Introduction +morphology PDF
Introduction +morphology PDF
Introduction +morphology PDF
In other words:
* Restoration of the Endodontically treated
tooth to its proper form & function in the
masticatory apparatus in a healthy state.
Phases of Endodontic Treatment:
* Diagnosis Phase.
Obturation Diagnosis
* Preparatory Phase.
* Obturation Phase.
Indications of Endodontic Therapy:
* Teeth with Pulp &/or Periapical pathosis.
* Traumatic &/or Pathological pulp exposure.
* Incomplete calcification of pulp chamber
& root canals.
* Internal resorption.
* Over-eruption & mesially drifted abutment
* Esthetic requirements.
* Retained teeth to support overly dentures.
* Need of Post & Core to rebuild the missing
coronal portion of the tooth ??.
* Teeth with Pulp &/or Periapical pathosis.
* Traumatic &/or Pathological pulp exposure.
* Incomplete calcification of pulp chamber
& root canals.
* Internal resorption.
* Over-eruption & mesially drifted abutment
* Esthetic requirements.
* Retained teeth to support overly dentures.
* Need of Post & Core to rebuild the missing
coronal portion of the tooth ??.
Contra-Indications of Endodontic Therapy:
* Teeth with insufficient periodontal support.
* Teeth with vertical or oblique fracture.
* Teeth with extensive internal or external
* Non-restorable teeth.
* Non-strategic teeth.
* Teeth with root canals not suitable for
instrumentation &/or periapical surgery.
* Patients with systemic conditions contra-
indicated for Surgical Endodontics ??.
* Teeth with insufficient periodontal support.
* Teeth with vertical or oblique fracture.
* Teeth with extensive internal or external
* Non-restorable teeth.
* Non-strategic teeth.
* Teeth with root canals not suitable for
instrumentation &/or periapical surgery.
* Patients with systemic conditions contra-
indicated for Surgical Endodontics ??.
بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم
of Permanent Teeth
Pulp space morphology
Pulp chamber
Root canal
Pathology of the Pulp
Inflamed Pulp
Root pulp morphologies
Root shape
Canal shape
DB root
Pulp space of any tooth consists of
A- Coronal pulp
I- Pulp chamber
(Roof - Floor - Side walls).
II- Pulp horns.
B- Radicular pulp
I- Root canal.
II- Lateral or accessory canals.
Shape and size of the pulp
cavity: pulp chamber and root
Number of roots, and
number of root canals,
Direction of curvature of
root and canals.
The dimensions of the pulp chamber
Pulp chamber size
reduced by calcification,
which tends to be greater on
the roof of the pulp chamber
and the axial walls than on
the floor of the pulp chamber
Secondary Cementum
Types of root canals
Type I :
Mature straight
Type II :
Mature curved canal:
apex .
B - Blunderbuss
apex .
1. Main canal
Single Orifice
Single Canal
Single Apical Foramen .
Class II :
Two Orifices
Two Canals
Class III :
Two Orifices
Two Canals
Two Apical Foramen .
Class IV :
Single orifice
Single canal
Two apical foramina
Class V :
Single orifice
Two canals
Single apical foramen .
Class VI :
Two orifices
Single canal
Two apical foramen
Maxillary and
Incisors Teeth
Maxillary Central
1- Pulp chamber is
pointed incisally ,
then Wider
cervically and
uniformly tapering
toward apex.
2- Twenty nine (29)
degree lingual-axial
angulations of the
I- Cervical third:
Triangle in shape , the base
toward the palatal surface ,
while the apex toward
lingual surface .
II- Middle third :
Ovoid in shape , wider in
mesio-distal dimension .
III-Apical third:
Narrow round in shape .
Lateral Incisor
Similar to maxillary
central incisor but
smaller in size and the
root is slightly conical
and tend toward a
slight curvature
toward the distal .
Variations in the number of root canals in incisors.
Central Lateral
1. Coronal extent of
the pulp .
2. Narrow M D width of the
pulp .
3. Apical-distal curvature
4. 6-degree distal-
axial inclination of the tooth
B - Mesial View :
1. Huge ovoid pulp, larger
2. labial “shoulder” just
below the cervical third
3. narrow canal in the
apical third
4. 21-degree lingual-axial angulation
of the tooth
5. narrow labio-lingual width of the
6. apical Palatal curvature (13%)
C - Cross-section:
I-Cervical third: Oval –
shape much wider in the
labio-lingual direction.
II-Middle third : the canal
continues ovoid in shape
III-Apical third : Narrow
Maxillary Canine
1. lingual “shoulder” at
the point where the
chamber and canal
2. Broad labio-lingual.
3. 20-degree lingual-
axial angulations.
C- Cross-section:
Class I:
A-Cervical third: wider in the
B-Middle third the canal
continues ovoid.
C-Apical third : the canal,
generally round in shape,
Class II:
A-Cervical third: the two
canal is slightly ovoid.
B-Middle third : : the
two canals are round.
C-Apical third :
are slightly round
Class III:
A-Cervical third: two oval
B-Middle third : : the two
canals are round
C-Apical third : the two
canals are narrow round
Mandibular central and
lateral incisors
Central Lateral
Average length 21.5mm 22.4mm
One canal one foramen 70.1% 56.9%
Two canals two foramen 6.5% 29.4%
Curvature Straight 60%
Time of eruption: 6-8 year
Time of calcification: 9-10 years
A-Lingual View :
1. Coronal extent of
the pulp.
2. Narrow mesio-
distal width of the
3. 13-degree mesial-
axial inclination.
4. Apical-distal
1-Broad labio-lingual
extent of the pulp.
2. Narrow canal in the apical third.
3. 15-degree lingual- axial angulation.
4. Apical-labial
curvature .
Class I: ) 94%(
A-Cervical third: wider in
the labiolingual.
B-Middle third the canal
continues ovoid.
C-Apical third : the canal,
generally round in shape,
Class III (4%):
Maxillary First Premolar
Class III: 72%
A-Buccal view
• Straight canals.
• Presence of two
• 10 0 distal-axial
B-Mesial view :
• Broad bucco-lingual
dimension of the Pulp.
• Two separate roots, each
with a single straight
• 6-degree buccal-axial
angulation of the tooth.
Cervical third:
The two canals are kidney shape
very wide in the bucco-lingual
Middle third :
The two canals are only lightly
ovoid and may be enlarged to a
Apical third :
The two canals are only round
Class II: 13%
A-Buccal view
• Single root with two
parallel canals and a
single apical foramen
• 10-degree distal-axial
inclination of the tooth.
B-Mesial view :
A- Buccal view :
• Full pulp recession and
thread-like shape.
• Radiographic appearance of
only one canal.
• 10-degree distal-axial
inclination of the tooth
B-Mesial view :
A - Buccal view:
• Narrow mesiodistal
width of the pulp .
• Apical-distal curvature
• 19-degree distal-axial
inclination of the tooth.
B- Mesial view :
• Broad bucco-lingual
width revealing the
pulp to be “ribbon
• Single root with a
large single canal
• 9-degree lingual-axial
angulation of the
Cervical third:
Very wide in the bucco-lingual
direction. The orifice is
directly in the center of the
tooth. Pulp chamber is very
narrow ovoid.
Middle third :
The canal remains ovoid in
shape .
Apical third :
The canal are only round
Class III: 24%
A-Buccal view:
appearance of two
roots (2%).
•Bayonet curve of the
roots (20%).
•19-degree distal-axial
inclination of the tooth.
B . Mesial view :
• Buccolingual width
revealing the coronal
pulp to be “ribbon
shaped” rather than
• High bifurcation and
two separate apical
third roots.
• 9-degree lingual-axial
angulation of the tooth
Cervical third:
The chamber, very narrow
ovoid extends deeply into
the root .
Middle third :
Bayonet curve and round
canal orifices are apparent
Apical third :
The two canals are round.
Three canals: 1%
Class I: 75% Class III: 24%
Cervical third:
Very wide in the
buccolingual dimension,
ovoid shape.
Middle third :
Slightly ovoid.
Apical third : Round.
Class II: 19.5%
A-Buccal view :
• Buccolingual “ribbon-
shaped” coronal pulp.
• Single-root, bifurcated
canal at the midroot
level and a single
apical foramen.
• 10-degree lingual-axial
angulation of the root
C-Cross section:
Cervical third:
The chamber is very narrow
ovoid,and canal orifices are
at the buccal and lingual
termination of the floor.
Middle third :
The two canals are only
lightly round.
Apical third :
The canal are only round.
Class I: 73.5% Class II: 19.5%
A-Buccal view :
1. Pulp recession and
“thread-like” appearance
of the pulp.
2. Sweeping distal curve of
the apical third of the root
of the tooth (40%).
B-Mesial view:
1. Buccolingual “ribbon-
shaped” pulp
2. 34-degree buccal-axial
angulation of the root
Class II: 14.5%
A-Buccal view :
1. Mesiodistal width
of the pulp.
2. Apical-distal
curvature (40% ).
3. 10-degree distal-axial
inclination of the root.
B-Mesial view:
1. Buccolingual “ribbon-
shaped” coronal pulp.
2. Single-root, bifurcated
canal at the mid-root
level and a single
apical foramen.
3. 10-degree lingual-axial
angulation's of the root
C-Cross section:
Cervical third:
The chamber is very narrow
ovoid,and canal orifices are at
the buccal and lingual
termination of the floor.
Middle third :
The two canals are only
lightly round.
Apical third :
The canal are only round.
Class I: 85.5% Class II: 14.5%
: A -Buccal view
1. Pulp recession and
“thread-like” pulp.
2. MB, DB, & P
roots, each with one
3. Straight P root, MB & DB
curved toward distal.
Mesial Root 4 Canals MB2
A - Buccal view:
• MB root with two
separate canals, and
two apical foramina.
•Apical-buccal curvature
of the palatal root (55%)
B. Mesial view:
1. Pulp recession.
2. Relatively straight
palatal root.
3. Buccal inclination
of the buccal roots.
C_Cross section
Cervical third:
A dark cavity floor with
“lines” connecting orifices
is in marked contrast to
white walls.
Middle third:
Three slightly oval canals.
Apical third:
The 3 canals are round.
B. Mesial view :
• Gradual curvature
in two directions of
all three canals.
• Buccal inclination
of the B roots.
Maxillary Second Molar Mesio-buccal root
One canal one foramen: 63.9%.
Two canals one foramen: 13.9%.
Two canals two foramen: 24.9%
Cervical third:
Pulp, enormous in a young
Middle third :
Canals are ovoid.
Apical third :
canals are round and are
shaped tapered prep.
Four Canals:
A- Buccal view:
Mesial Distal
Two canals one foramen: 40.5% 61.9%
Two canals two foramina: 59.5% 38.9%
B-Mesial view :
• Pulp recession.
• Mesial root,
two canals.
• 58-degree
inclination of
the roots.
Cervical third:
Middle third :
Apical third :
Mandibular Second Molar
Bifurcation perforation
Overextended or underextended outline
Missed canals
Crown fractures
* Intra-Coronal preparation.
* Intra-Radicular preparation.
ACCESS “Intra-coronal”
cavity preparation
2) Conservation of tooth
* Develop a mental
three dimensional
image of the tooth
internal anatomy
from pulp horn to
apical foramen.
* The radiograph provide only two
dimensions “Blueprint”.
* Suspect the number & anatomy of thex
root canals.
Basic Coronal Instruments
& Instrumentation
* Power driven rotary instrument
with widely divergent rates of
* Extra-course Dom-ended
cylinder diamond tip mounted
in contra-angle hand piece
operating at accelerated
(High) speed.
*Diamond tips Vs Carbide burs.
[Stokes & Tidmarsh, JOE, 1988]
*Never force the tip during access.
*As soon as the enamel or
restoration penetrated, use
the slow speed (3000-8000
rpm) mounted with round
bur or Endo-Z for deroofing
the pulp camber.
* Regular length (9mm) Vs Surgical length
(14mm) tips.
B) Labial Ledge.
C) Disto-cervical perforation.
E) Coronal discoloration.
F) Apical ledge.
G) Apical perforation
H) Apical perforation
Errors in access preparation for
Lower Anterior Teeth
A) Labio-cervical perforation.
B) Labial Ledge.
C) Mesial ledge.
E) Coronal discoloration.
F) Incorrect Access