Fundamentals of Cost Management Accounting
Fundamentals of Cost Management Accounting
Fundamentals of Cost Management Accounting
Management is expected to
ensure that the organization uses its
resources wisely, operates profitably, Decision Making
pays its debts, and abides by laws and ➢ Planning
regulations. To fulfill these expectations, ➢ Directing
managers establish the goals, ➢ Controlling
objectives, and strategic plans that ➢ Feedback
guide and control the organization’s
operating, investing, and financing
✓ Planning involves setting goals
To plan and control an and objectives for the company
organization’s operations, to measure its and determining how to achieve
performance, and to make decisions them.
about products or services and many ✓ It is the future-oriented part of the
other internal control and governance management cycle. The first step
matters, managers need accurate and in planning is to establish goals
timely accounting information. or objectives, along with the
tactics that will be used to
achieve those goals.
✓ Managers have to make a variety : “Short-term
of “who, what, when, where and goals that outline expectations for
how” decisions as they plan. performance of day-to-day operations.”
Overview of the Planning Framework : “A comprehensive
statement of how the company will
achieve its objectives.”
What do we mean by
management accounting? Quite simple,
provision of accounting information for
company’s internal users. It is the firm’s Management Decisions at the
internal accounting system and is Sporting News
designed to support information need of
managers. Planning
Managerial Accounting
✓ Individual units
inventory, is treated as a period
Assign direct and indirect
costs to cost objects
• While accountants refer to these
Trace diurect costs Allocate indirect costs as "period costs," most other
objects costs to cost objects people refer to them as "operating
expenses" or "selling, general,
Amount of cost Amount of cost assigned to administrative expenses, and
assigned to the cost the cost object is less
object is very precise precise finance costs."
Service Companies:
Fixed Cost
Practice Problems
Problem #1
• V
• F
• V
• V
Answer: • F
• F
• FO
• SA Problem #4
• DL
• DM
• FO
• DL
Problem #2
• I
• D
• I
• I
Answer: • D
Problem #5
• DM
• FO Ending WIP Inventory = Php29,700
• DL Problem #8
• DM
• FO Compute the total manufacturing cost
• DM for a manufacturer with the following
information for the month.
Problem #6
• PROD Manufacturing Cost = Php86,900
• PER Problem #9
• PER Compute cost of goods sold using the
• PER following information.
Problem #7
Problem #13
COGS = Php980,100
Nestlé reports beginning raw
Problem #11 materials inventory of 3,815 and
ending raw materials inventory of
Use the following information to
3,499 (both numbers in millions of
compute the cost of direct materials
Swiss francs). If Nestlé purchased
used for the current year. Assume the
13,860 (in millions) of raw materials
Raw Materials Inventory account is used
during the year, what is the amount of
only for direct materials.
raw materials it used during the year?
Problem #14
Problem #15
• FI
• FD
• VD
• VI
Problem #18
Answer: • PER GA
Problem #20
Problem #19
Racer’s Edge makes specialty skates
The following calendar year-end
for the ice skating circuit. At year-end,
information is taken from the December
the company had (a) 1,500 skates in
31, 2019, adjusted trial balance and
finished goods inventory and (b) 2,500
other records of Leone Company.
blades at a cost of Php20 each in raw
materials inventory. During the year,
Racer’s Edge purchased 45,000 manufactured for Business Solutions for
additional blades atPhp20 each and the month ended January 31, 2020.
manufactured 20,750 pairs of skates. Assume the following manufacturing
Problem #23
Problem #21 The following calendar-year information
Santana Rey, owner of Business is taken from the adjusted trial balance
Solutions, decides to diversify her and other records of Dahlia Company.
business by also manufacturing
computer workstation furniture. Classify
the following manufacturing costs of
Business Solutions as either (a) variable
(V) or fixed (F) and (b) direct (D) or
indirect (I).
Problem #22
Problem #25
~MIDTERMS~ manuals and the experience of
computer technicians. Other costs are
Lesson 03: Cost Segregation and estimated similarly; for example, the
Estimation size and cost of the building needed to
house the reception and service
operation can be estimated based on
The most important characteristic area rental costs and space
of costs for decision making is how they requirements.
behave how they vary with activity is the
One advantage to the
key distinction for decision making.
engineering approach is that it can detail
Therefore, the basic idea in cost
each step required to perform an
estimation is to estimate the relation
operation. This permits comparison with
between costs and the variables
other centers in which similar operations
affecting costs, the cost drivers. Building
are performed and enables the
on that, the formula that we use to
company to review its productivity and
estimate costs is the familiar cost
identify specific strengths and
weaknesses. Another advantage to this
approach is that it does not require data
from prior activities in the organization.
Where TC refers to total costs, F Hence, it can be used to estimate costs
refers to fixed costs that do not vary for totally new activities.
with activity levels, V refers to variable
costs per unit of activity, and X refers to A company that uses engineering
the volume of the activity. estimates often can identify where
“slack” exists in its operations. For
example, if an engineering estimate
indicates that 4,000 square feet of floor
area are required for an assembly
process, but the company has been
renting 6,000 square feet in other
Cost estimate based on centers, the company might find it
measurement and pricing of the work beneficial to rearrange the plan to make
involved in a task. An engineering floor space available for other uses or
estimate is based on detailed plans look for smaller rental space.
and is frequently used for large
A difficulty with the engineering
projects or new products.
approach is that it can be quite
Engineering estimates of the expensive to use because it analyzes
supplies required for typical repairs each activity involved in the business.
can be obtained from manufacturers’
The observation method, also Engineering estimates often omit
called the account analysis method, inefficiencies, such as downtime for
relies heavily on the ability of an unscheduled maintenance,
observer to detect a pattern of cost absenteeism, and other miscellaneous
behavior by reviewing past cost and random events that affect all firms.
volume data. The reaction of an
expense to past changes in production Account analysis is often based
is observed, and a decision is made to on last period's costs alone and is
treat the expense as either a variable subject to managers focusing on
cost or a fixed cost, depending on which specific issues of the previous period
type of cost behavior it more closely even though these might be unusual
resembles. The identification depends and infrequent
on the accountant's judgment and One approach to dealing with
experience. both random and unusual events is to
The analyzed overhead item use several periods of operation or
would thereafter be treated as either a several locations as the basis for
variable or fixed cost, ignoring the fact estimating cost relations. This can be
that many overhead costs are semi- done by applying statistical theory,
variable. For example, electricity which allows for random events to be
expense would be classified as a separated from the underlying relation
variable cost if the majority of the between costs and activities.
kilowatt hours used were for powering
the machines rather than for heating
and lighting the factory. The scattergraph method
estimates a straight line along which the
Cost Estimation Using Account semi-variable costs will fall. The cost
Analysis-3C being analyzed is plotted on the y-axis
of the graph, and the activity level, such
as the number of units produced, is
plotted on the x-axis. After the past
observations of cost and production
data are plotted on graph paper, a line is
drawn by visual inspection representing
the trend shown by most of the data
Illustrative Problem
Copper Mountain Company has SCATTERGRAPH METHOD
accumulated the following data over a
six-month period:
✓ High-low method
✓ Scattergraph method
✓ Least-squares regression method
Lesson 04: COST VOLUME PROFIT available to cover fixed costs and to
ANALYSIS provide income from operations. The
contribution margin ratio is computed as
Cost-volume-profit analysis is
the examination of the relationships
among selling prices, sales and
production volume, costs, expenses, The contribution margin ratio is
and profits. Cost volume profit analysis most useful when the increase or
is useful for managerial decision decrease in sales volume is measured
making. Some of the ways cost volume- in peso sales.
profit analysis may be used include:
It is PREFERRED to be used as
a DENOMINATOR in computing the
EXPENSES. However, the FIXED
determined using the NUMBER OF
Capacity / Volume Variance for Assume direct labor is a variable cost.
Absorption Costing
Problem #2
Presentation of Capacity Variance
Legaz Company, which has only
one product, has provided the following
data concerning its most recent month
of operations:
Problem #1
Problem #3
Problem #4
Problem #5
Problem #7
Problem #9
Problem #8
Problem #10
Oakford Company, which has Lesson 06: The Budgeting Process;
only one product, has provided the Overview
following data concerning its most
recent month of operations:
✓ It is the process of identifying,
gathering, summarizing, and
communicating financial and non-
financial information about an
organization's future activities.
✓ It is an essential part of the
continuous planning that an
organization must do to accomplish
its long-term goals. The budgeting
process provides managers of all
types of organizations-including
for-profit organizations and not-for-
profit organizations-the opportunity
to match their organizational goals
Problem #11 with the resources necessary to
accomplish those goals.
Vitamin T-shirt, Inc. budgeted the
following costs for its first year of
manufacturing operations. These costs ✓ These are plans of action based
are based on a volume of 50,000 T- on forecasted transactions,
shirts produced and sold: activities, and events-are
synonymous with managing an
organization. They are essential to
accomplishing the goals
articulated in an organization's
strategic plan.
✓ They are used to communicate
information, coordinate activities
and resource usage, motivate
employees, and evaluate
✓ For example, a board of directors
may use budgets to determine
managers areas of responsibility
and to measure managers'
performance in those areas
✓ Budgets are also used manage for making annual operating
and account for cash. Such plans and preparing budgets.
budgets establish targeted levels ✓ Long-term goals cannot be
of cash receipts and limits on the vague; they must set specific
spending of cash for particular tactical targets and timetables
purposes. and assign operating
responsibility for achieving the
goals to specific personnel.
Budgeting is advantageous for ✓ For example, a long-term goal for
organizations, because; a company that currently holds
only 4 percent of its product's
1. Budgets foster organizational market share might specify that
communication. the vice president of marketing is
2. Budgets ensure a focus both on to develop strategies to ensure
future events and on resolving day- that the company controls 10
to-day issues. percent of the market in five
3. Budgets assign resources and the years and 15 percent by the end
responsibility to use them wisely to of ten years.
managers who are held
accountable for their results.
4. Budgets can identify potential ✓ Annual operating plans involve
constraints before they become every part of an enterprise and
problems. are much more detailed than
5. Budgets facilitate congruence long-term strategic plans. To
between organizational and formulate an annual operating
personal goals. plan, an organization must
6. Budgets define organizational restate its long-term goals in
goals and objectives numerically, terms of what it needs to during
against which actual performance the next year.
results can be evaluated. ✓ The process entails making
decisions about sales and profit
targets, human resource needs,
and the introduction of new
products or services.
✓ Strategic planning is the process
✓ The short-term goals identified in
by which management
an annual operating plan are the
establishes an organization's
basis of an organization's
long-term goals. These goals
operating budgets for the year.
define the strategic direction that
an organization will take over a
ten-year period and are the basis
how detailed the information
needs are.
❖ Every budget and budget line
item is associated with a specific
role or job in an organization.
❖ For example, a department ❖ Traditional budgeting approaches
manager is responsible for the require managers to justify only
department's budget, and the budget changes over the past
marketing vice president is year.
responsible for what is spent on ❖ An alternative to traditional
advertising. budgeting is zero-based
❖ Since managers responsibilities budgeting, Zero-based budgeting
and budget authority are linked, requires that every budget item
managers must explain or take be justified annually, not just the
corrective action for any changes. So each year the
deviations between their budgets budget is built from scratch.
and actual results.
❖ Successful budget
❖ Because an organization's main implementation depends on two
activities take place at its lower factors-clear communication and
levels, the information necessary the support of top management
for establishing a budget flows ❖ To ensure their cooperation in
from the employees and implementing the budget, all key
supervisors of those activities persons involved must know what
through middle managers to roles they are expected to play
senior executives. and must have specific directions
❖ Each person in this chain of on how to achieve their
communication thus plays a role performance goals.
in developing al budget, as well
as in implementing it.
A master budget consists of a set
of operating budgets and a set of
❖ Budgets, like the company's fiscal financial budgets that detail an
period, generally cover a one- organization's financial plans for a
year period of time. specific accounting period, generally a
❖ An annual operating budget may year.
be divided further by an When a master budget covers an
organization into monthly or entire year, some of the operating and
quarterly periods depending on
financial budgets may show planned
results by month or by quarter.
Step 2.
Financing Activities
Cash outflows:
➢ To stockholders as dividends.
✓ Conversion of bonds into
➢ To redeem long-term debt or
common stock.
reacquire capital stock (treasury