Civil Lawsuit Against Madison Cawthorn From The Bopp Law Firm
Civil Lawsuit Against Madison Cawthorn From The Bopp Law Firm
Civil Lawsuit Against Madison Cawthorn From The Bopp Law Firm
v. Civil Case No. 2:22-cv-00554
Pursuant to this Court’s Order, ECF No. 8, Plaintiff THE BOPP LAW FIRM, PC (“BLF”)
submits this amended complaint against Defendant Mr. Madison Cawthorn as follows:
1. This is a civil action for compensatory damages arising under breach of contract and
2. This action arises under Indiana common law for breach of contract and account stated
3. This Court has original subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332(a) because the
4. BLF is an Indiana professional corporation with its principal place of business in Terre
5. Mr. Cawthorn owns a residence at 657 N. Rugby Rd., Hendersonville, North Carolina
28791. According to the Henderson County Auditor website, Mr. Cawthorn is listed as the owner
6. Mr. Cawthorn currently serves as the congressional representative for North Carolina’s
11th Congressional District. The U.S. Constitution requires Members of the House of
Representatives to live in the state they represent. U.S. Const., Art. 1, § 2, Cl. 2.
7. The North Carolina State Board of Elections lists Mr. Cawthorn as an active, registered
Source: North Carolina State Board of Elections Voter Search, found at:
8. The property tax records, voter registration records, as well as Mr. Cawthorn’s
congressional representation show that he is a citizen of North Carolina. Since BLF is a citizen of
Indiana and Mr. Cawthorn is a citizen of North Carolina, complete diversity exists between the
parties. This Court has original subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332(a) because the
9. This Court has the authority to provide for compensatory damages under Indiana common
10. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Mr. Cawthorn because he established contacts
within the State sufficient to permit the exercise of personal jurisdiction over them via the
11. Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(3) because Mr. Cawthorn is
subject to the court’s personal jurisdiction in this District with respect to this action. Further,
venue is proper because this court’s jurisdiction encompasses Vigo County, Indiana, where BLF
is headquartered.
13. Defendant Mr. Cawthorn is an individual residing at 657 N. Rugby Rd., Hendersonville,
NC 28791.
The Agreement
14. On or about January 10, 2022, BLF began representing Mr. Cawthorn in response to a
challenge to Mr. Cawthorn’s qualifications as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives.
(“Challenge Suit”).
15. On or about January 20, 2022, Mr. Cawthorn entered into the Agreement with BLF to
represent him by defending him in the Challenge Suit, including any appeals and relevant
17. James Bopp, Jr. is the sole proprietor of BLF, and at all times material to this matter was
in good standing under the laws of Indiana. Mr. Bopp signed the Agreement on behalf of BLF.
18. Mr. Cawthorn served as a Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives, is over 18
years of age, and at all times material to this matter was authorized under the laws of both North
Carolina and Indiana to enter into legally enforceable contracts. Mr. Cawthorn signed the
19. In the Agreement, Mr. Cawthorn agreed to pay BLF for its legal services, at agreed upon
hourly rates for BLF attorneys, including James Bopp, Jr., Jeffrey P. Gallant, and Melena Siebert.
Agreement at 1.
20. Mr. Cawthorn agreed to pay the corresponding hourly rates for other BLF attorneys who
may assist in the legal work necessary in defending Mr. Cawthorn in the Defamation Suit. Id.
21. Mr. Cawthorn agreed to pay costs and expenses in addition to the hourly charges for legal
services. Id.
22. Under the terms of the Agreement, all invoices sent to Mr. Cawthorn by BLF were due
23. Under the terms of the Agreement, interest accrued at 1.5% per month on past due
24. Under the terms of the Agreement, Mr. Cawthorn agreed to pay all attorneys’ fees and
costs BLF incurred for collecting any unpaid amounts owed by Mr. Cawthorn, if legal action by
25. Mr. Cawthorn agreed that any disputes arising under the Agreement would be governed
by Indiana law without giving effect to Indiana’s conflict of law principles and that any court
26. BLF provided the legal services agreed upon under the Agreement and timely sent
27. Beginning on January 10, 2022, when Mr. Cawthorn’s representatives contacted BLF,
BLF performed extensive and time-sensitive work on Mr. Cawthorn’s behalf, researching and
advising him and his campaign on all aspects of a response to the Challenge Suit.
28. This legal work began with advising Mr. Cawthorn of the regulations and rules governing
a legal defense fund—to fund the litigation—and then mounting a substantive response to the
29. When the Board stayed the challenge to his candidacy, BLF mounted, on Mr. Cawthorn’s
behalf, a challenge in federal court to the North Carolina law under which the challenge to his
30. Along with the litigation in federal court, attorneys at BLF successfully
proceedings by opposing the appointment of a special master that was counsel for intervenors,
31. After winning a permanent injunction in the district court, BLF protected Mr. Cawthorn’s
interests by timely filing for attorney’s fees while also fully briefing and arguing the appeal in the
Fourth Circuit by the challengers. As part of a strategic decision in the appellate process, Mr.
Cawthorn agreed to withdraw his pursuit of attorneys’ fees in federal district court, agreeing to
32. The Fourth Circuit reversed and remanded the case back to the district court, but Mr.
Cawthorn ultimately lost his primary election shortly after the Fourth Circuit’s decision.
Attorneys at BLF strategically moved to have the district court case dropped as moot, in order to
forego a possibly adverse result that could affect any future campaigns Mr. Cawthorn might
33. To date, Mr. Cawthorn has an outstanding, unpaid balance of $193,296.85, apart from
any interest that is due and apart from any fees due for work on collecting overdue amounts, as
provided under the terms of the Agreement. BLF Invoice, September 26, 2022, Ex. 9.
Breach of Contract Due to Nonpayment for Services Rendered
35. Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Indiana law governs any dispute related to the
36. Under Indiana law, “[t]o recover for a breach of contract, a plaintiff must prove that: (1) a
contract existed, (2) the defendant breached the contract, and (3) the plaintiff suffered damage as
a result of the defendant's breach.” Collins v. McKinney, 871 N.E.2d 363, 370 (Ind. Ct. App.
37. “The basic requirements for a contract are offer, acceptance, consideration, and a meeting
of the minds between the contracting parties on all essential elements or terms of the
transaction.” Jernas v. Gumz, 53 N.E.3d 434, 445 (Ind. Ct. App. 2016), trans. denied.
38. Consideration is a “bargained for exchange” whereby the promisor accrues a benefit or
the promisee accepts a detriment. Kelly v. Levandoski, 825 N.E.2d 850, 860 (Ind. Ct. App. 2005).
39. The Agreement is a valid, enforceable contract. BLF offered its legal services to Mr.
Cawthorn in exchange for Mr. Cawthorn’s payment of attorney fees and costs, which Mr.
Cawthorn accepted. Mr. Cawthorn’s promised payment serves as consideration because Mr.
Cawthorn accrued the benefit of legal services in exchange for the detriment of paying BLF’s
fees. The Agreement contained all the essential elements of the terms of this contract. The offer,
acceptance, consideration, and the meeting of the minds between Mr. Cawthorn and BLF are
demonstrated within the Agreement itself, which was signed by Mr. Cawthorn and BLF, who
were authorized under the laws of their respective states to enter into the Agreement.
40. To date, Mr. Cawthorn has not paid $193,296.85 to BLF, apart from any interest that is
due and apart from any fees due for work on collecting overdue amounts, as provided under the
41. Because Mr. Cawthorn has not paid BLF for the attorney fees, costs, expenses and
42. BLF suffered damage totaling $193,296.85, plus the unpaid interest and the fees due for
Account Stated Claim
44. “The issues tried in an action on an account stated are whether or not the parties settled
their accounts and agreed upon a certain amount due; whether or not there was any agreement,
express or implied, to pay such amount; and, if payment is raised as a defense, whether such
payment was made.” 1 Ind. Law Encyc. Accounts and Accounting § 12.
45. An account stated is an agreement between the parties that all items of an account and
balance are correct, together with a promise, express or implied, to pay the balance. Jackson v.
46. An agreement that the balance is correct may be inferred if the debtor fails to object to the
amount owed within a reasonable amount of time. “When the underlying material facts are
law.” Auffenberg v. Bd. of Trustees of Columbus Reg'l Hosp., 646 N.E.2d 328, 331 (Ind. Ct. App.
47. Under Indiana law, if a debtor fails to object to an account until after a lawsuit is filed, the
court will consider this a failure to object within a reasonable time and will support an inference
of the debtor's implied agreement that the account balance is correct. Id.
48. Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, BLF billed Mr. Cawthorn monthly for attorney
fees and costs through a monthly invoice specifying the services rendered and their cost.
Beginning with the BLF invoice for services rendered in January, 2022, amounts charged to Mr.
49. Mr. Cawthorn did not object to the amount owed or services rendered on any of the BLF
50. Therefore, as a matter of law, Mr. Cawthorn has given BLF its implied agreement that the
accounts charged, but unpaid, on the BLF invoices are correct. Since Mr. Cawthorn has failed to
pay this balance and accrued interest, BLF should be awarded damages in the amount of
1. Award compensatory damages to BLF for the unpaid legal fees and costs, in the
amount of $193,296.85 .
Mr. Cawthorn.
3. Award all accrued interest on the unpaid balance for attorneys’ fees, costs, and
4. Award all attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses to BLF for prosecuting this action; and
Certificate of Service
I hereby certify that on December 7, 2022, a copy of the foregoing and all attachments
thereto were filed electronically using the Court’s CM/ECF system and will be served via a
Exhibit 1
Cawthorn Agreement for Legal
Services - Executed
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Exhibit 2
Cawthorn Invoice Feb. 8, 2022
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[email protected]
THE Bopp LAVV Fm1w, PC
February 8, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
Professional Services
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Qty/Price Amount
Attorney Summary
Name Hrs/Rate Rate
---=-~ Amount
James Bopp, Jr. 18.80 630.00 $11,844.00
James Bopp, Jr. 1.30 0.00 $0.00
Jeffrey P. Gallant 2.90 475.00 $1,377.50
Melena Siebert 47.70 270.00 $12,879.00
Melena Siebert 2.70 0.00 $0.00
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Exhibit 3
Cawthorn Invoice Mar. 25, 2022
Case 2:22-cv-00554-JRS-MG
[email protected]
Document 9-3 .Bopp
'.fHE Filed 12/07/22 Page 2 of
LAVV Fm.1w, PC 13 PageID #: 145
March 25, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
Professional Services
Hrs/Rate Amount
2/3/2022 MS Phone conferences with James Bopp, Jr. 0.20 54.00
regarding legal arguments for reply, emphasis- 270.00/hr
on public interest
MS Call court clerk, draft, file motion for refund for 0.90 NO CHARGE
fees paid electronically 270.00/hr
MS E-mail exchanges with client regarding required 0.90 243.00
explanation, billing records for LEF, email and 270.00/hr
phone conference with Jeffrey P. Gallant
regarding same ·
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Hrs/Rate Amount
2/4/2022 MS Draft summary of notes for research needs for 0.90 243.00
reply 270.00/hr
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
2/9/2022 MM Take notes on Motion to Intervene 0.70 115.50
Madison Cawthorn
Page 5
Hrs/Rate Amount
2/10/2022 JB Phone conference with Melena Siebert 0.60 378.00
regarding argument for Replies and Response 630.00/hr
JB Review draft of Opposition to Intervene; 0.70 441.00
suggest changes 630.00/hr
JB Phone conference with Melena Siebert 0.20 126.00
regarding revised briefs 630.00/hr
MS Phone conference with Michael Massie 0.10 27.00
regarding Reply in Support of Motion to 270.00/hr
Madison Cawthorn
Page 6
Hrs/Rate Amount
2/11/2022 MS Phone conferences with James Bopp, Jr. 0.10 27.00
regarding Reply In Support of Preliminary 270.00/hr
Injunction, Reply In Support of Motion to
Consolidate, Response to Motion to Intervene
Madison Cawthorn
Page 7
Hrs/Rate Amount
2/17/2022 MS Phone conference with James Bopp, Jr. 0.10 27.00
regarding redistricting special master issue 270.00/hr
JB Phone conference with Melena Siebert 0.10 63.00
regarding special master issue 630.00/hr
2/18/2022 JB Phone conference with Melena Siebert 0.80 504.00
regarding Bob Orr letter; revise same; review 630.00/hr
email exchange regarding same
Hrs/Rate Amount
2/21/2022 MS Review denial of Motion to Intervene 0.50 135.00
MS E-mail to client regarding denial of motion to 0.20 54.00
intervene, follow up phone conference with 270.00/hr
client regarding same
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Additional charges:
Qty/Price Amount
Attorney Summary
Name Hrs/Rate Rate
--== Amount
James Bopp, Jr. 22.50 630.00 $14,175.00
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Exhibit 4
Cawthorn Invoice Apr. 26, 2022
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April 26, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
Professional Services
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/2/2022 MS Phone conference with James Bopp, Jr. 0.30 81.00
regarding notice to court of new challenges, 270.00/hr
potential letter to NCSBE
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/3/2022 JB Review court order 0.20 126.00
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/4/2022 JB Phone conference with Melena Siebert 0.60 NO CHARGE
regarding press release; review draft press 630.001hr
release; approve
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/10/2022 REC E-mail from James Bopp, Jr. regarding briefing 0.10 53.00
conference 530.00/hr
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/11/2022 REC Download and print district court's written 0.10 NO CHARGE
preliminary injunction order 530.00/hr
REC Prepare and send e-mail to James Bopp, Jr. 0.20 106.00
regarding requested conference regarding 530.00/hr
REC Work on 1872 Act argument for stay opposition 2.40 1,272.00
REC Work on 1872 Act argument for stay opposition 4.20 2,226.00
Hrs/Rate Amount
Madison Cawthorn
Page 11
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/12/2022 REC
Work on 14th Amendment, Section 3 portion of
stay response 2.50 1,325.00
E-mail to James Bopp, Jr. regarding draft review
0.10 53.00
E-mail from Richard E. Coleson regarding draft
review 0.10 63.00
E-mails with Melena Siebert with response draft
0.10 53.00
E-mails with Richard E. Coleson with response
draft 0.10 27.00
REC Revise unclear sentence in my part of response
and circulate for review 0.30 159.00
Draft, edit response to emergency motion to
stay, research case law regarding same, send 1.30 351.00
same to James Bopp, Jr. for review 270.00/hr
Phone conference with Richard E. Coleson
0.30 189.00
regarding his module for brief; review draft
Amnesty Act module 630.00/hr
3/13/2022 MS
Draft, edit response to emergency motion to
stay, module on other constitutional claims, 0.90 243.00
send same to James Bopp, Jr. for review 270.00/hr
Revise draft; review Revise email regarding
edit; email Melena Siebert regarding module on 1.50 945.00
additional claims 630.00/hr
Edit brief; incorporate additions from Melena
Siebert and Richard E. Coleson 5.50 3,465.00
JB Review and edit my draft
1.50 945.00
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Hrs/Rate Amount
3/14/2022 REC Review copies of emails between James Bopp, 0.20 106.00
Jr. and Melena Siebert regarding stay opposition 530.00/hr
REC Review part of response draft and add edits; 1.10 583.00
prepare comments regarding same for Melena 530.00/hr
REC Research 4th Circuit cases for possible holdings 0.30 159.00
on investigation standards 530.00/hr
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/15/2022 ES Prepare pro hac vice for Jeffrey P. Gallant, 1.70 NO CHARGE
check Public for models, email Melena Siebert 165.00/hr
for confirmation
3/16/2022 ES Complete pro hac vice for Jeffrey P. Gallant; 1.10 NO CHARGE
email Melena Siebert for confirmation on pro 165.00/hr
hac vice process, phone conference with Jeffrey
P. Gallant to discuss pro hac vice application
Madison Cawthorn
Page 14
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/17/2022 JB Review 4th Circuit orders; phone conference
0.80 504.00
with Melena Siebert regarding order decision
(2x); email to client; phone conference with
Josh and Melena Siebert regarding next steps
JB E-mail exchange with opposing counsel
0.40 252.00
regarding consent to 2nd Intervention motion;
phone conference with Melena Siebert
Research intervention law regarding what is
2.90 783.00
"interest'' and interplay with intervention within
context of appeal 270.00/hr
Madison Cawthorn
Page 15
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/22/2022 MM
Phone conference with Melena Siebert
regarding research assignment 0.20 33.00
MM Review Renewed Motion for Intervention
0.80 132.00
MM Review documents in legal research folder
0.40 66.00
MM Review Notes of Decisions for Rule 24
0.60 99.00
MM Review case law on intervention
2.80 462.00
MM E-mail Melena Siebert regarding results of
research 0.60 99.00
MS Phone conference with Michael Massie
regarding research assignment 0.20 54.00
3/23/2022 MM
Phone conference with Melena Siebert
0.10 16.50
regarding Response to Renewed Motion to
Intervene 165.00/hr
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Madison Cawthorn
Page 18
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/25/2022 MS
Phone conference with Jeffrey P. Gallant
0.30 81.00
regarding response to notice of deficiency
JB Review court order; email exchange regarding
correction 0.40 252.00
JB Review draft Response to Motion
0.40 252.00
JPG Review Notice of Deficiency, draft response,
3.40 1,615.00
draft proposed scheduling order, draft
supplement regarding efforts to confer with
opposing counsel
Hrs/Rate Amount
3/30/2022 MS Phone conference with James Bopp, Jr., local 0.20 54.00
counsel regarding court's order for "stay" of 270.00/hr
constitutional claims
Hrs/Rate Amount
Qty/Price Amount
Attorney Summary
Name Hrs/Rate Rate ---''-="'==
Emma Shirley 10.30 165.00 $1,699.50
Emma Shirley 2.80 0.00 $0.00
James Bopp, Jr. 63.10 630.00 $39,753.00
James Bopp, Jr. 0.60 0.00 $0.00
Jeffrey P. Gallant 19.30 475.00 $9,167.50
Melena Siebert 51.30 270.00 $13,851.00
Melena Siebert 2.30 0.00 $0.00
Michael Massie 35.90 165.00 $5,923.50
Richard E. Coleson 26.20 530.00 $13,886.00
Richard E. Coleson 0.10 0.00 $0.00
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Exhibit 5
Cawthorn Invoice May 26, 2022
Case 2:22-cv-00554-JRS-MG Document 9-5 Filed 12/07/22 Page 2 of 11 PageID #: 180
May 26, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
Professional Services
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
4/6/2022 MS Draft Response to Motion to Accelerate 2.00 540.00
Hrs/Rate Amount
4/13/2022 JPG E-mail exchange with Melena Siebert, James 0.30 142.50
Bopp, Jr. regarding withdrawing fee petition 475.00/hr
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
ES E-mail with counsel press for quote for printing 0.30 49.50
the brief 165.00/hr
4/23/2022 JB Phone conference with Melena Siebert 0.30 189.00
regarding brief 630.00/hr
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Attorney Summary
Name Hrs/Rate Rate __A
Emma Shirley 0.30 165.00 $49.50
James Bopp, Jr. 34.80 630.00 $21,924.00
Jeffrey P. Gallant 0.30 475.00 $142.50
Melena Siebert 20.90 270.00 $5,643.00
Melena Siebert 0.20 0.00 $0.00
Michael Massie 38.80 165.00 $6,402.00
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Exhibit 6
Cawthorn Invoice July 1, 2022
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[email protected]
July 1, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
Professional Services
Hrs/Rate Amount
5/1/2022 JB Preparation for hearing; review case 2.30 1,449.00
Hrs/Rate Amount
5/3/2022 ES Listen to James Bopp, Jr.'s oral argument before 2.20 NO CHARGE
the Court of Appeals, make notes; research 165.00/hr
Hrs/Rate Amount
5/24/2022 MS Phone conference with James Bopp, Jr., local 0.30 81.00
counsel regarding 4th Circuit Opinion 270.00/hr
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Hrs/Rate Amount
5/2/2022 Travel expense for James Bopp, Jr. from May 02--04, 1 1,205.10
2022 to attend 4th Circuit Court Argument in $1,205.10
Richmond, VA
5/10/2022 Cost advanced for paper copies of brief and appendices 1 1,373.00
to 4th Circuit Court of Appeals--paid online on $1,373.00
05-10-22--payable to Counsel Press--Invoice #
Total costs
Balance due
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Attorney Summary
Name Hrs/Rate Rate Amount
Emma Shirley 0.50 165.00 $82.50
Emma Shirley 2.20 0.00 $0.00
James Bopp, Jr. 23.70 630.00 $14,931.00
Jeffrey P. Gallant 1.10 475.00 $522.50
Melena Siebert 6.50 270.00 $1,755.00
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Exhibit 7
Cawthorn Invoice July 28, 2022
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July 28, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
Professional Services
Hrs/Rate Amount
Hrs/Rate Amount
Attorney Summary
Name Hrs/Rate Rate Amount
James Bopp, Jr. 0.30 630.00 $189.00
Jeffrey P. Gallant 0.10 0.00 $0.00
Melena Siebert 0.20 270.00 $54.00
Melena Siebert 0.60 0.00 $0.00
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Exhibit 8
Cawthorn Invoice Aug. 24, 2022
Case 2:22-cv-00554-JRS-MG Document 9-8 Filed 12/07/22 Page 2 of 3 PageID #: 200
August 24, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
Professional Services
Hrs/Rate Amount
Attorney Summary
Name Hrs/Rate Rate --~~~
Melena Siebert 0.20 0.00 $0.00
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Exhibit 9
Cawthorn Invoices Sept. - Nov., 2022
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September 26, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
October 19, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016
November 22, 2022
Madison Cawthorn
Thomas Datwyler
PO Box 183
Hudson, WI 54016