Week 8 q4 Module
Week 8 q4 Module
Week 8 q4 Module
PE and Health
Quarter 4 – Module 8
Organizing a Dance Event
Physical Education and Health – Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 8: Organizing a Dance Event - Part 2
First Edition, 2020
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P E and Health
Quarter 2 – Module 8
Organizing a Dance Event
Part 2
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Physical Education and Health 3 - Grade 12 Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Organizing a Dance Event - Part 2!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by
educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the
teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K
to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore,
this also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to
encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the
For the learner:
Welcome to the Physical Education and Health 3 Alternative Delivery Mode
(ADM) Module on Organizing a Dance Event - Part 2!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and
time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource
while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
This will give you an idea of the skills or
What I Need to Know competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.
This part includes an activity that aims to
What I Know check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this
What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link
the current lesson with the previous one.
In this portion, the new lesson will be
What’s New introduced to you in various ways; a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity
or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of
What is It the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent
What’s More practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations or concerns.
Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned.
Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the
• Initiate a dance fitness event that targets health issue or concern; and
Part I. Direction: Read and answer each item carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer in your activity notebook.
1. Which among the following health and fitness careers gives clients guidance and
coaching that helps them navigate healthily and tailored eating plans?
2. Which among the following health and fitness careers supports people in
developing a healthy lifestyle through physical activity guidance, nutritional
3. Which among the following health and fitness careers work with clients to help
manage stress, lose weight, reduce risk of chronic disease, increase athletic
4. Which among the following health and fitness careers thrive in group class
settings, like those in Pilates, yoga, aquatic exercises, kickboxing, stability ball
training, indoor cycling, prenatal fitness, and youth fitness?
A. Fitness Instructor C. Nutrition and Wellness Consultant
B. Health Coach D. Sports Team Trainer
5. Which among the following is NOT a health and fitness occupation?
Part II. Direction: Unscramble the sets of letters below to form words or job titles
that are related to health and fitness careers. Fill in the box with correct words or
job titles and write your answers in your activity notebook.
What’s In
Direction: List three words or phrases that come into your mind when you see
the following fitness-related careers. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
Task 2: Direction: Look at the pictures below. Read and answer the following
questions carefully. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
Source: https://facebook.com/DepartmentOfEducation.PH
What’s New
Instructions: Read and answer the questions carefully. Write your answer in your
activity notebook.
1. Based on the first activity, what health and fitness-related careers interest you?
2. Do you think your knowledge, interests, and skills would suit you to any of
the health and fitness-related careers?
3. Do you think you can organize a dance fitness event? Why or why not?
What is It
The health and fitness field offers many career opportunities. Individuals
interested in helping others maintain their physical well-being may pursue degree
and certificate programs in this field of interest. Here are a few examples of specific
jobs you could have in each specialty.
a. Nutrition careers
Corporate Wellness Consultant – They assist with developing
educational materials or give seminars on healthy eating habits.
Nutritional Supplement Sales Representatives – They are
equipped to speak intelligently about a supplement’s specific
benefits and the science behind it.
Weight Loss Counselor – They help people understand the role of
nutrition in supporting weight loss and overall health.
b. Entrepreneurship
Became a Private Chief – They prepare healthy meals most of
the time from their client’s kitchens. They also can take a
consultative approach with clients – crafting meal plans around
their lifestyles, teaching them to cook, and helping them form
new habits.
Start an Online Business – Online entrepreneurs in the nutrition
space may utilize social media, YouTube, blogs, and more to
connect with people about their nutritional habits.
Start a Restaurant – As the owner, you will have control over the
menus, source of ingredients, and what goes in the dish.
Health Coach
• Corporate Coach – They work in a corporate setting to
lead weight loss support groups, offer smoking cessation
programs, or educate people on health habits.
Other Careers Ideas E.g. Health Consultant, Health Writer, Mindset
Coaching, Health Speaker or Educator
3. Personal Trainer work with clients to help manage stress, lose weight,
reduce risk of chronic disease, increase athletic performance, quit
smoking, and accomplish other significant health goals. Trainers work in a
variety of settings and assist clients in moving toward long-term health
Workshop Facilitator – They put together highly impactful
workshops that drill down on one topic such as health and
Sports Team Trainer – They could address the needs of a specific
sports team.
Injury Rehabilitation Specialist – Focused on rehabilitation may
work in homes, hospitals, or rehabilitation centers alongside
physical therapists to help people physically recuperate.
Other Careers Ideas E.g. Program Specialist, Fitness Director,
Wellness Director, Personal Trainer Manager, Athletic
Performance Coach
Yoga Instructor – Spend their day teaching various scheduled
classes and supporting students in balance, meditation, and
breathing activities.
Other Careers Ideas E.g. Kickboxing Instructor, Corporate
Fitness Educator, Dance or Barre Instructor, Speaker or Fitness
Writer, Gym Manager
What’s More
Direction: List down ten Health and Fitness Careers that you are interested in. Rank
them by writing numbers 1-10 beside each career. Write number 1 for the career you
are least interested in and 10 for the career you are most interested in. Read and
answer the following questions below. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
Health and Fitness Career Rank
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
_____________________ __________
1. What health and fitness career are you most interested in? Why?
2. What health and fitness career are you least interested in? Why?
3. Would you like to pursue the health and fitness career you are most
interested in? Why or Why not?
In the last module, you created a dance for a fitness event plan. This time
you are tasked to create a program for your dance for a fitness event. You can
follow the sample format below and write your answers in a whole sheet of bond
paper. You will be graded using the rubrics below.
Direction: Record the dance fitness event that you organized using your
smartphone or camera. Take photos or video for documentation. Prepare an
attendance sheet for the participants. Your participants can be your parents, siblings,
cousins, friends, or relatives. The attendance sheet should include the names of the
participants and their signatures. Send it to ______(your teacher)______ on
messenger. You will be graded using the rubrics below.
Direction: Read and answer each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer in your activity notebook.
1. Kris wants to help people understand the role of nutrition in supporting weight
loss and overall health. What kind of nutrition professional does he want to
A. Health Coach C. Sports Team Trainer
B. Recovery Coach D. Weight Loss Counselor
2. Selena wants to put together highly impactful workshops that drill down on
topic such as health and wellness. What kind of personal trainer does she
want to become?
6. Which among the following statement is/are TRUE about the health coaching
C. They spend their day teaching various scheduled classes and supporting
students in balance, meditation, and breathing activities
D. These are careers that help people develop effective diet only.
7. Which among the following DON’T describes a personal trainer?
.10 D D .5
.9 B C .4
.8 C A .3
.7 D C .2
.6 B D .1
varies Activity 2:
Activity 1:
varies What
varies more
Answers varies
Activity 2: Answers
Activity 1: Answers
D .5
.3 D .3
.2 A .2
.1 C .1
Part I Part
I What
Callo, L. F. (2016). Physical Education Vol 1. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
DepEd Central Office. 2014. Learning Resource Portal. August 14. Accessed
June 19, 2020. https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/detail/5950.
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