Wireline 2
Wireline 2
Wireline 2
8.1.1 ‘BK’ Latch 8-1
8.1.2 ‘BEK-2’ Latch 8-1
8.1.3 ‘RK’ Latch 8-1
8.1.4 ‘RK-1’ Latch 8-4
8.1.5 ‘RKP’ Latch 8-4
8.1.6 Otis ‘R’ Latch 8-4
8.1.7 ‘RA’ Latch 8-4
8.1.8 ‘M’ Latch 8-4
b) All materials, handouts etc. will be collected and left tidy on your desk at the end of
each day.
• Empty coffee cups and rubbish must be disposed in the bins provided.
c) Due to the number of students which may be using the facility at the same time, the
canteen will become busy. We therefore request that after you have finished eating
you return to the recreation area, smoking area or elsewhere until the class begins
again. This will allow other students and staff access to the canteen.
d) A sensible dress code will be expected while working in the classroom.
b) Wellsite
We must assume the work area is a pipe deck offshore and respect it the same manner.
• All equipment must be rigged up and laid out neatly.
• All oil or diesel spillage must be mopped up immediately using the oil spill
granules or cleaning fluids provided.
• After rigging down the unit, the workbench and tools must be cleaned and
returned to the appropriate storage place and left as you would expect to find it.
c) All downhole tools used will be stripped, cleaned and redressed, if necessary, ready
for the next class.
d) When outside on the Training Well you will always wear the following:
• Hard Hat
• Safety Boots
• Coveralls
• Safety Glasses
• Gloves
• Hearing Protection as required
f) Safety harness
As offshore, all students must wear a safety harness while working any more than 1.5
metres off the ground.
• While rigging the equipment up or down these safety harnesses will be
provided and will be used.
Apart from the pain and suffering, there is also a high economic price to be paid for all this
occupation ill health. The workers and their families lose earnings. Employers lose money
from reduced productivity and lost production. Accidents cause disruption. Prosecutions
and civil actions can be very expensive. The nation as a whole has to pay for the sickness
benefit and National Health Service care involved.
2.1.4 Hazard
The hazard presented by a substance is its potential to cause harm. It may cause coughing,
damage to internal organs or even cause death. Some substances can cause harm in several
ways, by breathing, swallowing or absorption through the skin.
2.1.5 Risk
The risk from a substance is the likelihood that it will cause harm during use. This depends
• The hazard presented by the substance
• How it is used
• Control of exposure
• Quantity exposed to
• Length of exposure
• Personal vulnerability
There can be a substantial risk even from a substance that is not particularly hazardous, if
exposure is excessive. With proper precautions, however, the risk of being harmed by even
the most hazardous of substances can be very small.
If it has been concluded that there is no likelihood of risk to health, or any risk is
insignificant, the assessment is complete and no further action is needed (until review of
the assessment). If it is concluded that there are risks to health, it has to be decided what
else is needed to comply fully with the regulations.
2.2.3 Control
As with other hazardous substances, safe working with H2S is controlled by the Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations. Company Health and Safety
System N0. 802 - Hydrogen Sulphide, details the procedures that have to be followed to
control exposure to H2S.
f) Don’t jerk
Lift smoothly, keeping control of the load.
i) Individual capability
For the working population the guideline weights will give reasonable protection to nearly
all men and between one-half and two-thirds of women. To provide similar protection to
nearly all working women, reduce the guideline weights by about a third.
Any operation involving more than twice the guideline weights should be rigorously
assessed - even for very fit, well-trained individuals working under favourable conditions.
CAUTION: The guidelines are not precise weights. Use them with caution. If in
doubt, make a more detailed assessment.
The PTW system requires the involvement of competent and responsible persons as well as
the application of particular safety measures in a controlled sequence. The PTW system
ensures that responsibility and accountability for safe working practices is passed in a
logical sequence to those responsible for the work being carried out at any given time, and
ensures that specified effective safeguards are provided.
The Tristar PTW system in operation at the training centre, has been formulated from
various offshore PTW systems to cover the activities carried out at Tristar’s unique training
Supplementary certificates may be required to augment the PTW when specialist activities
are performed in conjunction with a task. While separate from the PTW, they are clearly
cross-referenced on each document.
• Confirmation of isolation
• Entry
b) Colour
The Hot Work (Naked Flame) Permit is red in colour.
c) Period of Validity
The Hot Work (Naked Flame) Permit is valid for a continuous period of up to 24 hours.
Revalidation is required every 12 hours or at a shift change.
d) Signatories
The Hot Work (Naked Flame) Permit must be approved by the Permit Officer or his
appointed deputy.
e) Copies
There are two copies of each Hot Work (Naked Flame) Permit. They are distributed as
• Original Performing Authority, for display at worksite
• First Copy Permit office.
b) Colour
The Hot Work (Spark Potential) Permit is green in colour.
c) Period of Validity
The Hot Work (Spark Potential) Permit is valid for a continuous period of up to 72 hours.
Revalidation is required every 12 hours or at a shift change.
d) Signatories
The Hot Work (Spark Potential) Permit must be approved by the Permit Officer or his
appointed deputy..
e) Copies
There are two copies of each Hot Work (Spark Potential) Permit. They are distributed as
• Original Performing Authority, for display at worksite
• First Copy Permit office.
b) Colour
The Cold Work (Well Intervention) Permit is yellow in colour.
c) Period of Validity
The Cold Work (Well Intervention) Permit is valid for continuous period of up to 24 hours.
Revalidation is required every 12 hours or at a shift change.
d) Signatories
The Cold Work (Well Intervention) Permit must be approved by the Permit Officer or his
appointed deputy.
e) Copies
There are two copies of each Cold Work (Well Intervention) Permit. They are distributed
as follows:
• Original Performing Authority, for display at worksite
• First Copy Permit Office.
b) Colour
The Cold Work (General Operation) Permit is blue in colour.
c) Period of Validity
The Cold Work (General Operation) Permit is valid for a continuous period of up to 72
hours. Revalidation is required every 12 hours or at a shift change.
e) Copies
There are two copies of each Cold Work (General Operation) Permit. They are distributed
as follows:
• Original Performing Authority, for display at worksite
• First Copy Permit office.
No Permit Required
a) Activities Covered
Under certain circumstances the Permit Officer may allow work to be carried out in his
area of control without the issue of a Permit. The discretion to use this facility lies entirely
with the Permit Officer. The decision must be taken only after deliberate consideration of
the circumstances.
The Permit Officer may give a verbal instruction or use a Maintenance Request form to
allow work to be carried out by suitably competent persons.
The work must not be hazardous to either the person who carries it out or to anyone else,
and the Permit Officer must be satisfied that all reasonably practicable steps have been
taken to ensure the safety of those involved, and anyone else that the work might affect.
Activities covered may include:
• Routine materials handling
• Routine work in offices.
• General cold work inside workshops
• Visual inspection of areas (not including confined spaces)
• Operating or demonstrating portable fire-fighting equipment or life saving
appliances during drills or training.
b) Workshop Operations
At his discretion the Permit Officer may issue, in the form of a memorandum, standing
orders to cover operations in workshops. Such orders can be valid only for designated
workshops and the authorised use of permanent facilities provided in the workshops. The
order should be prominently displayed in the workshops to which it refers. The
memorandum should include specific precautions and conditions to be observed.
a) Activities Covered
Before a Permit to Work can be issued for a task it may be necessary for the equipment or
plant to be worked on to be isolated. The Isolation Confirmation Certificate (ICC)
combines on one document a record of all the isolations required for a task to proceed in
safety. The equipment may require isolation from:
• Sources of electricity
• Process fluids and pressure
• Mechanical drive
• Control systems.
The ICC ensures that the isolations are applied and documented in a thorough, systematic
b) Period of Validity
The ICC is raised before the Permit to Work is issued, and it remains in force at least until
the Permit to Work is cancelled. The ICC will only be cancelled upon the cancellation
declaration being signed by the Area Authority.
c) Signatories
The ICC must be signed by the Permit Officer or his deputy and each of the involved
Isolating Authorities. The Permit Officer signs for isolations to be applied or removed and
to certify that the plant is available for return to normal operations.
The Isolating Authorities sign for each isolation they apply and remove.
d) Copies
There are two copies of each ICC. One copy is retained by the issuing Isolating Authority,
the second copy is given to the Permit Office.
b) Period of Validity
The Entry Certificate is valid for an indefinite period subject to gas retest which will be
carried out at a maximum interval of 12 hours. The Permit Officer or Authorised Gas
Tester may stipulate a more frequent retest if conditions dictate.
c) Signatories
The Entry Certificate must be signed by the Permit Officer.
d) Copies
There are two copies of each Entry Certificate. They are distributed as follows:
• Original Performing Authority, for display at worksite
• First Copy Permit office.
b) Performing Authority
The Performing Authority is the senior person actually in charge of the task on a
continuous basis who is present on the site during the work.
The Performing Authority is responsible for and signs the Permit to acknowledge that both
he/she and his/her men will:
• Comply with the conditions specified on the Permit
• Use the protective equipment specified on the Permit.
The Performing Authority signs the Permit at the end of the task to certify:
• The status of the task specified on the Permit
• That all his workforce has been withdrawn from the worksite
• That the worksite has been left safe and clean.
c) Isolating Authority
An Isolating Authority is appointed by the Permit Officer and is responsible for the
application and removal of isolations under an ICC. The Isolating Authority carries out his
duties under the instructions of the Permit Officer. His expertise in his particular discipline
will enable him to advise the Permit Officer as to the isolations required for an ICC or
Sanction to Test. His discipline can be:
• Mechanical
• Electrical
• Process
• Control.
Landing nipples are short tubular components furnished with tubing threads top and
bottom, compatible with the completion tubing. They are internally machined to provide a
locking recess and sealing bore into which the locking device is installed.
The main features of a landing nipple are:
• Locking groove or profile
• Polished seal bore
• No-Go shoulder (where applicable)
Landing nipples are receptacles designed to accept and retain various wireline retrievable
flow controls, the most common being plugs, chokes, valves and pressure/temperature
recording devices.
Landing nipples are furnished to suit all nominal tubing sizes and weights with API or
premium thread connections and are available in two basic types:
• Non-Selective (No-Go)
• Selective
3.1.1 Advantages
The advantages of using landing nipples in a completion string include:
• The well may be plugged to hold differential pressure from above, below or
from both directions.
• The tubing string may be pressure tested/packer setting
• SCSSSVs, chokes and other flow control devices may be safely set in the
tubing string.
• Bottom hole pressure and temperature gauges may be installed.
• The nipples may be used as reference points for checking depth.
a) Application
These nipples may be placed at any depth in the completion string. If more than one ‘AF’,
‘HF’ or ‘VF’ nipple is to be run in the completion string, then the sizes must be stepped
down to allow the compatible lock-mandrel to pass through the No-Go shoulder of the
nipple above. The ‘AF’, ‘HF’ or ‘VF’ nipple would normally be used in the completion
string with an ‘AR’, ‘HR’ or ‘VR’ nipple the same size below it. The top No-Go shoulder
in the ‘AF’, ‘HF’ or ‘VF’ is larger than the packing bore. This allows the ‘AR’, ‘HR’ or
‘VR’ lock mandrels which incorporate a bottom No-Go to pass through the ‘AF’, ‘HF’ or
‘VF’ nipples. These nipples can be used as a positive locating receptacle for blanking
plugs, velocity type safety valves, check valves, chokes, instrument hangers and circulating
blanking plugs.
b) Advantages
These nipples bear the same designation as their compatible lock mandrels. They provide
positive location in the tubing string and can be used in high pressure environments. They
have a larger ID than the ‘AR’, ‘HR’ and ‘VR’ nipples which gives a larger flow area, e.g.
Hydraulic packer setting, providing positive mechanical isolation from the reservoir when
carrying out wellhead maintenance/repairs.
a) Application
These nipples may be placed at any depth in the completion string. If more than one ‘AR’,
‘HR’ or ‘VR’ nipple is to be run in the completion string, then the sizes must be stepped
down to allow the compatible lock-mandrel to pass through the No-Go shoulder of the
nipple above. The ‘AR’, ‘HR’ or ‘VR’ nipple would normally be the deepest nipple in a
completion string, with the ‘AF’, ‘HF’ or ‘VF’ top No-Go nipple above it. These nipples
can be used as a positive locating receptacle for blanking plugs, velocity type safety valves,
check valves, chokes, instrument hangers and circulating blanking plugs.
b) Advantages
In some circumstances the No-Go shoulder can prevent the loss of a wireline toolstring.
These nipples bear the same designation as their compatible lock mandrels. They provide
positive location in the tubing string and can be used in high pressure environments.
Figure 3.4 - Baker Type ‘AR’, ‘HR’ and ‘VR’ Landing Nipple
a) Application
The ‘AF’, ‘HF’ and ‘VF’ lock mandrels are
run with the Model ‘A’ running tool and
pulled with the type ‘GS’ or ‘GR’ pulling
tool. When these lock mandrels are locked
in position, in their respective nipples, the
large pressure bearing locking dogs lift the
No-Go shoulder off seat. This eliminates
No-Go shoulder swaging. These locks can
be used as a locking device for plugs,
chokes, check valves, instrument hangers
Figure 3.5 - Baker ‘AF’, ‘HF’ and ‘VF’
b) Advantages
Due o the design of the Baker Sur-Set system the running tool will retrieve the lock if it is
not properly set in its nipple profile. When fully locked in the nipple profile the lock
mandrel fishing neck has a ‘C’ ring which locks it in place to prevent the lock unseating
due to friction of vibration while the well is flowing.
NOTE: For Running and Pulling Procedures see Baker Type ‘AR’, ‘HR’ and
a) Application
The ‘AR’, ‘HR’ and ‘VR’ lock mandrels are
run with the Model A running tool and
pulled with the type ‘GS’ or ‘GR’ pulling
tool. When these lock mandrels are locked
in position, in their respective nipples, the
large pressure bearing locking dogs lift the
No-Go shoulder off seat. This eliminates
No-Go shoulder swaging. These locks can
be used as a locking device for plugs,
chokes, check valves, instrument hangers
Figure 3.6 - Baker ‘AR’, ‘HR’ and ‘VR’
b) Advantages
Due to the design of the Baker Sur-Set system the running tool will retrieve the lock if it is
not properly set in its nipple profile. When fully locked in the nipple profile the lock
mandrel fishing neck has a ‘C’ ring which locks it in place to prevent the lock unseating
due to friction of vibration while the well is flowing.
c) Running Procedures
1) Make up the appropriate Model A running tool to the ‘AR’, ‘HR’ or ‘VR’ lock
mandrel and attach to a standard wireline tool string.
2) Lower the tool string into the tubing until the ‘AR’, ‘HR’ or ‘VR’ Nipple is located.
3) With the lock mandrel assembly located on the No-Go shoulder, downward jarring
will shear the top pin in the Model A running tool and lock the lock mandrel into the
nipple profile.
4) Test the lock mandrel by applying an upward strain on the wireline. If the mandrel is
properly locked in the nipple, upward jarring will shear the bottom pin in the running
tool and allow the tool-string to be returned to the surface.
NOTE: If the mandrel is not properly locked in the nipple, it will jar loose before
the bottom pin is sheared. If this should happen, lower the mandrel back
into the nipple and repeat Steps 2, 3 and 4.
• Model ‘A’ Running Tool
• Model ‘D’ Probe Extension
• Model ‘MH’ Positioning Tool
• Model ‘A’ Guide
• Equalising Prong.
Model ‘H’ Bypass Blanking Plug With Removable Mandrel is a positive blank-off device
designed to seal off pressure from above and below. These plugs are for use in wells where
sand or sediment might be encountered. The plugs have a removable Mandrel which
protrudes from the Fishing neck of the Lock so that a sand bailer can expose it for retrieval.
The Model ’H’ Plug may be used with either the Top No-Go, or BOTTOM No-Go type
Locks and is available in a wide range of pressure settings.
The Plug, with the selected Lock attached, is run in and set without the removable Mandrel
in place, thus, providing a large fluid bypass area and allowing fast run-in time. The
Mandrel is then run in and landed inside the Plug, blanking-off the bypass ports.
Equalisation is accomplished by pulling the removable Mandrel from the Plug and opening
the bypass ports to pressure. The Plug itself is then pulled using conventional running and
pulling tools.
Figure 3.8 - Model ‘H’ Bypass Blanking Plug With removable Mandrel
3.1.10 Equalising Prong for Model ‘M’ Single-Trip Bypass Blanking Plug
The Equalising Prong is used in conjunction with the Model ‘A’ Guide to shift the inner
Mandrel of the Model ‘M’ Single-Trip Bypass Blanking Plug to the open position for
pressure equalisation.
Figure 3.10 - Equalising Prong for Model ‘M’ Single-Trip Bypass Blanking Plug
a) Application
These check valves can be installed in a nipple at surface and run with completion string.
When this procedure is used, problems can occur when the check valve is to be pulled, due
to tubing scale, pipe dope etc. falling on top of the valve fishing neck. For this reason the
check valve is normally run on wireline once the completion is in place.
b) Advantages
Once a Sur-set check valve has been landed and locked in a seating nipple, all of the
differential applied to the valve is carried by the locking dogs and not by the No-Go
shoulder. This allows the valve to withstand high differentials and eliminates damage to the
No-Go shoulder.
Equalisation of both types of valve occurs during retrieval. Upward jarring to release the
locking dogs, shears screws in the equalising sub and allows equalisation of the check
valve if a differential remains at retrieval. The check valves have external fishing necks and
can be run on ‘C-1’, ‘JDC’ or ‘SB’ running tools and pulled with ‘JDC’, ‘JUC’, ‘SB’ or ‘R’
series pulling tools.
c) Running Procedure
The check valve would be RIH with the expander mandrel pinned by shear screws in its
uppermost position and the dogs retracted into the body. It would be pinned to a shear
down running tool.
The check valve locates the No-Go shoulder and by downward jarring the shear screws
shear and allow the expander mandrel to close and push the dogs out into the nipple profile.
Continued downward jarring will shear and release the running tool and allow the
toolstring to be pulled out of hole.
d) Pulling Procedure
The check valve can be pulled with either a shear up or shear down pulling tool. Once
latched onto the fishing neck, the check valve must be equalised. This is done by jarring up
and shearing shear screws in the equalising housing. The top sub will then move up and
expose the equalising ports. It is good practice to allow a short time for equalising before
continuing to jar upwards, otherwise the check valve will be trying to lift a column of fluid.
Once equalised, continued upward jarring moves the expander mandrel upwards and allows
the dogs to retract into the body, so allowing the check valve to be retrieved.
A hydraulic control line is made up to the control line port on the nipple prior to running
the tubing string.
a) Application
The ‘B’ Landing Nipple is normally positioned in the tubing string 50 - 100 ft below the
‘Mud line’. The control line port is situated between the two seal bores. When the SSSV is
locked in the nipple it ‘ packs- off’ across the control line port. Pressure can then be applied
down the control line to operate the SSSV
b) Advantages
The ‘B’ series landing nipple can be used as a receptacle for a dummy SSSV or a shallow
set plug when maintenance work is to be carried out on the wellhead etc.
The ‘DB’ nipple provides a positive locating receptacle for the Camco ‘DB’ series lock
mandrel and associated flow control devices.
a) Application
This nipple can be placed at any depth in the tubing string. It can be used as a receptacle for
blanking plugs, velocity type safety valves, check valves, instrument hangers and chokes.
b) Advantages
The ‘DB’ nipple No-Go shoulder provides a positive locating device which eases the
setting of the lock mandrel. The top No-Go also gives a larger ID and flow area.
A hydraulic control line is made up to the control line port on the nipple prior to running
the tubing string.
a) Application
The ‘B’ series landing nipple is normally positioned in the tubing string 50-100 ft below
the ‘mud-line’. The control line port is situated between the two seal bores. When the
SSSV is locked in the nipple it ‘packs-off’ across the control line port. Pressure can then be
applied down the control line to operate the SSSV. The ‘B’ series landing nipple accepts
the appropriate B-7 WRDP and WRP series wireline retrievable safety valves.
b) Advantages
The ‘B’ series landing nipple can also be used as a receptacle for a dummy SSSV or a
shallow set plug when maintenance work is to be carried out on the wellhead etc.
a) Application
As in the ‘B’ Series landing nipple.
b) Advantages
The ‘BA-6’ landing nipple can also be used as a receptacle for a dummy SSSV or a
shallow set plug when maintenance work is to be carried out on the wellhead etc. When the
SSSV is to be pulled for regular wireline work or to be changed out, pressure can be left on
the control line. Because the upper packing bore is larger than the lower packing bore, it
has a larger piston area. This together with the control line pressure assists retrieval of the
a) Application
As for the ‘B’ Series landing nipple.
b) Advantages
The ‘BA-6’ landing nipple can also be used as a receptacle for a dummy SSSV or a
shallow set plug when maintenance work is to be carried out on the wellhead etc. When
the SSSV is to be pulled for regular wireline work to be changed out, pressure can be left
on the control line. Because the upper packing bore is larger than the lower packing bore,
it has a larger piston area. This together with the control line pressure assists retrieval of
the SSSV.
a) Application
The ‘DB-6’ lock mandrel can be used to locate and lock various flow control devices in the
tubing string e.g. surface controlled sub surface safety valves direct controlled safety
valves, plugs, chokes, check valves, and instrument hangers.
b) Advantages
The ‘DB-6’ is a No-Go type lock, making nipple location and lock setting simple. When
this lock is pinned to the ‘Z-6’ running tool its locking dogs are fully retracted reducing the
chance of the assembly hanging up while RIH.
b) Disassembly Procedure
1) Install the running tool in a vice. Locate the grip of the vice on the centre of' the
fishing neck.
2) Using a small standard tip screwdriver, remove the garter spring from the plunger.
3) Remove the lock pin retainer from the plunger.
4) Remove the plunger from the fishing neck. The application of a moderate amount of
heat (not to exceed 300 F) may be necessary to release the fishing neck from the
loctite which is applied to the plunger threads during assembly.
5) Remove the plunger ring from the plunger.
6) Remove the fishing neck from the vice.
c) Assembly Procedure
1) Prior to assembly, wash all metal parts. Use a good quality thread lubricant on all
threads, except those where the use of loctite, Grade 242, is specified.
2) Install the fishing neck in the vice. Locate the grip of the vice on the centre of the
fishing neck.
3) Install the plunger ring, bevelled end first, over the plunger.
4) Apply loctite, Grade 242, to the pin threads of the plunger. Make up the plunger and
fishing neck fully tight.
5) Make up the lock pin retainer and the plunger.
6) Install the garter spring in the shallow machined groove between the two deeper
grooves at the end of the plunger.
7) Remove the running tool from the vice.
d) Running Procedure
1) Install the 'Z-6' running tool in a large vice. Clamp the vice on the fishing neck of the
running tool.
2) Remove the ring retainer from the position indicator housing of the 'DB' lock.
3) Place the ring retainer over the lower end of the running tool and move it up over the
shear pin holes in the plunger of the running tool.
4) Align the lower two shear pin holes of the ring retainer with the two pin holes of the
running tool plunger.
5) Insert two steel shear pins through the aligned holes of both the ring retainer.
6) Move the plunger ring of the running tool down to meet the lock retainer ring.
7) Align the upper shear pin holes of the plunger ring with the upper shear pin holes of
the retainer ring. Install two brass shear pins and tap them down firmly.
NOTE: When the 'DB' Lock is attached to a subsurface control device which
entails a flapper, use the designated Running Prong in conjunction with
the Running Tool.
8) Install the small garter spring on the end of the running tool plunger. There is a
shallow groove for this purpose provided between the two deeper grooves at the end
of the plunger.
9) Remove the running tool from the vice.
10) Make up and tighten the running tool and ring retainer onto the position indicator
housing the 'DB' Lock.
NOTE: Exercise care so that the garter spring is not rolled back during this step.
When the garter spring is located in the deeper groove above the shallow groove, proper
setting of the lock is assured.
The 'tell tale' garter spring indicates the length of travel of the collet within the lock
housing. The collet must move down fully in order for the fingers to engage in the lock
housing collet recess and assure positive locking.
16) Prior to resuming normal well operation, conduct tests to confirm that the lock is
securely seated in the landing nipple.
b) Operation
When the pulling tool reaches working depth, its collet contacts with the restricted diameter
of the top of the device to be pulled and so moves back against the collet spring, inertia
allowing the collet core to continue moving downwards. The restricted diameter of the
device to be pulled causes the collet fingers to deflect inwards and make possible a passage
through the opening of the fishing neck. As the collet fingers clear the opening of the
fishing neck, the collet spring shifts the collet fingers back over the larger diameter of the
collet core and so locks the pulling tool to the device to be pulled.
In the event that the device cannot be retrieved, the 'PRS' has a release feature which
operates by downward jarring to break a shear pin freeing the core from the outer housing
and moving the back-up shoulder down from behind the fingers and simultaneously a
ratchet mechanism grips the core holding it in this lower position. The tool is now free to
be pulled from the well.
NOTE: Some models of 'PRS' tools can be released from the device to be palled
by upwards and downwards jarring action.
An attractive feature of the Type 'PRS' Pulling Tool is the ease by which it can be released
at the surface from the pulled device. By simply placing a pin punch into the collet hole,
retracting the collet against its spring, then rotating the punch in the collet housing slot, the
tool can be released.
c) Operational Checks
Before running the tool, its shear mechanism should be checked.
Following recovery from the well, the tool should be redressed before storing.
d) Disassembly Procedure
This procedure refers to the 41/2", 51/2" and 6" Pulling Tools.
1) Install the pulling tool in a vice. Locate the grip of the vice on the centre of the spring
housing [7]. Ensure that the shear pin sleeve [5] is exposed.
2) Back off the ratchet housing [3] from the spring housing [7]. The ratchet housing
cannot be removed from the pulling tool in this step.
3) Slide the shear pin sleeve [5] towards the ratchet housing [3].
4) Using a pin punch and a ball peen hammer, remove the shear pin [6] in the spring
housing [7]. Leave the pin punch in the shear pin hole to prevent the inner mandrel
[10] from turning.
5) Using a pin punch and a ball peen hammer, remove the shear pins [2] from the
tangential shear pin holes in the fishing neck [1].
6) Remove the fishing neck [1] from the inner mandrel [10].
7) Remove the ratchet housing [3] and the shear pin sleeve [5] from the pulling tool.
8) Remove the collet core [12] from the inner mandrel [10]. Remove the pin punch from
the shear pin hole in the spring housing [7].
9) Remove the collet housing [9] and collet assembly [11] from the spring housing [7].
10) Place the collet housing [9] and collet assembly [11], with the collet fingers pointing
upward on a work bench. Holding the collet housing [9] with both hands, jar the
collet housing upward, deflecting the collet fingers inward and allowing the collet
[11] to pass through the bore of the collet housing.
11) Remove the spring [8] from the inner mandrel [10].
12) Remove the inner mandrel [10] from the spring housing [7].
13) Remove the ratchet sleeve [4] from the spring housing [7].
e) Assembly Procedure
This procedure refers to the 41/2", 51/2" and 6" pulling tools.
Prior to assembly, wash all parts thoroughly. Lubricate all threads with an anti-seize
1) Install the spring housing [7] in a vice. Locate the grip of the vice on the centre of the
spring housing. Ensure that the shear pin sleeve [5) is exposed.
2) Insert the inner mandrel [10] into the bore of the spring housing [7]. Align the shear
pin holes in the spring housing and the inner mandrel [10]. Place a pin punch in the
aligned shear pin holes.
3) Slide the spring [8] over the lower end of the inner mandrel [10] and against the
lower internal shoulder of the spring housing [7].
4) Place the collet [11] on a work bench with the collet fingers pointing upward. Place
the collet housing [9], box threads first, over the collet fingers. Holding the collet
housing with both hands, jar the collet housing downward. The weight of the collet
housing deflects the collet fingers inward, allowing the collet to pass through the bore
of the collet housing.
5) Install the lower end of the inner mandrel [10] into the bore of the collet housing [9]
and collet assembly [11].
6) Place a pin punch or rod of appropriate size in the hole of the collet [11]. Retract the
collet against the collet spring [8] and make up the collet housing on to the spring
housing fully tight. Remove the pin punch or rod from the collet.
7) Make up and tighten the collet core [12] to the lower end of the inner mandrel [10]1.
8) Install the ratchet sleeve [4], unthreaded end first, over the upper end of the inner
mandrel [10]. Slide the ratchet sleeve up to the buttress threads on the inner mandrel.
Rotate the ratchet sleeve clockwise until the buttress threads on the ratchet sleeve
disengage the buttress threads on the inner mandrel. The unthreaded end of the
ratchet sleeve should rest against the upper internal shoulder of the spring housing
9) Install the shear pin sleeve [5] over the upper end of the inner mandrel [10] and onto
the spring housing [7], allowing the sleeve to rest on the threads of the spring
10) Install the ratchet housing [3] over the upper end of the inner mandrel [10]. Do not
make up the ratchet housing to the spring housing [7].
11) Make up the fishing neck [1] on to the upper end of the inner mandrel [10]. Losing a
pin punch and a ball peen hammer, install the shear pins [2] in the tangential shear
pin holes in the fishing neck. File the shear pins flush with the outside diameter of the
fishing neck.
12) Remove the pin punch from the shear pin holes in the spring housing [7]. Using a ball
peen hammer, install the shear pin[6] in the shear pin hole in the spring housing.
13) Slide the shear pin sleeve [5] over the shear pin hole.
14) Make up and tighten the ratchet housing [3] onto the spring housing [7].
f) Re-pinning Procedure
This procedure refers to the 41/2", 51/2" and 6" pulling tools.
1) Install the pulling tool in a vice. Locate the grip of the vice on the centre of the spring
housing [7]. Ensure that the shear pin sleeve [5] is exposed.
2) Rotate the inner mandrel [10] counter-clockwise until the buttress threads on the
inner mandrel disengage the buttress threads on the ratchet sleeve [4].
3) Back off the ratchet housing [3] from the spring housing [7].
4) Slide the shear pin sleeve [3] towards the ratchet housing [3]. Pieces of the shear pin
[6] will fall out of the spring housing [7].
5) Using a pin punch and a ball peen h hammer, remove any of the remaining pieces of
the shear pin [6] which did not fall out of the spring housing [7].
6) Align the shear pin holes in the spring housing [7] and inner mandrel [10].
7) Using a ball peen hammer, install the shear pin [6] in the shear pin hole in the spring
housing [7]. File the shear pin flush with the outside diameter of the spring housing.
8) Slide the shear pin sleeve [5] over the shear pin hole.
9) Lubricate the thread on the spring housing [7]. Make up the ratchet housing [3] on to
the spring housing.
3-36 Expro North Sea Ltd.
Wireline Module 2
g) Pulling Procedure
1) Ensure that the 'PRS' Series Pulling Tool is fully assembled and in proper working
order. Make up the pulling tool onto the wireline tool-string.
2) Run the tool-string into the well until the collet fingers of the pulling tool lock into
the locking recess of the internal fishing neck of the retrievable subsurface device.
3) Jar upward on the wireline.
NOTE: If the sub-surface device does not dislodge from the well, the 'PRS'
Pulling Tool can be disengaged from the device and recovered to the
surface with downward jarring. The 'PRS-2' through 'PRS-6' Pulling
Tool can be released from the device with upward or downward jarring,
depending on the position of the compression core spring in the spring
4) Retrieve the wireline tool-string with the subsurface device and close the master
5) Bleed the lubricator pressure off and remove the tools from the well.
a) Application
The ‘DB-HP’ blanking plug can be used to plug the tubing to pressure test the tubing itself,
as a barrier when pulling tubing, or to isolate flow and tubing pressure when carrying out
wellhead maintenance. This blanking plug is easily converted to an equalising standing
valve or circulating plug. The ‘DB-HP’ plug can be run in one wireline trip but when
pulling two trips are required.
b) Operation
The ‘DB-HP’ is made up to the appropriate ‘DB’ series lock. This assembly is run into the
tubing and locked in the nipple using standard wireline methods. Downward jarring with
the appropriate ‘Z-6’ running tool and prong sets the lock and closes the equalising ports.
Upward jarring releases the lock allowing its retrieval. When retrieving the assembly, the
appropriate J series pulling tool and equalising prong are run into the tubing. Upon contact,
the equalising insert is latched and the equalising prong shears the knockout plug, allowing
pressure to equalise. Upward jarring removes the equalising insert. On the second trip the
appropriate ‘PRS’ pulling tool latches onto the lock with attached blanking plug. Upward
jarring allows removal to the surface.
a) Application
The ‘DB-P’ blanking plug can be used to plug the tubing to pressure test the tubing itself,
as a barrier when pulling tubing or to isolate flow and tubing pressure when carrying out
wellhead maintenance. The ‘DB-P’ plug with attached lock is run in two wireline trips. The
first to set the plug body and the second to set the prong. Two runs are required to pull this
plug, the first being the prong and the second the plug body. The wireline retrievable prong
which is inserted on the second trip is available with either an internal or external fishing
neck. The length of the prong is also variable and can be made to protrude well above the
blanking plug if desired. The prong is completely pressure balanced and is not locked in
b) Advantages
Because this blanking plug incorporates a prong which extends above the lock mandrel
fishing neck, it is ideal in tubing installations where sand or scale may be present.
c) Operation
The ‘DB-P’ is made up to the appropriate ‘DB’ series lock. This assembly is run into the
tubing and locked in the nipple using standard wireline methods. Downward jarring with
the appropriate ‘Z-6’ running tool sets the lock. Upward jarring allows retrieval of the
running tool to the surface. On the second trip into the well the equalising ports are sealed
off by installing the prong.
When retrieving the assembly, the appropriate ‘J’ or ‘S’ series pulling tool is run into the
tubing and latches onto the prong. Upward jarring removes the prong and allows
equalisation. On the second trip, the appropriate ‘PRS’ pulling tool latches onto the lock
and blanking plug. Upward jarring unsets the lock and the assembly may be pulled to the
a) Application
Primarily designed for standard weight tubing the Otis ‘X’ profile nipple has a full size
packing bore and service environment is restricted only by the nipple material selected. The
‘X’ nipple provides a locating receptacle in the tubing string for the ‘X’ lock mandrel and
desired flow control device.
b) Advantages
The ‘X’ nipple does not incorporate a No-Go shoulder. This provides a larger ID and flow
area than an ‘XN’ nipple of the same size.
a) Application
Designed for standard weight tubing the ‘XN’ profile nipple is non-selective due to the
restricted No-Go shoulder ID. Single nipple installations would use an ‘XN’ profile nipple
which, due to the No-Go shoulder restriction, automatically provides a positive stop. The
‘XN’ nipple is usually run in the completion string, in the ‘tailpipe assembly’ below a
b) Advantages
No-Go nipples of different sizes can be used in the same tubing string with selective
nipples of the same size above. The No-Go shoulder provides a positive locating device
when running plugs, test tools, etc.
The restricted ID can catch wireline tools accidentally dropped during wireline operations.
a) Application
When combined with an equalising assembly and valve cap this lock mandrel can be used
as a tubing plug capable of holding a pressure differential from either direction. The ‘X’
lock mandrel can also be used as a locking medium for various flow control devices such
as chokes, check valves, pack-offs, instrument hangers etc. When the ‘X’ lock is used with
a wireline retrievable sub-surface safety valve, the lock mandrel can be modified to allow a
small shear pin to be installed between the expander mandrel and the main body of the
lock. This shear pin is held in place with a leaf spring and an Allen cap screw. This
modification prevents flow vibrations from vibrating the expander mandrel upwards and
thus unlocking the mandrel.
b) Advantages
Simply by changing the keys the ‘X’ lock mandrel can be converted into a type ‘XN’ lock
c) Disassembly Procedure
1) Place the upper portion of the key retainer sleeve in vice.
2) Remove the packing mandrel and place a pipe wrench on the shear pin section of the
packing mandrel and remove it.
3) Place the fishing neck and expander sleeve in an unlocked position by pulling them
away from the key retainer sleeve.
4) Remove the locking keys by slipping them from the ends of the springs and working
them through the bore of the key retainer sleeve.
5) Place fishing neck in a vice and remove the expander sleeve.
6) Push the expander sleeve out of the lower end of the key retainer sleeve and the
springs will fall out.
7) Clean and inspect all parts.
d) Assembly Procedure
1) Place the expander sleeve inside the key retainer sleeve, lining up the spring slots.
Leave approximately 1/2’ of spring slots on the expander exposed. Insert springs in
the slots with hook ends out and towards the top of the expander sleeve. Engage the
hooks on the springs in the holes provided in the key retainer sleeve.
2) After all springs are in place, push the expander sleeve into the key retainer sleeve
and move it to its uppermost position.
3) Screw the fishing neck onto the expander sleeve. Place the fishing neck in a vice and
tighten the connection.
4) Slide each key through the bore in the key retainer sleeve and onto a spring. Make
certain the spring is properly installed in the locking key. The springs should pass
through a slot inside the keys, with the lower end over a shoulder near the slot bottom
(see illustration).
5) Replace packing mandrel by screwing it into the bottom of the key retainer sleeve.
6) Install packing mandrel.
a) Application
The type ‘XN’ lock mandrel can be used in the same manner as the type ‘X’ lock mandrel,
the only difference being the key profile.
b) Advantages
In general an ‘XN’ plug assembly has a higher pressure rating from above than an ‘X’ plug
the same size because it incorporates a No-Go shoulder. Since the No-Go shoulder
provides positive location, this lock is easy to locate and lock into its nipple. By changing
the keys the ‘XN’ lock mandrel can be converted into a type ‘X’ lock mandrel.
c) Disassembly Procedure
1) Place the assembly in the vice, gripping on the fishing neck and slacken the packing
2) Insert a steel rod through the shear pin holes in the packing mandrel.
3) Using the rod as handles, pull the packing mandrel away from the vice. This will
move the key retainer sleeve away from the fishing neck and expose the expander
4) Place a pipe wrench on the expander sleeve and remove it from the fishing neck.
5) Place the key retainer sleeve in the vice.
6) Remove the packing mandrel from the key retainer sleeve.
7) With the expander sleeve in the up or unlocked position, the keys may be removed
from the slots.
8) Pull the expander sleeve out of the bottom of the key retainer sleeve. This will allow
the springs to fall free.
9) Clean and inspect all parts thoroughly, looking closely at springs and packing.
d) Assembly Procedure
1) Place the key retainer sleeve in a vice, taking care not to damage the slots.
2) Insert the springs into their proper holes and slots, align the grooves in the expander
sleeve with the springs and insert as far as possible into the retainer sleeve.
3) Put the keys in their proper slots making sure to engage the springs and push the
expander sleeve back far enough to hold them in place.
4) Make up the fishing neck on the expander sleeve.
5) Insert the packing mandrel into the expander sleeve and make it up on the retainer
6) Install the packing, adapters and back-up rings in proper order.
NOTE: For Complete Instructions On The Type ‘X’ Running Tool, Refer To
Section 6.
g) Pulling Procedures
The type ‘GR’ pulling tool is normally used to pull the ‘XN’ lock mandrel.
NOTE: The Proper Equalising Prong Should Always Be Used With The Pulling
Tool And Adequate Time For Equalisation Should Always Be Allowed
Before Jarring Upward On The Lock Mandrel.
1) Make up the proper size prong into the bottom of the GR pulling tool and attach the
pulling tool to a standard wireline tool string.
2) Lower the tool string into the bore of the tubing until the lock mandrel is located and
3) As the pulling tool enters the lock mandrel the prong will shift the equalising valve
open. (Slight downward jar action may be necessary to shift the valve.)
4) The weight of the tool string should be allowed to rest on the lock mandrel while
pressure across the control device is being equalised.
5) After equalisation has been confirmed, an upward strain on the wireline will indicate
whether or not the pulling tool is latched into the fishing neck of the lock mandrel.
6) Jar downward at least one firm stroke on the lock mandrel to loosen the lock mandrel
in the nipple.
7) Place an upward strain on the wireline. In some cases this is all that is required to
move the expander sleeve up, allow the keys to retract and release the lock assembly.
8) In most cases upward jar action may be necessary to cause the unlocking and release.
9) Retrieve tool string, pulling tool and released lock assembly with equalising valve
and flow control devices to surface.
a) Application
The ‘X’ and ‘R’ equalising assemblies provide a means of equalising pressure differential
across wireline set plug assemblies. The ‘X’ and ‘R’ allow the plug assemblies to be run
and set in one operation and equalised and pulled in one operation. The valve cap is simply
a blanking plug, attached to the equalising sub, to prevent flow through the plug choke
until the equalising melon has been moved off seat. It is sometimes replaced by an
extended version to act as a sump for scale etc. or to catch gas lift valves.
b) Operation
The equalising-sub consists of a multi-ported outer housing and an inner melon
incorporating two ‘O’-Rings. When the melon is in the running/setting position, the two
‘O’-Rings are below the equalising ports allowing fluid by-pass through the plug choke
assembly. Once the plug choke assembly is locked and set the action of shearing and
pulling the running tool out of the choke assembly moves the melon upwards. This places
the ‘O’-rings across the equalising ports packing them off.
a) Application
The ‘PX’ and ‘PR’ equalising assemblies provide a means of equalising pressure
differential across wireline set plug assemblies. The ‘PX’ and ‘PR’ plug assemblies require
two wireline runs to set and two wireline runs to pull. The first run would be to set the plug
body and the second to set the prong in the plug body. (PULLED IN REVERSE ORDER.)
The valve cap is simply a blanking plug, attached to the equalising sub, to prevent flow
through the plug choke until the equalising prong has been moved off seat.
b) Operation
The equalising-sub consists of a multi-ported outer housing. These ports are packed off
with a prong which has two sets of ‘V’ packing, one sitting above the ports and one sitting
below. The ‘P’ or ‘PR’ type plug choke used where there is a likelihood of sand or scale
being present in the tubing string. This plug choke incorporates a long equalising prong
which extends out above the top of the lock mandrel and has an external fishing neck.
Depending on the length of the equalising prong, a fair amount of sand or scale can fall on
the top of the plug choke assembly without covering the prong fishing neck. The prong is
run on a shear down type running tool i.e. ‘SB’ or ‘JDC’ and is pulled on a shear up or
down pulling tool, i.e. ‘RB’, ‘JUC’, ‘SB’ or ‘JDC’.
c) Maintenance
The seals on the prong assembly should be inspected and replaced if necessary after each
run. The choke body may be disassembled by removing the valve housing and cap; this
will allow the packing section of the lock mandrel to be replaced as required. Inspect lock
mandrel springs and packing after each run.
Pulling tools are for recovering and, to a lesser extent, for running flow control assemblies
and other items of downhole equipment.
All downhole assemblies are equipped with standard fishing necks. To identify the
corresponding pulling tool, only the ID/OD and reach are required.
They are only used if a standard fishing neck is accessible. If not (e.g. if a part of the tool
remains downhole) then a special tool (e.g. an overshot) has to be used.
The pulling tool must be selected according to the size and type (internal or external) for
the lock mandrel (or other downhole device) to be retrieved. This means that, at the time
the device is run, its size must be carefully measured and logged.
Pulling tools from different manufacturers often have slightly differing detail design. For
this reason, they should be used with fishing necks from the same manufacturers if
possible. In practice, these small differences normally do not affect compatibility.
Therefore the operator must be able to immediately identify a tool's shear direction.
The shear direction and the outcome of running any pulling tool in the hole must be given
careful consideration at the planning stage of the job.
a) Operational
On reaching the working depth, the weight of the tool-string bears down on the device to
be pulled and, if necessary, is backed up by a light downward jar.
b) Operational Check
It is recommended that the shear mechanism is tested prior to use. Following recovery from
the well, the tool should be redressed before storing.
c) Disassembly Procedure
1) Place the pulling tool in the vice so that the jaws grip the cylinder [6].
2) Remove the fishing neck sub [1].
3) Remove the shear pin retainer sleeve [2]
4) Remove the shear pin [5].
5) Insert a pin punch or shear stock bar into the lower hole of the core [9] and remove
the core nut [3] using a core wrench. The pin punch or bar is to prevent rotation of
the core [9] whilst removing the core nut.
6) Remove the pin punch or bar from the core [9] and remove the cylinder spring [4].
7) Remove the core [9] through the lower end of the cylinder [6].
8) The dogs [10] should now be removed by pushing them inwards into the cylinder
body [6].
9) The spacer washer [8] can now be removed followed by the dog spring [7].
d) Assembly Procedure
1) Prior to assembly, wash all parts thoroughly. Lubricate all threads with a good quality
thread lubricant.
2) Place the cylinder [6] in a vice.
3) Insert the dog spring [7] and the spacer ring [8].
4) Install the dogs [10]. Spring compression should hold the dogs in their slots.
5) Carefully slide the threaded end of the core [9] through the lower end of the cylinder
6) Align the lower hole in the core [9] with the shear pin hole in the cylinder [6] and
insert a pin punch.
7) Install the cylinder spring [4].
8) Make up the core nut [3] with the core nut wrench.
9) Remove the pin punch and align the uppermost shear pin hole.
10) Install a new shear pin [5]. File the shear pin flush with the surface of the cylinder
11) Install the shear pin retainer sleeve [2] and the top sub [1].
e) Re-Pinning Procedure
1) Without Re-Pinning Tool
2) Place the pulling tool in a vice and grip on the cylinder [6].
3) Remove the top sub [1].
4) Remove the shear pin retainer sleeve [2] and the sheared portions of the previous
shear pin [5].
5) Push down on the core nut [3] to align the shear pin hole in the core [9] and the hole
in the cylinder [6].
6) Install a new shear pin [5]. This expels the remaining piece of the shear pin.
7) File the shear pin flush with the outside surface of the cylinder [6].
8) Replace the shear pin retainer sleeve [2] and the top sub [1].
All other parts of each type of tool are identical and completely interchangeable.
a) Operation
On reaching the working depth, the weight of the tool-string bears down on the device to
be pulled and, if necessary, is backed up by a light downward jar. Once latched, the pulling
operations can begin.
If the pulling operation is prevented by, for example, the build up of debris, scale or
differential pressure, the shear pin will shear and so unlatch the dogs from the fishing neck.
The pulling tool can now be retrieved, redressed or changed for another type.
NOTE: When jarring up with ‘R’ tools, large forces can be imparted to the shear
pin. For this reason, these tools are generally fitted with larger shear pins
than those fitted to equivalent shear-down tools. Despite this, as the shear
pin takes the full load of the force imparted by the jar, it can sometimes
shear before the pulling operation is accomplished.
Two features of the ‘R’ series pulling tool are its ability to sustain downwards jarring
without releasing and its ability to achieve shearing independent of the core bottoming out.
In certain circumstances, the tool can be used in running operations.
b) Operational Checks
It is recommended that the shear mechanism is tested prior to use. Following recovery from
the well, the tool should be redressed before storing.
c) Principle of Operation
The ‘R’ Pulling tool is attached to a standard tool-string and lowered into the well. Upon
contact with the subsurface device, the lower portion of the cylinder passes over the fishing
neck; the dogs are pushed outward, the force of the dog spring then makes the dogs spring
inward to engage the fishing neck. Upward impacts of the jars are used to pull the
subsurface device from the well.
The shear pin should withstand considerable jarring before shearing. When the pin shears,
the cylinder spring acts between the top sub and the cylinder and moves the core up in the
cylinder. This moves the dogs upward against the force of the dog spring. As the dogs
move upward, their tapered upper ends move into the cylinder, forcing the dogs inward
thereby pushing the lower ends of the dogs outward. This causes the dogs to release their
grip on the fish neck.
e) Assembly Procedure
Prior to assembly, wash all parts thoroughly. Lubricate all threads with a good quality
thread lubricant.
1) Place the cylinder [7] in a vice.
2) Insert the dog spring [8] and spacer [9] into the cylinder [7].
3) Install all three dogs [10]. Spring compression should hold the dogs [10] in their
4) Gently insert the threaded end of the core [11] through the lower end of the cylinder
[7]. Align the lower hole in the core [11] with the shear pin hole in the cylinder [7]
and insert a punch.
5) Place the shear pin cover [5], cylinder spring [4] and sleeve [3] over the exposed end
of the core [11].
6) Make up the top sub [1] onto the core [11]. Normally it is necessary to compress the
cylinder spring [4] to start the threads.
7) Install the set screw [2] into the uppermost hole in the core [11]. Then remove the
punch from the lower hole in the core and rotate the cover [5] 90o.
f) Re-Pinning Procedure
1) Rotate the shear pin cover [5] until the opening is aligned with the shear pin [6]. The
ends of the shear pin [6] should fall free.
2) Compress the pulling tool using a pinning tool or other means, until the remaining
portion of the shear pin [6] is aligned with the shear pin holes in the cylinder [7].
3) Insert a new shear pin [6].
NOTE: Ensure that neither end of the new shear pin [6] projects from the
cylinder [7].
4) Rotate the shear pin cover [5] 90o to retain the shear pin [6].
All other parts of each type of tool are identical and completely interchangeable.
a) Operation
On reaching the working depth, the weight of the tool-string bears down on the device to
be pulled and, if necessary, is backed up by a light downward jar.
Once latched on, pulling operations can begin.
If the pulling operation is prevented by, for example, the build up of debris, differential
pressure or scale, the shear pin will shear and so unlatch the dogs from the fishing neck.
The pulling tool can now be retrieved, redressed or changed for another type.
NOTE: When jarring up with ‘JU’ tools, large forces can be imparted to the
shear pin. For this reason, these tools are generally fitted with larger
shear pins than those fitted to equivalent shear-down tools. Despite this,
as the shear pin takes the full load of the force imparted by the jar, it can
sometimes shear before the pulling operation is accomplished.
b) Operational Checks
It is recommended that the shear mechanism is tested prior to use. Following recovery from
the well, the tool should be redressed before storing.
c) Disassembly Procedure
1) Place the pulling tool in a vice. The grip of the vice should be located on the top sub
2) Remove the locking screw [2] from the top sub [1].
3) Remove the pulling tool assembly from the top sub [1].
4) Remove the core spring [3] from the core [8].
5) Remove the dog spring [5] from the skirt [6].
NOTE: For the 4" ‘JUC’ pulling tool, the spring cover must be removed before
the dog spring [5] can be removed from the skirt [6].
6) Using a pin pinch and a ball peen hammer, remove the shear pin [4] from the skirt [6]
and the core [8].
7) Slide the core [8] out through the lower end of the skirt [6]. The pawls [7] will fall
into the bore of the skirt [6].
8) Remove the pawls [7] from the bore of the skirt [6]. Hold the assembly in a vertical
position with the pin threaded end of the skirt [6] facing upward. Using a pin punch,
push the dogs [9] through the threaded end of the skirt [6] until they are free.
d) Assembly Procedure
Prior to assembly, wash all parts thoroughly. Lubricate all threads with a good quality
thread lubricant.
1) Insert the pin threaded end of the skirt [6] into the bore of the dogs. Slide the dogs [9]
onto the skirt [6], matching the legs of the dogs [9] with the vertical openings
provided for the dogs [9] in the skirt [6]. While performing this operation, keep
fingers clear of the openings in the skirt [6].
2) Place a small amount of grease around the circular part of one pawl [7]. Place the
pawl [7] on the end of a long-bladed screwdriver. Slide the pawl [7] into the
threaded end of the skirt [6] and insert the pawl [7] in the window. Install the
remaining pawl [7] into the skirt [6] using the same procedure.
3) Slide the core [8] into the lower end of the skirt [6]. Take great care that the pawls [7]
are not dislodged from the skirt [6].
4) Align the shear pin hole in the core [8] with the shear pin hole in the skirt [6]. Using
a ball peen hammer, insert the shear pin [4] into the aligned holes. File the shear pin
[4] flush with the outside diameter of the skirt [6].
5) Pull the dogs [9] upward to ensure that the dogs [9] work freely in the skirt [6].
6) Insert the appropriate size fishing neck into the lower end of the pulling tool. Pull the
fishing neck down several times to ensure that the dogs [9] engage the fishing neck
and return to the recess in the skirt [6].
7) With the fishing neck still inserted into the end of the pulling tool, remove the shear
pin. Check to see if the fishing neck can be removed easily from the end of the tool.
8) Reinstall the shear pin [4].
9) Install the dog spring [5] over the skirt [6].
10) If applicable, install the spring cover over the dog spring [5].
11) Install the core spring [3] over the core [8].
12) Make up the top sub [1] to the core [8].
13) Insert the locking screw [3] into the top sub.
All other parts of each type of tool are identical and completely interchangeable.
a) Operation
On reaching the working depth, the weight of the tool-string bears down on the device to
be pulled and, if necessary, is backed up by a light downward jar.
b) Operational Check
It is recommended that the shear mechanism is tested prior to use. Following recovery from
the well, the tool should be redressed before storing.
e) Assembly Procedure
Prior to assembly, wash all parts thoroughly. Lubricate all threads with a good quality
thread lubricant.
1) Insert the pin threaded end of the skirt [9] into the bore of the dogs [11]. Slide the
dogs [11] onto the skirt [9], matching the legs of the dogs [11] with the vertical
openings provided for the dogs [11] in the skirt [9].
NOTE: While performing this operation, keep fingers clear of the openings in the
skirt [9].
2) Place a small amount of grease around the cylinder part of one pawl [10]. Place the
pawl [10] on the end of a long bladed screwdriver. Slide the pawl [10] into the
threaded end of the skirt [9] and insert the pawl [10] in the window provided in the
skirt [9]. The grease will hold the pawl [10] in the window. Install the remaining
pawl [10] into the skirt [9] using the same procedure.
3) Slide the core [12] into the lower end of the skirt [9]. Take care that the pawls [10]
are not dislodged from the skirt [9].
4) Install the dog spring [8] over the pin threaded end of the skirt [9]. (11/4" and 13/8"
5) Make up the spring retainer [7] to the skirt [9] (11/4" and 13/8" only).
6) Align the shear pin hole in the core [12] with the shear pin hole in the spring retainer
[7]. Using a ball peen hammer, insert the shear pin [5] into the aligned holes. File the
shear pin flush with outside diameter of the skirt [9].
7) Insert the core spring [4] over the core [12].
8) Make up the core nut [3] to the core [12].
9) Insert the locking screw [2] into the core nut [3] and tighten fully (sizes over 13/8").
10) Pull the dogs upward to ensure that the dogs work freely in the skirt [9].
11) Insert the appropriate size fishing neck into the lower end of the pulling tool. Pull the
fishing neck down several times to ensure that the dogs [11] engage the fishing neck
and return to the recess in the skirt [9].
12) With the fishing neck still inserted into the end of the pulling tool, remove the shear
pins. Check to see if the fishing neck can be removed easily from the end of the tool.
13) Reinstall the shear pin.
14) Install the dog spring [8] over the skirt [9] (sizes over 13/8").
15) Install the shear pin cover [6] over the spring retainer if applicable.
16) Make up the fishing neck to the spring retainer [7].
NOTE: File the shear pin [5] flush with the outside diameter of the spring
retainer [7].
6) Install the shear pin cover [6] over the spring retainer [7].
7) Make up and tighten the top sub [1] onto the spring retainer [7].
13) Make up the top sub [1] onto the spring retainer [7] fully tight.
c) Assembly Procedure
1) Place the housing [1]
horizontally in the vice with the
shear pin hole facing up.
2) Install the spring [15] in the lock
sleeve [14].
3) Install the core extension [13]
into the lock sleeve [14]
compressing the spring [15].
4) Maintain compression on the
spring [15] and install the lock
segments [17] into the windows
of the lock sleeve [14].
5) Grasp the outside surface of the
lock segments [17) to inhibit the
spring [15] from pushing the core
extension [13] out of the lock
sleeve [14].
6) Install the threaded end of the
core extension and its associated
parts into the housing [1].
7) Rotate the core extension [13] to
align the shear pin holes with the
housing [1].
8) Install a punch in the holes to
serve as a back-up.
9) Make up the fishing neck [11]
onto the core extension [13] and
install the set screw [12].
10) Remove the punch and install the
shear pin [16].
11) Rotate the retainer ring until the
detect is over the shear pin [16].
12) Place the cylinder [10] in a vice.
13) Install the spring [6] and the
washer [7] in the cylinder [10].
14) Install the dogs [8] into the
windows of the cylinder [10].
NOTE: The dogs are installed by placing the upper end of the dog against the
washer, compressing the spring and pushing the dogs out into the
15) After the dogs [8] are in place, install the core [9] into the cylinder [10]. Push the
core by the dogs carefully so that they do not jump out of the windows.
16) Align the lower hole in the core [9] with the hole in the cylinder [10].
17) Install a punch in the hole to serve as a back-up.
18) Install the spring [4] and make up the nut [3] with the core nut wrench.
19) Remove the punch and place the shear pin retainer [2] over the cylinder [10] with the
holes up.
20) Make up the double shear-down adaptor [1] (40S012) into the cylinder [10].
f) Operation
When assembled and shear-pinned, the lock segments and lock sleeve hold the core spring
compressed and serve the same purpose as the regular pulling tool shear pin. When the core
extension and fishing neck are in the up position, the lock segments are held in the recess in
the housing.
When the shear pin is sheared in the adaptor, the core extension and fishing neck move
down, releasing the lock segments from the housing. This permits the main core spring in
the pulling tool to move the core up, forcing the dogs to move out and release the pulling
On reaching the working depth, the weight of the tool bears down on the device to be
pulled and, if necessary, assisted up by a downward jar. The downward jar should be light
and kept to a minimum to avoid premature shearing.
Once latched on the pulling procedure can begin.
A larger shear pin is fitted to the shear-up to release conversion, in order to extend the
jarring to release life of the tool.
The tool is designed not to release when a load is applied in the opposite direction to its
releasing position. For example, when the tool is in the shear-up to release conversion, the
tool is designed not to be released by a downward force. Likewise, when the tool is in the
shear-down to release conversion, the tool is designed not to be released by an upward
a) Operation
On reaching the working depth, the weight of the tool-string bears down on the device to
be pulled and, if necessary, is backed up by a light downward jar. On locating the device to
be pulled the dogs of the ‘GS’ automatically engage by their upward movement over the
tapered core [3]. This allows the dogs to retract and enter the recessed pulling neck. Once
in the recess, a spring forces the dogs down over the taper and out into the lock mandrel
fishing neck. As the fishing neck has a restricted diameter, the dogs are securely locked in
the mandrel and upward jarring can commence.
Due to the design of the tool, the downward force produced by the jarring action, is exerted
through the pulling tool core [3] and, in turn, through the shear pin. The cylinder [7] must,
therefore, remain stationary and the core [3] must move downwards in relation to the
cylinder [3] in order to shear the pin. The tool cannot be sheared if the core [3] is resting on
debris etc.
A feature of the ‘GS’ pulling tool is its ability to sustain upward jarring without releasing.
In certain circumstances, the tool can be used in running operations when fitted with an
appropriate prong.
b) Operational Checks
It is recommended that the shear mechanism is tested prior to use. Following recovery from
the well, the tool should be redressed before storing.
To release the pulling tool from the lock mandrel; grasp the dog retainer with the thumb
and forefinger and force it up to compress the spring. This should lift the dogs enough to
allow them to retract against the small outside diameter of the core [3]. Take the mandrel
off the pulling tool.
c) Disassembly Procedure
1) Place the ‘GS’ tool in a vice, gripping the flats on either side of the core [3] bottom.
2) Rotate the shear pin retainer sleeve [6] until the shear pin [5] ends are exposed.
Carefully drive out the shear pin [5],
NOTE: Bear in mind that the cylinder spring [8] is under compression and will
snap the top sub [4] back to the fishing neck [1] shoulder upon pin
3) Loosen the set screw [2] in the fishing neck [1] and remove the fishing neck [1] from
the core [3].
4) The remaining cylinder [7] sub assembly can now be slid off the upper end of the
core [3].
NOTE: At this point, the core [3] can be changed without further disassembly of
the tool.
5) Insert the top sub [4] in a vice and remove the cylinder [7]. The shear pin sleeve [6]
will remain on the top sub..
6) Remove the cylinder spring [8] from inside the cylinder top sub [4].
7) The cylinder spring retainer [9], dog spring [11], dog retainer [12] and dog segments
[13] may now be removed from the cylinder body [7].
d) Assembly Procedure
Prior to assembly, wash all parts thoroughly. Lubricate all threads with good quality thread
1) Place the cylinder [7] horizontally in the jaws of the vice with one window of the
cylinder [7] facing up.
2) Slide the dog retainer [12] through the threaded end of the cylinder [7] and position
the dog retainer [12] so that one of its dog slots is visible in the window.
3) Insert one dog [13] through the lower end of the cylinder [7] and position it in the
dog retainer [12].
4) Reaching through the threaded end of the cylinder [7], rotate the dog retainer [12]
until the next dog slot appears in the window of the cylinder [7]. Insert the next dog
[13] as before, and continue until all dogs [13] are in place.
5) When all dogs [13] are in place, move the dog retainer [12] and the attached dogs
[13] all the way down into the cylinder [7].
6) Install the dog spring [11] over the dog retainer [12], and insert the spring retainer [9]
(small end first) through the threaded end of the cylinder [7].
7) Insert the cylinder spring [8] into the area under the threads of the top sub [4].
8) Make up the top sub [4] and shear pin retainer sleeve [6] into the cylinder and
remove it from the vice.
9) Grasp the flats on the lower end of the core [3] in the vice with the core [3] in vertical
10) Slide the cylinder [7] sub-assembly down over the core [3].
11) Make up the fishing neck [1] onto the core [3] and tighten the connections.
12) Install the set screw [2].
13) Before using the tool, install the shear pin [5].
a) Operation
On reaching the working depth, the weight of the tool-string bears down on the device to
be pulled and, if necessary, is backed up by a light downward jar.
Once located, the dogs of the ‘GR’ automatically engage as they move upwards over the
tapered core [3]. This allows the dogs to retract and enter the recessed pulling neck. Once
in the recess, a spring forces the dogs down over the taper and out into the lock mandrel
fishing neck. As the fishing neck has a restricted diameter, the dogs are securely locked in
the mandrel and upward jarring can commence.
Due to the design of the tool, the upward force produced by the jarring action, is exerted
through the cylinder [20] and, in turn, through the shear pin. The core [3] must, therefore,
remain stationary and the cylinder assembly [7] must move upwards in relationship to the
core [3] in order to shear the pin.
Features of the ‘GR’ tool:
• Can sustain downwards jarring without releasing.
• Can be sheared when movement of the core [3] is restrained by debris in the
lock mandrel i.e. shearing only requires that the dogs are locked into the fishing
b) Operational Checks
It is recommended that the shear mechanism is tested prior to use. Following recovery from
the well, the tool should be redressed before storing.
9) Rotate the shear pin retainer band [15] 90o to retain the pin [17]. The retainer band
[15] may be dimpled with a punch if it is a loose fit and then rotated offset.
NOTE: A ‘GU’ adaptor may be utilised to reopen a ‘GS’ pulling tool using the
above method in the absence of a spring compressor tool.
b) Assembly Procedure
Assemble in reverse order from disassembly.
The knowledge of tubing and tubular component volumes is of primary importance when
they are being filled or displaced. Calculations of the capacity of tanks of various sizes and
shapes are also frequently required.
This section will explain how to perform these calculations and the following is a list of
terms, definitions, symbols and formulae which are necessary to complete them.
The length of a straight line through the centre of a circle from circumference to
The length of a straight line from the centre of a circle to the circumference (one half the
The number of unit squares (inches, feet, centimetres etc.) equal in measure to the surface.
In order for us to clearly understand the definitions of these terms, we must know the
following information:-
Water is a universal fluid because pure water anywhere in the world weighs the same per
unit volume (density). For this reason water is used as the standard for comparison of the
densities of other liquids. Water has been assigned the Specific Gravity of 1.0. Any liquid
heavier than water will have a specific gravity greater than 1.0. while any liquid lighter
than water will have a specific gravity less than 1.0.
The following facts about fresh water should be committed to memory:
• Pure water has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot (lb/cuft)
• Pure water has a pressure gradient of 0.433 pounds per square inch/per foot
• Pure water weighs 8.33 Pounds per gallon (US)
• Pure water has a specific gravity of 1.0.
PRESSURE is normally expressed in pounds per square inch (psi) in the UK and USA.
FORCE is normally expressed in pounds.
AREA is normally expressed in square inches.
We can of course change this formula to calculate the FORCE when both the PRESSURE
and the AREA are known: FORCE = PRESSURE (pounds per sq. ins.) x AREA (sq ins.)
so by multiplying the pressure by the area we obtain the force expressed in pounds (lb).
NOTE: This manual uses the convention of ‘rounding up’ to the final decimal if it
is five or over. Less than five and the figure remains unchanged. Slight
variations in final solutions will occur if the figures are run through as a
single calculation. For clarity, each part of the calculations here are used
as shown.
Often in the field we are given only the weight per gallon of the liquid or the specific
gravity so we must also be able to convert these values into pressure gradient.
Example: What is the pressure gradient of salt water weighing 10 lb/gal ?
Solution: We know that fresh water being the standard reference for all liquids weighs
8.33 lb/gal. We also know that Specific Gravity is the RATIO of the density of a substance
compared to the density of another substance which is used as the standard. So we compare
the salt water at 10 lb/gal to the fresh water at 8.33 lb/gal.
10 lb/gal
Therefore SG = 8.33 lb/gal = 1.2 SG
In order to convert this SG to pressure gradient we simply multiply by the gradient of fresh
water which is 0.433 psi/ft.
Therefore SG = 1.2 x 0.433 = 0.520 psi/ft
See also ‘Hydrostatic pressure of well fluids’ and ‘Fluid weight conversion table’.
Now that we have committed these facts about fresh water to memory we can calculate the
pressure gradient of any liquid when we know its density in lb/cubic ft or weight in lb/gal.
Example: What is the Hydrostatic Pressure exerted by a 5000 ft column of brine
weighing 11 lb/gal?
Solution: SG = 11 lb/gal ÷ 8.33 lb/gal = 1.32
Therefore gradient of brine = 1.32 x 0.433 = 0.572 psi/ft
Hydrostatic pressure = 0.572 psi/ft x 5000 ft = 2860 psi
When dealing in pounds per gallon we can use the common ‘rule of thumb’ method of
calculating hydrostatic pressure by applying the constant 0.052 which is derived by
dividing 0.433 by 8.33.
H.P.= 11 lb/gal x 0.052 x 5000 ft = 2860 psi
NOTE: This constant 0.052 can only be used when the weight of the liquid is
expressed in lb/gallon.
There is another term that we need to familiarise ourselves with, this is API which stands
for American Petroleum Institute. The American Petroleum Institute in an effort to
standardise all materials used in the oil industry, has set a standard for fluids. This is
expressed as API gravity. Oil of various weights, at base temperature of 60oF is given API
ratings. Fresh water has been arbitrarily assigned an API rating of 10.0. Although tables
are widely used to convert API gravity to SG we need to know an alternative method
should the tables be unavailable.
The formula used to convert API to SG is = 131.5 + APIo
Therefore SG = 0.865
Gradient of oil = SG x 0.433 = 0.865 x 0.433 = 0.375 psi/ ft
HP of oil Column = 0.375 x 5000 = 1875 psi
We can now move on and apply what we have learned to an actual wireline situation:
Operation - To run in the hole and open the SSD located at 4,500 ft Conditions: See Figure
The well has been shut in, recording at CITHP of 500 psi.
The tubing is filled with 35o API oil.
The tubing/casing annulus is filled with 11 lb/gal brine.
Problem: What differential pressure exists between the annulus and tubing at the depth
of the SSD and in which direction is the pressure acting ?
Solution: HP of oil:
Convert API to SG: 131.5 + 35o = 0.850 SG
Figure 5.2
As always it helps to draw a sketch with all the relevant information. See Figure 10.3.
Figure 5.3
5.1.2 Hydrostatics
1) Define the following:
a) Gradient
b) Specific Gravity
c) Hydrostatic Pressure
a) Gradient is the rate of increase or decrease.
b) Ratio of the density of a substance compared to an accepted standard density.
c) Hydrostatic pressure - the pressure exerted by a column of fluid.
2) Calculate the specific gravity of:
a) 30o API Oil
b) 47o API Oil
c) 23o API Oil
d) 12 lb/gall Mud
e) 14 lb/gall Mud
f) 9 lb/gall Brine
a) 0.876
b) 0.793
c) 0.916
d) 1.4
e) 1.7
f) 1.08
3) What is the hydrostatic pressure in the following examples:
a) 11 lb/gall fluid to 3600 ft.
b) 6000 ft of fluid with a gradient of .365 psi/ft.
c) 36o API fluid to 8700 ft.
a) 2059 psi
b) 2190 psi
c) 3182 psi.
4) An SSD at 7000 ft is to be opened. Tubing is filled with 30 API oil and annulus is
filled with 9.5 lb/gall brine. Can the sleeve be opened under the conditions ?
Explain your answer
= 0.876 SG
131.5 + 30
0.876 x 0.43 = 0.379 psi/ft
0.379 x 7000 = 2657 psi Tubing Hydrostatic
Annulus Hydrostatic: 9.5 x 0.052 = 0.494 psi/ft
0.494 x 7000 = 3458 psi
A differential of (3458-2657) 801 psi exists. The sleeve should not be opened until
pressures are equalised.
5) What is the bottom hole pressure in the tubing of a well with the following
TD 8300 ft
32 API oil to 5500 ft
0.6 SG Gas to surface
CITHP of 1050 psi
Gas Factor 1.121 x pressure 1050 = 1177 psi
Oil HP = 131.5 + 32 x 0.433 x 2800 = 1050 psi
b) Flow Areas
The ‘AO’, ‘XO’ and ‘RO’ by design allow 85% of the tubing flow area.
The ‘XA’ and ‘RA’ by design allow 85%-100% of the tubing flow area depending on size
and grade of material.
The ‘XD’. ‘RD’, ‘CMU’ and ‘CMD’ by design allow 100% of tubing flow area.
The ‘L’ sliding sleeve in general allows 100% of the tubing flow area, however, this is
governed by the tensile strength requirement at the flow ports.
The ‘XD’, ‘XO’, ‘RD’ and ‘RO’ SSD are used primarily in deviated wells as they are
enclosed by jarring up where a better impact can be transmitted by the jars.
a) Application
To blank off the flow ports, if it is
feasible or not possible to close the
To blank off a producing zone
behind a sliding side door and allow
only lower zone(s) to be produced
through a singlestring completion.
b) Operation
With the straddle tool located in the
sliding side door, the packing stack
on the ‘X’ lock seals in the upper
polished bore of the sliding side
door and the packing stack on the
mandrel extension seals in the
lower polished bore. Effective
sealing will be produced above and
below the sliding sleeve of the
sliding side door.
c) Running Procedure
1) Pin the ‘X’ straddle tool to the ‘X’ line running tool.
2) Determine the location of the sliding side door relative to any others of the same size
and type into which the straddle tool is to be installed.
3) If the straddle tool is to be installed into the uppermost sliding side door, place the
running tool in the non-selective mode. This will keep the lock mandrel dogs in a
flatting position.
4) If the straddle tool is to be installed into a sliding side door below a landing nipple or
a sliding side door of the same size and type, the running tool must be placed in the
selective position. This will keep the lock mandrel dogs in the fully retracted
5) Make up the straddle, shear pinned to the running tool, onto a standard wireline
6) Run in the tubing until the desired sliding side door is reached. If the running tool is
in the re-selective mode, the keys of the lock mandrel will immediately locate in the
nipple profile of the sliding side door. Proceed to step 9.
7) If the running tool is in the selective mode, run the straddle assembly to a few feet
below the sliding side door.
8) Pull back through the sliding side door to trip the ‘X’ line running tool into the non-
selective mode.
9) Lower the toolstring to locate the straddle assembly into the sliding side door.
10) Jar downwards to lock the straddle tool into the locking profile and to shear the top
shear pin on the running tool.
11) Apply an upstrain on the wireline to confirm positive locking.
12) Jar upwards to shear the lower brass pin in the running tool.
13) Retrieve the running tool to surface.
d) Pulling Procedure
1) Make up a ‘GS’ pulling tool, complete with equalising prong, onto a standard
2) Run in the tubing with the retrieving toolstring to the desired sliding side door.
3) Locate and latch the straddle tool.
4) Observe for any change in CITHP when the straddle tool is latched. Ensure that the
tubing and annulus pressures are equalised before attempting to retrieve the straddle
from the sliding side door.
5) Jar upwards to unlock the lodging dogs from the locking profile and pull the straddle
tool from the sliding side door.
6) Retrieve the straddle tool and retrieving toolstring to surface.
NOTE: Most gas lift systems are designed to recirculated the lift gas. Low
pressure gas from the production separator is collected, compressed and
re-injected into the well again.
Figure 6.2 shows a simplified flow diagram for a continuous gas lift well.
Key considerations for gas lift systems:
• Tubing size
• The need for a packer
• Setting depths for gas lift valves.
Figure 7.2 - Simplified Flow diagram of a Closed Rotative Gas Lift System for Single Well
NOTE: SPMs were originally intended for gas lift purposes and, in some
completions, SSDs are being replaced by SPM/circulating valve systems
which give the advantage of being able to replace sealing components by
wireline methods rather than by workovers. However, the cross sectional
areas of the circulating ports may be a limiting feature.
A number of SPMs can be installed in one tubing string and, with the use of a kick-over
tool, a valve can be selectively run into or retrieved from an SPM by conventional wireline
techniques. After installation, full tubing bore is preserved for future wireline work.
Figure 6.3 shows an example of a single completion string utilising SPMs.
An SPM consists of an oval or round body shell with an integral forged pocket offset to
one side of the longitudinal axis. The SPM pocket has seal bores and a lock profile to
accommodate a communication or flow control device.
Located in the upper part of the body is an orientation sleeve which aligns the kick-over
tool with the side pocket aperture, regardless of well deviation or the orientation of the
pocket. Side pocket mandrels are available in two sizes of receptacles - 1 inch and 11/2
NOTE: Some ‘O’ series kickover tools have a built in catcher sub on the bottom
of the arm housing.
a) Running Procedure
1) The kickover tool is run in the hole, with associated valve and latch attached, to a
point below the selected SPM.
2) Pick up the tool slowly until it stops. The finger on the kickover tool has engaged, the
orientation sleeve aligning the kick over arm with the pocket. An overpull of 150-400
lbs depending on the depth and deviation, kicks over the tool. The toolstring is
lowered until the valve locates the side pocket.
3) The toolstring is jarred down to latch the valve securely in the side pocket.
4) Upward jarring confirms the valve is latched and releases the running tool.
The toolstring can be pulled out of the hole.
NOTE: Pressure across SPM should be equalised prior to removing any valve.
b) Pulling Procedure
1) The kickover tool is run in the hole, with correct pulling tool, to a point below the
selected SPM.
2) Pick up the tool slowly until it stops. The finger on the kickover tool has engaged the
orientation sleeve aligning the kick-over arm with the pocket. An overpull of 150-400
lbs depending on the depth and deviation, kicks over the tool. The toolstring is
lowered until the side pocket has been located.
3) Careful downward jarring ensures the pulling tool is attached to the valve. (Excessive
downward jarring can damage the fishing neck and/or the side pocket if the pulling
tool is not properly latched).
4) Jar up to shear the valve latch pin and allow the valve to release from the SPM.
The toolstring can be pulled out of the hole with retrieved valve attached.
Operation of the tool is not complicated and design features have been incorporated to
make it easy to service and practical to use. For example, only the shear pin [4] in the
locator key [5] must be replaced after each trip. Pin replacement requires no disassembly
and may be performed easily with the tool hanging in the lubricator. Running and pulling
therefore, can be accomplished rapidly. Once the locator key pin [4] is sheared as the valve
is either set or pulled, the tool locks in a rigid position and may be raised or lowered
through other mandrels - a very important feature in the event of a fishing job. The tool's
cross-sectional outside profile plus internal porting provides ample fluid bypass to ensure
rapid running and pulling.
Each positioning tool is designed to operate in one specific tubing size and for one specific
valve size. The running and pulling procedure and principle of operation are identical for
all models.
a) Running Procedure
1) Check the type of mandrel to be serviced and make sure that its dimensions are
compatible with tool dimensions.
2) Use a screwdriver to align the locator key [5] with the trigger [7] and install a 3/16
inch brass shear pin [4].
3) Screw the running tool into the positioning tool and pin the gas lift valve in the
running tool. Install a knuckle joint between the jar and the positioning tool, if
4) Lower the tool several feet past the target mandrel. Do not run the tool below the next
lower mandrel because the tool cannot be pulled back through the mandrel without
shearing the locator key pin [4]. Once the pin is sheared, the tool can not orientate or
5) Slowly raise the tool until the locator key [5] engages the orientating sleeve. Further
upward movement causes the positioning tool to rotate until the key enters the slot. A
noticeable increase in weight will be shown on the weight indicator when the tool has
travelled to the end of the slot.
6) If the locator key [5] misses the orientating slot, lower the tool past the mandrel and
repeat the procedure.
7) Once the key is located in the slot, gradually increase the tension of the wireline.
Figure 7.6 - Teledyne Merla Type ‘TM’ and ‘TMP’ Kickover Tool
4) Lower the tool several feet past the mandrel being serviced. Do not run the tool
through the next lower mandrel because the tool cannot be withdrawn through the
mandrel without shearing the locator pin [4]. Once sheared, the tool will no longer
orientate or kick-over.
5) Slowly raise the tool until the locator key [5] engages the orientation sleeve. Further
upward movement causes the positioning tool to rotate until the key enters the slot.
6) If the locator key [5] misses the orientation slot, lower the tool through the mandrel
and repeat the procedure.
7) Once the key [5] is located in the slot, gradually increase the tension on the wireline.
(Depending on the size of the side pocket mandrel and the well deviation, this will be
anything from 150 - 400 lbs over toolstring weight. This additional tension will kick-
over the tool and latch it in position.
8) After the extra upward pull force has been reached, lower the tool slowly until the
weight indicator shows a noticeable drop.
9) If for any reason the valve missed the pocket, as indicated by a lack of weight loss,
repeat the process beginning in paragraph 5 and increase the extra pull by 100
pounds. Because of the increased friction caused by corkscrewed tubing in some
wells, the actual force applied at the tool will be much less than indicated at the
10) Normal procedure may now be followed for jarring the latch to its release position
and removing the valve from the pocket.
11) As the valve is being pulled from the pocket, the upward travel will cause the trigger
[7] to reorientate in the positioning sleeve. Additional jarring will shear the 1/8 inch
pin [4] holding the guide key [5] in place. Once this is done, the tool will no longer
orientate in each mandrel as it is pulled to the surface. As the tool is pulled through
the orientation sleeve, the kicked-over arm [16] of the tool will straighten and lock in
position. This feature eliminates unnecessary wear on the tool and valve due to
rubbing on the tubing walls during withdrawal.
12) When the positioning tool is back on the surface, the only necessary operation, other
than removing the valve from the pulling tool, is to re-pin the key [5] in the trigger
[7]. The key and trigger may be lined up by hand, the old pin [4] tapped out and the
new pin inserted without disassembly of the tool - see Trigger Drawing.
13) Prior to running the ‘TP’ or ‘TMP’ kickover tool, the following checks should be
carried out to prevent malfunction.
Latches attached to the side pocket valves (SPV) are designed to lock the Valve into the
side pocket mandrel (SPM). The internal design of the SPM and the OD of the valve
determines the use and size of the latch required. Most latches are designed to latch into a
profile in the top of the side pocket, but some mandrels also have a lower profile to accept
integral latches which are used if the upper profile becomes worn.
And the pressure controlling forces are commonly provided by gas charged bellows,
uncharged bellows/spring or pilot operated piston systems.
Injection pressure operated valves are very similar in design to production pressure
operated valves.
NOTE: Today, most gas lift wells are designed with lift gas injected from the
casing into the production tubing. Only gas lift valves pertaining to these
systems will be discussed here.
NOTE: The ‘BK’ gas lift valve is used with a ‘BK-2’ latch which locks the valve
into the appropriate K-series side pocket mandrel, See Figure 8.2b.