Procedural Safeguards Brochure 2

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Parental Consent School Records and Meeting Confidentiality

Parents’ consent or legal Parents or legal guardians can The only people that have
guardians is needed before look at their child’s records and access to the child’s files are
any of the following take’s copies can be made. Parents people involved in the child
place: Initial Evaluation is the or legal guardians have the education. This includes special
first time a child is testing to right to request a certain paper education teachers, speech
see if he or she qualifies for or wording is removed out of teachers, physical therapist,
special education. Initial their child’s file. The school has occupational therapist, and the
Provision is to give consent the right to say they will not special education office. The
for a child to enter special remove the information. The people who have access will
education classes after initial parents or legal guardians can keep the child’s information
evaluation has been write a letter and staple it to the confident and only discuss file
conducted. Parents or legal page in question, or file due information with the people
guardians have the right to process (meeting) to have the who have access to the files.
decline special education information removed.
services for their child.
Reevaluation is testing a Independent Educational Evaluation
child every three years to Parent or legal guardians can have his or her child re-evaluated
requalify the child for special if they do not agree with the evaluation results of the evaluation
education. Before an conducted by the school. The school will schedule a meeting
educational placement can called due process to see if the schools’ results of the evaluation
be change. Providing the were appropriate. Parents or legal guardians will need a written
child FAPE (Free Appropriate letter to the hearing stating why he or she does not agree with
Public Education) the result of the evaluation. If the people at the hearing find the
parents request is valid the school will pay for an independent
Link to the Procedural evaluation without the parents or legal guardians having to pay.
Safeguards online: If the people at the hearing find the school is valid. Parents or
legal guardians still can have an independent evaluation
Rights of Parents and conducted. Let the schools know you want another evaluation by
Students: Procedural an independent organization because the school may have a list
Safeguards Notice (Links of different independent organization the school district will
to an external site.) accept the evaluation results from.

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