Congress of the United States
‘Washington, BC 20515
September 20, 2022
The Honorable Merrick B. Garland
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Attomey General Garland:
‘The right to petition the government enshrined in our nation’s founding documents is so steeped
in history that it can be traced back to the Magna Carta, In this country, never has this right been
limited based on the political and social views of an individual or organization petitioning their
representatives on issues important to them. However, it appears the current Administration and
individuals inside the Department of Justice (DOJ) seem to believe this right does not exist for
those with opposing beliefs. Direct evidence of this is your overreaching subpoena to Eagle
Forum of Alabama seeking documents related to advocacy on the Alabama Vulnerable Child
Compassion and Protection Act.
The first amendment has long been a symbol of freedom, with individuals and organizations
across the political spectrum using the right to petition to advocate for changes in public policy.
Eagle Forum of Alabama has those same rights. However, through the DOJ’s subpoena you are
seeking to limit those rights, by either intimidating Eagle Forum of Alabama from advocacy, or
bankrupting or delaying the organization from doing additional good work through a
burdensome document request. Not only does this subpoena appear to be a form of political
harassment, but it also appears to be arbitrary and capricious. It’s beyond the bounds of the
Department’s legal authority and unreasonable in time, scope, and manner.
Constitutional protections cannot be eroded based on who occupies the White House or the
political views of their appointees. We request that you demonstrate your actions are not
arbitrary, capricious, and politically motivated by providing the following:
* Evidence you have issued subpoenas to liberal organizations advocating for issues
like abortion on demand, limiting parental rights, and support of drug legalization,
# A list of all subpoenas issues to third party organizations not involved in the
underlying c:
The reasoning for this subpoena being served to Eagle Forum of Alabama,
A clear explanation of the constitutional authority you believe you possess to
intimidate and harass individuals and organizations exercising their first
amendment rights.Eagle Forum of Alabama is an outstanding organization engaged in the fight to preserve freedom.
and represents the views of concerned citizens across Alabama
Please provide your response to this request no later than September 30, 2022, and please
provide all documents in an electronic and searchable format. If you have questions, please
contact William Smith, Chief of Staff for Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-06), at (202) 225-4921
Member of Congress Member of Congress
Rep Barry Moore Rep. Mo Byala
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Member of Congress Member of Congress