Pointers To Review in Oral Communication

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What is Communication?
- Communication comes in various forms.
- Examples of how humans communicate their thoughts, feelings, ideas and
insights: simple nodding of your head, stretching of hands, raising your
eyebrows up to your daily conversations with your friends over the phone,
constant exchange of text messages and lastly regular browsing in social
networking sites.
- Humans are social beings. They live to interact regularly with others. In fact,
their endurance is due to their ability to express themselves and connect to one
another and the world they live in.

Nature of Communication
- Communication is the two-way process of connecting to both living and non-
living things. It is also a means of sharing and exchanging messages,
information, ideas, and feelings for mutual understanding (Gregoriom, J.C.,
- Communication connects people and the world they live in. It is through
communication that people are able to express their thoughts and ideas or
convey information and messages through word of mouth, gestures and signals,
signs, and others. People have always communicated with one another in various
- Two Meaning of Communication:
1. Communication is a message understood.
2. Communication is social interaction through messages

Five (5) Elements of Communication

1. SENDER- It plays the specific role of initiating communication. To communicate,
effectively, the sender must use effective verbal as well as nonverbal techniques.
2. RECEIVER- It means the party whom the sender transmits the message.
Receiver can be one person or an entire audience of people.
3. MESSAGE- It can come in many different forms, such as an oral presentation, a
written document, an advertisement or just a comment.
4. CHANNEL- The messages travels from one point to another via a channel of
5. FEEDBACK- It describes the receiver’s response or reaction to the sender’s

Process of Communication- Through this process, we are able to understand

that communication is systematic. As the communication transaction continues, the
sender and receiver may exchange roles until understanding is achieved.
Communication Models
Barriers of Communication
1. Physical barrier- the environmental and natural condition that act as a barrier in
communication in sending message from sender to receiver.
2. Linguistic barrier- arises due to differences in languages, words meaning or
 Homophones- words with similar pronunciation but different meaning.
 Jargons- technical words used by professionals.
3. Cultural barrier- refers to the way a person responds in a communication
situation affected by personal norms and traditions.
 Concept of Time
 Etiquettes and Mannerism
4. Psychological barrier- the influence of psychological state of the communicators
(sender and receiver) which creates an obstacle for effective communication.

Examples of Psychological Barriers

1. Lack of Attention- when a person’s mind is distracted or preoccupied with other
things, the person is not able to form proper message, listen to what others tell
him/her interpret the message as required and give proper feedback.
2. Distrust and Defensiveness- lack of trust makes them derive negative meaning of
the message and they ignore the message.
3. Perception, Viewpoint, Attitudes and Opinions
 Perception- is the mindset using which people judge, understand and
interpret everything. It is shaped from mental and sensory experience.
 Viewpoint- this is based on true life experience.
 Attitude- the established way in which we think and feel about things and
ideas which also creates a psychological communication barrier.
 Opinions- you have to be open and able to accept some ideas or criticism.
4. Emotions- various emotions can affect communication like fear, nervousness,
confusion, mistrust and jealousy.
5. Closed Mind and Filtering
 Closed Mind- the person will have fixed opinions on many things which
the person believes resolutely.
 Filtering- the distortion or withholding of information to manage a
person's reactions.
6. Premature Evaluation- they do not consider all aspects of information and end up
with wrong decisions.

7 C’s proposed by Broom, Cutlip, and Center (2012)

1. Completeness- the quality of the communication process in general.
2. Conciseness- direct or straight to the point.
3. Consideration- always consider relevant information about his or her receiver
such as mood etc.
4. Concreteness- supported by facts and real-life situations.
5. Courtesy- respect the culture, values and beliefs.
6. Clearness- implies the use of simple or specific words to express idea.
7. Correctness- grammar eliminates negative impact on the audience.
LESSON 1: Functions of Communications
- It refers to how humans use language for different purposes.
1. Regulation/Control- can be used to control behavior of human beings.
Imperatives- giving commands.
Rhetorical Questions- giving commands in a form of an action.
Declaratives- giving commands in a form of a statements.
2. Social Interaction- to build relationship and maintain bonds.
3. Motivation- express desires, needs, wants, likes and dislikes. Ambition and
4. Information- can be used for giving and getting information.
Declaratives- giving information in the form of statements of facts.
Interrogatives- form of question intended for getting information.
Imperatives- commands.
5. Emotional Expression- express their emotions both verbally and nonverbally.

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