Interaction between probiotic level and breed of cell mediated response.
Table 5. Effect of probiotic level and breed on biochemical blood plasma parameters of laying hens.
Factor T. Protein, g/dL Albumen, g/dL Globulin, g/dL Cholesterol, mg/dL Triglyceride, mg/dL T3 T4
Probiotic level (P)
0 ppm 6.7 4.7 2.0 166.2a 1660.8 1.9 5.5
200 ppm 6.5 4.4 2.4 152.8b 1643.5 1.9 5.6
400 ppm 7.0 4.6 2.0 145.5c 1626.8 1.9 5.6
Breed (B)
Leghorn 6.9 4.1b 2.8a 154.8 1541.3 1.9 5.7
Black 6.7 4.7a 2.0b 157.9 1722.9 1.9 5.5
Brown 6.5 4.9a 1.7b 151.6 1658.8 1.9 5.4
SEM 0.11 0.10 0.12 4.31 47.8 0.01 0.10
p Value
P .1 .5 .2 .05 .30 .72 .95
B .4 <.01 <.01 .57 .96 .71 .43
PB .2 .07 .8 .02 .26 .21 .25
Means in the same column with no common letters differ significantly (p < .05).
not affect egg production traits (Arpasova et al. 2012; previous reports may be related to differences in pro-
Afsari et al. 2014; Sobczak and Kozłowski 2015). biotic level, breed type and the hen’s age. Significant
Beneficial effects on the damaged egg ratio resulting interaction between probiotic level and breed type in
from probiotic supplementation are in agreement with egg mass confirms that performance of laying hens
the report of Balevi et al. (2001), who indicated a receiving probiotics may be differ according to geno-
similar probiotic supplementation. On the one hand, type or breed used in the current experiment.
we suggest that the increase in shell thickness per-
centage and in turn, the reduction in number of dam-
Egg quality assessment
aged eggs in hens receiving probiotics may have been
caused by increase calcium retention. This hypothesis Our findings have been confirmed by many reports
was suggested by Balevi et al. (2001). On the other (Mikulski et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2012; Sobczak and
hand, several studies confirmed that the inclusion of Kozłowski 2015). Conversely, Mahdavi et al. (2005) and
probiotic to the diet has been found to improve egg Mohebbifar et al. (2013) did not find significant effects
production and feed conversion ratio (Panda et al. for dietary probiotic inclusion on egg quality. Probiotic
2008; Youssef et al. 2013; Chung et al. 2015). However, supplementation seems to have a positive effect on
the difference between the present study and the the eggshell percentage. A positive effect of probiotic
supplementation on eggshell quality characteristics mucosal immune system, which responds to antigenic
has been reported (Li et al. 2006; Abdelqader et al. stimuli by secreting immunoglobulin (IgA). Diet sup-
2013). Swia˛tkiewicz et al. (2010) attributed the positive plemented with 0.1% Lactobacillus acidophilus induced
effects of probiotics on eggshell quality parameters to the best immune response compared with 0.05%
the increased intestinal availability of Ca. The benefi- Bacillus subtilis in laying hens (Forte et al. 2016). The
cial effects on eggshell thickness and strength improvement in immune response found in Saudi
observed in the current study were directly associated chicken breeds compared with Leghorn chickens is in
with the reduction in the number of damaged eggs. agreement with the results of Fathi et al. (2017).
Under heat stress, it is well known that the eggshell Likewise, Saudi laying hens significantly (p < .01)
strength is impaired and in turn, the incidence of recorded higher IgM concentration compared to
cracked eggs exceeded. Therefore, many researchers Leghorn counterparts. In consistent with our results,
have focussed their investigations toward improving Osei-Amponsah et al. (2013) confirmed that the local
eggshell quality using genetic, nutritional and bio- Ghanaian ecotypes of chickens were superior to exotic
logical approaches. Probiotic supplementation is the breeds in terms of their ability to respond to SRBC
effective applied procedure in birds suffering from sev- antigens. In a comparison of humoural immunity due
eral stressors. Insignificant results of eggshell quality to breed, Fathi et al. (2017) reported that there was no
due to breed effect are in consistence with the results significant difference among breeds (Saudi, Leghorn
of Najib and Al-Yousef (2014) and Al-Homod (2016). and Lohmann) for antibody levels against Newcastle
disease virus vaccine. Regarding the other types of
immunoglobulins (IgA and IgY), the current results did
Immune response
not show significant differences among breeds.
Inflammatory response to PHA-P injected in wattle, as Contrary to our results, Mountzouris et al. (2010)
an indication for cell-mediated immunity, did not differ reported that the use of probiotics may modulate the
significantly as affected by probiotic supplementation systemic immune system by increasing the total levels
level. Immunoglobulin (chicken IgY, IgA and IgM) lev- of serum IgG in broilers and be indicative of the over-
els in serum are indicative of the humoural immune all humoural immune status of the bird. Koenen et al.
status of chickens (Mountzouris et al. 2010). As well (2002) also explored the effects of probiotics in the
established, IgM is a potent complement activating systemic humoural immune response, and found that
antibody and since complement is needed for the different Lactobacillus spp. increase the levels of IgG in
generation of a normal antibody response (Parmentier laying hens.
et al. 2004). Generally, enhancing immunity resulting
from probiotic administration has been reported by
Blood plasma biochemical concentrations
many investigators (Fong et al. 2015; Attia et al. 2017).
Laying hens received a diet containing multi strains of The present findings are in agreement with those of
probiotics exhibited a higher antibody production Dimcho et al. (2005), who found that probiotic inclu-
against SRBC compared with non-treated hens during sion did not affect the serum total protein concentra-
high environmental temperature (Asli et al. 2007). tion of chickens. Also, Alkhalf et al. (2010) postulated
Higher antibody production against Newcastle disease that the serum concentrations of total protein and
virus (NDV) was observed in the group fed a diet sup- albumin were not significantly affected by dietary pro-
plemented with Lactobacillus acidophilus compared to biotic supplementation. The levels of total protein,
the control group (Forte et al. 2016). Under heat stress, albumin and globulin obtained in the present study
dietary supplementation of probiotics improved are within the normal physiological values reported by
humoural immunity against Newcastle disease virus Meluzzi et al. (1992) and Attia et al. (2011, 2016). It is
and infectious bursal disease virus (Sohail et al. 2010). generally known that blood plasma total protein plays
Contrarily, probiotic supplementation did not affect key roles in the maintenance of colloid osmotic pres-
specific antibody synthesis to ND vaccine antigen sure, as a rapid substitute for indispensable amino
administered via drinking water (Balevi et al. 2001). acids, assuring glucose through gluconeogenesis, in
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biotic may be attributable to the non-host specific enzymes and the immune system in the organism.
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