EAPP 1st QTR, LP6 Approaches To Literary Criticism

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Learning Area Grade Level GRADE 11
Date Semester FIRST Section
Content Standard The learner understands the principles and uses of a reaction paper/ review/ critique.
Performance Standard The learner produces an objective assessment of an event, a person, a place or a thing,
writes a comprehensive review /reaction paper
 Performance Arts, Play, Dance, Sports, etc.
 Film
 Participation in a religious or community festival
 Art Exhibit critiques designs such as industrial design objects or craft objects,
furniture, fashion designs based on a set criteria critiques graphic
Learning Competencies • Form opinions based on facts (CS-EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-f-11),
• Cite specific sources to support claim (CS-EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-f-12),
• Use appropriate language for a specific discipline (CS-EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-f-14),
• Raise legitimate, contrary views in an appropriate manner (CS-EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-f-15), and
• Use appropriate critical approaches in writing a critique such as formalism (CS-EN11/12A-
Differentiate the different approaches in literary criticism.
Learning Outcomes Skills Write objective assessments.
Attitude Express ideas in appropriate language and manner
Materials Needed Projector, laptop
References English for Academic and Professional Purposes;
·Self-Learning Modules (English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 – Module
·Learning Activity Sheet
A. Reviewing past lesson or You have learned the following important points in this lesson:
presenting the new lesson 1. Opinions must be based on facts to make it objective or not biased.
(Warm Up, Check for 2. Sources must be cited to support the claims given.
Understanding and 3. Ideas should be presented in an organized way.
Activate Prior 4. To convince your readers, opinions and facts must be well-written.
B. Establishing a purpose Look at this dialogue. Answer the questions that follow. Write your answer in your activity
for the lesson (Learning notebook.
Intention and Lesson
C. Presenting Examples/ When you express your views, it is also important to use appropriate language for a specific
instances of the new discipline. There are terms that you should prefer to put in your writing depending on the field
lesson (I Do It) or context you are in.
For example, if you are to convince people who are experts in the field of Science and
Mathematics, you need to use their language. Here are examples of terms that you can use in
the following disciplines.

D. Discussing new concepts You should be formal and use technical terms that are familiar to them. However, if your
and practicing new skills #.1. audience is the public, you also need to use the language they know. Do not use those that are
(I Do It) not common to them.

Avoid jargons or technical words and slang or invented words. You can be informal when
necessary. However, you must never forget to be POLITE to avoid having future problems.

Learning appropriate language and manner is not enough in expressing your views. There are
critical approaches that you can use to make it more convincing and appropriate.

Read about the critical approaches. You can highlight some important ideas. You can use
these in expressing your views.

1. Formalist Criticism
- This approach regards literature as “a unique form of human knowledge that needs to be
examined on its own terms.” All the elements necessary for understanding the work are
contained within the work itself. Of particular interest to the formalist critic are the elements of
form—style, structure, tone, imagery, etc.— that are found within the text. A primary goal for
formalist critics is to determine how such elements work together with the text’s content to
shape its effects upon readers.

2. Gender Criticism
- This approach “examines how sexual identity influences the creation and reception of literary
works.” Originally an offshoot of feminist movements, gender criticism today includes a
number of approaches, including the so-called “masculinist” approach recently advocated by
poet Robert Bly. The bulk of gender criticism, however, is feminist and takes as a central
precept that the patriarchal attitudes that have dominated western thought have resulted,
consciously or unconsciously, in literature “full of unexamined ‘male-produced’ assumptions.”
Feminist criticism attempts to correct this imbalance by analyzing and combatting such
attitudes—by questioning, for example, why none of the characters in Shakespeare’s play
Othello ever challenge the right of a husband to murder a wife accused of adultery. Other
goals of feminist critics include “analyzing how sexual identity influences the reader of a text”
and “examining how the images of men and women in imaginative literature reflect or reject
the social forces that have historically kept the sexes from achieving total equality.”

3. Historical Criticism
- This approach “seeks to understand a literary work by investigating the social, cultural, and
intellectual context that produced it—a context that necessarily includes the artist’s biography
and milieu.” A key goal for historical critics is to understand the effect of a literary work upon
its original readers.

4. Reader-Response Criticism
- This approach takes as a fundamental tenet that “literature” exists not as an artifact upon a
printed page but as a transaction between the physical text and the mind of a reader. It attempts
“to describe what happens in the reader’s mind while interpreting a text” and reflects that
reading, like writing, is a creative process.

5. Media Criticism
- It is the act of closely examining and judging the media. When we examine the media and
various media stories, we often find instances of media bias. Media bias is the perception that
the media is reporting the news in a partial or prejudiced manner. Media bias occurs when the
media seems to push a specific viewpoint, rather than reporting the news objectively. Keep in
mind that media bias also occurs when the media seems to ignore an important aspect of the
story. This is the case in the news story about the puppies.
6. Marxist Criticism
- It focuses on the economic and political elements of art, often emphasizing the ideological
content of literature; because Marxist criticism often argues that all art is political, either
challenging or endorsing (by silence) the status quo, it is frequently evaluative and judgmental,
a tendency that “can lead to reductive judgment, as when Soviet critics rated Jack London
better than William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Edith Wharton, and Henry James, because
he illustrated the principles of class struggle more clearly.” Nonetheless, Marxist criticism
“can illuminate political and economic dimensions of literature other approaches overlook.”

7. Structuralism
- It focused on how human behavior is determined by social, cultural and psychological
structures. It tended to offer a single unified approach to human life that would embrace all
disciplines. The essence of structuralism is the belief that “things cannot be understood in
isolation, they have to be seen in the context of larger structures which contain them. For
example, the structuralist analysis of Donne’s poem, Good Morrow, demands more focus on
the relevant genre, the concept of courtly love, rather than on the close reading of the formal
elements of the text.
E. Discussing new concepts Directions: Summarize what you have read by completing the table with what you
and practicing new skills understood.
no.2 (We Do It)

F. Developing Mastery Since you have learned that it is important to use appropriate language, you can already
(You Do It) express your ideas appropriately.

Let us try to use appropriate language and manner in raising our contrary views
about the issue on “Teenage Pregnancy.”

Target Audience: Students aged 13-19

Purpose: State your views about the issue
Language: Formal and Simple so that the target audience can easily
understand it

Write your stand about the issue and consider the given information. Use terms that are
familiar to students like you. Remember also to apply what you learned in lesson 1. Use your
activity notebook.
G. Finding practical Activities 1-3 gave you an idea about the manner and approaches to use in expressing views.
application of concepts Let us learn more about this skill by reading a text which is an excerpt of the homily of the
and skills in daily living Catholic Archbishop of Manila, Jaime Cardinal Sin, DD. (page 25-27 of EAPP Quarter 1 –
(You Do It) Module 3)

Ang Bayan Muna Bago ang Sarili

(An excerpt)
by Jaime Cardinal Sin, DD
(at the Mass celebrating the 5th Death Anniversary of Ninoy Aquino)

Answer the questions given:

1. Did the author use language that you understood? Why do you say so?
2. What critical approach did he use? Explain why you think that is the approach.
3. Do you agree with the author or not? Why or why not?
H. Making Generalization single, central
and abstraction about the You have learned the following important points in this lesson:
lesson (Review Critical 1.Onemustuseappropriatelanguageforaspecificdiscipline.
Content) 2.It is important to raise legitimate, contrary views in an appropriate manner.
3.There are different critical approaches that you can apply when making a critique and you
need also to apply the appropriate critical approach in your critique.
I. Evaluating learning (You Directions: One of the best practices of an effective
Do It) writer is to write an exact thesis statement that leads to a
good composition. Your final task is to write an essay that
requires a thesis statement to provide a specific focus and
suggest how the essay will be organized.
Here is a rubric to evaluate your essay.
Write your critique of the homily. Be sure to use appropriate language, manner and one critical
approach. Your essay will be rated based on the rubrics below.

J. Additional activities for

application and
remediation (Closure)


Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II School Principal III

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