Pelco Camarero
Pelco Camarero
Pelco Camarero
April 8, 2022
Guagua, Pampanga
It has been 2 years that our country and the whole world suffers from Pandemic due to Covid
19. Several church activities were hampered and stopped due to health restrictions. This year
the IATF declared Alert 1 in our province which our Parish decided to normalize church
activities. One of them is our traditional Holyweek procession which occurs during Holy
Wednesday and Good Friday. The association noted that several roads in our town were
repaired and upgraded which makes it difficult for our Caroza to pass thru due to the dangling
electric cord.
In connection with this may we request for a physical inspection and upgrading of such
electric cord in the following barangay which mainly the route of the procession. The
following are route, San Pedro, Sta Monica, San Antonio, Sta Lucia, San Nicolas 1 st, San
Nicolas 2nd and Sto Tomas. Hoping that this request be given positive response.
God Bless and thank you.
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Archdiocese of San Fernando
Sta. Lucia Parish
Sta. Lucia, Sasmuan, Pampanga
This is to certify that the following employees who have rendered services from the period of
September 15 to December 19, 2020, in LUBAO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ISOLATION
FACILITY have yet to receive the meals, accommodation, and transportation (MAT) benefits.