RW Reviewer 2nd QTR

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Book review or Article Critique

 Is a specialized form of academic writing in which a reviewer evaluates the contribution

to knowledge of scholarly works such as academic, books, and journal articles.
 It ranges from 250 to 750 words, is not simply a summary.
 It is a critical assessment, analysis, or evaluation of a work.
 It is different from a movie review that you see in newspapers. It addresses more specific
audience and usually offers a critical response to a published scholarly work.
 It do not just share mere opinions; rather, they use both proofs and logical reasoning to
substantiate their opinions. They process ideas and theories revisit and extend ideas in a
specific field of study, and present analytical responses.

Structure of a book review or article critique

Introduction (around 5% of the paper)

 Title of the book/article
 Writer's name
 Writer's thesis statement

Summary (around 10% of the paper)

 Writer's objective or purpose
 Methods used (if applicable)
 Major findings or claims

Review/Critique (in no particular order) (around 70% of the paper)

 Appropriateness of methodology to support the arguments
 Theoretical soundness
 Sufficiency of explanation in relation to other available information and experts
 Sufficiency of explanation( inform and persuade)
 Other perspective in explaining the concept and ideas
 Coherence of ides (based from the evidence)

Conclusion (around 10% of the paper)

 Overall impression (the text is written and easily understandable/ biased/ doesn't have
enough evidence to support the text)
 Scholarly value of the reviewed article/book
 Benefits to the intended audience
 Suggestions for future directions

Literature Review
 A type of academic writing that provides an overview of a specific topic. It surveys
scholarly work such as academic books (but not textbooks), computerized databases,
conference proceedings, dissertations/theses, empirical studies, government reports,
historical records, journal articles, monographs, and statistical handbooks.
 It critically analyzes the relationship among different scholarly works and the current
work. It can be written as a stand-alone paper or as part of a research paper explaining a
theoretical framework and related studies.
 Differences among the sources: (1.) Annotated Bibliography it summarizes the
references and explains how important they are in addressing the research questions. (2.)
Book Review it evaluates a book (3.) Literature Review it reviews a significant number
of scholarly work to identify what is known and not known about a topic.
 Doing a literature review will test your ability to seek literature efficiently and identify
useful scholarly work. It will also test your ability to evaluate studies for their validity and
reliability. Hence, writing a literature review involve research, critical appraisal, and
writing. Everything else included, a student may take 4o hours to finish a well-written
literature review.

Functions of a Literature Review

This type of review has the following roles;
 Justifies a research question, method, or theoretical and conceptual framework
 Establishes the relevance of the topic
 Provides necessary information to better understand a specific topic or study
 Shows reviewers familiarity and mastery of the topic
 Establishes the niche of the study
 Resolves conflict among contradictory studies

Structure of a Literature Review

 Purposes for writing the literature review and the importance of the topic being reviewed
 Scope of the review
 Criteria used for selecting the literature
 Organizational pattern of the review

 Historical background
 Relevant theories
 Relationship between and among the studies and how each study advanced a theory
 Strengths and weaknesses of each paper
 Various viewpoints on the topic

 Restatement of the main argument or thesis
 Main agreements and disagreements in the literature
 If stand-alone paper: conclusions, implications, and direction for future studies
 If part of a thesis or research paper: linking of the literature review to the research
 Overall perspective on the topic
Research report
 Is an expanded paper that represents interpretations and analyses of a phenomenon
based on experiments and previous information so that readers can better understand it.
It is a laborious work produced through formal investigation and scientific inquiry.

Parts of a research report

Title page
 It contains an informative title that describes the content of the paper, the name of the
author/s, addresses or affiliations, and date of submission. Examples of an informative
title are the following: (a.) Effects of Facebook on the Academic Achievement of First
Year students (b.) Development and Validation of a Software for Detecting

 Contains the summary of the research findings and conclusions. It briefly presents the
context of the study, research questions or objectives, methodology, major findings,
conclusions, and sometimes implications. An abstract does not contain any citation or a
great deal of statistical results. Its length ranges from 100 to 250 words.

 Explains the current state of the field and identifies research gasps. It is also the part
where the research focus is presented by addressing the identified gaps in the topic. It
puts the research topic in context. It is usually three to five paragraphs long.

Literature review
 Contains the summary and synthesis of all available sources directly related to the study.
In a research report, the literature review is divided into two sections: related concepts
and related studies.
 Related concepts present some of the fundamental concepts needed by the readers to
better understand the study. Concepts and theories are defined, explained, and
described. Unlike related concepts, related studies are based on previously conducted
studies directly related to the paper. Both of the related concepts and studies will help
the writer explain the phenomena that may arise in the study.
 This section ends with a paragraph that synthesizes all of the studies presented and puts
the study in context. Hence, the last paragraph may include the topic and specific
research problems. The length may range from two to three pages. Note that in some
cases, the literature review is integrated in the introduction section.
 Describes how the experiments or tests in the research were conducted. It presents the
context within which the study was conducted, the participants, the instruments used,
data gathering procedure, and the data analysis.
 I n discussing the context of the study and the participants, the number and the
demographic profiles of the participants are explained as well as the place where the
study was conducted.
 The discussion of the instrument used presents the tools in gathering data. These tools
may be in the form of a questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, survey, and
tests, among others. All of the instruments used should be described in detail, along with
the explanation of how they were validated. The data gathering section presents the
details on how the data were collected while the data analysis section presents how the
data were analyzed, either qualitatively (coding scheme) pr quantitatively (statistical
 The past tense is used in writing the methodology

 Factually describes the data gathered and the tables and graphs that summarize the
collected data. Along with the tables and graphs are their respective interpretations. The
flow of the results section should follow the flow of the research
questions/problems/objectives. It is expected that for the research problems or objective,
corresponding results are presented.

 Provides an explanation of all the results in relation to the previous studies presented in
the literature review.
 In this section, the research problems or objectives, as well as the major findings, are
restated in the first paragraph. The succeeding paragraphs should explain whether the
study supports or rejects the previous findings and explain the reasons for this. New
findings uncovered in the research should also be stated. Similar to the flow of the
results, the discussion part follows the flow of the research problems or objectives.

 Contains the restatement of the major findings, the limitations of the study, the
recommendations, and the implications. Note that in some cases, the conclusion is
integrated into the discussion.

 Contains the different sources used in the study. These may be academic books, journals,
and other online sources. Its format depends on the school, teacher, or filed of study.
Project Proposal
 Is a highly persuasive and informative document that aims to address a particular
problem or issue. It is a bid or offer to initiate a project for an individual or a group. It
usually ranges from 1,000 to 2,500 words depending on the complexity of the project
being proposed.
A good project proposal specifies the following:
(1.) goals and objectives that the project wants to accomplish
(2.) project plan that details on how the set goals and objectives will be
(3.) financial, human (e.g., experts, consultants), and technical (e.g., equipment and
facilities) resources useful in implementing the project
(4.) budget that specifies how much money is needed and for what purpose it will be
 Persuasive and informative

Types of Project proposal

1. Solicited Internal
 It is used when the target reader is within the organization
 It responds to a specific request within the organization
 The problem has been identified within the organization and the decision to solve it has
been made

2. Unsolicited internal
 It is used when the target reader is within the organization
 It is a self-initiated proposal that no one asked for
 The target reader has not yet identified that a problem exists within the organization;
hence, no decision has been made to solve the problem

3. Solicited external
 It is used when the target reader is not within the organization
 It responds to a specific request from someone who is not within the company
 The problem has been identified and the decision to solve it has been made

4. Unsolicited external
 It is used when the target reader is not within the organization
 It is a self-initiated proposal that no one asked for
 The target reader has not yet identified that a problem exists; hence, no decision has
been made to solve the problem.
Parts of a project proposal

1. Cover letter
 Introduces the proposal to the reader
 States the project proposal title, date the proposal was requested (if solicited), general
purpose and scope of the proposal, and acknowledgement of people who have
contributed to the completion of the proposal
 Includes the highlights of the proposal and directs the readers to these highlights

2. Title page
 Includes the project title that is concise and informative
 Includes the lead organization, place and date of project, client's or donor's name,
proponent's name and the department or organization he/she represents, and date of

3. Abstract or executive summary

 Includes the objectives, implementing organization, major project activities, and total
project cost
 Usually composed of 200 to 250 words and highlights only the major points; some
abstracts may be longer depending on the culture of the finding agency
 Uses a paragraph format (your objective must be SMART)

4. Context of the proposal

 Describes the socio-economic, cultural, and political background in which the proposal is
 Presents data collected from other sources that are relevant to the planning stage

5. Project justification
 Provides a rationale for the project
 Includes a problem statement that specifies the problem addressed by the project
 Specifies the target group's needs that arise from the adverse effect of the described
 Presents the approach or strategy that will be used to address to the problem
 Describes the capability of the implementing organization or group by stating its track
 Note: when writing this section, justify why your organization or group is the best group
to implement the project.

6. Personnel involved
 Lists of the people involved in the project, their corresponding roles, and their summary
of qualifications
7. Project implementation
 Is divided into an activity plan which specifies the schedule of activities and a resource
plan which specifies the items needed to implement the project
 Describes the activities and resource allocation in detail, as well as the person in charge
of executing the activities
 Indicates the time and place of activities

8. Budget
 Presents the expected income and expenses over a specified time period
 Itemizes the budget

9. Monitoring and evaluation

 Specifies when and how the team will monitor the progress of the project
 Specifies the method for monitoring and evaluation
 Specifies the personnel in charge of monitoring and evaluation

10. Reporting scheme

 Specifies the schedule for reporting the finances and progress of the project

11. Conclusion
 Briefly describes the project, the problem it addresses, and its benefits to all stakeholders
through a summary
 Directs the readers back to the good features of the project
 Urges the readers to contact the proponent to work out the details of the project

12. References
 List all the references used in drafting the project proposal using the format required by
the funding agency( to support the project)

Guidelines in preparing for a project proposal

1. Decide what the problem is and prepare a rough idea on how this problem can be
2. Develop or select a framework that will help you organize your ideas systematically
3. Identify your specific activities, outputs, resources, and methodologies
4. Build your project proposal team and appoint a project leader who is responsible for
coordinating activities and communicating with the funding agency
5. Identify the organization that will probably find your project. These can be government
agencies, non-governmental organizations, private companies, and foundations, and
international funding agencies.
6. Hold an initial meeting with your team to discuss the plans in preparing the project
7. Allot sufficient time for planning
8. Involve all the team members by assigning specific responsibilities to them
9. Be realistic with your project proposal. Make sure that your objectives and activities are
within the given time and resources
10. Contact the funding agency if some items and requirements are not clear to you
11. Always put yourself in the shoes of the receiver of the project proposal

Guidelines in writing a project proposal

1. The title page must be unnumbered but it is considered page i; the back page of the
title page is unnumbered as well; but is it considered page ii. The abstract, which
follows after the title page, is considered page 1 and must already be numbered
2. Do not use abbreviations in the title page
3. Attach the curriculum vitae of the personnel who are part of the team
4. In the project implementation section, use a Gantt chart for presenting timeframe
5. Write the abstract only after your have completed the report
6. Study other successful proposals that are similar to yours
7. Be factual but use technical terms sparingly
8. Choose a reader-friendly format
9. Use action words to make your proposal more dynamic
10. Identify the problem and decide how to address the problem

Position paper
 Is a type of academic writing that represents one's stand or viewpoint on a particular
 The main objective of writing a position paper is to take part in a larger debate by
stating your arguments and proposed course of action

Parts of a position paper

1. Introduction
 Uses a lead that grabs the attention of readers
 Defines the issue and provide a thorough background
 Provides a general statement of your position through a thesis statement

2. Body
 States your main arguments and provide sufficient evidence (e.g., statistics, interview
with experts, and testimonies) for each argument
 Provides counterarguments against possible weaknesses of your arguments

3. Conclusion
 Restates your position and main arguments
 Suggests a course of action
 Explains why your position is better than any position
 Ends with a powerful closing statement (e.g., a quotation, a challenge, or a question)

Choosing an Issue
1. The issue should be debatable. You cannot take any position if the topic is not debatable
2. The issue should not be current and relevant
3. The issue should be written in a question form and answerable by yes or no
4. The issue should be specific and manageable

Guidelines in writing a position paper

1. Begin the writing process with an in-depth research about the issue at hand
2. Be aware of the various positions about the issue and explain and analyze them
3. Reflect on your position and identify its weaknesses
4. Establish your credibility by citing reliable sources
5. Present a unique way of approaching the issue
6. Limit your position paper to two pages
7. Analyze your target readers and align your arguments to their beliefs, needs, interests,
and motivations
8. Summarize the other side's counterarguments and refute them with evidence.
9. Define unfamiliar terms at first mention
10. Use an active voice as much as possible. This will make your tone dynamic and firm.
11. Arrange your evidence logically using an inductive or deductive approach
12. Check your paper for fallacies and revise accordingly
13. Use ethical, logical, and emotional appeals. Ethical appeals relate to your credibility and
competence as a writer; logical appeal refers to the rational approach in developing an
argument; emotional appeals pertain to feelings evoked during arguments. Make sure to check
your appeals to ensure that they are not fallacious.

Business Letters
 An effective business letter elicits the expected response from the readers. This
can be achieved through a concise, tactful, and accurate writing style. A business
letter serves several purposes: for sales efforts, for complaints, for information
dissemination, for relationship building, for problem-solving, and many others.
 Identifies the writer, her/his address, and contact numbers
 Is placed between the letterhead and the inside address
Inside address
 Identifies the reader's name, position and company, and address; it is placed
immediately below the date
Attention line
 Is used when the writer wishes to address the whole company but wants to bring It to
the attention of a particular person in the company. Two formats: Attention Dr. Gilda
Cores & Attention: Dr. Gilda Cores
 Refers to the writer's greeting to the reader. Three formats: Dear Sir: , Sir: , Dear Mr.
 Contains the message of the letter. Paragraphs are single-spaced internally bit double-
spaced to separate paragraphs. If the letter is too short, the body can be double-spaced
and triple-spaced from separate paragraphs.
Complimentary close
 Refers to the expression used to end a letter. Highly formal: respectfully yours,
respectfully, very respectfully. Polite and formal: very truly yours, yours very truly,
yours truly. Less formal: sincerely yours, yours, cordially yours. Informal and
Friendly: as ever, best regards, kindest regards, regards.
Signature block
 Includes the signature and typed name of the sender. The typed name can be in all caps .
Identification initials
 Indicates the typist's initials if the sender is not the one who personally typed of the
Enclosure notation
 Are the attachments to the letter. Three formats: Enclosures (2), enclosure, enc./encl.
Copy notation
 Indicates the name of the secondary recipients of the letter. It is indicated by cc: which
means carbon copy or courtesy copies.

Three formats of a business letter

1. Full block
 Most commonly used format
2. Modified block
 Another widely used format
3. Semiblock
 Least used style

Guidelines in writing a letter

1. As with the other texts, use correct format, punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
2. Present your ideas clearly by using a language appropriate for the target readers
3. Arrange your ideas logically
4. Use an active voice as much as possible. Apply a direct but tactful tone.
5. Focus on the readers by using the "you" approach; this means writing in such as way that
you are talking directly to the reader
6. Specify the name of the receiver of the letter. However, if it is impossible to get the name
of the receiver, use a generic title (e.g., Dear Sales Director)
7. Leave three to five blank lines for a signature before typing your name
8. Neve ruse plain numerals for dates as it may create confusion. Instead, using 01/02/16,
use January 2, 2016 or January 2016.

 Comes from the Latin term memorare means "to remember"
 It is commonly shortened to "memo", is meant to inform as well as to persuade people within
an organization. It follows an inverted pyramid structure which means that the most important
information comes first.

Advantages of using a Memo

1. It reaches a large number of readers at the same time.
2. It serves as a written record that can be accessed any time.
3. It allows a detailed and accurate delivery of the message.
Parts of a Memo

1. Letterhead
 Identifies the company, address, and contact numbers

2. Date line
 Serve as chronological record for reference purposes

3. To line
 Indicates the name and the title of the receiver

4. Attention line
 Is used when the writer wishes to address the whole company but wants to bring it to
the attention of a particular person in the company. Two formats: Attention Dr. Gilda
Cores or Attention: Dr. Gilda Cores

5. From line
 Indicates the name of the sender. The sender should affix his initials on the right side of
her/his name for verification purposes.

6. Subject line
 Announces the main content or topic of the memo. Subject is more preferred than the
old term Re.

7. Body
 Contains the message of the memo
 Paragraphs are single-spaced internally but double-spaced to separate paragraphs. If the
memo is very short, the body can be double-spaced and triple-spaced to separate
 Paragraphs in the memo are not indented
 When discussing a number of subtopics, a topic heading may be used so that the
readers can quickly locate information. Never indent the first line of each paragraph
 If the memo exceeds one page, begin the following page with recipient's name, date and
page number, which are placed three lines from the top of the page. For example: Mr.
Roxas, July 14, 2016, page 2

8. Identification initials
 Indicates the typist's initials if the sender is not the one who personally typed the

9. Enclosure notation
 Are the attachments to the memo. It can be written in the following formats: Enclosures
(2), enclosure, enc./encl.

10. Copy notation

 Indicates the name of the secondary recipients of the letter. It is indicated by cc: which
means carbon copy or courtesy copies.

Guidelines in writing a memo

1. Use the correct format and standard use of language

2. Use a bullet or numbered list to enumerate information
3. Use a positive and concise wording, as well as active verbs.
4. Use headings to highlight topics
5. Check for and remove grammatical and typographical errors
6. Sign beside your typed name (sender)
7. Flush left the To, From, Date, and Subject lines
8. Conclude the memo simply by saying Thank you or a directive action (e.g., For your
compliance, For your immediate action)
9. Never use plain numerals for dates as it may create confusion. Instead of using 01/02/17,
use January 2, 2017 or January 2017

Five types of memo:

1. Instruction memo
 Provides the information needed by the readers to accurately perform directions. As an
example is one which directs employees how to have their annual check up at the
company clinic.

2. Request memo
 Asks readers to provide certain information or to take certain actions. An example of this
memo is one which requests a fund for a seminar

3. Announcement memo
 Provides information about an event, person, or thing. An example of this memo is one
which announces the arrival of a new employee.

4. Transmittal memo
 Serves as a cover note for a more formal or lengthy document. An example of this memo
is one wherein the sender is transmitting an annual report to the board of directors.

5. Authorization memo
 Gives permission. An example of this memo is when an employee is allowed to have a
different schedule so she may study on Saturdays.

Electronic mail
 More commonly known as e-mail, has been vital part of our everyday communication
since its inception. We use it to send messages to everyone, from friends and family to
colleagues and superiors. Indeed, the e-mail has revolutionized interpersonal
 It can be used for directives, transmittals, documentations, confirmations, explanations of
procedure, recommendations, status reports, and inquiries.
Advantages of communicating through e-mail
1. It reaches the target reader fast
2. Confirmation of acceptance is easy
3. It is cheaper and easy to use
4. Original messages can be easily attached via thread
5. It is environment-friendly because it requires no paper
6. It has an automated e-mail feature that notifies the sender if the receiver is on vacation
or will not be able to access his/her e-mail as soon as possible.

Guidelines in Writing an E-mail

1. Reflect if sending an e-mail is the best mode of correspondence compared to a face-to-
face meeting, phone conversation, or memo.
2. Connect the subject line to your reader's needs and interests. Readers often deleted
messages solely based on the subject line
3. Do not change the subject line when you reply to an e-mail
4. Make the subject line short and simple, but also specific. Instead of using "Schedule", use
"Adjustment in Seminar schedule"
5. The to line should only contain the names of the primary readers. Secondary readers
must be placed in the cc line
6. Be accurate in typing the e-mail addresses of the recipients
7. Keep the messages brief and straightforward
8. Never publish an e-mail without the permission of the creator
9. State your business in the first sentence of the text
10. State both your sent and received messages in folders using descriptive names )e.g.,
trainings, directives, minutes)
11. Use a standard memo format. Moreover, never capitalize all the letters of your text
12. If the message is important, try composing it first using a word processor
13. Although an e-mail is less formal than a memo or a letter, maintain professionalism
when writing one. Be careful in using emoticons and informal Internet jargon like LOL
and BRB.
14. If attaching a file, make the filename of attached document meaningful. For instance,
instead of using "jsbletter" use "jessiebarrot-coverletter"
15. If your e-mail has an attachment, be sure that it is accurate and can be easily
downloaded or accessed by the receiver.
College admission application letter
 Shows your interest in the university while justifying why you are qualified at the same
time. It also serves as a cover letter for all your other college admission documents. As
with any other correspondence, it follows a standard letter format. Generally, a college
admission application letter presents your academic qualifications, accomplishments,
and reasons for applying for admission.

Parts of a college admission application letter

1. State who you are and what you are applying for
2. State an eye-catching statement about yourself that will cause the reader to continue
reading your qualifications
3. Show your enthusiasm to study in the university you are applying to

1. Present your academic qualifications, extracurricular involvement, community activity
engagements, and some personal qualities with specific evidence
2. Organize your thoughts and segregate them into paragraphs. You may separate
paragraphs by them (one paragraph for academic qualification and one for
extracurricular activities)
3. State the benefits the university can obtain by admitting you. Do not just give facts;
explain how these facts will benefit the university.

1. Indicate your interest for an interview
2. Indicate how the interviewer can contact you
3. Express your hope for a positive response from the Admission Director
4. Say thank you

Job application letter

 Or cover letter is a type of personal business correspondence which states your intention
to work in a particular organization.
 A cover letter can be response to a job advertisement, an unsolicited inquiry to a
prospective employer as part of your direct mail strategy.

Parts of a cover letter

1. Introduce yourself and state your purpose in writing to the receiver
2. Indicate your source of information in learning about the job vacancy. Was it through a
newspaper, magazine, the Internet, or personal contract?
3. Add an interesting statement about yourself that will cause the reader to continue
reading your credentials. "What kind of employee are you"
4. Show your enthusiasm to work in the company. "It would be an honor to work on this

1. Present your work experience, academic qualifications, training and some personal
qualities with specific evidence
2. Organize your paragraphs accordingly. You may segregate by theme (one paragraph for
work experience and one for education) or by function (management, financial, technical)
3. Explain the benefits to the employers if they hire you. Do not simply give facts; explain
how these facts will contribute to the company.
4. For your instance, instead of merely telling the company about all the trainings you had,
you may say, "I have training in copyediting. You will save both time and money because
I will need little training on this area"
5. In the last part of the body, refer the reader to a specific part of the resume that
suggests your strongest credentials for the position.

1. Indicate your interest for an interview at a time most convenient to the employer. If
required, specify the time you are available for an interview.
2. Indicate how the interviewer can contact you
3. Express an expectation of a positive response from the employer
4. Thank the employer

Format and Mechanics

1. Use letter-sized bond paper; limit the letter to one to two pages (short + bond paper, 8.5
x 11/A4)
2. Always sign the letter
3. Use a letterhead which includes your full name, address, phone number, and email
4. Use a business letter format (block, full bloc, semi-block, or simplified)
5. Use 1-to 1.5-inch margin on all sides
6. Do not cram the text at the upper half or lower half of the page. Be sure to have
appropriate page fill. (balance every spacing)
7. Use white or off-white paper
8. Use a font size of at least 10 points and maximum of 12. "Times new roman/Arial"

 A tool that summarizes your skills, educational background, experiences, and other
qualifications. It is also called curriculum vitae, a latin word of "course of life" but this
is more detailed type of resume.
 It can be considered a sales tool in the sense that it helps ypu market your skills to a
prospective employer, in the same manner that a product is advertized in a magazine.

Components of a Resume:
Contact Information
 Include your name, address, contact number, and e-mail address. Make sure your e-mail
address is professional; you can opt to create a new email address for job applications.
Refrain from using juvenile e-mail addresses.
 Don't include martial status, height, weight, religion, name of parents, and color of eyes
and hair. These pieces of information do not have much relevance to your credentials.
 Increase the font size of your name and write it in bold face for emphasis. You may use
font size 15 for your name and font size 13 for your address and contact details.

Summary of qualifications
 Use this when you have at least five years of professional experience
 It should consist of one to four string sentences that will highlight your experiences and
 It should be written in the third person and in active voice
Example: fifteen years of teaching experience in the tertiary level and with strong rapport
with professional organizations and practitioners. Trained more than 1,000 teachers across
the country.

Objective statement
 It is an optional part of the resume that includes job title, function, industry, and what
you can offer for the company
 Objective statement is appropriate for recent graduates
Example: seeking an associate editor position in a top publishing company such as C&E
publishing where my expertise in textbook editing will be employed
 Reflect "what can I give in the company?"

Employment History
 Never put anything that is not a hundred percent true
 Begin with the most recent experience
 Each job mentioned must include the name and the address of the employer, the
inclusive dates (month and year), and brief job description
 Do not use many adjectives and superlatives, as well as jargon
 If your job responsibilities are similar in more than one job, put the details in the most
recent one. Responsibilities need not be written in complete sentences.
 Do not state your past and present salary. Reserve it for the final interview.
 Do not clutter your text. Use generous spacing and bullet lists.
 Use present tense active verbs for current jobs and past tense active verbs for past jobs.
 Start with the most educational attainment
 Include the name and address of the school, years attended or year of graduation,
degree, and specialization. You may start with the name of the school if it is very
 Omit high school educational background after a year of graduating from college
 Include your GPA if it is at least 3.0 of 4.0 (2.0 of 1.0 in other schools)
 List academic honors, scholarships, and extracurricular activities

 Show your skills through past events
 Be clear with your strengths and communicate them well
 Include the transferable skills, such as the following: managerial skills (motivates
others to reach team goals), professional qualities (understands professional and
technical aspects of work), personal qualities (adapts to changing demands and
conditions), entrepreneurial qualities (understands commercial) and (business

 If no training experience, skip/write your training immersion
 Include only trainings that have a bearing on the job position you are applying for
 Include the title of the training, organizer, date, and venue
 Start with the most recent training

 Include professional and civic affiliations. As much as possible, do not include religious
and political organizations unless you are applying for a job that requires such affiliation.
 Include the name of the organizations, your position, and inclusive dates
 Start with the most recent affiliation

Professional licensure and certifications

 Include the name of certification, rating (optional for low ratings), date issued, and place
of issuance

Honors and awards

 List your recognized achievements
 Never list achievements that have nothing to do with work
 Include the title of the award or honor, inclusive date, sponsor or award-giving
References and signature
 Preferably, the list of references should not be included in the resume. Simply state
"references available upon request"
 If you decide to put them, do not exceed to three references. Include their name,
position, company, and contact details (preferably the business contact details)
 You do not have to sign your resume

 One offshoot of a traditional resume is the electronic resume. They have the same
content and format but an e-resume is a softcopy which can be viewed on screen, stored
in a hard drive, sent over the Internet, searched for keywords, and manipulated into
other types of documents.
 Compared to traditional resume's, e-resumes can be accessed faster than a printed
resume. It is also cost-efficient on the part of both the employer and job seekers since e-
resumes can be sent through the Internet and can be stored, sorted, and searched at
minimum cost

Functions of a resume
1. It informs the employers of the skills that you can bring to the company
2. It shows how qualified you are for the job
3. It functions as a persuasive document which allows you to proceed to the next stage of
the recruitment process, the interview.

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