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Academic Text b) Impersonal refers to wording and

It is an example of a text produced for expression that conveys a sense of
academic purposes. non-familiarity and objectivity.

Academic Writing c) Structured refers to certain

structural elements that set
A process that starts with posing a
academic writing apart from
question, problematizing a concept,
evaluating and opinion, and ends in
answering the questions or question d) Hedged Language refers to the use
posed clarifying the problem, and/or of cautious language in order not
arguing for a stand. to sound condescending or to
proud about a certain claim.
Factors to Consider when doing
Academic Writing Text Structures

a. Role  It refers to how the information

within a written text is organized.
b. Audience
Five Types of Text Structures
c. Purpose
1. Description - This type of text
d. Format
structure features a detailed
Academic Writing Conventions description of something to give
F is FORMAL the reader a mental picture.
I is for IMPERSONAL 2. Cause and Effect - this structure
presents the causal relationship
between a specific event, idea, or
H is for HEDGED concept and the events, ideas, or
a) Formal refers to how we use a concept that follow.
different phraseology or words 3. Comparison and Contrast - this
that we carefully chose to suit a type of text that examines the
particular idea or concept. similarities and differences
between two or more people,
events, concepts, ideas, etc.
4. Order/Sequence - this text CRITIQUE PAPER
structure give readers a Critiquing
chronological of events or a list of
steps in a procedure.  A systematic way of
highlighting weakness and
5. Problem-Solution - this type of strengths and weaknesses
structure sets up a problem or and its applicability to
problems, explains the solution, practice. Experts affirm that
and then discusses the effects of almost every reader can
the solution. identify the strengths and
Thesis Statement – main or central idea. weaknesses of a
Summarizing masterpiece.

 An important skill in critical  A critique is an exercise in

reading, often used to judging the value of a piece
determine the essential ideas in of writing or research. It is
a book chapter, an article. also a way of improving your
own skills by looking at the
 Summarizing is generally done
way other writers and
after reading. However, it can
researcher’s work. It is a
be done as well while reading a
valuable exercise in the
careful reading of text that
 Summarizing is an important will increase your
skill because it helps you understanding of a particular
deepen your understanding of subject.
the text; Learn to identify Functions of Being a Critic
relevant information or key
ideas; Combine details or 1. To introduce the
examples that support the main author/work.
ideas; and capture the key ideas 2. Ignite interest on a neglected
in the text and put them work.
together clearly and concisely. 3. Show relationship between
ages and cultures.
4. Contribute to better
understanding of a work.

5. Make a study on art and its 1. Definition – explaining the
“making” meaning.
6. Introduce the relationship of A. Informal Definition
art and life. B. Formal Definition
(Note: A critique is the paper C. Extended Definition
that exercises the value of a
2. Explication/Explanation – detailed
piece of writing or research
and intense explanation.
while a critic is a person who
writes a critique) Explicating is when you are laying
what the concept.
Steps in Writing a Critique
3. Clarification – checking / ensuring.
1. Analyze the text
General Parts of a Concept Paper
2. Evaluate the text
I. Introduction
3. Describe (Write in standard
essay form) II. Project Description
Parts of a Critique III. Purpose / Rationale
I. Introduction IV. Support / Budget
II. Main body V. Contact Information
Concept Outlining is the process of organizing
idea in a logical way. In writing, it helps
 Something conceived in the mind.
the writer what to include and not to
It can be abstract or generic idea
generalized from particular
instance (e.g., the basic concepts Common Outline Patterns
of psychology, the concept of a. Introduction-Body-Conclusion or the
gravity). “ IBC format
Different ways on how we can I. Introduction
elucidate a concept 1. Background
2. Thesis Statement
1. Definition
II. Body
2. Explication/explanation 1. Major Support 1
3. Clarification A. Minor Support

B. Minor Support or label. Subheadings = Arabic
2. Major Support 2 Letters
A. Minor Support 3. Subordination – Thru its most
B. Minor Support important and least important
3. Major Support 3 details, writer should distinguish
A. Minor Support major and minor components of
B. Minor Support the outline.
III. Conclusion 4. Division – Basic rule is to have two
b. Introduction-Methodology-Results- or more parts and this division
Discussion or the IMRD format should be based on the
(usually use in research) rank/level/category.
I. Introduction Example:
1. Background I. Preparing for a Test
2. Research Problem A. Review the lessons
3. Scope and Limitation B. Take down notes
4. Significance of the Study C. Sleep early
D. Have a good breakfast
II. Materials and Methods II. Taking the Test
1. Participants A. Concentrate
2. Procedure B. Read the questions
3. Instruments C. Answer the test
III. Results
IV. Discussion, Summary,
Conclusions, Recommendations
General Principles in Outlining
1. Parallelism – Nouns should be
made parallel with nouns, verbs
with verbs; This will enable the
reader to recognize similarity and
function. This will enable the
outline to be expressed in parallel
sentence structure.
2. Coordination – Items of equal
significance in the same category

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