2 The Contemporary World Lesson 3 Unit 4 Activity
2 The Contemporary World Lesson 3 Unit 4 Activity
2 The Contemporary World Lesson 3 Unit 4 Activity
Lesson 3 Unit 4
Activity 3
List at least three events/ issues which concerns globally. Based on your answer,
discuss the role of the United Nation and the means to avoid this issue.
Global Warming
individual day by day. It does not only pertain to a country, but the world as a whole.
However, if there is a problem, there is a possible solution. And the United Nation is one
of them, a great solution even. What is this United Nation on its broader definition?
Nations in the Contemporary World Order” written by Sachi Ashok Bhiwgade, B.A.LLB,
United Nations is “an international organization, concerned with global issues and
maintaining friendly relations among the nations.” This simply means that the issues
and problems which concerns globally can be fix through the actions of this organization
to ensure the world’s safety and peace among countries and its people and the future
generations as well.
Currently, there are 193 countries that are member of the United Nation. All
these countries unite and form an agreement to discuss about contemporary global
issues and find effective and possible solutions in order to protect every country and all
The Pandemic
None of us would agree that the pandemic that is happening right now caused by
the coronavirus disease is mild and easy to control when in fact, almost all industry
were affected badly. Since a pandemic is a widespread occurrence of an infectious
disease over the world at a particular time, it does have effect globally. And how does
Over the centuries, there has been number of pandemics that was experienced
globally. For instance, the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 infected an estimated 33% of
the world’s population and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. It was caused by
an H1N1 virus that started in some type of bird, it was a virus that spread easily and
infected people throughout the world. If we would compare the Spanish flu and Covid-
19, they aren’t the same. They are similar at some point like how they are both
respiratory viruses that can be spread through breathing in infected respiratory droplets.
In addition, they both did and can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
They are also similar in the ways that governments tried to fight them such as isolation,
covering nose and mouth and proper hygiene practices for protection.
The role of United Nations has always been about the safety and welfare of all its
member country and the world as a whole. But what was its specific role during these
times of pandemic like what is happening right now? To answer this question,
according to Article 39 of the UN Charter, “The Security Council shall determine the
existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall
Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security.” In addition
to this, the United Nations resolution emphasizes the body's vital role in the global
and healthcare personnel tried to lighten this weight in every country affected by the
virus. There have also been tensions and a legitimacy issue, as well as the violence and
conflict, the danger of terrorism, and human rights violations. As a result, the UN should
The United Nations (UN) was given the primary responsibility for protecting and
ensuring international peace and security, as well as to ensure that issues arising in
every country will be resolved as soon as possible to avoid threat to human and the
environment. And one of the global issues that has been happening in many countries
is poverty.
person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum
standard of living. Poverty means that the income level from employment is so low that
basic human needs can't be met. Poverty-stricken people and families might go without
proper housing, clean water, healthy food, and medical attention. Each nation may have
its own criteria for determining how many of its people are living in poverty.” This means
that if a country has communities that are under poverty, there should be an immediate
action to solve this. If not, the negative effects will continue to arise such as high poverty
To prevent this kind of problem, it is suggested that the UN should also pay
attention to developing countries and provide equal support for the communities under
poverty. Since its role regarding this matter is to improve every country’s economic and
global status. Due to income disparities, a nation might be divided. This occurs because
the wealth of a country is poorly distributed among its citizens wherein a tiny minority
has a majority of the money. Wealthy or developed countries maintain stability because
of the presence of a middle class. This unfortunately happens not only within countries
but in terms of international organizations. Maybe because the leaders always strive to
get the best for their country to the point that they forget to leave some for others.
Global Warming
And lastly, as we are talking about global issues, this is what everyone in the
world are experiencing now, and for a long time already –global warming. Cliché as it
may seem because this has been our topic during elementary classes, but it is because
it is significant to discuss this matter seriously. All the effect of greenhouse gases
emitted by humans is slowly destroying the planet where we live in, and every species’
home for millions of years. The warming of our planet was also caused by combustion
of fossil fuels in cars, buildings, factories, and power plants, and gases used for
refrigeration and industrial processes; and the loss of forests that would otherwise store
called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC. The IPCC meets
every few years to review the latest scientific findings and write a report summarizing all
agreement, among hundreds of leading scientists.” And it became one of the roles of
change, ensures that food supply is not jeopardized, and allows for long-term economic
development. The idea is that because developed countries are the source of the
majority of past and current greenhouse gas emissions, they should do the most to
reduce emissions at home. They include 12 Central and Eastern European nations with
"economies in transition." Many of them have already taken significant steps in this
activities in poor countries by giving financial support for climate change action, in
addition to any other financial help they provide to these countries. The Convention
established a system of grants and loans, which is overseen by the Global Environment
Facility. Developed countries also agree to share technology with developing countries.