Final Project Advance Written Presentation PT9 El (Oso de Anteojos)
Final Project Advance Written Presentation PT9 El (Oso de Anteojos)
Final Project Advance Written Presentation PT9 El (Oso de Anteojos)
Presentation of the participants and the Participants will introduce themselves and talk about the topic to
be discussed and the purpose or objective they have.
topic we are going to discuss:
History The spectacled bear is directly descended from the now extinct
Arctodus simus, which was the top predator in North and South
America during the last ice age (The bear den, 1997).
Furthermore, the spectacled bear is the only bear in the genus
Tremarctos to have survived to modern times (Delena, 1997).
The Andean or spectacled bear is endemic to the tropical Andes
and is the only bear species existing in South America.
What does the name mean? It comes from the Greek Tremarctos (Trema "Hole" and arktos
"Bear") and from the Latin Ornatus (Ornament). His name
"Spectacled Bear" comes from the spots around his eyes, making
it look like he's wearing glasses.
Time of life Unlike other bear species, with the exception of the panda, the
Andean bear feeds primarily on a herbivorous diet and has a life
expectancy of 35 years.
BECAUSE THE SPECTACLED BEAR IS IN This bear is constantly threatened due to changes in land use,
which have fragmented its original habitat, as well as hunting by
DANGER OF EXTINCTION: humans who come into conflict with it, or use parts of its body for
medicine and food. traditional rituals.
What are the main threats of the The loss of their natural habitat has forced them, in many cases, to
move to places inhabited by humans. This is one of the main
spectacled bear? threats, since they are killed for destroying corn crops and for
killing domestic animals (cattle and cattle).
It is the only species of bear in all of South America. Its most prominent
where they live? characteristic is the presence of white or yellowish spots around the eyes.
It is found in America Bolivia Colombia Peru Venezuela
Spectacled bears live in a wide variety of ecosystems located throughout the
tropical Andes. They can live at a height of up to 4,750 meters above sea
level and do not usually go below 200 meters. The wide variety of habitats
includes dry tropical forests, moist lowlands, moist tropical forests, dry and
moist scrub, and high-elevation grasslands.
The identification of 100% of the areas with the presence of viable
PREVENTION populations of the also called spectacled bear is proposed. Also, look to find
three conservation corridors.
The commitment of citizens in rural areas will also be essential. For this, it
will seek to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the species.
Try to ensure that deforestation and expansion of economic activities in their
habitat areas are not abused by this species and others
Good morning, I'm Dayson and today with my colleagues Hector and Luis we will talk about something important, but first,
thank you for giving us a little of your time to inform them about an animal that is in danger of extinction in our Peru. Our
purpose is to raise awareness and help us in this fight to protect the spectacled bear.
The spectacled bear is directly descended from the now extinct Arctodus simus, which was the top predator in North and South
America during the last ice age (The bear den, 1997). Furthermore, the spectacled bear is the only bear in the genus Tremarctos
to have survived to modern times (Delena, 1997).
The Andean or spectacled bear is endemic to the tropical Andes and is the only bear species existing in South America.
What does the name mean?
It comes from the Greek Tremarctos (Trema "Hole" and arktos "Bear") and from the Latin Ornatus (Ornament). His name
"Spectacled Bear" comes from the spots around his eyes, making it look like he's wearing glasses.
Time of life
Unlike other bear species, with the exception of the panda, the Andean bear feeds primarily on a herbivorous diet and has a life
expectancy of 35 years.
Because the spectacled bear is in danger of extinction:
This bear is constantly threatened due to changes in land use, which have fragmented its original habitat, as well as hunting by
humans who come into conflict with it, or use parts of its body for medicine and food. traditional rituals.
What are the main threats of the spectacled bear?
The loss of their natural habitat has forced them, in many cases, to move to places inhabited by humans. This is one of the main
threats, since they are killed for destroying corn crops and for killing domestic animals (cattle and cattle).
What most characterizes this species is the presence of white or yellowish spots around the eyes. The most common coat
color is black, although there are brown and much less occasional reddish specimens.
Its head is large in relation to the rest of its body, it has a powerful jaw, the skull has two important masseter fossae, its body
measures between 1.8 m but nowadays it is more frequent to find specimens of 1.5 m
The weight of these specimens is around 140 kg, their claws are very sharp and perfectly adapted for climbing trees,
They are solitary habits and mostly diurnal. It establishes itself on trails that allow it to move quickly between remote areas
by marking it with scent scratches (pheromones), it usually establishes platforms in the topless trees to feed or rest.
What do they feed on?
After the panda, it is the second most vegetarian bear. It feeds on páramo bromeliads, achupallas and various wild fruits,
including the aguacatillo and the mortiño. Being bears and their diet is vegetarian, in addition to weighing 100 kilos, they
need to satisfy their nutritional needs (plants and fruits) and the forest is not always productive, so the bear must travel
many distances to feed itself. It is estimated that a bear needs more than 1,000 hectares a year of mature forest to survive.
where they live?
It is the only species of bear in all of South America. Its most prominent characteristic is the presence of white or yellowish
spots around the eyes.
It is found in America Bolivia Colombia Peru Venezuela
Spectacled bears live in a wide variety of ecosystems located throughout the tropical Andes. They can live at a height of up to
4,750 meters above sea level and do not usually go below 200 meters. The wide variety of habitats includes dry tropical
forests, moist lowlands, moist tropical forests, dry and moist scrub, and high-elevation grasslands.
The identification of 100% of the areas with the presence of viable populations of the also called spectacled bear is
proposed. Also, look to find three conservation corridors.
The commitment of citizens in rural areas will also be essential. For this, it will seek to raise awareness about the importance
of preserving the species.
Try to ensure that deforestation and expansion of economic activities in their habitat areas are not abused by this species
and others