CPAR 3rd Q Reviewer
CPAR 3rd Q Reviewer
CPAR 3rd Q Reviewer
ART is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as
painting or sculpture. It is a work or product to be appreciated primarily for its beauty and emotional power. It came
from the word “ARS” which means skill.
Elements of Art
1. Line - it is one-dimensional and can vary in width, direction, and length.
Types of Lines
Horizontal Vertical Diagonal Broken
ZigZag Wavy Curved Spiral
2. Shape - it is two-dimensional and can be geometric or organic.
3. Form – it is a three-dimensional and occupies space or gives illusion
4. Color – most expressive element of art and is seem by the way light reflects of a surface
5. Value – lightness or darkness of a surface
6. Texture - it describes the surface quality of an object, how things look like they feel.
7. Space – illusion of objects having depth on the 2-dimensional surface
Types of Art
a. Traditional Art - is based on indigenous people’s cultures that are largely honed by oral tradition.
b. Modern Art - includes artistic work produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the
1970s, and denotes the styles and philosophies of the art produced during that era.
c. Digital Art – art that is made or presented using digital technology
d. Contemporary Art - refers to art made and produced by artists living today.
e. Visual Art - are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature, such as ceramics, drawing,
painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, film making and architecture.
1. Magic Realism- it is a style of painting that shows details of the subjects and highlighting text and color
Example: “Duyan” by Nestor Garcia Leynes- is regarded as one of the leaders of the Magic Realist movement of the
2. Expressionistic Cubism – consists of fragmented figres in larger planes, color, harmonies and texture.
Example: “Thinking Man” by Ang Kiukok. Watercolor on Paper. One of the most dynamic figures in contemporary
Philippine arts
4. Abstract- it is a visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition which may exists with a degree of
independence from visual references.
Exampke: “Dalawang Isda” by Hernando Ocampo
2. Short Story - a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate
than a novel.
a. Francisco Arcellana - A writer, poet, essayist, critic, journalist, and teacher is Francisco Arcellana
who is an important progenitor of the modern Filipino short story in English. He pioneered the
short story to be developed as a lyrical prose- poetic form.
3. Novel - a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action
with some degree of realism.
4. Essay - a short piece of writing on a particular subject.
II. Sculpture - It is a 3-dimensional form constructed to represent a natural or imaginary shape. It can be a
form of relief, carving, modeling, casting, armature, and installation.
III. Architecture - Came from the Greek word “arkhitekton.” Arkhi meaning “chief” and tekton meaning
Juan M. Arellano – an architect who was known for Manila’s Metropolitan Theater
Juan Nakpil – a Filipino architect who was known for his Quiapo Church
Leandro Locsin – an architect who is known for his signature floating effect Cultural Center of
the Philippines CCP
Planting Rice
Benedicto “BenCab”Cabrera – upheld the primacy of drawing over the decorative color
Victorio Edades – known for distorted human figures and uses dark and somber colors
The Builders Kargadores at Davao Port
Vicente Manansala – he is known for his Sagrada Familia and Mother’s Portrait, which he copied from a
photograph and applied cubism to in doing the painting.
Mother’s Portrait
Hernando Ruiz Ocampo - was a Filipino National Artist in the visual arts.
Dalawang Isda
I. Contemporary Music in the Philippines refers to compositions that have adopted ideas and elements from 20th
century art music in the west, as well as the latest trends and musical styles in the entertainment industry.
There are 3 Kinds of music in the Philippines:
Elements of Music
1. Rhythm - a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
2. Tempo - the speed at which a passage of music is or should be played.
3. Harmony - the sound of two or more notes heard simultaneously.
4. Timbre - also known as tone color or tone quality, is the perceived sound quality of a musical note, sound or tone.
5. Melody - a combination of pitch and rhythm.
6. Texture - how the tempo, melodic, and harmonic materials are combined in a musical composition,
determining the overall quality of the sound in a piece.
7. Dynamics - degree of softness and loudness of music.
Philippine Popular Music
- Philippine Pop Music refers to a contemporary pop music in the Philippines originating from the OPM with
a mixture of different genre which emerged from 1960’s up to the present times.
Pinoy Rock - the use of different electronic instruments such as electric guitars, drums, synthesizers and the
like are evident.
Safe Pinoy Pop – also known as “middle of the road” type of music which can be heard from the songs of
our national artist, Mr. Ryan Cayabyab as well as the pillars and icons of OPM, Apo Hiking Society and Mr.
Jose Mari Chan.
Pinoy Folk Music - music which is inspired by simple and repetitive tunes. Another national artist under this
genre is Mr. Levi Celerio (also recognized by Guinness book of world records as the only man who can play
music with a leaf)
Pinoy Disco - also known as Manila Sound which is characterized by its catchy melodic phrases. VST &
Company, Hagibis and the boyfriends are also known to uplift this genre.
Pinoy Rap - which is popularized by Francis Magalona which is characterized as a fast- paced rhythmic
narration accompanied by electronic instrument