5. Make a study on art and its 1. Definition – explaining the
“making” meaning.
6. Introduce the relationship of A. Informal Definition
art and life. B. Formal Definition
(Note: A critique is the paper C. Extended Definition
that exercises the value of a
2. Explication/Explanation – detailed
piece of writing or research
and intense explanation.
while a critic is a person who
writes a critique) Explicating is when you are laying
what the concept.
Steps in Writing a Critique
3. Clarification – checking / ensuring.
1. Analyze the text
General Parts of a Concept Paper
2. Evaluate the text
I. Introduction
3. Describe (Write in standard
essay form) II. Project Description
Parts of a Critique III. Purpose / Rationale
I. Introduction IV. Support / Budget
II. Main body V. Contact Information
Concept Outlining is the process of organizing
idea in a logical way. In writing, it helps
Something conceived in the mind.
the writer what to include and not to
It can be abstract or generic idea
generalized from particular
instance (e.g., the basic concepts Common Outline Patterns
of psychology, the concept of a. Introduction-Body-Conclusion or the
gravity). “ IBC format
Different ways on how we can I. Introduction
elucidate a concept 1. Background
2. Thesis Statement
1. Definition
II. Body
2. Explication/explanation 1. Major Support 1
3. Clarification A. Minor Support
B. Minor Support or label. Subheadings = Arabic
2. Major Support 2 Letters
A. Minor Support 3. Subordination – Thru its most
B. Minor Support important and least important
3. Major Support 3 details, writer should distinguish
A. Minor Support major and minor components of
B. Minor Support the outline.
III. Conclusion 4. Division – Basic rule is to have two
b. Introduction-Methodology-Results- or more parts and this division
Discussion or the IMRD format should be based on the
(usually use in research) rank/level/category.
I. Introduction Example:
1. Background I. Preparing for a Test
2. Research Problem A. Review the lessons
3. Scope and Limitation B. Take down notes
4. Significance of the Study C. Sleep early
D. Have a good breakfast
II. Materials and Methods II. Taking the Test
1. Participants A. Concentrate
2. Procedure B. Read the questions
3. Instruments C. Answer the test
III. Results
IV. Discussion, Summary,
Conclusions, Recommendations
General Principles in Outlining
1. Parallelism – Nouns should be
made parallel with nouns, verbs
with verbs; This will enable the
reader to recognize similarity and
function. This will enable the
outline to be expressed in parallel
sentence structure.
2. Coordination – Items of equal
significance in the same category