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English for Academic

and Professional
Quarter 1 – Module 5:
Writing the Concept Paper

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
SHS English or Academic and Professional Purposes
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 5: Writing a Concept Paper
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module:

Evaluators: Ryan Dela Cruz, Jonafe Salvador Dalumangcad, Jeanne T. Walid

Writers: Angel Rose Marie L. Ybaňez, Ma-an C. Actub, Maryjane C. Mccary,

Kimberly C. Magaway, Carmy V. Macua, Lianne L. Mutia, Marylene C.
Tizon, Diocesa V. Montecalvo, Cirila C. Natividad

Illustrator: Ryan Z. Roa

Layout & Design Evaluator: Allan H. Guibone

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English for Academic
and Professional
Quarter 1 - Module 5:
Writing the Concept Paper
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-
check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust
that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they
can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests.
And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module is solely prepared for you to access and acquire lessons befitted in your
grade level. The exercises, drills and assessments are carefully made to suit your level of
understanding. Concepts like the structure, language used from various disciplines, ideas
contained in various academic texts, knowledge of the text structure to glean information that
is needed, various techniques, and outlining reading text in various disciplines are discussed
in the following lessons:

• Lesson 1 – Concept paper and its parts

• Lesson 2 – Ways in presenting a concept

To accomplish the desired performance stated, please be guided with the

following learning competencies as anchor:
• Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition,
explication and clarification
• Compare and contrast various kinds of concept papers:
a. Arts b. Business c. Law d. Philosophy
e. Politics f. Religion g. Science h. Sports
i. TechVoc
- Home Economics
- Agri-Fishery
- IA
• Presents a novel or project with accompanying visuals/graphic aids

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Define concept paper;
2. Identify the different elements in writing a concept paper;
3. Identify the parts of a concept paper and the importance of each part;
4. Comprehend on the different modes or patters that a concept paper can be explained;
5. Identify situations in which a concept paper may be effectively used on the society;
6. Explain and clarify concepts from different fields of specialization;
7. Write a concept paper on a specific topic related to your strand; and
8. Create a video where a concept paper is presented using visual/graphic aids.

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
What I Know
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Neatly and legibly, write the letter of your
answer on a clean recycled sheet of paper.

1. It refers to a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is important,
and how it will be carried out.
A. Position paper C. Research paper
B. Concept paper D. Thesis

2. Advantages of writing a concept paper include

A. You may be able to organize your ideas
B. It gives an opportunity to stand out and receive a positive response from reviewers
C. You are sure to get funding
D. ‘A’ and ‘B’

3. Which of the following is NOT true about references in the concept paper?
A. We can cite references in Introduction and Methods section
B. It is important to write references following standard guidelines
C. Statements should be linked to references
D. We can have as many references as possible

4. How many important parts that you need to consider in writing a concept paper in academic research?
A. 2 C. 4
B. 6 D. 7

5. Which part of the concept paper that can be written in question form?
A. Title C. Purpose of the Study
B. Introduction D. Objectives of the Study

6. Which part of the concept paper that describes about the current issue of your study?
A. Background C. Introduction
B. Purpose of the Study D. Methodology

7. Which of the following is NOT included in developing the paragraph of writing the concept
A. labelling C. definition
B. explication D. explanation

8. This mode of presenting the concept uses examples to develop the ideas in the
A. labelling C. definition
B. explication D. explanation

9. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence definition?
A. To present the unique qualities of a term.
B. To recognize it from the other terms.
C. To be different in some terms.
D. None of the above

10. Which section of the concept paper that states the process of how you will conduct the
research project?
A. Objectives of the Study C. Proposed Research Timeline
B. Purpose of the Study D. Methodology

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
Concept paper and its parts
What Is It
Concept paper is an academic paper which tells about a brief summary of a certain
research project, its importance and how it will be carried out. The main purpose of writing a
concept paper is to convince your reader that your proposed research project is worth doing.

There are many types of concept paper such as discussions, business projects,
commentaries, and academic research. The structure of the paper depends mainly on the type
of concept paper that the author or writer wants to write.

In this module, we will focus on writing a concept paper for academic research.

Seven important aspects to consider when writing a concept paper in academic


1. Title – this can be best presented in a question form.

2. Introduction – this is the brief overview of the topic or issue you wish to study.

3. Background - This section describes the current condition of the field you're researching,
including the knowledge and issues that the study will address. You can also include the
reason why you want to investigate or study the topic.

4. Preliminary Literature review - In this section, you will write related studies and papers
that will support your research topic.

5. Methodology – This section contains the data analysis system, data gathering procedure,
instruments to be utilized or used, and participants of the study.

6. Timelines - provide a reasonable and achievable timeline for your project.

7. References – provides all the list of all sources of your research such as books, journals,
and other resources cited in your paper. You may use American Psychological Association
(APA), Modern Language Association (MLA) and the Chicago style.

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
What’s More
Activity 1: Is TRUE or FALSE?
Directions: Write T if the statement is CORRECT and F if it is NOT. Write your
answer in a separate sheet required by your teacher.

______ 1. In writing a concept paper, one should have a background knowledge

about the topic.
______ 2. The title should be the last part that you are going to write in your concept
______ 3. You don’t need to recognize the source when writing your concept
______ 4. You can have as many references as possible in your concept paper.
______ 5. Each part of a concept paper is important and needs to be included in
your writing.

Activity 2: Explain it!

Directions: Explain each part of the concept paper in your own words. Limit your answer from
1-2 sentences only. Each item will have an equivalent score of five (5) points.
Write your answer in a separate sheet required by your teacher.

1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Background
4. Preliminary Literature Review
5. Methodology
6. Timelines
7. References

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
What I Have Learned

The concept paper is a type of academic writing in which a writer can express his/her
ideas on a certain topic, research, or certain issues. This paper is composed of three parts,
mainly; Introduction, Body and Conclusion that contribute to the development of your paper.
The main goal of concept paper is to present or explain a certain idea objectively.


What I want to say about the lesson:


What I found out:


CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5

2 Ways in Explaining a Concept

What Is It

A concept paper may be explained through different modes or patterns. This may be
in the form of definition, explication, and explanation.

1. Definition
- It is a technique for recognizing a phrase and clarifying its meaning; its
primary goal is to clarify and explain concepts, ideas, and issues.

Three ways in presenting definition:

a. Formal definition– Explains a term by clarifying where it originates from and the
characteristic that distinguishes it from others. This can be done also through term,
class, and distinguishing features.
Below is the diagram presentation on formal definition.

Term Class

is rich with vitamin

Orange is a type of fruit C and antioxidant.

b. Informal definition – It is done through brief explanation. It only includes the

term to be defined and its class.
Below is the diagram presentation on informal definition.

Term Class

is a piece of
A chair

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
c. Extended definition – It consists of at least one paragraph with a detailed
description and facts.
Signal Words for Definition:
➢ as defined, for example, for instance, is defined as, means, such as, to

2. Explication
- It is an explanation method in which words, verses, quotes, or
paragraphs are taken for a literary or academic work and then
interpreted and described in detail.
3. Clarification
- It is a method in which the points are organized from a broad abstract
concept to more specific and particular details.
Signal Words

➢ After all, as an example, for instance, in other words, in particular,

specifically, to clarify, to be specific

What’s More

LET’S EVALUATE YOUR LEARNING. For activities, 1.1 to 1.4, neatly and legibly write your
answers on a one whole sheet of paper.

Activity 1.1 Write a formal definition of the following terms:

1. blog

2. smartphone

Activity 1.2 Rewrite the definition below to make them clearer.

1. A guitar is a musical instrument that uses strings to produce sound.


2. Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with processes in the


Activity 1.3

On this activity, you are expected to explain and clarify concepts. You are so lucky
since the composition you are about to read is intriguing and exciting. You’ll enjoy better if you
have a dictionary with you, preferably an English-Tagalog one. Below are questions you must
answer after you read. These will guide you on what focus should you have upon reading the
composition. Have fun and good luck!

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
1. What is the title of the article?
2. What concept is explained in this piece?
3. What mode/pattern is used to explain the concept?
4. Do you agree or disagree on what the author says about the concept? Cite
examples/points made by the author which you are agreeable or disagreeable about.
5. Why do you agree or disagree on them? Cite evidence(s) to support your answer.

Field of Specialization: Law

The Cyber Martial Law: The Plaintiff versus the Netizens of the Philippines
By Kimberly C. Magaway

What will you call a law that threatens to refute one‘s rights to freedom of expression
yet has the concept of protecting it [freedom of expression]? Unconstitutional? Maybe. How
about, a triggering device for netizens to participate in the issues, inside the cyber domain,
From House Bill No. 5808, authored by Representative Susan Yap-Sulit of the second
district of Tarlac and 36 other co-authors, and Senate Bill No. 2976, proposed by Senator
Edgardo Angara, the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 or R.A. No. 10175 existed as
President Benigno Aquino III, shortly after Corona‘s impeachment trial, signed its right for
passage last September 12, 2012 and took effect on October 3, 2012. This law ensures the
use of cyberspace in a responsible manner, as Edwin Lacierda, Presidential spokesperson,
echoed, “…ang sinasabi lang naman ng ating Pangulo is dapat din maging responsable ang
isang tao sa pagsulat sa cyberspace”. However, this law received innumerable protests, not
for its precept of preventing cybercrimes, but on the potential curtailment of the freedom of
expression. Cyberspace, to most Filipino netizens, is the only space where they can freely
express and share their opinions and views honestly and unfazed. On the other hand,
Lacierda, in defense, has said, “May mekanismo for responsibility that accompanies any
freedom, in this case, freedom of expression. We‘ve recognized that there are reasonable
limitations to freedom of expression”.
This Act has 8 chapters and 31 sections. It is addressed to several criminal offenses
such as illegal access, data interference, cybersquatting, cyber fraud, child pornography,
cybersex, spam, libel and so forth. With universal jurisdiction, its provisions apply to all Filipino
nationals regardless of the place of commission. Its jurisdiction also lies when a punishable
act is either committed within the Philippines, whether the erring device is wholly or partly
situated in the Philippines, or whether damage was done to any natural or juridical person who
at the time of commission was within the Philippines. Under the supervision of the Department
of Justice, the Act prompts the creation of a cybercrime unit formed from the National Bureau
of Investigation and the Philippine National Police empowered to exclusively handle cases
violating the Act. Under this unit is the collecting of real-time traffic data from Internet service
providers, require the disclosure of computer data within 72 hours after receipt of a court
warrant from a service provider, conduct searches and seizures of computer data and
equipment and mandates the establishment of special "cybercrime courts" which will handle
cases involving cybercrime offenses (offenses enumerated in Section 4(a) of the Act).
The protests against this act got even louder when some senate officials issued their
counterpoints to the effect of the Act. Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago said that the Act was
unconstitutional particularly on the statement enclosed in the provisions. Thus, she predicted
that the Supreme Court would point its being unconstitutional. She also said that the
construction of the provisions was vague. Other than being unconstitutional, Defensor viewed
the Act as an obstruction to the commerce of free ideas as opposed to the absolute
constitutional provisions stating: No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech.
Since these provisions, as said, hinder the ‘freedom of expression in the Philippine

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
cyberspace, it was already tagged as the Cyber Martial Law. Accordingly, the 13th petition,
filed by the Bayan Muna party-list through Rep. Neri Colmenares, claimed that RA 10175
violates the freedom of expression, due process, equal protection, right to privacy and
correspondence, and the right to unreasonable searches and seizures. As said by Panaglinan,
“It… (RA 10175) does not explain what standards distinguish Internet users from other
ordinary criminals”.
The local business process outsourcing industry viewed the law as something relevant
to the increase of their market. To them, it will be an attraction for investors. The media is most
affected in the implementation of this Act since it [cyber world] is one of the places where they
can gather and share information from and to the public in just a short period of time. On this,
the social networkers, whom the media sees as potential and immediate audience to their
cause, are mitigated from voicing out lucid and lurid yet honest opinions. As for me, the cyber
world perhaps is a concrete representation and extension of unlimited freedom of expression,
but I think, because of this unlimited freedom, many have gone overboard--- citing and using
it to evoke malicious mischiefs. What can the right for freedom of expression bring if it will be
used to step on the reputation of others? To me, the RA 10175, is more on protecting the
freedom of expression rather than undermining it. This Act only pushes the netizens to
responsibly participate in the exchange of ideas in such medium--- that their ideas must
construct rather than destruct the disposition of others; so that they become aware that their
ideas may pose a potential threat to somebody else‘s space.
What one says is important but how he/she says it is crucial--- coherent to this
statement is the concept of the cybercrime law. We have a say to everything and I think, the
law only requires us to, if very important and can possibly contribute to the progress in the
discussion of a certain issue, share it in a manner that highlights reason over plain gossips
and hearsays. Beyond reasonable doubts, I say, RA10175, being the plaintiff, is not guilty for
undermining freedom of expression.

Activity 1.4

(1) Look for three concept papers from different fields of specialization (art, business,
philosophy, politics, religion, science, sports, home economics, agri-fishery, industrial arts and
information, communications technology) and (2) compare and contrast them using a Venn
Diagram. You may include “Cyber Martial Law: The Plaintiff versus the Netizens of the
Philippines” as one of the compositions. For other references, you may use those that are
found in the reading materials you have at home, or you may search the internet, just make
sure to cite your sources properly.

Venn Diagram

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
What I Have Learned

Presenting concept can be done in three modes or patterns. These are

through definition, explication, and explanation. These three patterns contribute to the
development of the ideas presented in the paragraphs. Each pattern has unique
feature on how to show your idea in a certain topic. But, in order to come up with a
good work, you have to follow the rules in each pattern.
What I want to say about the lesson:
What I found out:

What I Can Do
Think of a certain topic that suits your interest and make a concept out of it following one
mode/pattern in presenting a concept. Present this through a video. During the presentation,
use visual/graphic aids for your concept paper to supplement understanding. Your concept
paper and concept paper presentation will be rated using the rubrics below. Meanwhile, for
those who have no source/gadget, you may present this activity in person. Inform your teacher
so he/she can set a schedule for your presentation.

Rubrics for Rating Your Concept Paper

Features of the Concept Paper Evident
5 pts.
2 pts.
The introduction covers the background for the concept and the
thesis statement.
The paragraphs of the body explain, explicate, or define the
Each paragraph uses at least two supporting details to clarify the
The conclusion presents the summary of the concept paper and
restates the thesis.
Adequate transitions make sure that paragraphs and ideas in the
sentences are connected and organized.
Uses simple language in order for the reader to easily understand
the piece.
The essay is free of grammatical errors and all sources were listed
in the reference.

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
Rubrics for Rating Your Video Presentation

Presentation Marking Rubric

4 3 2 1 Mark
Visual There are no There are There are There are many
Appeal errors in some errors in many errors errors in spelling,
spelling, spelling, in spelling, grammar and
grammar and grammar and grammar and punctuation. The
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. slides were
Information is Too much Too much difficult to read
clear and information on information and too much
concise on two or more was information had
each slide. slides. contained on been copied onto
Visually Significant many slides. them.
appealing/eng visual appeal. Minimal effort No visual appeal.
aging. made to make
appealing or
too much
going on.
Extensive Most showed a Few members Presenters didn’t
Comprehen knowledge of good showed good understand topic.
sion topic. understanding understanding Majority of
of topic. of some parts questions
All members of topic. answered by only
showed able to answer Only some one member or
complete most of members majority of
understanding audience accurately information
of assignment. questions. answered incorrect.
Accurately questions.
answered all
Presentation Regular/consta Most members Members Minimal eye
Skills nt eye contact, spoke to focused on contact by more
the audience majority of only part of than one member
was engaged, audience; audience. focusing on small
and presenters steady eye Sporadic eye part of audience.
held the contact. contact by The audience
audience’s The audience more than was not
attention. was engaged one engaged.
Appropriate by the presenter. Majority of
speaking presentation. The audience presenters spoke
volume & body Majority of was too quickly or
language. presenters distracted. quietly making it
spoke at a Speakers difficult to
suitable could be understand.
volume. heard by only Inappropriate/disi
Some fidgeting half of the nterested body
by member(s). audience. language.
language was

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
Content The The The The presentation
presentation presentation presentation was a brief look
was a concise was a good was at the topic, but
summary of summary of informative, many questions
the topic with the topic. but several were left
all questions Most important elements unanswered.
answered. information went Majority of
Comprehensiv covered; little unanswered. information
e and irrelevant info. Much of the irrelevant and
complete information significant points
coverage of irrelevant; left out.
information. coverage of
some of major
Preparednes All presenters Slight Significant Unbalanced
s/ knew the domination of controlling by presentation or
Participation information, one presenter. some tension resulting
/ participated Members members with from over-
Group equally, and helped each one minimally helping.
Dynamics helped each other. contributing. Multiple group
other as Very well Primarily members not
needed. prepared. prepared but participating.
Extremely with some Evident lack of
prepared and dependence preparation/rehe
rehearsed. on just arsal.
reading off Dependence on
slides. slides.
Source: https://www.jibc.ca/sites/default/files/.../Group_Presentation_Marking_Rubric.doc


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Neatly and legibly, write the letter of your
answer on a clean recycled sheet of paper.

1. Which section of the concept paper that states the process of how you will conduct the
research project?
A. Objectives of the Study C. Proposed Research Timeline
B. Purpose of the Study D. Methodology

2. Advantages of writing a concept paper include

A. You may be able to organize your ideas
B. It gives an opportunity to stand out and receive a positive response from reviewers
C. You are sure to get funding
D. ‘A’ and ‘B’

3. How many important parts that you need to consider in writing a concept paper in academic
A. 2 C. 4
B. 6 D. 7

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
4. Which part of the concept paper that can be written in question form?
A. Title C. Purpose of the Study
B. Introduction D. Objectives of the Study

5. Which part of the concept paper that describes about the current issue of your study?
A. Background C. Introduction
B. Purpose of the Study D. Methodology

6. This mode of presenting the concept uses examples to develop the ideas in the
A. labelling C. definition
B. explication D. explanation

7. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence definition?
A. To present the unique qualities of a term.
B. To recognize it from the other terms.
C. To be different in some terms.
D. None of the above

8. Which of the following is NOT true about references in the concept paper?
A. We can cite references in Introduction and Methods section
B. It is important to write references following standard guidelines
C. Statements should be linked to references
D. We can have as many references as possible

9. Which of the following is NOT included in developing the paragraph of writing the concept
A. labelling C. definition
B. explication D. explanation

10. It refers to a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is important,
and how it will be carried out.
A. Position paper C. Research paper
B. Concept paper D. Thesis

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
Module 5 Key Answers

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5

Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. (nd). Retrieved on: 11 October 2021, from:

How to write an effective concept paper? (2021) – Author Assists Blog. Retrieved on 10
October 2021 from: https://blog.authorassists.com/2020/12/01/how-to-write-an-

Phneah, E. (2012). Philippine cybercrime law under fire, 6th petition filed. Retrieved on: 11
October 2021, from: https://www.zdnet.com/article/philippine-cybercrime-law-under-

Philippine Supreme Court suspends cybercrime law. (2012). Retrieved on: 11 October 2021,
from: https://www.mercurynews.com/2012/10/09/philippine-supreme-court-

Santiago, M.D. (2012). Cybercrime law is unconstitutional. Retrieved on: 11 October 2021,
from: http://legacy.senate.gov.ph/press_release/2012/1006_santiago3.asp

CO_Q1_ SHS English or Academic and

Professional Purposes _ Module 5
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

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