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Department of Administration

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Department of Administration

The Administrative purpose of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is defined in Article 25.2 (a) of the
Statutory Laws of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs oversees “the successful conduct and improvement of local government
through supervision and direction of activities of the political sub-divisions of central government”.
Specifically, as stipulated in the statutory responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry’s
mandate are: to successfully conduct and improve local government through supervision and direction of
activities of the political sub-divisions and the central Government; to manage and resolve all tribal
matters arising out of tribal conflicts and relationship; to coordinate and implement Government services
through the various units of Local Government; overseeing the selection, training and efficient
performance of personnel of the local government; overseeing the orderly functioning of tribal government
and drafting rules and regulations to effectuate the purpose. The rules and regulations shall include
provisions relating to regulating cultural institutions and societies; supervising the elections of Paramount,
Clan and General Town Chiefs in collaboration with the Elections Commission; exercising administrative
supervision over Poro, Sande and other tribal societies through the Assistant Minister for Culture.
The Department Administration is headed by a Deputy Minister who is principal Deputy to the
Minister of Internal Affairs; Upon the absence of the Minister, he serves as Acting Minister of Internal
Affairs; He is the head of the Department of Administration which consists of three (3) Bureau:-
Administration, Legal Affairs, and Cultural and Custom; He shall review and approve all documents to be
sent to the office of the Minister.
The Department is currently headed by Hon. Momolu S. Johnson, who serves as Deputy Minister
for Administration.
ASSISTANT MINISTER FOR ADMINISTRATION-In the absence of the Deputy Minister for
Administration, the Assistant Minister for Administration shall be the head of the Department of
Administration; He/she shall report to the Deputy Minister for Administration; He/she shall serve as the
chief financial officer of the Ministry in the absence of the Deputy Minister for Administration; He/she shall
have supervisory role over the office of the Comptroller, Internal Auditor, Human Resource, Procurement,
Supply and Dispatch; He/she shall lead the preparation and finalization of the Ministry’s Budget and Cash
Plan; In direct collaboration with the Division of Human Resource, he/she shall ensure that every
employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is on payroll; He/she shall advise the Ministry on all financial
related issues in collaboration with the Comptroller; He/she shall adequately and sufficiently inform the
Deputy Minister for Administration on all financial transaction of the Ministry on a step-by-step basis.
Hon. Ruth Sawmadal is currently the Assistant Minister for Administration.
The Department of Administration is comprised of ten sections:
(1) The Bureau of Customs & Culture Affairs– supervise and monitor all traditional culture which
include Poro, Sande and other secret societies in Liberia; investigate conflicts that may arise from the
Traditional Culture societies and made settlement amongst the citizens; coordinate and monitor the
activities of the National Traditional Council and make periodic report to the Minister of Internal Affairs
through the Deputy Minister for Administration; Screen, test and qualify all Sande and Poro Zoe and Zoe
herbalist for the issuance of a Certificate of clearance and at the same time issue Culture Legal Permits to
Sande and Pore Zoes for the establishing of groves/bushes; Prepare and affix the signatures of the
Director and the Assistant Minister for Custom and Culture Affairs at the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon
the recommendation from the County Chairman of the National Traditional Council; Make appointments
on gratis of Grand and Sande Zoes and Culture officials for every county base on the recommendation
made by elders, chiefs and opinion leaders of their respective localities.
These local cultural officials serve as representatives of the Bureau of Custom and Culture Affairs. They
make periodic reports to the Bureau for onward transmission to the Deputy Minister for Administration.

(2) The Legal Affairs Section– He/she advises the Minister of Internal Affairs, his Deputies and other
officials of the Ministry on any/or all legal matters; He/she shall handle and adjudicate all legal matters
coming from the various Counties of the Country; He/she shall review any/or all Appeal Cases originating
from offices of the County Superintendents; Upon the approval of the Minister, he/she shall travel to every
length and breadth of this Country to investigate any Local Government Ministry authorities and report to
the Minister through the Deputy Minister for Administration with recommendation for his review and
action; He/she shall prepare all legal documents of the Ministry such as Lease Agreements,
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), etc, and review those legal documents originating from other
sources and to advise the Minister on the issue; He/she shall conduct on the spot investigation in tribal
land cases in the various Counties and submit a report to the Minister through the Deputy Minister for
Administration for his action, if necessary; He/she shall supervise the issuance of Traditional
Marriage/Divorce Certificates and approve of same and submit quarterly report to the Minister through the
Deputy Minister for Administration; He/she shall handle all other legal matters that may be assigned to his
offices by the Minister through the Minister through the Deputy Minister for Administration and; He/she
shall review all claims submitted to the Ministry that regarding Insurance and Social Security benefits, and
advise the Minister due to their legal implications.
SUPERINTENDENT APPELLATE COURT -He/she shall assist the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs in
conducting administrative investigation, including Traditional Divorce cases to review any/or all
administrative cases to him/her by the Assistant Minister and submit a report there-from said
investigation; He/she is one of the signatories to the Traditional Marriage Certificate.
REGISTRAR- He/she shall register the aforementioned Certificates for records; He/she, is charge with
the responsibility of verifying any/or all Certificates that any embassy within our Borders any have doubt
about. His/her position is on par with that of an Assistant Director; He/she shall submit a comprehensive
monthly financial report to the Minister of Internal Affairs through the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs
and the Deputy Minister for Administration, respectively; He/she shall screen all applicants interested in
obtaining Traditional Marriage/Divorce Certificates, interested in obtaining a Traditional Marriage
Certificate to enter into traditional marriage; He/she has the legitimate right to recommend that applicants
are not eligible to obtain such a Certificate after the screening process based upon legitimate reason.
COMMISSIONER OF TRIBAL APPELLATE COURT- He/she shall review all Tribal appeal cases from
the Counts of Tribal Governors, Tribal Chiefs, etc.; He/she shall investigate any/or all administrative cases
that may be assigned to him/her by the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs.
MINISTERIAL INVESTIGATORS: He/she shall collaboration with the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs,
conduct on the spot administrative investigation in and out of the Central Office, Monrovia and submit a
report to t the Assistant Minister for onward transmission to the Minister through the Deputy Minister for
Administration; He/she is responsible to review appeal cases from lower administrative Courts.
RELIEVING COMMISSIONER- He/she is responsible to replace any suspended or dismissed County
District Commissioner in leeward Counties until government deems it necessary to reinstate or replace a
suspended or dismissed commissioner; He/she is to review appeal cases from the lower administrative
CHIEF, LAND ARBITTER- The Land Arbiter shall investigate all land disputes within the fifteen (15)
Counties of the Republic and report to the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs; He/she shall perform other
duties that may be assigned by the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs which include cases of appeal from
the Leeward Counties to the Office of the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs; He/she must be ready and
willing to travel out of Monrovia with or without the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs to conduct
Ministerial Investigation between and among party litigants; He/she may assist the Assistant Minister for
Legal Affairs in the preparation of Annual Reports and other Legal Documents of the Bureau; He/she shall
conduct legal research for the legal consumption of the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs.
Investigator is responsible to investigate matters that are Administrative and Traditional/Cultural in nature;
He/she investigates matters between individuals employed with the Institution; He/she may perform other
administrative tasks as may be assigned by the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs
(3) Finance Section: The Comptroller coordinates, monitors and supervises the day to day activities of
the Finance Division; He/she in collaboration with other Departments heads and County Authority
prepares and submit the annual budget of the Ministry to the Department of the Budget; He/she signs
vouchers, purchase order and payrolls in accordance with approved National Budget; He/she prepares
weekly cash disbursement report to the Minister; He/she shall carry out other ad-hoc assignments as
related to his functions.
DEPUTY COMPTROLLER, The Deputy Comptroller prepares all financial documents for the attention of
the comptroller; He/she shall act as Comptroller in the absence of the Comptroller; He/she shall perform
other financial function as assigned by the Comptroller.
CHIEF ACCOUNTANT, The Chief Accountant shall handle all finance accounts of the Ministry; He/she
keeps accurate financial records at all times; He/she  works with the Internal Auditor to balance the
financial records of the Ministry; He/she shall perform other related functions as assigned by the
(4) Procurement: The Procurement Director plans annual procurement programs for the Ministry of
Internal Affairs; He/she shall implement approved procurement activities of the Ministry and shall prepare
all bidding documents for approval by the Procurement Committee; He/she is charged with the
responsibility to prepare invitations to bids and carry out distributions and publications and make
subsequent recommendations to Procurement Committee; He/she shall perform secretarial services to
the Procurement Committee; He/she shall administer the implementation of contracts; He/she is
responsible to keep and maintain profiles of suppliers, contractors, vendors, and consultants and
maintains database of same; The Procurement Director reports directly to the Deputy Minister for
Administration except where he/she is out of his/her office or out of the Country; The Procurement
Director works under the direct supervision of the Procurement Committee.
(5) Press & Public Affairs: Responsible to cover all important programs involving the Ministry of Internal
Affairs; Disseminate information on the Ministry through print and electronic media for public
consumption; Prepares speeches and statements for the Minister and other senior staff; Accompany the
Minister and other senior staffs on tours to enable him/her give a vivid view of the visit.
(6) Insurance: Coordinates all activities of the Insurance Scheme or contract on behalf of employees of
MIA; Coordinates with Insurance Company in case of death and or hospitalization of employees;
Processes legal insurance documents.
(7) Social Security: He/she shall coordinates all Social Security activities between the Ministry and the
National Social Security and Welfare Cooperation (NASSCORP); He/she processes Social Security ID
Cards for both Central Administration and employees in the Leeward Counties; He/she processes
pension and other Social Security benefits for all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; He/she may
perform other duties as may be assigned by the Human Resource Director.
(8) Human Resource: The Human Resource Director plans and executes the activities of the Division of
Human Resource; He/she shall assign and direct works, as instructed by the Deputy and/or Assistant
Minister for Administration, to subordinate staff of the Division; He/she shall establish personnel records
for all employees at Central and County levels; He/she shall develop or review existing job descriptions
and updates where necessary; The Human Resource Director shall plan, coordinate, and implement
training programs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; He/she shall develop and recommend administrative
procedures for implementation in the Division; He/she shall work with other Ministries/Agencies and
National and International Organizations relative to human resource development of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs; He/she shall monitor and maintain salary structure and ensure Ministry of Internal Affairs
payroll keeps within budgetary allotment; He/she maintains records of all employees, Insurance
compliance, social security and other benefits; He/she shall perform other functions as may relate to
human resource development.
ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR: Assists the Director to ensure the full implementation of
the activities of the Division; Verifies and tabulates Personnel records from all departments at Central and
Counties/District levels; Works in close collaboration with all Departments so as to ensure the accuracy of
their personnel records; Collects Reports and compiles same from all Divisions of the Department of
Administration; Interprets MIA rules and regulation to personnel in the management of their offices at
Central Administration and in the Leeward Counties in line with GOL employees regulations; Administers
the Affairs of the Division in the absence of the Director.
(9) Dispatch: He/she is responsible to receive all mails coming to the Ministry from other entities; receive
all mails prepared by the Ministry and dispatch same to intended places or institutions.
(10) Supply: Verifies quantity and quality of supplies as per purchase order; Receives supplies and
distributes them accordingly; Responsible to keep supplies in ware house and take stock from time to
time; Provides supplies based on requisition on a monthly log at central administration and at county
• Deputy Minister – head of the Department

• Assistant Minister for Administration

• Assistant Minister for Customs & Culture Affairs
• Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs

• Director for Human Resource

• Comptroller
• Director for Procurement
• Director for Press and Public Affairs
• Director for Insurance
• Social Security Coordinator
• Director for Supply
• Director for Dispatch
The department current manpower strength stands at 138.
Department of Planning & Research
The history of the Department of Research and Development Planning began with the creation of a
research section in 1966, within the then Ministry of Rural Development and Urban reconstruction. During
this time, the section was known as Regional Territorial Development Planning and was headed by a
Director and an Assistant Director.
The first man to serve as Director was Hon. Edwin K. Sherman, while Hon. Thomas M. Teage served as
an Assistant Director. The Department functioned in this capacity through the administration of Minister
Jonathan Goodrige who died in 1977, and was succeeded by this Deputy Minister for administration Hon.
Samuel Hills as Minister.
This function and arrangement was maintained until President William R. Tolbert Jr. realized the
increased in the Planning Ministry’s functions and mandated the Ministry of Rural Development and
Urban reconstruction to integrate the reporting functions of the Superintendents and Regional Territorial
department with a mandate to report to the Rural Development and Urban reconstruction Minister. In
order to gather more development information and make prompt reports, counties report were
subsequently turned over to the Research Territorial and Regional planning section.
On the basis of this arrangement, Hon. Thomas M. Teage carried out the responsibility as Director until
the Executive law creating the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rural Development as separate Ministries
within the executive branch of Government during the administration of President Samuel K. Doe. See
prior legislation (1956 code 13-260, Rev. Stat. Secs 949,950 (1), (2) L 1914, 1971-72).
The sectorial structure of the department of Research remained until the civil war in Liberia. Following the
elections in 1997, President Charles G. Taylor instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to increase the
functions and responsibilities of the research section by incorporating development reports into the
section reports since they were dealing with superintendents and Assistant Superintendents of the
counties where development programs and projects are implemented. This was intended to better
coordinate the work with the people who will be direct beneficiaries.
Additionally, in 2003, the section was elevated to departmental status with a deputy and Assistant
Ministers respectively.
The first person who served as head of the Department was Hon. Maxwell S. Poe; he later became
Minister of Internal Affairs. Minister Poe was succeeded by Hon. Alfred M. T. Penny, assisted by Hon.
Edward Faijue, as Assistant Minister. During the existence of the Department, there have been various
leaders who have made significant contribution to the Department development. Some of the heads
included Hon. Peter Seneh who became Department head under the transitional government headed by
former interim president Judu Bryant. Assistant minister to Hon. Seneh was Hon. Tarweh B. Kermuka.
Immediately after the election of Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Hon. Joseph Geebro
was appointed deputy Minister for Research, Planning and development, assisted by Hon. Omaru Nyei as
Assistant Minister. Hon. Geebro was later succeeded by Hon. Walter Y. Wisner. In continuation of
President Johnson’s Governance structuring, Hon. Walter Wisner was moved to the then Land
Commission( now Liberia Lan Authority).  Accordingly, Hon. Peter Z. N. Kamei succeeded Hon. Wisner
as Deputy Minister, assisted by Hon. Omaru Nyei and later Hon. J. Allison Barco who succeeded Hon.
Nyei. During the second term of President Sirleaf, she appointed Mr. J. Tiah Nagbe to serve the post of
Deputy Minister. Mr. Nagbe was moved to the National Identification Registry(NIR), and he was
succeeded by Hon. Augustus M. Zayzay Jr. and ably assisted by Hon. Allen S. Kromah as Assistant
Minister until the end of the ternue of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
Honorable Olayee S. Collins, is the current Deputy Minister for Research and Development Planning.
The Department is responsible for ensuring that the research and planning responsibilities of the ministry
are adequately coordinated, well structure, and layout with the overall objective of enhancing the statutory
responsibilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In addition to its core function, the Department of Research is also tasked with other subsidiary
responsibilities as well as other deliverables which are linked to the government’s development strategy.
Amongst the many are;
1.      Oversee the collection and publication of tribal laws
2.      Oversee programs geared at Decentralization
3.      Coordinate with donors for funding of projects
4.      Establish and maintain database of counties work plans and NGO activities in the rural
5.      Negotiate with donors for funding of urban related programs in concept with Urban
6.      Conduct periodic socio-economic surveys
7.      Serve as focal person for PAIDWA and AARDO
8.      Organize research activities on monies, folklores, etc., and
9.      Ensure cordial working relationship between NGOs and local authorities.
10.  Oversee the monitoring and evaluation of all ministry programs.
The Department of Research is structured in accordance with its mandate and the revised executive law
of 1956 code 13.260. The Department has four functional divisions to manage its technical and
administrative operations.
The Division of Research and Development Planning was created during the administration of President
Charles G. Taylor. It was created to research information for the collection of data on human development
trends and project activities focusing on leeward counties and central administration.  The Division is also
responsible to coordinate the preparation of project proposals, annual reports, and other technical
documents. Additionally, the Division serves as focal point for peace building and reconciliation programs.
The division is also increasingly called upon by other units and Departments within the Ministry to provide
expert inputs through collaboration with their programs. The Division is headed by a Director who is the
principal Director of the Department.
The Division of Central File came into existence during the administration of Hon. Harrison Karnwea as
Minister of Internal Affairs in the year 2010. The Division was established to manage and preserve all
public essential records of central and local government for future reference. The Division also research
from the counties all obsolete records for preservation. The Division is headed by a Director.
 The executive law of Legislation L. 1947 Chapter 5, volume 2 sections 13, and 62, created the Bureau of
Folkways, currently known as the Division of Folkways within the Department of Research and
Development Planning of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
According to the Liberian code of Law of 1956, page 555, the Division was enacted into Law or created
for the purpose of collecting, preserving, preparing, and producing materials of the various ethnic and
linguistic groups of the Republic of Liberia.
The duties of the Division are as follow
To conduct research on the origins, settlements and practices of the various ethnic
groups in Liberia.
·         Collect, compile, and prepare information on the Cultural heritage and values of
the various bush societies, and collect traditional Artifacts, Folklores, Folksongs for
The Division of Folkways is headed by a Director who is assisted by an Assistant Director.
The Division of NGO Affairs was set up in 2007 under the Administration of Minister Ambulai B. Johnson.
The Division was established to ensure cordial working relationship between local authorities, NGOS, and
CBOS. The division is also responsible to monitor and evaluate the performance of NGOS and CBOS at
the local level; Collect data on NGOs and CBOs activities in the counties. The Division of NGO is headed
by a Director.
Hon. Olayee S. Collins is the current Deputy Minister for Research and Development Planning

Department of Urban Affairs

Deputy Minister for Urban Affairs: Vacant
Assistant Minister for Urban Affairs: Hon. Abubakar Bah
Enacted into law in 1972, the Department of Urban Affairs serves as the technical arm of the Ministry.
Specifically, the department is responsible to ensure the transformation of urban slums and communities
into well developed and modernized metropolis; to guide the transformation of, and orderly growth of
urban slums into urban centers; to ensure the orderly growth of cities and other municipalities.   
The Department of Urban Affairs is comprised of two sections:
(1) The Urban Research and Administration– this section conducts periodic socio-economic surveys as a
means of determining development trends; undertakes research to inform the department’s role and
activities relative to urban issues and programs; and undertakes the overall administrative issues of the

(2) The City & Town Planning– this section conducts public/government land surveys, city and town
layout and produces architectural drawings for public construction of buildings and facilities within cities
and towns.


• Deputy Minister – head of the Department
• Assistant Minister for Urban and Technical Services
• Director for Urban Research
• Director for City and Town Planning
The department current manpower strength stands at 39.

1. Reactivated the SJSCC (Special Joint Stakeholders Consultative Committee) in May, 2012 primarily to
intervene in the harmonization of conflict boundary areas in Liberia. Since its reactivation, the SJSCC has
had four Round-Table Discussions and has in effect identified eleven (11) hot zones or land conflict areas
across the country;

2. On June 28, 2012, the Department of Urban Affairs hosted the first Urban Development Stakeholders’
Round-Table Discussions at which time, Liberia Urban Development Agenda Round-Table discussion
was launched by Hon. Blamoh Nelson, former Minister of Internal Affairs. This round-table discussions
meeting coincided with the visitation into the country of the Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat, Dr.
Aisa Karibo Kacyira, at which time, a formal partnership relationship was forged between UN-Habitat and
the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Consequent of the partnership relationship, the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Internal
Affairs was invited to participate in the World Urban Forum (WUF), an annual forum hosted by the UN-
Habitat. The former Minister of Internal Affairs and former Deputy Minister for Urban Affairs in persons of
Hon. Blamoh Nelson and Hon. Florence Geegbae Dukuly participated in the 6th World Urban Forum
(WUF) held in Naples, Italy, a milestone on the road to sustainable urban future.
We Conducted a Special Forum for Traditional Chiefs during the period July 5-11, 2012, under the theme:
What is meant by Governance Decentralization and what is expected of the Chiefs and Traditional Elders
of the Country. Over one hundred fifty Traditional Leaders and Elders, Senior Mothers, and Governors
were in attendance. The forum was successful. It brought together senior government officials and
international organization representatives, who explained from the perspective of their sectors, the roles
and responsibilities expected of the Chiefs under the Government Decentralization Program. The Forum
produced Resolution 165, as a policy document of the Traditional Leaders and Elders relative to their
consent as in keeping with Central Government’s Decentralization Program and was officially presented
to H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia on the grounds of the historic
Providence Island. The forum also established a 15-member Chief’s Boundary Harmonization Committee
to support all efforts needed to settle boundary problems across the country;

3. During the period under review, the Department of Urban Affairs, signed a MOU with the Carter Center
on implementation of boundary harmonization program. Similarly, the Carter Center has seconded to the
Ministry of Internal Affairs a Legal Fellow in person of Ms. Kristie Bluett, assigned with the Department of
Urban Affairs with particular focus on traditional justice;
4. During the period October 15-21, 2012 the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Internal
Affairs was invited to participate in the World Conference of Mayors (WCM) annual meeting held in
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. The Liberian Government delegation was comprised of City Mayors of
Cestos, Voinjama, Paynesville, Tubmanburg, Sanniquellie, and Bopolu and was headed by the former
Deputy Minister for Urban Affairs, Hon. Florence Geegbae Dukuly. The conference was successful in
view of the fact that based on the output of the Liberian delegation, the WCM provided seating for two
Liberian officials on its Board of Directors, namely MIA Deputy Minister for Urban Affairs and a
Representative of the City of Paynesville to be named.

5. Consequent of the WCM Conference held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, the National Black Caucus of
Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO), U.S.A, on November 6, 2012 extended invitation to the Government
of the Republic of Liberia through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to participate in the annual NBC-LEO’s
International Cities Cooperation Forum which took place in Boston, Massachusetts during the period
November 28 – December 1, 2012.
The Liberian Government was represented by a delegation of six city mayors headed by the former
Deputy Minister for Urban Affairs, who during the conference made a presentation at the opening session
of the conference on November 28, 2012.

6. The Department of Urban Affairs during the period under review held three Urban Stakeholders
Roundtable Discussions. These roundtable discussions are targeted at organizing the First Liberia Urban
Forum which is scheduled to be held in June, 2013. As a result, on May 7, 2013, Hon. Blamoh Nelson,
former Minister, appointed two special committees:  the Urban Forum Policy Drafting Committee-to
develop a zero-draft of a national urban policy and the Urban Forum Organizing Committee-to plan and
organize the national urban forum.
The policy drafting committee met on May 10, 2013, and observed that the designated time for drafting of
a zero-draft of a national urban policy was too short; that a minimum of two years would be suitable to
develop an urban policy for Liberia. The Committee therefore recommended: 1) that UN-Habitat seconds
a consultant to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to focus on the issue of urban policy drafting, and 2) the
urban forum which was initially focused on producing a policy now be focused on producing a road-map
for urban development.

The Department of Urban Affairs during the period March 17 – 26, 2013 undertook to initiate a nation-
wide general municipal management assessment mission to acquaint itself first-hand with the prevailing
circumstances existing within the local administrative systems and service delivery capability at the
municipality level. Some of the issues discovered were:
1. Activities of the cities are centered around the city mayors;

2. City planning and development not participatory;

3. There are several planning needs that are to be put in place (i.e., ownership to land, in some areas,
land in the hands of private citizens while in others, land is in the hands of customary people – chiefs and
elders, in some counties there is no county surveyor thus making security to land a problem; etc.

4. Financial matters and budgeting are also issues to be improved upon;

5. Issue of land transaction, lack of surveyors in some counties impede development in most of our cities;

6. Lots of capacity issues from need to train and recruit qualified staff to logistical support. Almost all of
our city mayors do not have equipment to work with, no vehicle, no capital equipment to undertake some
of the activities they seem to attempt to undertake (i.e., solid waste and garbage collection, et al).
Based on the outcome of the field assessment mission, a three days City Mayors’ Retreat was conducted
during the period April 25-27, 2013, to train city mayors and city council chairpersons on various topics
and issues. There were number of professional personalities who presented papers on such topics as:
the Local Government Act, a critical milestone to mass citizen’s participation in Liberia’s governance
system; strategy for designing sustainable income generation programs with capacity to enforce city
ordinances – a catalyst for sustained growth and development; amongst others. There were over forty city
mayors and city council chairpersons in attendance.

1. Consummated a partnership relationship with the UN-Habitat that brings to bear the identification and
subsequent assigning of an expert/consultant on urban development to help accelerate urban
development planning in Liberia;

2. Entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Carter Center for the implementation of
Boundary Harmonization program and the seconding of a legal fellow focused on traditional justice
3. The successful hosting of the Chiefs’ Forum under the theme: What is meant by Governance
Decentralization and what is expected of the Chiefs and Traditional Elders of the Country? This forum
resulted into the adoption of Resolution 165 developed by the over 150 Traditional Leaders, Elders,
Senior Mothers, and Governors. It further established a 15-member Chief’s Boundary Harmonization
Committee to support all efforts needed to settle boundary problems across the country;

4. The successful participation into international conferences: World Urban Forum (WUF), World
Conference of Mayors (WCM), and the NBC-LEO’s International Cities Cooperation Forum, on behalf of
the Government and peoples of the Republic of Liberia. As a result of participating in these conferences,
there are number of prospects and benefits to be accrued by the Country relative to the development of
sister city relationship, private-public partnership, etc.
5. The successful conduct of the field consultative mission and subsequent hosting of the city mayors’

6. The conclusions of negotiations for the establishment of the American-Liberian Twin-Cities Initiatives
(ALTCI) which seeks to establish twin-city relationships between 36 American cities and 26 Liberian
cities. A visiting delegation of three is set to visit Liberia to consummate this arrangement in view of the
MOU, protocols of the initiative, et al. 

Immediate actions:
• At the moment, there is no urban development policy in Liberia. We are accelerating efforts along with
key urban development stakeholders to produce one. A national urban Forum is being planned.
Observation from the committee constituted to prepare a draft national urban policy suggests that the time
is too short to produce one before June. Meeting is planned for early next week with key urban
stakeholders to discuss the implication of the committee’s observation and decide on the objective of the
forum.  It is critical that we finalize discussions with stakeholders and partners for the holding of the first
national urban forum scheduled for June this year.
Additionally, the urban policy drafting committee recommended that the Ministry request UN-HABITAT to
second a consultant who will help fast track the formulation of the National Urban Policy. Action is needed
on this!

Note: UN-HABITAT is MIA key urban development partner.

• Boundary harmonization is another important project approved under the MTEF program, and assigned
to the department of Urban Affairs. As indicated above, the Ministry has identified about eleven (11)
hotspots, some are being gradually resolved why others need urgent attention. 

• City layout-under the boundary harmonization project, four cities (Harper, Zwedru, Plebo and Fishtown
are to be layout. Work plan have been formulated. Funding to jumpstart the program is still in
• We are at the concluding stages of establishing Sister-city Relationship with American cities. It is
anticipated that after these discussions, there will be twining of 36 American and 26 Liberian cities. 

Conversation on this initiative begun when the vice President of the Republic of Liberia, H.E Joseph N.
Boakai visited the United states and encouraged our American counterparts to develop interest in Liberia.
A 3-member American team arrival in the country for this initiative is being postponed to allow for proper
preparation and for appropriate authorities to be duly informed.  
Note: The position of Deputy Minister for Urban Affairs is currently vacant follwing the resignation of
Honorable Paulita CC Wie who is contesting in the Senatorial election of Montserrado Count

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