Sports and Competitions

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Lesson Plan

Teacher : Mardrai Alina

Form : 4st

Lesson : “Sports and competitions”

Type of lesson : Acquisition of knowledge; teaching vocabulary.

Skills : Speaking , listening, reading

Assessment: formative, oral, homework, systematic observation.

Sub Competences:
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds and groups of sounds specific to the
English language in simple and familiar contexts. The words are pronounced slowly,
clearly, and repeated several times;
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words and simple short sentences which
describe people, objects, and familiar places while reading.
1.10. Applying linguistic norms while reading aloud.
2.3. Understanding the meaning of certain words and simple short sentences which
describe people, objects and familiar places while reading.
Teaching methods and techniques :

♣ main method : The Communicative Approach

♣ elements of : - Direct method

- Oral method

♣ techniques : - Conversation , explanation, exercise, questions and

answers, dialogue

Objectives :
Cognitive objectives :

At the end of the lesson SS will be able to:

♣ to recognize the sports

♣ to use “I like… ”according to sentence meaning

♣ to talk about their favourite sport using the correct structures

Affective objectives :

♣ stimulating SS imagination and creativity

♣ creating interest in the topic of the lesson

♣ to make SS confident in themselves when speaking a foreign language

♣ having fun

Interaction : T-SS



Class organization: whole class (WC), individual work( IW)

Time : 90 minutes
Stage of Teacher and students’ activity Skills Teaching Purpose/
lesson techniques Aim
Evocation The teacher greets class and checks attendance :“Are there
Warm up any absents today?”
How are you feeling today? Are you OK?Are you happy -to make SS feel
Speaking Conversation comfortable in the
and ready for English class?
SS listen to the teacher and listen what teacher says.

Checking T checks SS’ homework. Speaking Conversation -to check

homework “What is our homework?” accomplishment of the
SS shows the ex. 7 page 37. given instruction
Realization Ask the students to open their books and to write the date -to introduce new
of meaning and the topic of the lesson. Ask the students few Speaking Conversation vocabulary
questions: Which is your favourite sport? What sport do Listening Explanation -to familiarize with
you like? Teacher gives the new vocabulary. the words
Pupils are very attentive to teacher’s explanations. They
write in their notebooks. They read the exercise and
Teacher propose to do the exercises of the book. Exercise
1 let’s learn.
T asks SS to open their books at page 38 to listen and
point the sports from the pictures on exercise 1 and after Speaking
they have to make a list of their favourite sport exercise 2. Listening Conversation -to check
They complete and read. Reading Explanation comprehension of the
Then, T ask to read and say if Andy’s father is a good Writing new vocabulary
sportsman exercise 3. They read the texte answer to the
question. After, they read the texte one more time and
they do exercise 4 page 38 (Agree or disagree.)
T say to do exercise 5: Complete the sentences with me,
him, you, her, them. They do at the blackboard and write
in their notebooks.
Exercice 6: Read the sports names, group them into winter
and summer sports. They answer.
T ask SS to talk about the last sport competition in their
school. They answer.
Feedback T gives SS a handout from the English workbook where Speaking
they have to do some exercises on the topic of the lesson Listening -to check
“Sports and competitions” Reading Conversation understanding of the
SS listen to T and do what he says. They work together. Writing lesson
Extension For homework they must learn the new vocabulary.
T gives to SS Exercise 9 from page 39 as homework and Speaking Conversation
explains the task. Listening Explanation
SS pay attention. Appreciation
Teacher appreciate the SS who gave the best answers.

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